CNN: Dow DOWN 1000 points

Zander you still in cash?

I am 100% Short term T-bills - not much yield - but oh so safe.

That being said, I recently put an offer in for a foreclosure.....there are some bargains out there on REO properties. :cool:

Yeah, it's probably the best place to be for protecting the downside. FWIW, I never really disagreed with it in the long term. I just thought you were missing out on opportunities in equities from a trading standpoint. There's been some swing plays that have been decent. C was good for 30+% this year after their equity offering for instance, and there's been money to make in some ETF's.

Not to mention short plays as well.
Zander you still in cash?

I am 100% Short term T-bills - not much yield - but oh so safe.

That being said, I recently put an offer in for a foreclosure.....there are some bargains out there on REO properties. :cool:

Yeah, it's probably the best place to be for protecting the downside. FWIW, I never really disagreed with it in the long term. I just thought you were missing out on opportunities in equities from a trading standpoint. There's been some swing plays that have been decent. C was good for 30+% this year after their equity offering for instance, and there's been money to make in some ETF's.

Not to mention short plays as well.
I am not really much of a trader. I was a commodities broker with a Series 3 license for a few years - I learned a lot about my personal risk tolerance - I learned that I don't have much tolerance for risk!

My plan has been really simple and effective - I held roughly 60% stocks and 40% bonds (i had some REIT and commodity funds in there too) in low cost index funds. I rebalanced with new money on a regular basis. Last year I started to get nervous about the downside risk (we had recovered to about the same point we are now) - So I moved to 100% T-bills last year - I have no regrets. I plan on going back into stocks and bonds at some point, but just not right now. Too much uncertainty IMHO. I expect September to be a down month - it is historically a very bad month for stocks...... Bonds are due for a crash as well. Yep, I like cash.......I can sleep at night and I have lots of dry powder!! Best of luck!
On July 15th Charles Nenner predicted the DOW would drop to 5000 in 2 years. He said stocks would peak in August 2010 & then decline to DOW 5000 sometime over the next 2 years.

[ame=""]July 15th 2010 Charles Nenner on CNBC: Dow 5,000 [/ame]
Yeah, it's probably the best place to be for protecting the downside. FWIW, I never really disagreed with it in the long term. I just thought you were missing out on opportunities in equities from a trading standpoint. There's been some swing plays that have been decent. C was good for 30+% this year after their equity offering for instance, and there's been money to make in some ETF's.

Not to mention short plays as well.

Citigroup Is Cooking the Books
Analyst, Mike Mayo, of the securities firm CLSA, has been telling investors that Citigroup (C) should take a writedown, or a loss on some $50 billion of “deferred-tax assets,” or DTAs. That is a tax credit the firm has on its financial statement that Mayo says is inflating profits at the big bank by as much as $10 billion.
Yeah, it's probably the best place to be for protecting the downside. FWIW, I never really disagreed with it in the long term. I just thought you were missing out on opportunities in equities from a trading standpoint. There's been some swing plays that have been decent. C was good for 30+% this year after their equity offering for instance, and there's been money to make in some ETF's.

Not to mention short plays as well.

Hows that CitiGroup (C) stock working out for ya? Investing on hope & change does not make any cents does it?:eek:

Investing in gold on Obama's election day has made me 75% & a shit pile of real value, not some worthless POS paper like you have. Obamacrats have no clue how to run a country other than print money & reward scumbags while they penalize the responsible honest hard working people. Their only goal is to spread the wealth to 3rd world nations & take us down to their level to achieve a global Social Justice. Raise Taxes, Increased Overpaid Union & Government Jobs, Capping Carbon in the USA, Raising Energy Prices, Increased Hostile Restriction Regulations & Healthcare all to force Jobs out this Country. Al Gore & Clinton pushed NAFTA through & signed Kyoto carbon cap to reduce Americans lifestyle in order to help the Mexicans increase theirs. Business is leaving this country in droves to escape the hostile business climate in the USA.
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Yeah, it's probably the best place to be for protecting the downside. FWIW, I never really disagreed with it in the long term. I just thought you were missing out on opportunities in equities from a trading standpoint. There's been some swing plays that have been decent. C was good for 30+% this year after their equity offering for instance, and there's been money to make in some ETF's.

Not to mention short plays as well.

Hows that CitiGroup (C) stock working out for ya? Investing on hope & change does not make any cents does it?:eek:

Investing in gold on Obama's election day has made me 75% & a shit pile of real value, not some worthless POS paper like you have. Obamacrats have no clue how to run a country other than print money & reward scumbags while they penalize the responsible honest hard working people. Their only goal is to spread the wealth to 3rd world nations & take us down to their level to achieve a global Social Justice. Raise Taxes, Increased Overpaid Union & Government Jobs, Capping Carbon in the USA, Raising Energy Prices, Increased Hostile Restriction Regulations & Healthcare all to force Jobs out this Country. Al Gore & Clinton pushed NAFTA through & signed Kyoto carbon cap to reduce Americans lifestyle in order to help the Mexicans increase theirs. Business is leaving this country in droves to escape the hostile business climate in the USA.

I didn't buy C, I just used it as an example. When they issued stock earlier in the year it was evident that it would be a decent play, and it was. When it went from 3 to 4, you'd have beeb an idiot not to take it off the table. 30% isn't bad in ANY market.

And I'm a ron paul gold bug, so you're preaching to the choir on that one.
Thanks Chloe its people like you that help the market be a bad place for investors to put their hard earned money.
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Piss off spammer
everyone knows gasoline is going to sky rocket, already has up here from this stupid oil gusher....

this will hold us down, keep us in a recession if oil/gas prices go through the roof.... who really knows why this catastrophe should affect the prices RIGHT NOW but of course, somehow, they find a way to hit us with, instead of later, when the loss of this new found oil would have really hit us.... :(

You know that is interesting. Obama has had it pretty easy when it comes to this issue. Many talk about how bad it was under Bush yet they never mention what was going on. What would it be like if Gass was 5$ a gallon for a year under Obama?
Today looks like a good day to short Caterpillar stock which is a major DOW component. I think it will drop from $80 down to $71
Well if this is the best September since 1941 that may mean that next year is also going to be strange relative to most 3rd years just like with Carter and Hoover.
Well if this is the best September since 1941 that may mean that next year is also going to be strange relative to most 3rd years just like with Carter and Hoover.

Actually, its the best September since 1939.

The market went up nearly 15% in September 1939, which was the month that WWII broke out. Investors remembered what happened during WWI. In 1916, profits driven primarily by selling to meet war demand overseas hit an all-time high, which was not to be surpassed until the mid-1950s. Investors thought that a repeat of WWI was in the offing, but that did not happen.

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