Colorado Governor Pardons ILEGAL so the Felon Cannot be Deported

Doesn't surprise me one bit. Tricky Hicky LOVES pandering to liberals and at the same time pandering to businesses and exploiters. It's a win-win thing for THEM. Not so much for the rest of us.
Hickenlooper is not a Coloradan. He's from Pennsylvania, and a liberal democrat. Here in Denver, we have this HUGE influx of out- of- staters moving in here. There is this HUGE growth stemming from building contractors or realtors. Wow, these out-of- staters move our airport 20 miles from Denver or force light rail on us we didn't need or want (to the benefit of contractors and realtors), then they encourage MORE out of staters to move in here (to the further benefit of contractors or realtors). And they NEED illegal aliens to build their little out- of- stater utopia. So this little drama makes me just more skeptical of liberals "humanitarianism".
Sorry, MaryL. If they can vote, they are citizens. End of story.
It's sad but true. Perhaps we should have restrictions on voters. Voters have to have lived in a area over 8 years before you can vote in LOCAL elections.
Sorry, MaryL. If they can vote, they are citizens. End of story.
It's sad but true. Perhaps we should have restrictions on voters. Voters have to have lived in a area over 8 years before you can vote in LOCAL elections.
They pay taxes, they are American citizens, they get treated the same in all states through equal access and due process.
Despite the state AG's yelling, the gov was within his rights.

If it is a full pardon, then Lima-Martin's status will revert to what it was before, which means he stays in America.
A governor cannot pardon a violation of a federal statute.
Despite the state AG's yelling, the gov was within his rights.

If it is a full pardon, then Lima-Martin's status will revert to what it was before, which means he stays in America.
A governor cannot pardon a violation of a federal statute.
Was it a federal statute? If not, of course he can, and that means if a full pardon then the subject is still good with federal law. Tough that.
"They" pay taxes? Do they? .They have to pay mandatory taxes everyone else has to that going somewhere? That isn't a saving grace. It's like: "I committed a crime, but I paid a tax, I am absolved of it" No, that's not how this works.
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"They" pay taxes? Do they? . They have to pay mandatory taxes everyone has to that going somewhere?
If they live in CO, sure. Or UT. Or wherever they live, yeah.

MaryL, I remember in the eighties when Quebec was the line into the country south of Denver.

Times change.
"They" pay taxes? Do they? . They have to pay mandatory taxes everyone has to that going somewhere?
If they live in CO, sure. Or UT. Or wherever they live, yeah.

MaryL, I remember in the eighties when Quebec was the line into the country south of Denver.

Times change.
Yes, we agree on that, we have Elmer Gantry warning us of frauds and posers. I like Denver as a Cow town, sweet and innocent. Now we have ...pseudo sophisticated out of staters imposing this on us natives.....this isn't Denver anymore, kids.
How on earth does anyone let this guy go free? Just don't get it.

But one of the robbery victims said Lima-Marin doesn't merit freedom.

"I just think that it's scandalous how he used the system," Jason Kasperek told the AP. He recalled how Lima-Marin and the accomplice held a rifle to his head as they forced him to open the store safe.

"I think it's completely ridiculous,” he said. “It's unjust for all victims who have been involved in it."
Hickenlooper is a DEMOCRAT and I'll bet so was the state judge involved.
Filthy Democrats have made it crystal clear...illegals are their new meal ticket. It's the only road to staying relevant for the DNC. Mexico, South and Central America are their recruiting centers

Don't think this will stop ICE, they have a valid deportation order and will enforce it.

Thank God for President Trump. Obama would have given Hickenlooper a medal.
^ :lol: He won't go anywhere until the court says so.

The court has already ruled when they issued the deportation order.

Wrong court. A new filing will be made Monday.
Bet your cheering for the crimminal in this case?

Ofcourse he is...Liberals are 100% shameless.....they only cheer what is or may be detrimental to REAL American's. Remember, they hate all of what made America great.
How on earth does anyone let this guy go free? Just don't get it.

