College Should Be Free! (For Americans)

College shouldn't be free. It mostly benefits middle and upper classes. And it's benefits accrue to those who complete it. The government shouldn't be subsidizing those who can afford it the most.

But education has to change. It's model is archaic and is pretty much the same as it was 100 years ago.

Eventually, technology will render the model obsolete.

Having more educated people benifits everyone. For example, I have heard that there is a shortage of nurses in this country. Also, many people are now going overseas to get medical procedures done at a cheaper cost. (So much for our supposed "service based" economy) Which is something that not surprisingly, a lot of insurance companies are in favor of. If we had more educated people in this country in that field, people would be less likely to go overseas for treatment.
that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore

How do you tax hidden money?

or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

That sounds terrible. Could you explain how you make a bet like that?

Credit default swaps.
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

I agree, colleges should stop collecting tuition.

No. The government just should pick up the tab. Just as it does with police or the military.

You had better be kidding.
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

I agree, colleges should stop collecting tuition.

No. The government just should pick up the tab. Just as it does with police or the military.

No. The government just should pick up the tab.

Why should the government pay for stuff that's free?

The government doesn't have to pay for it, that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore

How do you tax hidden money?

or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

That sounds terrible. Could you explain how you make a bet like that?

Well first you have your government negotiate with banks in the countries where people are hiding their money. This was already done with some Swiss bank accounts. Unfortunately, Hillary was the Secretary of State at the time and negotiated a deal in which the banks only gave up some names and not all...

The second part is called "short selling." It is explained here: Short Selling: How To Win When Stocks Go Down - Tutorial
Just make college affordable, as it once was. My tuition at a large state university for a full load of classes senior year was $593. I wrote the check and thought nothing of 1982. That same college now would cost about $15k...not many college kids can write that check.

Who is to blame for the huge increase in college tuition?

No. Just make it free.

There is no "free," you idiot.
Free college does not have any dir ct correlation to success for the students. As a matter of fact, we have a trillion dollars of student debt and more people,than ever witha college degree and more college graduates than ever cannot find the work they think they are entitled to. Blue collar like jobs have become as financially attractive as college degree,types. If I was a young person today plumbing, machinist, welder, surveyer would all be on my radar. The chances of working in these fields and owning your own business in short order is enormous, lots of opportunity. The hegemony of the sheepskin is over with.

One of the things I'm talking about is doing away with student debt. Then, whatever money graduates did have, they could keep. Also, what kind of college graduate would you rather be. One who couldn't find a job or one who couldn't find a job with a huge debt to pay off.
There are other countrues where college is free. France for one. I suppose they think that having highly educated people is good for their society in general. I might have even stayed in school if I thought there was a snowball's chance in hell of my ever being able to afford college.

I never went to stinking college and glad that I did not. My friends who went to college are destitute today and live hand to mouth. I attended the School of Hard Knocks and never regretted it.

Well I bet that if you ever needed a doctor, you would be glad you could find one. Though paying for treatment is a differnt matter.
College shouldn't be free. It mostly benefits middle and upper classes. And it's benefits accrue to those who complete it. The government shouldn't be subsidizing those who can afford it the most.

But education has to change. It's model is archaic and is pretty much the same as it was 100 years ago.

Eventually, technology will render the model obsolete.

Having more educated people benifits everyone. For example, I have heard that there is a shortage of nurses in this country. Also, many people are now going overseas to get medical procedures done at a cheaper cost. (So much for our supposed "service based" economy) Which is something that not surprisingly, a lot of insurance companies are in favor of. If we had more educated people in this country in that field, people would be less likely to go overseas for treatment.

Well technically there is already a system for things like you are mentioning. In a lot of states there are grants for people to get their student loans forgiven if they work in certain fields, like police officers, medical personnel, and teachers.

What types of public service jobs will qualify a borrower for loan forgiveness under the PSLF Program? You must be employed full-time (in any position) by a public service organization, or must be serving in a fulltime AmeriCorps or Peace Corps position. Here are the types of organizations that meet the definition of “public service organization” for purposes of the PSLF Program: • A government organization (including a federal, state, local, or tribal organization, agency, or entity; a public child or family service agency; or a tribal college or university) • A not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code • A private, not-for-profit organization (that is not a labor union or a partisan political organization) that provides one or more of the following public services:  Emergency management  Military service  Public safety  Law enforcement  Public interest law services  Early childhood education (including licensed or regulated health care, Head Start, and statefunded prekindergarten)  Public service for individuals with disabilities and the elderly  Public health (including nurses, nurse practitioners, nurses in a clinical setting, and full-time professionals engaged in health care practitioner occupations and health care support occupations)  Public education  Public library services  School library or other school-based services
So simple to understand...


Do any of thise taxpayers make things or provide services that people buy? Well first of all, place tarifs on imported goods so they couldn't be sold for a cheaper price than what they would be if they were made in America. Then take taxpayer money and give everybody a check for 10,000 dollars. That would do to our economy what pouring gasoline onto a fire does for the fire. Tell me the taxpayers wouldn't end up benifiting.
So simple to understand...


Do any of thise taxpayers make things or provide services that people buy? Well first of all, place tarifs on imported goods so they couldn't be sold for a cheaper price than what they would be if they were made in America. Then take taxpayer money and give everybody a check for 10,000 dollars. That would do to our economy what pouring gasoline onto a fire does for the fire. Tell me the taxpayers wouldn't end up benifiting.

Look, I'm for free education, but how come every time I debunk something you say you don't respond to it and instead use a red herring?
When you give something away you negate all its value.

