CNN predicts more rioting.

Ass the troll Mac keeps making people try to defend themselves when they haven't done jack squat.

Okay........Mac.........your dog shit in my yard now clean it up.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
That's just plain idiotic, Mac! The President isn't responsible for a total lack of leadership by Democrats in places that he doesn't control. The riots in Portland? That's on the Mayor of Portland and the Governor of Oregon.
I assume you defended Obama when the GOP blamed him for everything on his watch too, right?
You mean all of the rioting by right wing mobs in cities controlled by Republicans? Oh, wait...that never happened! EVER!!!
Dodge. Plenty of other stuff. But that's okay.
You mean there WERE riots by right wing mobs when Obama was President? Care to show where that took place?
Nope, that's not what I said, I made that clear, so please stop lying.

This is boring. You hypocrites are tedious.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
That's just plain idiotic, Mac! The President isn't responsible for a total lack of leadership by Democrats in places that he doesn't control. The riots in Portland? That's on the Mayor of Portland and the Governor of Oregon.
I assume you defended Obama when the GOP blamed him for everything on his watch too, right?
You mean all of the rioting by right wing mobs in cities controlled by Republicans? Oh, wait...that never happened! EVER!!!
Dodge. Plenty of other stuff. But that's okay.
You mean there WERE riots by right wing mobs when Obama was President? Care to show where that took place?
Nope, that's not what I said, I made that clear, so please stop lying.

This is boring. You hypocrites are tedious. are pissed that we are saying you are a hypocrite............hurt your feelings....oh well..........You are a hypocrite.

This is what you always do.....and your party is trying this BS now........Biden tried it the other day failed miserably........LMAO

And here you are doing the same........the OTHER SIDE DID IT.........LMAO
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
No on democrat governors watch and democrat mayors fault. Because TRUMP CAN NOT HELP UNTIL THEY ASK FOR IT .. so even though you think you know whats going on YOU clearly dont
Trump says he will send help democrats reject it
Trump sends help democrats call him a tyrant and overstepping his authority
Trump does nothing democrats attack him for doing nothing
America needs to stop blaming one man for all their problems, and they need to stop looking to one man to fix all their problems.

The Founding Fathers knew this, which is why one man is not SUPPOSE to run the world like the Leftist fascists have conditioned us to think.
My point was that no matter what the president does people like Mac will blame him.
It's like blaming the doctor for a person having lung cancer that smoked 50 years of their lives
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
That's just plain idiotic, Mac! The President isn't responsible for a total lack of leadership by Democrats in places that he doesn't control. The riots in Portland? That's on the Mayor of Portland and the Governor of Oregon.
I assume you defended Obama when the GOP blamed him for everything on his watch too, right?
You mean all of the rioting by right wing mobs in cities controlled by Republicans? Oh, wait...that never happened! EVER!!!
Dodge. Plenty of other stuff. But that's okay.
You mean there WERE riots by right wing mobs when Obama was President? Care to show where that took place?
Nope, that's not what I said, I made that clear, so please stop lying.

This is boring. You hypocrites are tedious.
What's your point, Mac? You called me out for Obama being blamed for something that I pointed out never happened on his watch! Which makes your contention laughable.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Political radicalization has been the goal all along, my friend. He's done a bang up job.
More satire... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You guys should get a gig...
Awesome :clap2:
I'll never understand the blind, unconditional adoration you have for this person in the White House, or how anyone can have these feelings for anyone they don't know.

I know the world has seen this before, abject devotion to arrogant, nationalist strongmen, but I'll still never understand it.
I will never understand the blind, unconditional hate you have for this person in the White House.
Lighten up Mac, this was supposed to be a satire thread.
The funniest part is you pretending to be above it all.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Ok, then Obungo was responsible for Occupy Wall Street, the killing of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Ferguson riots, Baltimore riots, Benghazi, etc, etc. Thanks.
Sure, that's the game. You nutters are so lost in the game that you can't tell when you're being mocked.

Which only makes this funnier.
President Trump mocks you and your fellow idiots every day.
One of the most fascinating elements about the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology is the way you folks, when presented with a challenge to the behaviors of a member of your tribe, automatically snap 100% to a full attack on the other tribe.

