Colt Gun Company May Leave Connecticut, Doesn’t Feel Welcome


Sam Waterson quite Law and Order because it got too liberal.

The last thing you want to see on a jury is someone who would actually hold the SHOOTER responsible. That's what you really mean to say.

Sam Waterson never quit Law and Order. He was on the show until it's last episode. He was the second longest serving cast member at 368 episodes. (S. Epatha Merkeson as Lt. Van Buren was first at 391.)

So this guy is upset that people are pointing out children are being slaughtered with his products?

Man, talk about a whiner.

Stanly works is right down the road. They make hammers. More people are killed every year than with so called assault weapons. Is John F. Lundgren (CEO Stanley Works) aware that people are being slaughtered with his products?

Hammers aren't designed to kill people. Assault weapons are.

If you didn't know where it was built, you are really stupid. (Wait, I forgot who I was dealing with here...OF COURSE you're stupid.) Just look at the VIN, first digit will tell you: Mexico is 3. You need to sell it and get a bicycle...that's about your speed, kid.

Guy, I don't work on cars for a living... Or get my employers put out of business when they fire me for incompetence like yours did.

You're lying again! OK, I figured it out: you're actually a 12 year old and just trolling. Your mother actually drives the Ford.

When you actually get a car, the country of origin is on the Monroney label (the window sticker on all new cars), on the door jamb sticker, and can be gotten from the VIN. (1,4, and 5 are US, 3 is Mexico, 2 is Canada,K is Korea, J is Japan, W is Germany.)

And yeah, I was so bad at wrenching that I made a living doing it for about 15 years, and I still do it regularly. (Helping a friend replace an engine in his Feather Duster soon, in fact.)

First, my car was used, not knew. So it didn't have that sticker.

Second, you keep changing your story about your career as a mechanic I kind of lost track...
So this guy is upset that people are pointing out children are being slaughtered with his products?

Man, talk about a whiner.

Stanly works is right down the road. They make hammers. More people are killed every year than with so called assault weapons. Is John F. Lundgren (CEO Stanley Works) aware that people are being slaughtered with his products?

Hammers aren't designed to kill people. Assault weapons are.

True, but neither will kill without human interaction. All my guns just hang out in the safe and my hammers are on my work bench doing nothing.
An AR-15 is statistically less dangerous than a claw hammer regardless of what it was designed to do. And that's the facts, Jack.
By Dusten Carlson
March 21, 2013

Colt Manufacturing is considering leaving the state of Connecticut after being thrust into the limelight in the national debate over gun control and the Second Amendment.

Dennis Veilleux, president and CEO of Colt, said that the pro-gun control climate that has emerged from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has made it difficult to do business in the state of Connecticut, and that the company doesn’t feel welcome despite doing business there for 175 years.

Particularly, proposed legislation by Governor Dannel Malloy has made Colt feel estranged from Connecticut. Such legislation includes a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions, and a ban on the purchase of handguns in bulk.

“At some point, if you can’t sell your products … then you can’t run your business,” Veilleux told Fox News. “You need customers to buy your products to stay in business.”

Colt employs roughly 700 workers in Connecticut, and Veilleux wrote in a recent op-ed that he has only considered pulling operations in the state. There are no “definite plans” to do so, he wrote, but if Malloy’s legislation targeting AR-15 rifles goes through, leaving will be a more realistic option, The AR-15 is the centerpiece of Colt’s business.

If Colt does leave, it’s not without options. Several red state governors have approached Veilleux to relocate, envious of the estimated $1.7 billion in annual contribution to Connecticut’s economy.......


Read more:
Colt Gun Company May Leave Connecticut, Doesn?t Feel Welcome

When they move it won't be to a Blue State like New York, or Colorado.

good for them

i was just reading an article

that Serbu Firearms is not going to sell to the nypd

Serbu Firearms Refuses to Sell .50 Cal Sniper Rifles to NYPD
By Dusten Carlson
March 21, 2013

Colt Manufacturing is considering leaving the state of Connecticut after being thrust into the limelight in the national debate over gun control and the Second Amendment.

Dennis Veilleux, president and CEO of Colt, said that the pro-gun control climate that has emerged from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has made it difficult to do business in the state of Connecticut, and that the company doesn’t feel welcome despite doing business there for 175 years.

