COLORISM: The hidden prejudice of Black people against other Black people.

its funny how dont say shit to a racist like brokeloser....oh of course he and you are alike so why would you....
If I read his posts, I'd treat him the same. I haven't read any of his posts. You seem to have an "assumption" problem. Don't act like a racist bigot and you won't be called a racist bigot. Why do you think you get a free pass simply by saying "what about"?
If I read his posts, I'd treat him the same. I haven't read any of his posts. You seem to have an "assumption" problem. Don't act like a racist bigot and you won't be called a racist bigot. Why do you think you get a free pass simply by saying "what about"?
why dont you show me were i acted like a racist bigot?....and dont use were i said pale fucker above i did that for a lets see you showing were i have been racist or a bigot to anyone in this forum.....i have many posts it shouldnt be hard to do....lets see how concerned you are....
why dont you show me were i acted like a racist bigot?....and dont use were i said pale fucker above i did that for a lets see you showing were i have been racist or a bigot to anyone in this forum.....i have many posts it shouldnt be hard to do....lets see how concerned you are....
I believe there is a poster on here that said, "If you say you're not a racist, you definitely are a racist." Maybe you ought to look in the mirror instead of trying to justify it.
I don't care what your reason was--it was a racially bigoted remark. If you don't want the name, don't be one.
so you cant find nothing else?.....figures.....well you seem to be one said a few days ago about the new wonder years show....The blackening of "The Wonder Years" is another joke as well. Social engineering run this not racial?.....and you seem to be a bigot,just about anyone who disagrees with you,you call them a moron or a stupid fuck ......yea you are a concerned long as they say something you agree with....
so you cant find nothing else?.....figures.....well you seem to be one said a few days ago about the new wonder years show....The blackening of "The Wonder Years" is another joke as well. Social engineering run this not racial?.....and you seem to be a bigot,just about anyone who disagrees with you,you call them a moron or a stupid fuck ......yea you are a concerned long as they say something you agree with....
I call a rose a rose. If you are a moron, I have no control over it, just like I have no control over your bigotry--other than to call it out. Re: The Wonder Years, a remake of a successful show just to show diversity is doomed. The producers had racist motives when they made it. Don't try to project your racism on me. If you want to do away with racism--quit talking about it and start practicing the golden rule.
I call a rose a rose. If you are a moron, I have no control over it, just like I have no control over your bigotry--other than to call it out. Re: The Wonder Years, a remake of a successful show just to show diversity is doomed. The producers had racist motives when they made it. Don't try to project your racism on me. If you want to do away with racism--quit talking about it and start practicing the golden rule.
so you calling that a joke wasnt racist?....oh thats right things are considered racial as long as someone else says it....but you get a free sound like a fucking die hard liberal.....they think they are better than everyone too....
so you calling that a joke wasnt racist?....oh thats right things are considered racial as long as someone else says it....but you get a free sound like a fucking die hard liberal.....they think they are better than everyone too....
Wrong again. You projecting your problems on others doesn't make them go away. The gaslighting of America from Hollywood doesn't make your point either. Take your racist ass down the road--I don't fall for your gaslighting either.
Wrong again. You projecting your problems on others doesn't make them go away. The gaslighting of America from Hollywood doesn't make your point either. The blackening of "The Wonder Years" is another joke as well. Social engineering run amok
you implied racism because that show is now going to have black characters.....that bothers you or you would not have said does it feel to be called a racist?....
if your saying i said that.....lets see the post.....that sounds like IM2......
Dresden, keep my name out of your mouth. You tried using the words of a black person to make claims about Obama. It is a classic tactic used by racists. That's why I called you a racist. The UnConcerned Citizen has shown his racism on numerous occasions and you rightly called it out. I say that it's about time. So perhaps I could be wrong about you.
I call a rose a rose. If you are a moron, I have no control over it, just like I have no control over your bigotry--other than to call it out. Re: The Wonder Years, a remake of a successful show just to show diversity is doomed. The producers had racist motives when they made it. Don't try to project your racism on me. If you want to do away with racism--quit talking about it and start practicing the golden rule.
There is nothing racist in remaking a show done about modern times that reflects modern reality. The fact is, the original version was racist.
you implied racism because that show is now going to have black characters.....that bothers you or you would not have said does it feel to be called a racist?....
Seems to me that you made a remark about how it was somehow bad to be associated with people from Mexico. No racism there either, eh? As far as what you call me, meh, I don't care. I learned long ago to consider the source and ignore it.
Dresden, keep my name out of your mouth. You tried using the words of a black person to make claims about Obama. It is a classic tactic used by racists. That's why I called you a racist. The UnConcerned Citizen has shown his racism on numerous occasions and you rightly called it out. I say that it's about time. So perhaps I could be wrong about you.
i used your name because i believe you said what he quoted....but like i have told you me were i have ever called you, Obama or any other minority in this forum the names that get thrown around here.....but you are right,the so called concerned one is definitely a bigot.....
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Wrong again. You projecting your problems on others doesn't make them go away. The gaslighting of America from Hollywood doesn't make your point either. Take your racist ass down the road--I don't fall for your gaslighting either.
The gaslighting of America by hollywood was when all their productions were all white. Dresden is correct and he has nailed your racist ass to the cross. Why? Because you're bitching about the fact that a work of TV fiction is going to include black people. The Wonder years was about kids growing up in the 60's and 70's. Black kids did grow up during that time too. I know, because I was one of them. So your having a problem with blacks being part of the show is just pure racism.
i used your name because i believe you said what he quoted....but like i have told you me were i have ever called you, Obama or any other minority in this forum the names that get thrown around here.....but you are right,the so called concerned one is definitely a bigot.....
Racism is not just slurs Harry. But like I said, it looks like I was wrong about you, and I am man enough to say so when the evidence presents itself.
Seems to me that you made a remark about how it was somehow bad to be associated with people from Mexico. No racism there either, eh? As far as what you call me, meh, I don't care. I learned long ago to consider the source and ignore it.
learn to read.....i said its what was said to me because they assumed i was Mexican...i lived for 50 years in a heavily populated Mexican neighborhood...if i didnt like them i would have moved out long ago....if you were not such a bigot you would have read it instead of going by what someone else said....well if you were as concerned as you say you are you would have gone back and made much for your phony name....
The gaslighting of America by hollywood was when all their productions were all white. Dresden is correct and he has nailed your racist ass to the cross. Why? Because you're bitching about the fact that a work of TV fiction is going to include black people. The Wonder years was about kids growing up in the 60's and 70's. Black kids did grow up during that time too. I know, because I was one of them. So your having a problem with blacks being part of the show is just pure racism.
he knows he is wrong....he just jumped into conversation he should have kept his ass out of....
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