In the persian gulf we went full fing postal on the other's similar.

No one gives a shit about your psychology experiments .......except brain washed leftist.......your blame shifting is worth no more than something you step on in the yard.

They are acting like terrorist........OWN IT........DNC has pushed you are trying to say we are responsible for what the DNC wanted..........and you know it..........So do INDEPENDENTS......

Which is why the DNC is finally shifting course......they are losing voters now.......poor things.

I call this symptom "intellectual myopia", and it's always interesting to observe.
I call your posts BS.........isn't that quaint.

What a fucking meathead you are.
What's mind-blowing is how my union urges its members to vote for Biden...when Biden has 40yrs experience helping to outsourxe jobs to China.
One of the most fascinating elements about the psychology of hardcore partisan ideology is the way you folks, when presented with a challenge to the behaviors of a member of your tribe, automatically snap 100% to a full attack on the other tribe.

In the persian gulf we went full fing postal on the other's similar.

No one gives a shit about your psychology experiments .......except brain washed leftist.......your blame shifting is worth no more than something you step on in the yard.

They are acting like terrorist........OWN IT........DNC has pushed you are trying to say we are responsible for what the DNC wanted..........and you know it..........So do INDEPENDENTS......

Which is why the DNC is finally shifting course......they are losing voters now.......poor things.

I call this symptom "intellectual myopia", and it's always interesting to observe.
I call your posts BS.........isn't that quaint.

What a fucking meathead you are.

You feel better now.........need a tissue
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Wrong. He offered the NG to Democratic leaders and they refused. This is 100 % owned by the Democrats. They can’t reign in their city/ state leaders or their paid rioters.
What's mind-blowing is how my union urges its members to vote for Biden...when Biden has 40yrs experience helping to outsourxe jobs to China.
Unions fight to protect the union leaders ability to extort funds from members...not the workers they supposedly represent.
It's the Age of Trump. Hate, division, rioting, destruction.

On his watch.

Ya, it's Trump's fault Blacks are burning down Black owned businesses.
On his watch. He's the President. He's responsible.

He doesn't get to play the victim ALL the time.
Yeah, well, on Obama's watch, over 6 million people lost their homes
Blacks lost the majority of those homes, held the majority of negative equity,
lost half their wealth, were the last to rebound and took the longest to recover
Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014

Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

During Obama’s entire 96 months in office, the median jobless rate was 7.7%...
the highest for any administration since the end of World War II.

For the first 6 years he was in office
, median income was below the level in 2008.

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

When Obama left office in 2016, the percentage of Americans
living with income below the official poverty line....

Furthermore, despite the HALF POINT DROP in the poverty RATE

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

Home ownership rates fell to the lowest point in more than half a century
during his final year.
In the second quarter of 2016, 62.9% of households owned their own home.
The last time the rate was that low was in the third quarter of 1965.

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

By Dec. 2012, there were 16 million more SNAP recipients then when Obama took office in '09
When Obama left office, there were 10.7 million more people on SNAP then when he took office in Jan. '09

Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

Under Obama, corporation's did FANTASTIC compared to workers(if you were working)
Their profits reached new yearly record a time when people weren't working or spending
Gains in profits that SURGED under Bush, PLUNGED when Obama took office

Profits recovered quickly under Obama, far more quickly than jobs or personal incomes
and reached a new record in 2010, his second year in office.

From there they climbed even higher, setting more new annual records in 2012 and 2014,
when they reached $1.86 TRILLION DOLLARS

When Obama left office,
the U.S. government’s debt owed to the public
was more than $14.4 trillion, an increase of more than 128% during his eight years.

Well, that explains....
Despite HAMP, TARP AND ARRA and an estimated $29 TRILLION DOLLARS by 2014
Yet, In 2009 alone, the net wealth of the top 1% collectively increased $1.22 TRILLION DOLLARS

It also explains why, during Joe and Obama's 8 years in office...
Production of handguns rose 207 percent, to a record level.

Not ONLY is ALL that^ on HIS watch, but JOE'S as well

Chop Chop...Run along now and find a burning building to play in
Wow, that's a huge amount of effort put into deflection there.

Thank you for not even trying to deny my point.
Wow, no effort put into deflection there.

Thank you for not even trying to deny my point.

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