Particularly, proposed legislation by Governor Dannel Malloy has made Colt feel estranged from Connecticut. Such legislation includes a new gun offender registry, an expanded assault weapons ban, ammunition restrictions, and a ban on the purchase of handguns in bulk.

“At some point, if you can’t sell your products … then you can’t run your business,” Veilleux told Fox News. “You need customers to buy your products to stay in business.”

Colt employs roughly 700 workers in Connecticut, and Veilleux wrote in a recent op-ed that he has only considered pulling operations in the state. There are no “definite plans” to do so, he wrote, but if Malloy’s legislation targeting AR-15 rifles goes through, leaving will be a more realistic option, The AR-15 is the centerpiece of Colt’s business.

If Colt does leave, it’s not without options. Several red state governors have approached Veilleux to relocate, envious of the estimated $1.7 billion in annual contribution to Connecticut’s economy.......


Read more:
Colt Gun Company May Leave Connecticut, Doesn?t Feel Welcome

When they move it won't be to a Blue State like New York, or Colorado.

Gun store rescinds Mark Kelly's rifle purchase, questions his 'intent'

Store owner Doug MacKinlay said Monday in a Facebook post of his own that he "determined that was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store."
"While I support and respect Mark Kelly's 2nd Amendment rights to purchase, possess, and use firearms in a safe and responsible manner, his recent statements to the media made it clear that his intent in purchasing the Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle from us was for reasons other then for his personal use," MacKinlay said in the statement.
He added that the store will return Kelly's money, donate the rifle to the Arizona Tactical Officers Association to be raffled as a fundraiser and make an additional contribution of $1,295 -- the value of the rifle -- to the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program.
Kelly's purchase of the guns sparked accusations of hypocrisy from gun-rights supporters, with many on Facebook focusing on his motivations and the rules for purchasing such guns. Kelly, a former astronaut, said he intended to eventually hand in the rifle to Tucson police but planned to keep the handgun.
Kelly and Giffords started a gun control advocacy group, Americans for Responsible Solutions, amid the wave of recent mass shootings. They have been touring the country in recent months in support of expanded background checks for gun purchases.
Kelly bought the guns at a Tucson shop the day before he appeared with his wife at the supermarket where she was wounded during a shooting rampage that left six dead and 12 others injured two years ago. Giffords resigned from Congress last year as she continues to recover from her injuries

Gun store rescinds Mark Kelly's rifle purchase, questions his 'intent' | Fox News
I see no reason why Colt shouldn't take their Tax dollars, and the jobs they create to a more friendly environment. I've never understood why Colt and Remington haven't relocated where their companies would be embraced by normal people seeking employment -who aren't afraid of the inanimate objects those companies create. Rather than live amongst the disdain of liberals who loathe them simply because their out of control emotions are trumping their own ability to think rationally.
Stanly works is right down the road. They make hammers. More people are killed every year than with so called assault weapons. Is John F. Lundgren (CEO Stanley Works) aware that people are being slaughtered with his products?

Hammers aren't designed to kill people. Assault weapons are.

True, but neither will kill without human interaction. All my guns just hang out in the safe and my hammers are on my work bench doing nothing.
An AR-15 is statistically less dangerous than a claw hammer regardless of what it was designed to do. And that's the facts, Jack.

Not really. A smaller percentage of hammers owned (most houses have at least one) kill people than the few assault weapons.

And frankly, while there are good reasons to keep a hammer around the house... there's no good reason for you to have a gun.
A state gun?
I wonder what their state screwdriver or wrench is?


the firearms freedom act of South Dakota says

that fireams made in the state and remain in the state

are free of federal regulation

this includes accessories made in the state

such as silencers
Hammers aren't designed to kill people. Assault weapons are.

True, but neither will kill without human interaction. All my guns just hang out in the safe and my hammers are on my work bench doing nothing.
An AR-15 is statistically less dangerous than a claw hammer regardless of what it was designed to do. And that's the facts, Jack.

Not really. A smaller percentage of hammers owned (most houses have at least one) kill people than the few assault weapons.

And frankly, while there are good reasons to keep a hammer around the house... there's no good reason for you to have a gun.