Making college "free" for everyone would result in just another 4 years of high school and the people attending would not be any better educated
I agree, colleges should stop collecting tuition.

No. The government just should pick up the tab. Just as it does with police or the military.

No. The government just should pick up the tab.

Why should the government pay for stuff that's free?

The government doesn't have to pay for it, that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

that's why you tax the ones that hide their money off shore

How do you tax hidden money?

or the ones on Wall Street who make millions of dollars betting on companies to fail.

That sounds terrible. Could you explain how you make a bet like that?

Well first you have your government negotiate with banks in the countries where people are hiding their money. This was already done with some Swiss bank accounts. Unfortunately, Hillary was the Secretary of State at the time and negotiated a deal in which the banks only gave up some names and not all...

The second part is called "short selling." It is explained here: Short Selling: How To Win When Stocks Go Down - Tutorial

The second part is called "short selling."

We should tax people who sell short?
What about people who sold Enron short?
Or Valeant? Or Countrywide?
Just make college affordable, as it once was. My tuition at a large state university for a full load of classes senior year was $593. I wrote the check and thought nothing of 1982. That same college now would cost about $15k...not many college kids can write that check.

Who is to blame for the huge increase in college tuition?
So go part time
There are two sides to the "Free College" coin. Americans like to embrace the "free" side, but the "college" side - not so much.

Because we have universally adopted the ridiculous notion that a college education should be available for anyone who wants one. Consequently, our colleges cater to millions of young "adults" who are, to put it bluntly, "not college material." They teach remedial courses, their level of academic rigor is a joke, and most of the offered college majors are irrelevant, worthless nonsense. Ethnic studies? Are you kidding me?

Germany has "free" universities, but the requirements for admission are rigorous, and not subject to distortion based on race, gender, or other extraneous factors.

I would wholeheartedly support "free" college at state schools for the top 20% of 18-year-olds, based on QUANTITATIVE criteria - mainly objective test scores. For the other 80%, they would be free to go anywhere they could afford to go - at their own expense, with no government loans or subsidies.

And I submit that diplomas from such state colleges would be quite valuable, as employers would know that the students are all top-notch, and the coursework is no nonsense.

But of course, excellence in education is a fantastical pipe dream as long as Lefties control Academe. They would insist on "diversity" in the "free" state universities, which would in-turn require watered-down course work, bullshit majors, and we would be no better off than we are now.

As I said, if I thought there was a chance in hell of my being able to afford to attend college, I might have stayed in school. And I doubt if I would have been a slacker. I never have been in anything else. As far as the rest of what you say, I am a White separartist. Nuf' said.
So simple to understand...


Do any of thise taxpayers make things or provide services that people buy? Well first of all, place tarifs on imported goods so they couldn't be sold for a cheaper price than what they would be if they were made in America. Then take taxpayer money and give everybody a check for 10,000 dollars. That would do to our economy what pouring gasoline onto a fire does for the fire. Tell me the taxpayers wouldn't end up benifiting.

Do any of thise taxpayers make things or provide services that people buy?

Why else would they be taxpayers?

Well first of all, place tarifs on imported goods so they couldn't be sold for a cheaper price than what they would be if they were made in America.

Yeah! Nothing better for our economy than making people pay more for the same stuff.
Imagine all the job losses because people could afford less stuff!
Maybe you should take an econ class? It couldn't hurt.

That would do to our economy what pouring gasoline onto a fire does for the fire.

Yeah, burn down our economy.

Free college is all about mind control and not economic mobility. Hence Obama can claim that if you went to college you are an intellectual who understands how great everything he proposes is. If you didn't go and get brainwashed you are ignorant. All one has to do is check the polling about cultural issues and find out how many millenials are untraditional, read smart. Yet man in the street after man in the street interviews show how uneducated they are. check and see how many conservatives are allowed to speak or operate on college campuses and one will learn all they need to know about so called higher education.

Brainwashing is more likely to happen through higher education. And having invested so much money and effort into getting that education, you are more likely to go along with whatever brainwashing and support the status quo.
Nothing is free.

Brainwashing is free. And being a slave is also free. But as far as a college education goes, somebody does have to pay for it. As long as it isn't the students, then everything is fine.

My husband and I paid for ours and we will pay for our children' leeches are on your own

Oh. I see. Just because you and your husband were suckers, everybody has to be suckers. Forever and ever. Until the stars go dark.
Please explain how you plan on paying for free college.

please tell me how you plan to keep costs under control.

Please explain why we should listing to a lazy, whinny college drop out?

I will respond to your last statement first. I'm not a college dropout. I'm a highschool dropout. I dropped out of highschool in my third year with three years of credits to make up for. That is why I can intellectually spank those who debat me.

As for paying for college, money is a farce to begin with. Our country is over 18 trillion dollars in debt and has around 65 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Just add a few trillion to the 18 trillion. It doesn't matter if our country is 21 trillion dollars in debt or 41 trillion dollars in debt. It's all just numbers on a piece of paper. As for keeping the costs under control, there are many ways. But I have a simple idea. For example, if you want to learn how to dig a ditch, just learn from those who already dig ditches. So if you want to see how to keep costs down in providing free college to students, instead of just free highschool, see how the countries that provide free college to students do so.

So if you want to see how to keep costs down in providing free college to students, instead of just free highschool, see how the countries that provide free college to students do so.

They only let the good students go to college.
We could do that here, but the liberal whining would increase by orders of magnitude.

I never heard that they only let good students go to college. After all, higher education isn't wasted on those who aren't members of MENSA.

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