But one of the robbery victims said Lima-Marin doesn't merit freedom.

"I just think that it's scandalous how he used the system," Jason Kasperek told the AP. He recalled how Lima-Marin and the accomplice held a rifle to his head as they forced him to open the store safe.

"I think it's completely ridiculous,” he said. “It's unjust for all victims who have been involved in it."
Hickenlooper is a DEMOCRAT and I'll bet so was the state judge involved.
Filthy Democrats have made it crystal clear...illegals are their new meal ticket. It's the only road to staying relevant for the DNC. Mexico, South and Central America are their recruiting centers

Thank God for President Trump. Obama would have given Hickenlooper a medal.
^ :lol: He won't go anywhere until the court says so.

The court has already ruled when they issued the deportation order.

Wrong court. A new filing will be made Monday.
Bet your cheering for the crimminal in this case?

Ofcourse he is...Liberals are 100% shameless.....they only cheer what is or may be detrimental to REAL American's. Remember, they hate all of what made America great.
You two abhor what is great about America, but so what, you have no power.
Anyone remember Gene Amole? Rocky Mountain News? Governor Richard Lamb? If you do, you're a true Coloradan. the dignity to die, the anti light rail, anti-moving the airport thing thingy. I doubt tricky Hicky does. Or all those out of staters, with their proud lack of roots here like so many carpet baggers.
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I remember the Chevron building going up and working there for a short time before going to grad school.
Sorry, MaryL. If they can vote, they are citizens. End of story.
It's sad but true. Perhaps we should have restrictions on voters. Voters have to have lived in a area over 8 years before you can vote in LOCAL elections.
They pay taxes, they are American citizens, they get treated the same in all states through equal access and due process.

Haha..funny shit...none of these filthy human cockroaches earn enough to pax income taxes...and most work cash paying jobs....then factor their six silver tooth anchors / dependents....LOL
The only tax they pay is sales tax on the shit-ton of Bud Lights, Tapatio and carne asada they burn through.
Sorry, MaryL. If they can vote, they are citizens. End of story.
It's sad but true. Perhaps we should have restrictions on voters. Voters have to have lived in a area over 8 years before you can vote in LOCAL elections.
They pay taxes, they are American citizens, they get treated the same in all states through equal access and due process.

Haha..funny shit...none of these filthy human cockroaches earn enough to pax income taxes...and most work cash paying jobs....then factor their six silver tooth anchors / dependents....LOL
The only tax they pay is sales tax on the shit-ton of Bud Lights, Tapatio and carne asada they burn through.
Most of t hem, including the illegals, make more than you, BL, you know that.
Sorry, MaryL. If they can vote, they are citizens. End of story.
It's sad but true. Perhaps we should have restrictions on voters. Voters have to have lived in a area over 8 years before you can vote in LOCAL elections.
They pay taxes, they are American citizens, they get treated the same in all states through equal access and due process.

Haha..funny shit...none of these filthy human cockroaches earn enough to pax income taxes...and most work cash paying jobs....then factor their six silver tooth anchors / dependents....LOL
The only tax they pay is sales tax on the shit-ton of Bud Lights, Tapatio and carne asada they burn through.
Most of t hem, including the illegals, make more than you, BL, you know that.

Haha...I'm pretty sure I pay more in federal income tax than YOU earn in any given year....funny though.
Why is it a good thing pandering to illegal aliens of Hispanic persuasion? Why are Hispanic illegals so special above and beyond all other immigrants? Is it because they are so panderable and exploitable? Food for thought.

Well, to shed a little light on the situation; as Democrats continue to align themselves with deranged progressives and embrace their ideologies they make complete asses of themselves and alienate whatever semi-legitimate supporters may be left. I've been told by many long time Democrats that they flat-out embarrassed by the new age DNC and their ideology. It won't be long before the DNC supporter will only be made up of shameless filth and total whack-jobs.
Keep up the good work Democrats...haha

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