College gal films porn in campus library

Yeah, sure she can. Lol. Anyways, that has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation.

Men admiring his wife is relevant.

No it is not relevant at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

Oh, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. That was just an in general comment. Like, if you trust that kind of girl, don't be surprised if she screws you over. That is going to be the case more often than not with a pathological attention whore.

So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.
Was it in the stacks? The stacks at Paterno Library were almost always deserted. I once caught a student getting a handy in the stacks. I asked them leave that instant or I was calling the campus police. lol.
What did Coach say?
Yeah, sure she can. Lol. Anyways, that has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation.

Men admiring his wife is relevant.

No it is not relevant at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

No, the attention MOST women get from men while clothed is irrelevant to the topic of this thread.

Given that many men enjoy it, as Jaraxle does, it is not farfetched that there are also men who enjoy having their significant other do what the girl did in the OP. In fact, it is not uncommon at all in certain circles.

That's fine. Most men wouldn't be interested in a woman with such loose morals. Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them. That is what makes it special. If you share it with everyone else, it isn't so special anymore.
Men admiring his wife is relevant.

No it is not relevant at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

Oh, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. That was just an in general comment. Like, if you trust that kind of girl, don't be surprised if she screws you over. That is going to be the case more often than not with a pathological attention whore.

So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?
No it is not relevant at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

Oh, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. That was just an in general comment. Like, if you trust that kind of girl, don't be surprised if she screws you over. That is going to be the case more often than not with a pathological attention whore.

So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?

Look, if that is the kind of women you like, then whatever. I don't really care. Most men don't want to have a relationship with that type of woman, and for valid reasons. That's a fact.
Men admiring his wife is relevant.

No it is not relevant at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

No, the attention MOST women get from men while clothed is irrelevant to the topic of this thread.

Given that many men enjoy it, as Jaraxle does, it is not farfetched that there are also men who enjoy having their significant other do what the girl did in the OP. In fact, it is not uncommon at all in certain circles.

That's fine. Most men wouldn't be interested in a woman with such loose morals. Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them. That is what makes it special. If you share it with everyone else, it isn't so special anymore.

Most? Where do you get that from? I would guess that the number of women who are virgins on their wedding night is very, very low. The number of men would probably be even lower.

I get that there is a percentage of men who want virgins. But I think they are more about not wanting to be compared to other men (insecure) than anything else.

If men want to get laid a lot and then marry a virgin, shouldn't your issue be with those men? Why is it acceptable for men to fuck around when they are young, but not ok for women?
No it is not relevant at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

No, the attention MOST women get from men while clothed is irrelevant to the topic of this thread.

Given that many men enjoy it, as Jaraxle does, it is not farfetched that there are also men who enjoy having their significant other do what the girl did in the OP. In fact, it is not uncommon at all in certain circles.

That's fine. Most men wouldn't be interested in a woman with such loose morals. Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them. That is what makes it special. If you share it with everyone else, it isn't so special anymore.

Most? Where do you get that from? I would guess that the number of women who are virgins on their wedding night is very, very low. The number of men would probably be even lower.

I get that there is a percentage of men who want virgins. But I think they are more about not wanting to be compared to other men (insecure) than anything else.

If men want to get laid a lot and then marry a virgin, shouldn't your issue be with those men? Why is it acceptable for men to fuck around when they are young, but not ok for women?

Why do you keep talking about virgins? :lol:

It's a fact that most men are not going to want to seriously date an internet ho. :rofl: You can deny it all you want, but its the truth.
A former Oregon State University student is facing a public lewdness charge after she filmed an X-rated video in the school’s library, a clip that has circulated widely on campus.
Kendra Sunderland, 19, was arrested Tuesday in connection with the video shot in the school’s sprawling Valley Library. Sunderland, seated at a table in the library, is seen exposing her breasts and vagina, while also licking and touching herself in the 31-minute video (screen grabs from which can be seen above and below).
The video was shot with Sunderland’s laptop and it appears she is exchanging typed messages with someone watching her exploits in real time. In fact, it seems that Sunderland’s performance was part of a webcam show. Other photos and videos found online depict the teenager–who uses an alias–engaged in similar lewd acts, all of which transpire in what appears to be her residence.
Woman 19 Arrested For Filming X-Rated Webcam Performance Inside Oregon State University Library The Smoking Gun
Sunderland faces a maximum one-year prison term and a $6250 fine. She may earn more and avoid the sentence easily. American youth is absolutely shameless. They don't respect any moral or social norms. Moreover they know the price of moral and ethics. 6250$ is not too much honestly.
Oregon State University is a conservative--political and social ideology-- school.
The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