If this place was ever home invaded I would rather have a gun than a hammer.I live 23 miles from town across a county line so it would be more than three hours the way the mountains are here before I would get any police protection...I would never think of calling 911 I would call my neighbors all who own a lot of firearms...The more guns they have the better in my thinking.Americans do defend themselves with guns more than a million times a year I believe not with hammers much...We get private land elk permits and get our meat with firearms not hammers....I kiill coyotes that try to kill our stock with a ruger ranch rifle that would be concidered a assault weapon since it is semi-auto, not with a hammer.....I run off bears that raid our bees,try to kill our goats,or try for a chicken dine dine, not with a hamme,r but with a ruger ranch rifle with it's 20 shot clip....I gun is like a big peoples teddy bear, and makes you feel more secure when your nearest neighbor lives over a mile and a half away......My Grandmother would never even let me go to a 4-H meeting unless I carried going to town....I even carry my little Kahr checking our four miles plus of fence that the elk break down....I don't even run the elf off our alfalfa with a hammer.
From what I have read, it seems the majority of liberals in this thread want to do away with all guns completely. Sheesh, people get a just ain't gonna happen....get over it.

Notice it's all about the children? Look at Chicago, gun ban in place and murders every night.
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True, but neither will kill without human interaction. All my guns just hang out in the safe and my hammers are on my work bench doing nothing.
An AR-15 is statistically less dangerous than a claw hammer regardless of what it was designed to do. And that's the facts, Jack.

Not really. A smaller percentage of hammers owned (most houses have at least one) kill people than the few assault weapons.

And frankly, while there are good reasons to keep a hammer around the house... there's no good reason for you to have a gun.

If this place was ever home invaded I would rather have a gun than a hammer.I live 23 miles from town across a county line so it would be more than three hours the way the mountains are here before I would get any police protection...I would never think of calling 911 I would call my neighbors all who own a lot of firearms...The more guns they have the better in my thinking.Americans do defend themselves with guns more than a million times a year I believe not with hammers much...We get private land elk permits and get our meat with firearms not hammers....I kiill coyotes that try to kill our stock with a ruger ranch rifle that would be concidered a assault weapon since it is semi-auto, not with a hammer.....I run off bears that raid our bees,try to kill our goats,or try for a chicken dine dine, not with a hamme,r but with a ruger ranch rifle with it's 20 shot clip....I gun is like a big peoples teddy bear, and makes you feel more secure when your nearest neighbor lives over a mile and a half away......My Grandmother would never even let me go to a 4-H meeting unless I carried going to town....I even carry my little Kahr checking our four miles plus of fence that the elk break down....I don't even run the elf off our alfalfa with a hammer.

And just how many children have you killed?
Come on, be honest, your amoung friends. :lol:
Our vice Presdient advised people to get a shotgun which is OK I guess but I am not that impressed with how they kill stuff....I have one hid in the barn and was miliking our goats in it once when I saw a coyote right outside the back...I shot it and it rolled over and got up again shot it with the other barrel and it went down again but it still had enough of the devil in it to make it into the oak brush before it expired.
A Ruger Ranch Rifle or even an AR 15 whatever they are, is much better than the Stoeger coach shotgun for doing away with something,even with number one buck in it.The Stoeger kicks like hell also, unlike a semi-auto or so called assault gun..
Not really. A smaller percentage of hammers owned (most houses have at least one) kill people than the few assault weapons.

And frankly, while there are good reasons to keep a hammer around the house... there's no good reason for you to have a gun.

If this place was ever home invaded I would rather have a gun than a hammer.I live 23 miles from town across a county line so it would be more than three hours the way the mountains are here before I would get any police protection...I would never think of calling 911 I would call my neighbors all who own a lot of firearms...The more guns they have the better in my thinking.Americans do defend themselves with guns more than a million times a year I believe not with hammers much...We get private land elk permits and get our meat with firearms not hammers....I kiill coyotes that try to kill our stock with a ruger ranch rifle that would be concidered a assault weapon since it is semi-auto, not with a hammer.....I run off bears that raid our bees,try to kill our goats,or try for a chicken dine dine, not with a hamme,r but with a ruger ranch rifle with it's 20 shot clip....I gun is like a big peoples teddy bear, and makes you feel more secure when your nearest neighbor lives over a mile and a half away......My Grandmother would never even let me go to a 4-H meeting unless I carried going to town....I even carry my little Kahr checking our four miles plus of fence that the elk break down....I don't even run the elf off our alfalfa with a hammer.

And just how many children have you killed?
Come on, be honest, your amoung friends. :lol:

""""How many children have you killed?""""......Like 99.999 percent of gun owners, that has never even entered my mind...Just as most auto owners have never ran over a child on purpose, even tho' some have.....Bet it has not entered your mind either.

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