CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’


Said the Deist!

And the far left drone does not understand that the Deists believed in "God"..
Judge Moore is correct about the Declaration of Independence being organic law, and that our rights are endowed by our Creator.

Cuomo is correct that you cannot deny those rights to anyone without a rational basis.

Judge Moore is allowing his brand of religion to be conflated with the Creator in organic law.
How so? His point is the the feds can't pretend laws exist that don't exist. There's no federal definition of marriage.
You have natural rights, which are the inalienable kind. And you have legal rights. Natural rights are unenforceable without legal rights being created by societies to enforce the natural rights. Focusing on God, or creator, is not helpful because inputting some view of a specific religion allows one to claim some higher power to their particular view of what a legal right should be, or should not be.


Let's refer to the Charter of American Principles, shall we?

"... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal;..."

See there... Equal, before God... everyone. Anyone who claims that they're superior, say like because they're sexually abnormal, thus need 'special' rights, which allow them to alter whatever cultural standards need to be changed to make them feel legitimate, they're tolerated to a point, but eventually get the shit kicked out of 'em and shoved back into the closet. Which would also include Judges who rationalize that they're providing equal protections for those who are otherwise EQUAL and who are being treated like EVERYONE ELSE, but who demand SPECIAL RIGHTS, SUPERIOR TO OTHERS, thus they get to change standards, to suit their particular kinks. See how that works?

What dictator ordered us to comply with some Charter of Principles?

Nature requires you to comply, or pay the consequences for your failure to do so. As the Principles are natural law, specifically the natural laws that govern human behavior, and more specifically the laws which govern human behavior for humans who desire to be free.

They are also the principles which define America... and they are specifically rejected by those who adhere to foreign ideas, which are hostile to those principles. And they're the principles which authorize us; the Americans, to put such advocates down, once it becomes clear that they are hostile to our means to exercise our rights.

These principles require that we allow you, who are also equal in the eyes of God, to exercise your rights... to try it your way... and we've been very patient and tolerant in allowing you to do so.

Of course, we've discovered that your way doesn't work, that your way is destructive to our culture and we're asking you to shut the fuck and sit down. And if you do not, we're very close to shutting you up and putting you down.

Because, in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle us... .

See how that works?

Funny, says it's from the Declaration of Independence! But, a child shyster would have no idea!

The declaration of independance didn't write itself. It was the work of one man.

The avowed Deist, Thomas Jefferson. You'd love his reimagined Bible. With all the divinity and miracles edited out.

And the far left drone does not understand that the Deists believed in "God"..

Also this far left drone shows once again the far left does not understand history!

Thus proving why the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..
Rights come from human intellect, and consensus.

Rights do not come from human anything. At best, the discovery and recognition of rights come from human intellect... .

With regard to consensus, such being of human intellect also does not provide 'rights'. But such is notorious for usurping the means to exercise rights. And that's where where we were at the founding of the United States and that's where we are today.
There is no god. The discussion is therefore pointless.

Good thing the far left is getting pushed out of power as they continue to prove that their religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet!

So for the far left drones that means this one is claiming there is no government!
There is no god. The discussion is therefore pointless.

If there is no God, then there can be no nature... . So, if you're reading this, then you can rest assured that there is the universe, therefore you can likewise rest assured that the Creator of the Universe exists.

I hope that helps.
Judge Moore is correct about the Declaration of Independence being organic law, and that our rights are endowed by our Creator.

Cuomo is correct that you cannot deny those rights to anyone without a rational basis.

Judge Moore is allowing his brand of religion to be conflated with the Creator in organic law.
How so? His point is the the feds can't pretend laws exist that don't exist. There's no federal definition of marriage.
You have natural rights, which are the inalienable kind. And you have legal rights. Natural rights are unenforceable without legal rights being created by societies to enforce the natural rights. Focusing on God, or creator, is not helpful because inputting some view of a specific religion allows one to claim some higher power to their particular view of what a legal right should be, or should not be.


Let's refer to the Charter of American Principles, shall we?

"... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal;..."

See there... Equal, before God... everyone. Anyone who claims that they're superior, say like because they're sexually abnormal, thus need 'special' rights, which allow them to alter whatever cultural standards need to be changed to make them feel legitimate, they're tolerated to a point, but eventually get the shit kicked out of 'em and shoved back into the closet. Which would also include Judges who rationalize that they're providing equal protections for those who are otherwise EQUAL and who are being treated like EVERYONE ELSE, but who demand SPECIAL RIGHTS, SUPERIOR TO OTHERS, thus they get to change standards, to suit their particular kinks. See how that works?

What dictator ordered us to comply with some Charter of Principles?

Nature requires you to comply, or pay the consequences for your failure to do so. As the Principles are natural law, specifically the natural laws that govern human behavior, and more specifically the laws which govern human behavior for humans who desire to be free.

The overwhelming majority of our species history, what you describe as 'natural rights' hasn't been the standard. The old testament had very little to do with 'inalienable rights'. I don't remember the Israelites calling for no taxation without representation.

Rights as we conceive of them are a technology that is rather new. And very much our invention.
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
If they come from us then they can be taken away by us, and not just anyone, but the strongest of us.

You mean like rightwingers wanting to take away the right to an abortion.

Far left propaganda!

How is it a "right"?

Why not? If it's God given, it's a right, according to you clowns.

You see, people, this immediately gets to the core of the idiocy about 'God given' rights. The God given crowd not only insist that rights are God given,

but they also insist that THEY will tell you what rights those are.

Very convenient.

Is there some mystery regarding your rights?

You seem to be arguing that because you're ignorant of them, that they don't exist.... Yet you don't seem to be bright enough to realize that you're ignorant of 99.999999~% of the universe; which you should know, has no actual bearing on the existence of the VAST MAJORITY of reality.
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
If they come from us then they can be taken away by us, and not just anyone, but the strongest of us.

You mean like rightwingers wanting to take away the right to an abortion.

Far left propaganda!

How is it a "right"?

Why not? If it's God given, it's a right, according to you clowns.

You see, people, this immediately gets to the core of the idiocy about 'God given' rights. The God given crowd not only insist that rights are God given,

but they also insist that THEY will tell you what rights those are.

Very convenient.

Is there some mystery regarding your rights?

You seem to be arguing that because you're ignorant of them, that they don't exist.... Yet you don't seem to be bright enough to realize that you're ignorant of 99.999999~% of the universe; which you should know, has no actual bearing on the existence of the VAST MAJORITY of reality.

More accurately, we invented them. They clearly aren't the product of 'god', unless god is an arbitrarily changable being that has different standards at different times for different people. Rights as we understand them arose from the Enlightenment. Before the enlightenment, they didn't exist.

You imagine they existed. Um.....because. And then use your imagination as the basis of your argument. Thus, demonstrating the fallibility of using subjective religious beliefs as the foundation of one's perception of the world.

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