CNN puff piece Obama interview


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
In a CNN exclusive interview, former President Barack Obama sat down with Chief International Anchor Christiane Amanpour for a candid discussion about former President Donald Trump's third presidential campaign amid various indictments and how that looks to the world at large.

CNN's Amanpour did not ask Barry about his illegal use of the FBI and the DOJ as his political weapons against President Trump.
The Democrats attempted to frame Trump with their crazy left wing Russian Collusion conspiracy and Amanpour didn't have any questions about that.
The corrupt Democrats used the FBI to censor freedom of speech on social media and Amanpour didn't have any questions about that.
Amanpour didn't ask Barry about his illegal spying on reporters and intimidation of the Press.
It's amazing how CNN is just a cog in the Democrat Cult's propaganda machine.
Obama said that the Republicans are a threat to "democracy."
Obama and the corrupt Democrat Party and their obedient Press are the real threat to our "democracy".
Obama knew that the Russian Collusion was a Democrat propaganda smear campaign.

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