CO2 benefits

Post what paper? The Mark Lynas paper? That's precisely where the link in my last post goes to you ignorant twat.

Yes, it is, you lying asshole.

I never said anything such thing you lying piece of shit.

You are the one who is lying here.
post one of thousands of papers you made claims of

hell, crick, you dont read what you link to, you could not recognize the author of a paper you have made claims about 100's of times, I dont doubt you can not remember what you wrote and what started this exchange.

crick proves that dumb is dumb

I liked that post of crick's where crick cried, and whined, and cried that I only say the things i say because I hate crick.

yep, I hate the asshole, who claims to live in a city I lived in, and when I responded and asked about some landmark old popular spots, crick does not respond, yep, that is real hate trying to relate to the dumbass crick because I thought crick was not lying about where crick lives.

crick, you are pathetic
post one of thousands of papers you made claims of
I have posted numerous papers that support AGW and have clearly demonstrated that like any of us, I have access to thousands and thousands of such papers. This demand of yours is just bullshit and rejecting reality out of hand is not a good look on any forum.
hell, crick, you dont read what you link to
I've obviously read a great deal more of it than have you.
you could not recognize the author of a paper you have made claims about 100's of times
Prior to that 99% thread, I had made ZERO claims about the Lynas paper. Thus, your statement, repeated here, is a knowing and willful LIE.
I dont doubt you can not remember what you wrote and what started this exchange.
It's all still there. Shall we go pull it up and see which of us is lying?
crick proves that dumb is dumb
Elektra proves that he knows how to throw insults like a ten year old.
I liked that post of crick's where crick cried, and whined, and cried that I only say the things i say because I hate crick.
Because it was true.
yep, I hate the asshole, who claims to live in a city I lived in, and when I responded and asked about some landmark old popular spots, crick does not respond
What city would that be?
yep, that is real hate trying to relate to the dumbass crick because I thought crick was not lying about where crick lives.
You think I would reveal my current residence on this board?
crick, you are pathetic
I can't tell you how hurtful it is for you to say that. I can't. I really, really can't.

How's your wind turbine phobia coming along? And that fixation you had on heavy industry. Are you maybe getting effective treatment for those? You haven't posted much on any of those threads lately. Are you taking my advice? It was all for your own good.
I have posted numerous papers that support AGW and have clearly demonstrated that like any of us, I have access to thousands and thousands of such papers. This demand of yours is just bullshit and rejecting reality out of hand is not a good look on any forum.
asking crick, to post a few of the thousands of papers he/she claims to have read and have access to, is bullshit?

Sorry crick, I did not know that all one must do is say they have thousands of papers. I did not realize that is the end of the discussion.

asking crick, to post a few of the thousands of papers he/she claims to have read and have access to, is bullshit?
Yes. As I just pointed out, I have already posted links numerous papers, studies, articles and the like here supporting my argument. Far, far more than have you. I have also clearly demonstrated that, via the IPCC and its assessment reports, we all have access to thousands and thousands of papers on the topic. Are you denying that fact?
Sorry crick, I did not know that all one must do is say they have thousands of papers. I did not realize that is the end of the discussion.
I didn't say it was the end of the discussion. Are you baling out?
Mr Carlson claims, right off the bat, that we have seen little discussion of the carbon cycle from "alarmists". Allow me to point you to page 79 of the Technical Summary of AR6's Physical Science Basis where a discussion of the carbon cycle begins and continues for more than 25 pages. The carbon cycle is mentioned or discussed at hundreds of spots in this document.

View attachment 802782

I have to run some errands. I will get back to this in a bit.

Carlson's warning that he was going to ramble on about CO2 and photosynthesis for almost two hours is not the most enticing invite I've ever heard. I am familiar with photosynthesis.

You've found an almost perfect example of pseudo science. Really. Congratulations.
I got a scientist and you got bubkist.

Again the IPCC is not scientific
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I got a scientist and you got bubkist.
That's bupkis. And, sorry, but you've got pseudoscience garbage and I have thousands and thousands of peer reviewed studies by thousands and thousands of actual scientists.
Again the IPCC is not scientific
You're a fucking idiot. And that's really the end of the conversation. I could get more out of a discussion with a parking meter.
That's bupkis. And, sorry, but you've got pseudoscience garbage and I have thousands and thousands of peer reviewed studies by thousands and thousands of actual scientists.

You're a fucking idiot. And that's really the end of the conversation. I could get more out of a discussion with a parking meter.
No you don’t! I already posted what your nonsense is!


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