Come on Republicans........Don’t you think it is time to Impeach?


was the use of deadly force necessary, or warranted?

At what point did deadly force against the Trump mob become necessary?
It wasn’t when they stormed the Capitol grounds
It wasn‘t when the breached the barricades
It wasn’t when they were taking selfie’s in the Rotunda or occupying Nancy Pelosi‘s desk
The final line of defense was the House chamber where Congressmen were being protected against a mob screaming for their head.

The Trump mob was repeatedly warned to withdraw or face deadly force. They proceeded

The "Mob" should have been fired on the second they started breaking windows and breaking down doors. As well as scaling the walls to the second floor.

true, when they are committing crimes then the police need to take control or they will lose the war quickly. The riots over the summer proved that. Where the rioting was dealt with head on, it turned peaceful after that, where rioters were left to riot, it didn't stop and now look at Portland and their mayor, Antifa and BLM have turned on him.

We need to end the stupidity, protest to your hearts content, rioting can get you hurt.

No, the rioting just needs to greatly increase until the corrupt police stop trying to murder innocent people, and instead arrest the corrupt politicians in congress who are the real murderers.
How many millions have Congress illegally murdered, such as the 3 million Vietnamese we killed, the half million Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Syrians, Egyptians, Lebanese, etc.?
How many have we killed or illegally incarcerated with the War on Drugs.
Where is our due process and fair trial when there are illegal laws like 3 Strikes?

was the use of deadly force necessary, or warranted?

At what point did deadly force against the Trump mob become necessary?
It wasn’t when they stormed the Capitol grounds
It wasn‘t when the breached the barricades
It wasn’t when they were taking selfie’s in the Rotunda or occupying Nancy Pelosi‘s desk
The final line of defense was the House chamber where Congressmen were being protected against a mob screaming for their head.

The Trump mob was repeatedly warned to withdraw or face deadly force. They proceeded

The "Mob" should have been fired on the second they started breaking windows and breaking down doors. As well as scaling the walls to the second floor.
No, they should not die for breaking stuff up

But the Capitol Police is sworn to protect Congress at all costs
Once they started breaking down the doors to the House chamber, there was no further way to protect the remaining members of Congress from an angry Trump mob.

I go back to my Military days on this one. If your group tries to forcibly enter a sensitive area, you get dead real fast. I put the Congressional Building on the same footing as a military restricted area. For those of us that have had the fun experience of having a SP or MP slam his action closed with a growl, we know what it's like. Did you know that even when the Tarmac is 150 degrees, a person can go completely horizontal even before they hit the cement? I know I can.
I agree

But I think to the Capitol Police, the Capitol grounds were not a sensitive perimeter to be defended

The House Chamber was the last line of defense to protect Congressmen. It was defended with lethal force
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do
Don’t you think it is time to Impeach?

No, why do you ask? He's leaving in a few days, you want to spend millions of taxpayers hard earned money for what?

What an idiotic waste of bandwidth with this thread
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

The nations was divided and destroyed as a democratic republic, long ago.
When politicians and media conspired with things like "Remember the Maine", it was already over.
And it is constant.
From Vietnam, Iraq WMD, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.
The whole War on Drugs is totally and completely illegal.
The 3 Strikes laws violate the Bill of Rights.
There are hardly any things congress does that are not totally illegal.
For example, find a legal justification for federal gun control in the constitution.
Can't be done.
Trump might have burned his bridges with Trump sicking his flock on Pence at the capital...

I used to think he would have Pence temporarily take the presidential reigns, and Pardon Trump for his crimes....

Trump will pardon himself, he doesn't need Pence.
He might do it, but it is NOT constitutional...

No man can be a judge in his own case.

And no man, is above the law.

And the Constitution spells out when a president should be CHARGED for their crimes....

He CAN NOT grant a pardon, to himself.

If he does, then congress will SUE HIM, to get it to the Supreme court, that will, without doubt, rule it unconstitutional....

