CNN announces details for climate crisis town hall with all the major Dem presidential candidates

Muppet AOC chimes in

AOC Proves Climate Change Is Racist and Classist
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s former puppeteer Saikat Chakrabarti took some heat for opining that the Green New Deal is not about the climate, but rather about imposing economic and racial justice (a.k.a. socialism and Cultural Marxism). Chakrabarti forgot that there were no hurricanes before the climate slightly fluctuated for the first time due to the failure of Big Government to suppress human activity that produces CO2 (i.e., literally all human activity). Hurricanes are sentient and malevolent beings that target those at the top of the Cultural Marxist totem pole. AOC uses Hurricane Dorian to prove it:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


This is what climate change looks like: it hits vulnerable communities first.

I can already hear climate deniers screeching: “It’s always been like this! You’re dim,” etc.

No. This is about science & leadership. We either decarbonize&cut emissions, or we don’t & let people die. …

David Begnaud


Listen to this pilot, flying over Abaco in the Bahamas, listing what’s “gone” because of Hurricane Dorian


6:39 PM - Sep 3, 2019
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35.2K people are talking about this

AOC’s presence in Congress proves that we have not come all that far from the days of throwing virgins down volcanoes to appease the weather gods.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Scott D. Hat tip: Twitchy.
How bernie funds the GreenNewDeal:" -Hold the fossil fuel industry accountable -Revenue from wholesale of renewable energy -Eliminate federal fossil fuel subsidies -Scale back military spending -Tax revenue from 20 million jobs -Make the wealthy pay their fair share"
from politico:

Joe Biden was quickly put on the defensive at last night's climate crisis town hall. Biden said he was unaware that Andrew Goldman — the co-host of a fundraiser he is scheduled to attend Thursday — helped found a fossil fuel company. "I didn't realize he does that. If you look at the SEC filings, he's not listed as an executive," Biden said. The former VP said that his staff told him Goldman did not have any responsibility related to the company, was not on the board and he was not involved in its operations. But he added if Goldman was in fact connected to the company, Western LNG, "I will not in any way accept his help." If the exchange made Biden uncomfortable, he did not appear to be alone. He wasn't the only candidate who appeared to be caught off guard over the course of the 7-hour event."
This is a fight against powerful interests. leaders need to lead. so lead, follow, or get out of the way...starting with Donald Trump!
"if you eat meat or use plastic straws, you're part of the problem" - Mayor Pete
Perfect timing for the pathetic left right after a hurricane. I bet CNN wishes for more damage.
I keep hearing them say the evidence is mounting that the increase warning is causing these monster Hurricanes. But NOAA has been publishing this for a couple years now.

"Therefore, we conclude that it is premature to conclude with high confidence that human activity–and particularly greenhouse warming–has already caused a detectable change in Atlantic hurricane activity. (“Detectable” here means the change is large enough to be distinguishable from the variability due to natural causes.) However, human activity may have already caused some some changes that are not yet confidently detectable due to the small magnitude of the changes or observation limitations, or due to limitations in modeling and physical understanding (e.g., aerosol effects on regional climate, uncertainties in simulation of Atlantic multidecadal variability).

We also conclude that it is likely that climate warming will cause Atlantic hurricanes in the coming century have higher rainfall rates than present-day hurricanes, and medium confidence that they will be more intense (higher peak winds and lower central pressures) on average. In our view, it is uncertain how the annual number of Atlantic tropical storms will change over the 21st century. All else equal, coastal inundation levels associated with tropical cyclones should increase with sea level rise as projected for example by IPCC AR5. These assessment statements are intended to apply to climate warming of the type projected for the 21st century by prototype IPCC mid-range warming scenarios, such as A1B or RCP4.5."

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Yes they will offer up solutions that will cost trillions of dollars and policies that will apply to everyone but them and their rich friends and political donors.
The Clown Car responds with clownish policies. Unreal, but not unexpected.
you can learn more from a town hall than a debate, yet a debate draws vastly more viewers

americans want entertainment, not to know the candidate's positions, hence Trump, my friends!
Kamala wants to abolish the filibuster so she can pass the green new deal

i bet y'all didnt know that, friends!

Muppet AOC chimes in

AOC Proves Climate Change Is Racist and Classist
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s former puppeteer Saikat Chakrabarti took some heat for opining that the Green New Deal is not about the climate, but rather about imposing economic and racial justice (a.k.a. socialism and Cultural Marxism). Chakrabarti forgot that there were no hurricanes before the climate slightly fluctuated for the first time due to the failure of Big Government to suppress human activity that produces CO2 (i.e., literally all human activity). Hurricanes are sentient and malevolent beings that target those at the top of the Cultural Marxist totem pole. AOC uses Hurricane Dorian to prove it:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


This is what climate change looks like: it hits vulnerable communities first.

I can already hear climate deniers screeching: “It’s always been like this! You’re dim,” etc.

No. This is about science & leadership. We either decarbonize&cut emissions, or we don’t & let people die. …

David Begnaud


Listen to this pilot, flying over Abaco in the Bahamas, listing what’s “gone” because of Hurricane Dorian


6:39 PM - Sep 3, 2019
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35.2K people are talking about this

AOC’s presence in Congress proves that we have not come all that far from the days of throwing virgins down volcanoes to appease the weather gods.

On tips from ABC of the ANC and Scott D. Hat tip: Twitchy.

She's an embarrassment. Since her campaign manager bailed, her Tweets are more inane
than ever.
They all came off as pretentious dumbfucks. Holley shit! All these mother fuckers are in positions of power!
Is there anything these radical candidates do NOT want to ban?

Imagine America WITHOUT!
Among them: Bans on straws, red meat, incandescent lightbulbs, gas-powered cars, nuclear energy, off-shore drilling, fracking, natural gas exports, coal plants, and even “carbon” itself.

Dems Want to Ban Everything Because of Climate Change Hoax |

In summary, and in their own words!

Ban Everything!

In other words, say goodbye to freedom and prosperity. I wonder how many voters have any idea how radical the Democratic Party has become.
Ban many of our sources of fossil fuels, so gasoline, and all energy prices go WAY up including electricity? Yeah, that works. Force people to buy electric cars that can't do what gas cars do? Morons.

Take away choices from the PEOPLE and give them ALL to Government. They like to talk about Democracy. That ain't it.

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