CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

The idea of one having "Rights" is a fluid concept created by man. It is the by-product of being highly intelligent beings capable of abstract thought. From an empathetic stand point, men would say "well what would I want to live a happy life? Rights that give me X, Y, and Z. That should be for everyone."

Quite true.

Funny that God has been around, supposedly, since before the dawn of man, but he never told humans about their God given rights for thousands of years?
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
If they come from us then they can be taken away by us, and not just anyone, but the strongest of us.

You mean like rightwingers wanting to take away the right to an abortion.

Far left propaganda!

How is it a "right"?

Why not? If it's God given, it's a right, according to you clowns.

You see, people, this immediately gets to the core of the idiocy about 'God given' rights. The God given crowd not only insist that rights are God given,

but they also insist that THEY will tell you what rights those are.

Very convenient.

And that right there is the reason they do it. If rights come from 'God', and they speak for 'God', then you're essentially their bitch.

The obvious problem with the idea being......they must come had in hand, begging you to believe that they speak for God. And you can straight up refuse to do so.

And yes more far left drones poor in to show that their religion should be the ruling religion because their "God" is government!
The idea of one having "Rights" is a fluid concept created by man. It is the by-product of being highly intelligent beings capable of abstract thought. From an empathetic stand point, men would say "well what would I want to live a happy life? Rights that give me X, Y, and Z. That should be for everyone."

Of course it is. Rights within our own culture have changed over time. We're poised to recognize the right of gays to marry. The founders would fucking kill any gay they found.

Clearly the concept of rights evolves. And who gets to decide what a right is or isn't?

We do.
The idea of one having "Rights" is a fluid concept created by man. It is the by-product of being highly intelligent beings capable of abstract thought. From an empathetic stand point, men would say "well what would I want to live a happy life? Rights that give me X, Y, and Z. That should be for everyone."

Quite true.

Funny that God has been around, supposedly, since before the dawn of man, but he never told humans about their God given rights for thousands of years?

And thus proving that the far left drones will believe their religion over all others!

But then again what religion were the founding fathers?
If a human has to frame the "right", it is not God-given. A Supreme Being shouldn't require an imperfect one to speak for Him. It's the reason the Bible raises more questions than it answers.

Actually it goes to show that the far left do not understand the bible, but then again they have also shown they do not understand the Constitution either!

Bible is a storybook about an invisible supernatural being whose existence is nothing more than some people's opinion. He therefore cannot be the source of rights.

Yes I know the far left drones can not handle a higher power other than a far left government.

We all know that your "GOD" is the government, more specifically a far left government!

Once we get the far left out of government then we can progress as a society..

Well when the 2nd amendment appears to have been violated, where will the gunrights people run?

To God? lol, of course not. They will go straight to that government they otherwise pretend to despise.

See how far left propaganda does not contribute to a thread..

Yes we know you are pushing your far left religious agenda..

So you admit that government is your "God"..

I proved that gun rights advocates consider government their God. They depend on government.
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?
Your bringing up rights given by man. God didn't take any rights away from any of those people man did. Man being the same government you want to give full control of your life and others to. God can't give you what you won't fight for.
Show me where I have EVER stated that I want government to have "full control of my life and others".
You said god given rights were subject to man made laws. By that admission alone you have relegated your well being to man rather than your right to your own well being given to you by god. You are professing god can't give you rights so your next option is government. And your god, government, will decide what you need to buy, do and how much you will be paid. You will bow to one or the other. Everything you listed was not god given but rather man given rights. Why would you want more powerful man given rights given the history?
The idea of one having "Rights" is a fluid concept created by man. It is the by-product of being highly intelligent beings capable of abstract thought. From an empathetic stand point, men would say "well what would I want to live a happy life? Rights that give me X, Y, and Z. That should be for everyone."

Of course it is. Rights within our own culture have changed over time. We're poised to recognize the right of gays to marry. The founders would fucking kill any gay they found.

Clearly the concept of rights evolves. And who gets to decide what a right is or isn't?

We do.

And there it is the "gays" are a religion speech!

Amazing did not take long for this drone to invoke that..
Actually it goes to show that the far left do not understand the bible, but then again they have also shown they do not understand the Constitution either!

Bible is a storybook about an invisible supernatural being whose existence is nothing more than some people's opinion. He therefore cannot be the source of rights.

Yes I know the far left drones can not handle a higher power other than a far left government.

We all know that your "GOD" is the government, more specifically a far left government!

Once we get the far left out of government then we can progress as a society..

Well when the 2nd amendment appears to have been violated, where will the gunrights people run?

To God? lol, of course not. They will go straight to that government they otherwise pretend to despise.

See how far left propaganda does not contribute to a thread..

Yes we know you are pushing your far left religious agenda..

So you admit that government is your "God"..

I proved that gun rights advocates consider government their God. They depend on government.

No you proved that you post nothing but far left propaganda not connected to reality..
The idea of one having "Rights" is a fluid concept created by man. It is the by-product of being highly intelligent beings capable of abstract thought. From an empathetic stand point, men would say "well what would I want to live a happy life? Rights that give me X, Y, and Z. That should be for everyone."

Quite true.

Funny that God has been around, supposedly, since before the dawn of man, but he never told humans about their God given rights for thousands of years?

And thus proving that the far left drones will believe their religion over all others!

But then again what religion were the founding fathers?

The King of England was Christian. Head of the Church of England. He believed his dictatorial powers were God-given, the so-called divine right of kings,

and he was supported in that by many.

How do you know he was wrong?
Bible is a storybook about an invisible supernatural being whose existence is nothing more than some people's opinion. He therefore cannot be the source of rights.

Yes I know the far left drones can not handle a higher power other than a far left government.

We all know that your "GOD" is the government, more specifically a far left government!

Once we get the far left out of government then we can progress as a society..

Well when the 2nd amendment appears to have been violated, where will the gunrights people run?

To God? lol, of course not. They will go straight to that government they otherwise pretend to despise.

See how far left propaganda does not contribute to a thread..

Yes we know you are pushing your far left religious agenda..

So you admit that government is your "God"..

I proved that gun rights advocates consider government their God. They depend on government.

No you proved that you post nothing but far left propaganda not connected to reality..

So gun rights advocates never resort to going to the Supreme Court to secure their 2nd amendment rights? Are you sure about that? lol
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

You've got it backwards, it's man who gives rights to God.
Yes I know the far left drones can not handle a higher power other than a far left government.

We all know that your "GOD" is the government, more specifically a far left government!

Once we get the far left out of government then we can progress as a society..

Well when the 2nd amendment appears to have been violated, where will the gunrights people run?

To God? lol, of course not. They will go straight to that government they otherwise pretend to despise.

See how far left propaganda does not contribute to a thread..

Yes we know you are pushing your far left religious agenda..

So you admit that government is your "God"..

I proved that gun rights advocates consider government their God. They depend on government.

No you proved that you post nothing but far left propaganda not connected to reality..

So gun rights advocates never resort to going to the Supreme Court to secure their 2nd amendment rights? Are you sure about that? lol

No I am saying you are far left drone using your far left religious propaganda to try and make a point not connected to reality..

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