But anyway, pardoning himself, will FORCE congress to sue, which forces them to investigate his crimes and bring them out in to the open etc...

He would have been better off by resigning and having Pence pardoning him, which would and could, not be challenged.

Good grief, if pardoning himself is unConstitutional then you have nothing to worry about because
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!

That seems like the best way to handle this mess.
Doesn't mean he won't do it...and it will take months to to mitigate....
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

Your hypocrisy is pathetic and a massive lie, it was a two party failure to exert the needed good leadership to settle the nation down, many problems were unaddressed adequately as the politicians and the media playing the blame game.

The rank lies and 4 year running attack on Trump, the unending riots and occupation that mayors and governors poorly handled, the unending media lies over China virus, the whining attacks over the "slow" vaccine process, the unending media lies over what the Trump administrations does, the numerous petty attacks on the President himself, the blatant disrespect to the office is damaging.

America is a low level, low quality leadership nation and a crybaby whining population who prefers partisan politics over working out the difference and compromise.
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

You have this totally backwards.
The nation should have resisted being muzzled and manipulated by corrupt politicians decades ago.
This bursting forth of public emotions was long over due, and should be encouraged.
It is congress who needs to be held accountable for their constant crimes, ranging from illegal foreign wars, to domestic wars on the poor, like the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, etc.

was the use of deadly force necessary, or warranted?

At what point did deadly force against the Trump mob become necessary?
It wasn’t when they stormed the Capitol grounds
It wasn‘t when the breached the barricades
It wasn’t when they were taking selfie’s in the Rotunda or occupying Nancy Pelosi‘s desk
The final line of defense was the House chamber where Congressmen were being protected against a mob screaming for their head.

The Trump mob was repeatedly warned to withdraw or face deadly force. They proceeded

Deadly force was NEVER justified or legal.
That is because there was no deadly threat.
There were no open weapons.
If one wanted to make an ultimatum, saying that the mob goes no further, a single shot into the floor would have sufficed.
But instead they decided to fire into the neck of Ashli, which was deliberately 1st degree murder.
The entire congress should be charged with murder and all arrested.

The occupation was totally and completely legal.
It was the public taking back their own public building.
The 1st amendment guarantees their right to do so.
And it is about time.
Congress is the most criminal conspiracy in the whole world.
We need to do a lot more to end their crimes, like remove all the troops they illegal put all over the globe, free all those they illegal imprisoned, like the War on Drugs, 3 strikes, gun control, etc.

And if not for the criminals in congress, we could then finally get the public health care we deserve.

You raise some interesting points I had not thought of. Thank you for a different perspective and raising some good Constitutional points. Wednesday got me thinking about the American Revolution and the shot heard around the world and the formation of this country. Britain's own citizens rose up against them. Wednesday America's own citizen's rose up against them.

I see parallels and I see major differences, but thanks again for getting me to think more about this whole situation.
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

Your hypocrisy is pathetic and a massive lie, it was a two party failure to exert the needed good leadership to settle the nation down, many problems were unaddressed adequately as the politicians and the media playing the blame game.

The rank lies and 4 year running attack on Trump, the unending riots and occupation that mayors and governors poorly handled, the unending media lies over China virus, the whining attacks over the "slow" vaccine process, the unending media lies over what the Trump administrations does, the numerous petty attacks on the President himself, the blatant disrespect to the office is damaging.

America is a low level, low quality leadership nation and a crybaby whining population who prefers partisan politics over working out the difference and compromise.
Sorry Tommy
Not playing your “Gubmint is evil” game
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

Your hypocrisy is pathetic and a massive lie, it was a two party failure to exert the needed good leadership to settle the nation down, many problems were unaddressed adequately as the politicians and the media playing the blame game.

