CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

No, I can't prove it nor can you disprove it....I have faith.....
God, as it were, gave life. The life he made decided what right they had in the life God gave them. God did not decide what rights the living had.
If rights come from God, then is is one terrible attorney. Rights, regardless of the source, are what you can get enforced. If you can't get them respected then they don't actually exist, the right to life being a classic example. Nice words but entirely untrue.
Jefferson used the word "creator" not god, and the constitution and BOR are silent on the issue. It's pretty well settled that the Founders believe people were BORN with some personal rights that govt should not be able to unreasonably infringe, so they created a govt to allow people to exercise those rights.

"Creator" refers to God. Anyone who argues that "Creator" was not intended as a reference to God simply has not read the founders' writings. The founders used the term "God-given rights" countless times.

The Constitution mentions "Our Lord," recognizes Sunday as a unique day for legal purposes, and talks about "blessings." In 18th-century America the term "blessings" had a solely religious connotation. Even today, you rarely hear secular people use the word "blessings" because it still has a religious meaning. The word "blessings" comes from "bless," and it requires a bestower of blessings and a recipient.
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?
Your bringing up rights given by man. God didn't take any rights away from any of those people man did. Man being the same government you want to give full control of your life and others to. God can't give you what you won't fight for.
Show me where I have EVER stated that I want government to have "full control of my life and others".
You said god given rights were subject to man made laws. By that admission alone you have relegated your well being to man rather than your right to your own well being given to you by god. You are professing god can't give you rights so your next option is government. And your god, government, will decide what you need to buy, do and how much you will be paid. You will bow to one or the other. Everything you listed was not god given but rather man given rights. Why would you want more powerful man given rights given the history?
They most definitely are subject to man made laws. If you feel that it's your "God given right" to go 75mph in a 35mph, when you get pulled over try telling that police officer it was your "God given right" to do so. You will soon find that your "God given right" IS subject to man made laws. Same if you wanted to have 10 wives/husbands, etc. the list can go on. I don't know why you keep insisting that I allegedly "want to give full control of my life to government"? It's not that at all, I just respect the laws of the country I live in. You relegate part of your "well being" to man in the form of police, EMS, and other first responders as well. If you participate in life in this country and don't live under a rock , you relegate part of your well being to government as well. You really went on a tangent not based in reality. Where did I ever say that "God was my government"? My God is My God, My God may not be Your God. I believe that everyone or many people have their own relationship or lack of relationship with their own personal God.
Why not list some examples of what you think God given rights are?
Yes I know the far left drones can not handle a higher power other than a far left government.

We all know that your "GOD" is the government, more specifically a far left government!

Once we get the far left out of government then we can progress as a society..

Well when the 2nd amendment appears to have been violated, where will the gunrights people run?

To God? lol, of course not. They will go straight to that government they otherwise pretend to despise.

See how far left propaganda does not contribute to a thread..

Yes we know you are pushing your far left religious agenda..

So you admit that government is your "God"..

I proved that gun rights advocates consider government their God. They depend on government.

No you proved that you post nothing but far left propaganda not connected to reality..

So gun rights advocates never resort to going to the Supreme Court to secure their 2nd amendment rights? Are you sure about that? lol
These people are really tripping over their ................ LOL
The 2nd amendment protects us from government you dumb ass.
We are the government. So in essence we're getting protection from ourselves. Regardless, that has nothing to do with my position that, absent government to enforce rights, they're no more than wishful thinking.

You fail to understand even the Constitution's preamble, that's bad even for a liberal.
Tell that to the Native Americans and African slaves who were not permitted by those Men to have those same rights framed above. So they can use the "Creator" all they want but somehow they thought that God's rights didn't apply to the aforementioned people.
Tell that to the Native Americans and African slaves who were not permitted by those Men to have those same rights framed above. So they can use the "Creator" all they want but somehow they thought that God's rights didn't apply to the aforementioned people.
Indeed. Nice words, that didn't mean what they said, at that time at least.

I see , this a an argument between fascists

the religionists vs the state supremacists

without them , they claim, we have no rights

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

So the FASCIST theocratic or secular state are the only ones capable of granting rights



I see , this a an argument between fascists

the religionists vs the state supremacists

without them , they claim, we have no rights

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

So the FASCIST theocratic or secular state are the only ones capable of granting rights



In truth, a right which is readily granted, is worthless... as such rights can be just as readily revoked. Wich means that what the Left refers to as 'rights', as merely privileges, sustained by the whimsy of pop-culture.

I frankly have no use for such, but in fairness, I've no use for those who advocate for such, so... well, you know.
Tell that to the Native Americans and African slaves who were not permitted by those Men to have those same rights framed above. So they can use the "Creator" all they want but somehow they thought that God's rights didn't apply to the aforementioned people.
Indeed. Nice words, that didn't mean what they said, at that time at least.

They wrote this up at the same time they were violently pushing Native Americans out of Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Ohio, which actually started in the 1690s. Christianity at its finest and most hypocritical.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

There is no god and a corrupt society can kill you if you don't believe in god. Isn't life a right? Isn't freedom from religion a right? Don't take our rights away.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.

I see , this a an argument between fascists

the religionists vs the state supremacists

without them , they claim, we have no rights

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

So the FASCIST theocratic or secular state are the only ones capable of granting rights



In truth, a right which is readily granted, is worthless... as such rights can be just as readily revoked. Wich means that what the Left refers to as 'rights', as merely privileges, sustained by the whimsy of pop-culture.

I frankly have no use for such, but in fairness, I've no use for those who advocate for such, so... well, you know.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

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