Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows


When you politicize an issue you bring out the worst in everyone

Politicize an issue? Since when has political opposition devolved into opening fire on a crowd of innocent people? And what sort of sick fuck could think the murderer was right?
And there are people in this thread essentially cheering the murderer.

Where? In any case, the killer may have been inconvenienced in some way by homosexual fetishists, may even have been one himself, he certainly had Mommy Issues, and being inconvenienced is a justification for murder in WokeLandia. Most likely he's one of them himself.
Yep.. who didn’t know that this was going to be the case?


When you politicize an issue you bring out the worst in everyone

This probably doesn't help either:

3. The Club Promoted an ‘All Ages Musical Drag Brunch’ & Held Another Drag Show the Evening of the Mass Shooting; Club Q Called the Tragedy a ‘Hate Attack’​

Right around the time of the attack, Club Q was posting about an upcoming drag show.

“Let’s prep for a fantastic Sunday Funday!” the club wrote on its Facebook page.

“Doors open at 11am for our noon ALL AGES DRAG BRUNCH!!! Join us for a fantastic drink special and even more amazing drag show! Then stick around for an all stars cast of our freshest faces! We’re celebrating Transgender Day of Remembrance with a variety of gender identities and performance styles! Show starts at 8pm!”

They led a groomer party at that club earlier. Doesn't look like the narrative of 'just keeping their fetishes to themselves' is going to fly, since it's always a load of BS.

Advertising your grooming parties for the kiddies is probably not the brightest idea these sociopaths had.
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A couple of patrons of the bar rushed the shooter and took him down. The shooter then had to be taken to the hospital to be treated for "unspecified injuries".

I hope they beat the fuck out of him.
It depends on how low they kicked him.
Anderson Lee Aldritch, age 22, local Colorado Springs resident. Previously made a bomb threat against his mother once , not considered a 'threat' by local police. Probably a product of 'progressive education' in the local affluent 'progressive' school district with lots of Boulder grads indoctrinating and grooming the kiddies and promoting mindless self-indulgence and narcissism.
Probably the product of being born in a MAGA family.
Republican shooters alleged Grandpa’s response.


it's implicit in your sniveling about kids being taught about abstinence in another thread. Murder is okay if it avoids inconvenience for somebody, so we know your concern for human life here is just fake posturing.

My sniveling? lol I have said in several threads that teaching abstinence does not work. And the facts bear that out.

But please show where I said killing babies is ok? I have never said anything of the sort.
My sniveling? lol I have said in several threads that teaching abstinence does not work. And the facts bear that out.

But please show where I said killing babies is ok? I have never said anything of the sort.

You keep avoiding the fact that abstinence is 100% effective and makes abortions completely unnecessary, Why is that? Did one your vaunted condoms break or something and threatened you with Inconvenience??
You have proof that he's Republican? I have Democrat relatives. Does that make me a Democrat?
Proof? He shot up a gay bar, is a gun loving nut, and his family are Republican elected officials… sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck.
Republican shooters alleged Grandpa’s response.

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Citygator is, of course, exploiting this shooting…….for anti-gun fanatics mass public shooting s are like Christmas Day…..they get to push their wish lists for gun control on uninformed Americans……,,

In this case…..those who want access to our children to groom them are going to blame normal people for the actions of this one individual in order to silence them about the grooming of children , the mutilation and sterilization of children…………this shooting is their Christmas Day…..

The rainbow cult is desperate for parents to shut up about the disgusting pornographic books their activists put in children’s libraries, and the unscientific and confusing nursery stories for kindergartners that tell them they can be the opposite sex if they don’t conform to gender-specific toys. The cult really wants us to shut up about the dangers of puberty blockers to children and the crippling complications of gender “affirming” surgeries. The cult wants us to give up our parental authority to school counselors and the state. We’re not going to do any of that.

They’re so desperate for us to be silenced that they are now trying to smear everyone who refuses to join their cult as being responsible for some deranged lunatic who shot people. It’s absurd. The right has been trying to solve these issues of grooming and sexualization of children through social awareness, legislation, and lawsuits, not violence. Our legitimate efforts to use social media, education, and the legal system to advocate for laws that protect children cannot and should not be stymied in any way by hysterical harpies lying about us.

Our goals are righteous: Protect children from sexualization before they can do long division. Stop the medical industry from interfering with child development and playing god and experimenting on mentally ill kids. Get porn out of schools.
Here’s a reminder: GLAAD supports people bringing kids to drag shows. GLAAD insists that porn is “inclusive” and belongs in middle school libraries. GLAAD supports teachers telling kindergartners that they can change genders before they can even read. These are not stable or rational people pushing this garbage, and we will continue to call it out without fear of being labeled bigots. And our gay friends on the right side are 100% with us.

Proof? He shot up a gay bar, is a gun loving nut, and his family are Republican elected officials… sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck.

You dumb ass…….. you are smearing the blood of the dead all over yourself seeking to attack innocent people who had nothing to do with this guy………..this is why you are a vile asshole.
You keep avoiding the fact that abstinence is 100% effective and makes abortions completely unnecessary, Why is that? Did one your vaunted condoms break or something and threatened you with Inconvenience??

If you abstain, that is obviously 100% effective. But the overwhelming majority of people under 25 will not abstain completely.

And yes, I have had birth control fail. My oldest is the result of The Pill failing, and my oldest daughter is the result of the Sponge failing. But it was not an inconvenience. It was a beautiful child that we love and cherish.

So please show where I said anything about favoring killing babies? I'm happy to wait. Or you are welcome to admit you are just making shit up.
Citygator is, of course, exploiting this shooting…….for anti-gun fanatics mass public shooting s are like Christmas Day…..they get to push their wish lists for gun control on uninformed Americans……,,

In this case…..those who want access to our children to groom them are going to blame normal people for the actions of this one individual in order to silence them about the grooming of children , the mutilation and sterilization of children…………this shooting is their Christmas Day…..

The rainbow cult is desperate for parents to shut up about the disgusting pornographic books their activists put in children’s libraries, and the unscientific and confusing nursery stories for kindergartners that tell them they can be the opposite sex if they don’t conform to gender-specific toys. The cult really wants us to shut up about the dangers of puberty blockers to children and the crippling complications of gender “affirming” surgeries. The cult wants us to give up our parental authority to school counselors and the state. We’re not going to do any of that.

They’re so desperate for us to be silenced that they are now trying to smear everyone who refuses to join their cult as being responsible for some deranged lunatic who shot people. It’s absurd. The right has been trying to solve these issues of grooming and sexualization of children through social awareness, legislation, and lawsuits, not violence. Our legitimate efforts to use social media, education, and the legal system to advocate for laws that protect children cannot and should not be stymied in any way by hysterical harpies lying about us.

Our goals are righteous: Protect children from sexualization before they can do long division. Stop the medical industry from interfering with child development and playing god and experimenting on mentally ill kids. Get porn out of schools.

This is the rhetoric that caused this shooting. You are an accomplice to murder.

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