The rank lies and 4 year running attack on Trump, the unending riots and occupation that mayors and governors poorly handled, the unending media lies over China virus, the whining attacks over the "slow" vaccine process, the unending media lies over what the Trump administrations does, the numerous petty attacks on the President himself, the blatant disrespect to the office is damaging.

America is a low level, low quality leadership nation and a crybaby whining population who prefers partisan politics over working out the difference and compromise.
Sorry Tommy
Not playing your “Gubmint is evil” game

Ha ha ha, that is why you are blind, willfully blind.

The war on drugs is a great example of expensive government screw up. The massively oversize paternalistic industrial military complex is another screw up. The massive Pork Barrel, a long known spending problem. The ever growing entitlement budget swallowing up the "income" of the treasury, now at 72% of the entire budget and still growing AUTOMATICALLY, a massive fail coming in the future. Eventually it will be just two budget items Entitlements and Military, then a massive economic crash comes, it is inevitable. Congress will become useless after that.

Yup you are willfully blind.
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

The nation was divided long before Trump even announced his candidacy. Sanders and Trump during the primaries were big hits because they keyed in on those that felt unheard and ignored by the establishment political systems.

Trump keyed in on the division and exploited it, but the divide has, is and will be there until we address the problems of the working class and why they feel so alienated. Sanders knows this as well, his solutions maybe to radical for most Americans.

I don't see Congress going along with this idea of impeaching other than the extreme left but I think it is harmful to the country.
Is it because of 2024?

Distract from COVID BILL?

Distract from voter fraud?

Blood lust?

What is the point of wasting time on impeachment with less than 2 weeks to go DURING A PANDEMIC! (Dems love to say that)

Because they have no class.

Because they are totalitarians.

Because they are hypocrites.

The problem is the Pubs are too weak and limp wristed to impeach after the midterms.

They had better get the Dem voter fraud handled or they will never win another big election
It's time to checkmate capture the King.

If the trumpkins would dress up a few of their heathens as Antifa and assassinate Donald, they could start a civil war, but then they'd have nothing to fight for.

All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

Your hypocrisy is pathetic and a massive lie, it was a two party failure to exert the needed good leadership to settle the nation down, many problems were unaddressed adequately as the politicians and the media playing the blame game.

The rank lies and 4 year running attack on Trump, the unending riots and occupation that mayors and governors poorly handled, the unending media lies over China virus, the whining attacks over the "slow" vaccine process, the unending media lies over what the Trump administrations does, the numerous petty attacks on the President himself, the blatant disrespect to the office is damaging.

America is a low level, low quality leadership nation and a crybaby whining population who prefers partisan politics over working out the difference and compromise.
Sorry Tommy
Not playing your “Gubmint is evil” game

Ha ha ha, that is why you are blind, willfully blind.

The war on drugs is a great example of expensive government screw up. The massively oversize paternalistic industrial military complex is another screw up. The massive Pork Barrel, a long known spending problem. The ever growing entitlement budget swallowing up the "income" of the treasury, now at 72% of the entire budget and still growing AUTOMATICALLY, a massive fail coming in the future. Eventually it will be just two budget items Entitlements and Military, then a massive economic crash comes, it is inevitable. Congress will become useless after that.

Yup you are willfully blind.
Still not playing
It is your mania that participated in the attack on Tuesday
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

Your hypocrisy is pathetic and a massive lie, it was a two party failure to exert the needed good leadership to settle the nation down, many problems were unaddressed adequately as the politicians and the media playing the blame game.

The rank lies and 4 year running attack on Trump, the unending riots and occupation that mayors and governors poorly handled, the unending media lies over China virus, the whining attacks over the "slow" vaccine process, the unending media lies over what the Trump administrations does, the numerous petty attacks on the President himself, the blatant disrespect to the office is damaging.

America is a low level, low quality leadership nation and a crybaby whining population who prefers partisan politics over working out the difference and compromise.
Sorry Tommy
Not playing your “Gubmint is evil” game

Ha ha ha, that is why you are blind, willfully blind.

