Col. Macgregor: Ukraine's WORST NIGHTMARE Has Been Exposed

Wrong. We shouldn't be wasting our strength in Europe to begin with. As to Africa, we should leave them to govern themselves and seek only trade and positive relations. We would be more secure as a country with less intervention. Our efforts should be focused on North and South America.
And China is gaining influence in South America, wtf?
You should have thought about that at least two decades ago .Now it is probably too late . China and Russia have lapped you and you also suffer from extreme unpopularity across the globe .
Americans became world policemen. Instead of winning wars we came, we saw, we stayed. Over the years from the loss of the innocence that escalated on December 7, 1941, due to a globalist designed depression, we became an empire. The affects slow at the beginning even though we went right into another war with Korea and at the same time the strong central government security state grew with all of its tentacles. The issue today for American citizens is if they want to a free and sovereign nation or one that answers to the elites and the powerful in a globalist union. Russia and China are competitors with their own spheres of influence and may even have tentacles into globalism. They are however more independent. China will vacate completely if they can eventually.
What exactly do you believe these days that you have and that we should be looking harder to see and appreciate? I can think of absolutely nothing that you can presently offer which would add to our lives , extend our culture or make us better people in a better country . Your cruel and selfish reign is near to disappearing and once things settle I doubt there will be many shed tears in Europe or the UK .
You mean besides liberating you twice from totalitarianism and funding your defense for the last 70 years?
We agree over China but I could not disagree more over Russia . They have no obvious financial weakness and because they are self reliant from natural resources, the present currency exchange situation is barely noticed --- a weaker rouble means easier entrance to new markets and increased competitiveness in existing ones. Recent figures show that sanctions have not prevented growth and there are more countries wanting their exports than those refusing them . Because everything is buoyant or better I suspect they allowed the Aeroflot situation to happen because it is just a simple capital cost write- off due to sanctions -- one of the very few difficult areas for Moscow . In miltary terms Russia is long way ahead , because they have been planning and preparing for at least a decade and because nobody has any possible answer to their Hyper Missiles . It could take the US up to a decade just to catch-up to the present Russian position . Finally, if it ever came to nuclear activity, Russia is much better placed in terms of recovery --- they have a geograhical natural advantage but they have been building shelters on a massive scale for more than a decade Shelters for many millions .Possibly tens of millions . I would be amazed if Russia wanted extra territoty -- Finland and the Baltic States -- other than for reasons of convenience . The Russian problem has nothing to do with expansion , it has everything to do with increasing population by at least 100 million -- the biggest land mass has only 140 million officially though many think that figure is exaggerated and is actually around 110 million . Believe me, the Bear is hugely strong and the Putins in Russia remember exactly whom the CIA worked with to rape them of their wealth in the nineties .In contrast , the US , IMF and EU are now broke , without military reserves and Nazi Kyiv is literally going under now for the third time .

I love propaganda. Especially blatantly false propaganda.

Self sufficient?

They need Chinese weapons to maintain their war. Not very self sufficient.

Shall I continue? Why does Aeroflot use primarily Western Aircraft? Russian built passenger jets are inefficient, don’t carry many passengers, and don’t go very far. Oh and they tend to fall out of the sky. The ones that work rely on Western Flight systems.

Hugely strong you say? Tell that to the Tank Drivers who found their state of the art Russian tanks were coffins. They haven’t even faced off against the top of the line Western Tanks yet.

I could go on and on and on.

When I was at Fort Bragg in the 82nd Airborne I met some Russian Soldiers after the wall fell. They accused us of lying and disguising officers as enlisted. They refused to believe we would train Privates in map reading. Radio communications. And a host of other skills.

According to accounts. The Russian Soldiers are still not trained in what we consider basic soldier skills.

Russian Soldiers were instructed by morons with Officer rank to dig in to Chernobyl. Into the contaminated ground.

The Russian citizens didn’t know about Chernobyl. We can’t worry them with such information. They might think Russian tech was bad.
But you are sort of right. For years now I’ve believed we should recognize the Republic of China as an independent nation. This would certainly enrage the PRC and my feelings on that are summed up as. “So?
Doesn't mean much unless the US is ready to militarily protect the ROC from the PRC's invasion.
I love propaganda. Especially blatantly false propaganda.

Self sufficient?

They need Chinese weapons to maintain their war. Not very self sufficient.