Oh, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. That was just an in general comment. Like, if you trust that kind of girl, don't be surprised if she screws you over. That is going to be the case more often than not with a pathological attention whore.

So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?

Look, if that is the kind of women you like, then whatever. I don't really care. Most men don't want to have a relationship with that type of woman, and for valid reasons. That's a fact.

Really? Considering the number of women who only had sex with one person is pretty low, most women are having more than one partner. In fact, in more recent times they are having more numerous partners. And yet, these women are still in relationships and still marrying.

As far as what is relevant to the topic, it seems to me that it is more about the legal proceedings against this college girl than about any attempts to project your own moral values on some college kids.
Oh, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. That was just an in general comment. Like, if you trust that kind of girl, don't be surprised if she screws you over. That is going to be the case more often than not with a pathological attention whore.

So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?

Look, if that is the kind of women you like, then whatever. I don't really care. Most men don't want to have a relationship with that type of woman, and for valid reasons. That's a fact.

Really? Considering the number of women who only had sex with one person is pretty low, most women are having more than one partner. In fact, in more recent times they are having more numerous partners. And yet, these women are still in relationships and still marrying.

As far as what is relevant to the topic, it seems to me that it is more about the legal proceedings against this college girl than about any attempts to project your own moral values on some college kids.

This isn't about sex. It's about sharing your body with EVERYBODY. Lol.
The topic of the thread is a college girl doing what she chose to do, and the prudes coming out calling her names for it, and insisting that her future husband would not want her because of it. That a man enjoys the attentions his wife gets, and the effect she has on men, is certainly relevant. The difference is the state of undress. Certainly far more relevant than your snide remark that my g/f will screw me over. :)

No, the attention MOST women get from men while clothed is irrelevant to the topic of this thread.

Given that many men enjoy it, as Jaraxle does, it is not farfetched that there are also men who enjoy having their significant other do what the girl did in the OP. In fact, it is not uncommon at all in certain circles.

That's fine. Most men wouldn't be interested in a woman with such loose morals. Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them. That is what makes it special. If you share it with everyone else, it isn't so special anymore.

Most? Where do you get that from? I would guess that the number of women who are virgins on their wedding night is very, very low. The number of men would probably be even lower.

I get that there is a percentage of men who want virgins. But I think they are more about not wanting to be compared to other men (insecure) than anything else.

If men want to get laid a lot and then marry a virgin, shouldn't your issue be with those men? Why is it acceptable for men to fuck around when they are young, but not ok for women?

Why do you keep talking about virgins? :lol:

It's a fact that most men are not going to want to seriously date an internet ho. :rofl: You can deny it all you want, but its the truth.

When you say "Most men (and women) want a partner who saves their body for only them", you are talking about virgins.

If it is ok to fool around, then it is ok for both to fool around. Either they saved themselves or they didn't.

But since you want to laugh about my comments about virgins, please give us the magic number for a "ho"?

If she sleeps with 3 guys during college, is she a ho? 5 guys? 7 guys?

