CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

As he usually does, Mark Levin polished off the Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle...

"On his Thursday radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin challenged that premise and argued that Cuomo’s interpretation is the definition of tyranny.

The idea that we get our rights – our fundamental human rights from government or any collection of our citizens is the definition of tyranny, is the definition of totalitarianism,” Levin explained. “That’s not where we get our rights from. They come from a higher authority. And those of you who do not believe in a God, aren’t sure you believe in a God – believe whatever you want or don’t believe whatever you want … you cannot have a republic if you have no civil society. You cannot have a republic if you believe rights come from man. Justice Moore was correct. Chris Cuomo was not. And yet, Chris Cuomo speaks for millions and millions of people who have no idea what their country stands for or why they’re free.”"

Levin Cuomo Interpretation of the Origin of Rights the Definition of Tyranny - Breitbart
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
If they come from us then they can be taken away by us, and not just anyone, but the strongest of us.
Our rights come from neither us nor a deity that doesn't exist.

Our rights manifest as a consequence of our humanity, our ability to reason, and our ability to be self-aware; our rights are inalienable, they can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

If our rights are taken from us it's because we've allowed them to be taken, because of our fear, ignorance, and hate, and because we lack to courage to oppose those who seek to deny us our rights.
If you say so. I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say.
You said god gives life and that's it. You made that specific description. The point is god-given rights are necessary to maintain life as well as the freedom to go about that in a way of personal choice and that's what this is about. So it goes beyond your description.
What rights are those?

Let's take freedom of speech as an example. How did God give us that right if taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin and punishable by God?
You're making Cuomo's inaccurate argument. This isn't about a specific god. The right you have is to believe what you say may be a sin in your god's eyes but no one can be denied the right to say those things nor does anyone have the right to deny you the right to believe that those ones being said violate your believes.
So we have rights but the specific God, whatever the heck that is, can punish us for them? Where the government cannot?
That's your call because you have that right. See, in muslim countries they don't have that right.
Exactly because they as a culture deny those rights. Just like we as a culture grant them. No god involved.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.
Talk about dopey, if nobody knows what's coming how do you know what isn't?

You think those are the same thing? Brilliant.

There is no god. It's a fairy tale. Nice story and all...but just a story.

I'm not following your logic. You apparently know God doesn't exist because you don't know what does or doesn't exist. Is that right?

I know there is no god because I've been told all of my life that I have to believe in him if I am to know him. That's bullshit. All that dude has to do is show up in my soup or turn my water into Guiness draft...and he'll have another follower. I mean...the dude has a huge advertising budget. What for?

That's how you know? Sounds like pretty thin evidence to me. How can you know how much you don't know?

Silly nutter. You are claiming to know that which I do not know...and you know that I don't know what you don't know. Know what I mean?

Looks like you know even less than I thought. I never claimed anything, that's all you.
You think those are the same thing? Brilliant.

There is no god. It's a fairy tale. Nice story and all...but just a story.

I'm not following your logic. You apparently know God doesn't exist because you don't know what does or doesn't exist. Is that right?

I know there is no god because I've been told all of my life that I have to believe in him if I am to know him. That's bullshit. All that dude has to do is show up in my soup or turn my water into Guiness draft...and he'll have another follower. I mean...the dude has a huge advertising budget. What for?

That's how you know? Sounds like pretty thin evidence to me. How can you know how much you don't know?

Silly nutter. You are claiming to know that which I do not know...and you know that I don't know what you don't know. Know what I mean?

Looks like you know even less than I thought. I never claimed anything, that's all you.

Do you know that there is a God?
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.

your post was idiotic

your rights at least mind came before the Constitution

any law written or enforced is in response to another attempting or did

interfere with another persons rights

that is what the courts are for

the government certainly did not give you any rights

go fuck yourself
What would anyone expect from a brainwashed lefty who actually referred to the black terrorist in the Paris shooting as an 'African-American' because he's too brainwashed to say black, as though that's offensive. His colleague had to correct him and inform him that the black terrorist wasn't American.
What a lefty dope!

they are brainwashed
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.

See how far left propaganda does not contribute to a thread!

Many "rights" are invented, just ask the far left who invents "rights" to politically enslave others, you know the party you support without question or hesitation..

the declaration of Independence is quite clear

where rights come from
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
The term creator is used essentially as a figurative. Lefty freedom-stiflers and otherwise fascists want to apply it to a specific ideological entity so they have leverage to bitch and deny rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

any law written is to either reinforce rights or to correct situations

where rights have been violated
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
The term creator is used essentially as a figurative. Lefty freedom-stiflers and otherwise fascists want to apply it to a specific ideological entity so they have leverage to bitch and deny rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

any law written is to either reinforce rights or to correct situations

where rights have been violated
Yet those rights originally only applied to white men.

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