Shall I continue? Why does Aeroflot use primarily Western Aircraft? Russian built passenger jets are inefficient, don’t carry many passengers, and don’t go very far. Oh and they tend to fall out of the sky. The ones that work rely on Western Flight systems.

Hugely strong you say? Tell that to the Tank Drivers who found their state of the art Russian tanks were coffins. They haven’t even faced off against the top of the line Western Tanks yet.

I could go on and on and on.

When I was at Fort Bragg in the 82nd Airborne I met some Russian Soldiers after the wall fell. They accused us of lying and disguising officers as enlisted. They refused to believe we would train Privates in map reading. Radio communications. And a host of other skills.

According to accounts. The Russian Soldiers are still not trained in what we consider basic soldier skills.

Russian Soldiers were instructed by morons with Officer rank to dig in to Chernobyl. Into the contaminated ground.

The Russian citizens didn’t know about Chernobyl. We can’t worry them with such information. They might think Russian tech was bad.
Total twaddle . So absurdly wrong in every area .And you even confuse the USSR with the Russian Federation . So , I think the best thing is to let you watch the US sponsored Kyiv war collapse for a full Moscow victory and then compare notes . Then I can show you in full detail how and where you went so badly wromg .
Let me get this straight. We should sacrifice Europe to keep our influence, as if we have any, in Africa.
Russia did not invade Europe. How do you arrive to these types of conclusions? They seem very illogical. America’s invaded other countries too.
That is immature rubbish if you really believe it . Do you think Russia is ever going to invade the UK? Are you cream crackers? You give us absolutely zero in terms of protection( from what) and if your Neocon lunatics want to bankrupt your country for their own selfish and terrorist reasons , we just think how idiotic you are . BTW . Many British forces refuse to fight with Americans -- most widespread in Iraq . You were judged unreliable and frankly not very sound .My little flowerpot .Same in WW2 I gather .We often had to hold you by the hand as we walked you to Berlin .
You might have a disagreement with an individual, but the fact of the matter are the Soviets , Americans, Chinese, and British united during World War II for a great cause. Of course, there was unity between the Chinese communist and nationalists. Chaing Kia Sheiks wife toured America and was greeted with huge rounds of applause from tens of thousands of Americans.

Many have said if FDR lived on past April 1945 we would never have had a cold war.
You should have thought about that at least two decades ago .Now it is probably too late . China and Russia have lapped you and you also suffer from extreme unpopularity across the globe .
There are many problems in America with racism and anti-Americanism from the far left and the Republicans supporters,

But we will get this country back on the right direction. Look at the boycott of target and bud light there are steps in the right direction being made. There’s a lot of work to be done when it comes to censorship on social media . But there have been steps in the right direction like Twitter unbanning quite a few people who have differences of opinion with the far left.

Remember, the United States got through to brutal world wars, the great depression, the dust bowl, 911 the list goes on and on. America always prevails.
Total twaddle . So absurdly wrong in every area .And you even confuse the USSR with the Russian Federation . So , I think the best thing is to let you watch the US sponsored Kyiv war collapse for a full Moscow victory and then compare notes . Then I can show you in full detail how and where you went so badly wromg .

Oh don’t worry about me. After all I said many times and you can search for it, that I believe Russia will eventually win in Ukraine. What I want is Russia to pay such a high price that they are essentially ruined because of their victory.

But as for me confusing things. Nonsense. Chernobyl demonstrated that Russian people are still not well informed. School children in the west know Chernobyl exploded. But the Russian Soldiers, all adults and thus having completed primary education, and the officers have college or secondary education, were ignorant of the dangers of Chernobyl.

Dissidents may not be tortured to death at Lefortovo Prison. But there have been a lot of them falling out of windows.

I was right about the airplanes used by Aeroflot and the problems with using Russian built planes.

Here is some information, hard numbers about the “best” Russian built passenger plane.

For those of us interested in such things it is reminiscent of the issues facing the Lada Riva. Not great to begin with, and parts were difficult to find.
The returns are decreasing as we become more dependent on others producing for us and their economies strengthening and independence from us expanding.
I hear you what other people talking about isolationism in this thread. I am kind of against that, but certainly here in 2023 it might be something for America to consider not having as many military bases around the world as we do have. The Russian ruble took a big hit when they first invaded Ukraine, but it recovered very well since then and anybody who invested the ruble probably made a lot of money out of it. Russia’s economy is seemingly doing great. Their cost of living is a lot less than ours in America something to consider.

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