How do you know how many guys the girl in the OP has had sex with? You don't. You make snap judgements based on your own prejudices.
A former Oregon State University student is facing a public lewdness charge after she filmed an X-rated video in the school’s library, a clip that has circulated widely on campus.
Kendra Sunderland, 19, was arrested Tuesday in connection with the video shot in the school’s sprawling Valley Library. Sunderland, seated at a table in the library, is seen exposing her breasts and vagina, while also licking and touching herself in the 31-minute video (screen grabs from which can be seen above and below).
The video was shot with Sunderland’s laptop and it appears she is exchanging typed messages with someone watching her exploits in real time. In fact, it seems that Sunderland’s performance was part of a webcam show. Other photos and videos found online depict the teenager–who uses an alias–engaged in similar lewd acts, all of which transpire in what appears to be her residence.
Woman 19 Arrested For Filming X-Rated Webcam Performance Inside Oregon State University Library The Smoking Gun
Sunderland faces a maximum one-year prison term and a $6250 fine. She may earn more and avoid the sentence easily. American youth is absolutely shameless. They don't respect any moral or social norms. Moreover they know the price of moral and ethics. 6250$ is not too much honestly.
One kid behaves like this and you condemn the entire youth of America. Brilliant.
So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?

Look, if that is the kind of women you like, then whatever. I don't really care. Most men don't want to have a relationship with that type of woman, and for valid reasons. That's a fact.

Really? Considering the number of women who only had sex with one person is pretty low, most women are having more than one partner. In fact, in more recent times they are having more numerous partners. And yet, these women are still in relationships and still marrying.

As far as what is relevant to the topic, it seems to me that it is more about the legal proceedings against this college girl than about any attempts to project your own moral values on some college kids.

This isn't about sex. It's about sharing your body with EVERYBODY. Lol.

Except we have no way of knowing she shared her body with anyone.

We know she shared a video of her body with at least one person. That is all we really know. The rest is pure speculation. How do you know the video was put online by her and not by her ex-boyfriend out of spite? You don't. For all we actually know, she could still be a virgin and was having alternative sex so she could save herself, and was taken advantage of by her boyfriend. There is as much evidence to support that as there is to support your accusations that she is a loose woman, an attention whore, and will cheat on all her future relationships.
So the fact that she enjoys showing off her body is proof she will cheat? lol Right.

Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?

Look, if that is the kind of women you like, then whatever. I don't really care. Most men don't want to have a relationship with that type of woman, and for valid reasons. That's a fact.

Really? Considering the number of women who only had sex with one person is pretty low, most women are having more than one partner. In fact, in more recent times they are having more numerous partners. And yet, these women are still in relationships and still marrying.

As far as what is relevant to the topic, it seems to me that it is more about the legal proceedings against this college girl than about any attempts to project your own moral values on some college kids.

This isn't about sex. It's about sharing your body with EVERYBODY. Lol.

I doubt it was truly pornographic. Could someone share the video so I could properly evaluate it? LOL
If I had a boyfriend who didn't care about who saw my body and wanted to just "show me off" I would think he really didn't love me at all. I am just "for show" to him.

Right, because everyone thinks like you do.
Not proof, but a pretty good indicator.

Based on what? Extensive studies of girls who like to explore their sexuality? Or of other women who want to demean an attractive young woman?

Look, if that is the kind of women you like, then whatever. I don't really care. Most men don't want to have a relationship with that type of woman, and for valid reasons. That's a fact.

Really? Considering the number of women who only had sex with one person is pretty low, most women are having more than one partner. In fact, in more recent times they are having more numerous partners. And yet, these women are still in relationships and still marrying.

As far as what is relevant to the topic, it seems to me that it is more about the legal proceedings against this college girl than about any attempts to project your own moral values on some college kids.

This isn't about sex. It's about sharing your body with EVERYBODY. Lol.

Except we have no way of knowing she shared her body with anyone.

We know she shared a video of her body with at least one person. That is all we really know. The rest is pure speculation. How do you know the video was put online by her and not by her ex-boyfriend out of spite? You don't. For all we actually know, she could still be a virgin and was having alternative sex so she could save herself, and was taken advantage of by her boyfriend. There is as much evidence to support that as there is to support your accusations that she is a loose woman, an attention whore, and will cheat on all her future relationships.

That is my opinion based upon my life experiences. Also, if a man is okay with it, chances are he is the same type of person as her, also with very loose morals, probably not very trustworthy. :D

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