The war on drugs is a great example of expensive government screw up. The massively oversize paternalistic industrial military complex is another screw up. The massive Pork Barrel, a long known spending problem. The ever growing entitlement budget swallowing up the "income" of the treasury, now at 72% of the entire budget and still growing AUTOMATICALLY, a massive fail coming in the future. Eventually it will be just two budget items Entitlements and Military, then a massive economic crash comes, it is inevitable. Congress will become useless after that.

Yup you are willfully blind.
Still not playing
It is your mania that participated in the attack on Tuesday
It was a mostly peaceful protest.
All this would do is deepen a divide and not work to heal a nation that is divided and create more tension.

Trump has divided the nation
He needs to be held accountable regardless of the time left

Your hypocrisy is pathetic and a massive lie, it was a two party failure to exert the needed good leadership to settle the nation down, many problems were unaddressed adequately as the politicians and the media playing the blame game.

The rank lies and 4 year running attack on Trump, the unending riots and occupation that mayors and governors poorly handled, the unending media lies over China virus, the whining attacks over the "slow" vaccine process, the unending media lies over what the Trump administrations does, the numerous petty attacks on the President himself, the blatant disrespect to the office is damaging.

America is a low level, low quality leadership nation and a crybaby whining population who prefers partisan politics over working out the difference and compromise.
Sorry Tommy
Not playing your “Gubmint is evil” game

Ha ha ha, that is why you are blind, willfully blind.

The war on drugs is a great example of expensive government screw up. The massively oversize paternalistic industrial military complex is another screw up. The massive Pork Barrel, a long known spending problem. The ever growing entitlement budget swallowing up the "income" of the treasury, now at 72% of the entire budget and still growing AUTOMATICALLY, a massive fail coming in the future. Eventually it will be just two budget items Entitlements and Military, then a massive economic crash comes, it is inevitable. Congress will become useless after that.

Yup you are willfully blind.
Still not playing
It is your mania that participated in the attack on Tuesday

Now you are lying about me, since I never supported the "stolen election" claim, been attacking Trump over his election arguments for the last month right here on this forum. never supported his rally in D.C. either, I am an Independent who doesn't support the leader free democrat or republican parties.

Why don't you stop LYING and stop ignoring legitimate concerns about the divided and bad leadership of the government!
Trump might have burned his bridges with Trump sicking his flock on Pence at the capital...

I used to think he would have Pence temporarily take the presidential reigns, and Pardon Trump for his crimes....

Trump will pardon himself, he doesn't need Pence.
He might do it, but it is NOT constitutional...

No man can be a judge in his own case.

And no man, is above the law.

And the Constitution spells out when a president should be CHARGED for their crimes....

He CAN NOT grant a pardon, to himself.

If he does, then congress will SUE HIM, to get it to the Supreme court, that will, without doubt, rule it unconstitutional....

But anyway, pardoning himself, will FORCE congress to sue, which forces them to investigate his crimes and bring them out in to the open etc...

He would have been better off by resigning and having Pence pardoning him, which would and could, not be challenged.

Good grief, if pardoning himself is unConstitutional then you have nothing to worry about because
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!

That seems like the best way to handle this mess.
Doesn't mean he won't do it...and it will take months to to mitigate....

Everything in Washington DC takes months to mitigate. Our whole justice system takes it's time to mitigate. I don't see him pardoning himself as he hasn't been accused of anything and you can't pardon an impeachment.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do
Imo it's unnecessary and merely pique and anger. Worse, the dems House maj is razor thin, and while they have chances of improving their senate position, Ossoff has to run in 22. They won. Do the people's biz with a bipartisan sprit to shore up soc sec. There'd possible be some support for "adjusting" the gop tax cut to pay for more educ and even HC support. Reduce spending where possible. Reduce the deficits. That's how they can keep the Never Trump voters, and even get some of the Latino men who supported the guy.

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