Come on Republicans........Don’t you think it is time to Impeach?

You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
A censure won’t take away the nuclear codes from this clearly insane man.

censure won’t keep him from running again. Surely you have eight wingnut a to run who aren’t sociopaths
I hope he launches them today.
All these voter fraud claims are all fun and games until someone dies.

Republicans shirked off the claims as harmless political gamesmanship until Tuesday. Trump called for an angry mob to March on Congress and stop them from affirming Biden. An angry mob that believed the lies he told them

A woman came from California because she believed his lies. The woman tried to breach the House Chamber because she believed the lies. She died because she believed President Trump.
This morning we learned a policeman died trying to fight off the Trump mob.

It is no longer harmless fun and games. What Trump has done is a high crime and misdemeanor

Hold him responsible for once in his life
Biden hates him and should go after him.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
Trump deserves it, but it's a toss up. Stir up the Trumpers again with a new situation to defend, an other hill to die on, prolong the general misery and acrimony between his supporters and his detractors....or... make sure there's no possibility he will hold office again.

I guess the people in DC with their ear to the ground know better than me if that is a real threat at this point. They couldn't stop him in 2016, so maybe it is worth another year of hate, anger and bullshit being flung around to make sure we'll never have an instant replay.

I don't know.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
A censure won’t take away the nuclear codes from this clearly insane man.

censure won’t keep him from running again. Surely you have eight wingnut a to run who aren’t sociopaths

Jillian, I am more worried about the possible bloodshed of innocent people and no I am not writing about Trump base but who Trump base will kill if he is Impeached and Removed...

No matter which direction this nation turns and the choice our officials make it will not stop what is coming and I fear more deaths will come...
We cannot fear his followers, and must stand up to them.
An answer to the hate and intimidation. Deal with it, there are 80 million Trump supporters.
74 million voted for Trump
81 million voted for him to leave
Those were illegal votes and our so called leaders looked the other way. Our courts refused to hear evidence. And the media lied through their teeth like they have been for 30 years.

Ivanka's kids know Mandarin, do you? They are your new boss, you sorry excuse for a man and even a sorrier American.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

In what manner did Trump launch an insurrection against the US Congress?

If Trump really wanted to launch an insurrection, which is code you're easily offended, don't you think more than a few hundred Trump supporters, nut cases & left anarchists would have showed up for the party? That's rhetorical, kidding about thinking.

People died needlessly because of it. Sounds like you're having a wet dream

Who had ongoing TDS for 2021?
Glad you asked

In his misguided attempt to avoid having to admit defeat, Trump created a misinformation campaign claiming that he had been cheated in a corrupt election

As his final act of desperation, he called a rally of his supporters, told them they were being cheated, Democracy was in jeopardy that THEY a needed to do something to save it.

He specifically told them to march on Congress, stop them from stealing the election and even threw his own Vice President to the wolves.

He then stood back and watched the carnage

People died fighting for his false claims
the Evidence shows that he was cheated-------------the numbers don't lie-------and things like idiot dems allowing other idiots dems to use their address to claim residency-------and flipping votes are definately fraud .
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
A censure won’t take away the nuclear codes from this clearly insane man.

censure won’t keep him from running again. Surely you have eight wingnut a to run who aren’t sociopaths

Jillian, I am more worried about the possible bloodshed of innocent people and no I am not writing about Trump base but who Trump base will kill if he is Impeached and Removed...

No matter which direction this nation turns and the choice our officials make it will not stop what is coming and I fear more deaths will come...
We cannot fear his followers, and must stand up to them.
Instead of persecuting them?
A censure won’t take away the nuclear codes from this clearly insane man.

censure won’t keep him from running again. Surely you have eight wingnut a to run who aren’t sociopaths
One can only wonder what could be going through a person's mind, to arrive at lunacy like this.

Now that America was made great again (partially), we might be descending into the pit of leftist lunacies run amok, and with free & fair elections eradicated, we might have to enact a second American revolution.

The Democrats will not agree to separate themselves from sane America, as needs to be done, because they need the tax $$$ from Republicans to finance their expensive welfare giveaways.
America was not made great again, it was turned into an embarrassment.

Here is your Democratic agenda.
Hate to tell you but if you live in America, Joe Biden is going to be your President.
Suck it up cupcake.
You were born in a barn and raised by wolves, I see. Out you go!
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To show, no man is ABOVE the law, including the President.

And no, he can NOT constitutionally PARDON HIMSELF for his own crimes...

can you imagine if every president could commit all the crimes they wanted while in office, because they knew they could just pardon themselves... even for murder?
There is nothing in the law that prevents him from pardoning himself. Stop making up chit.
Sure there is... in the constitution it dictates presidents SHALL BE prosecuted for their crimes after they are impeached from office or simply no longer in office.

There would be no specifics on this, if the Founders believed a president could simply pardon themselves....

The constitution makes clear, no man including the president is above the law.

The DOJ established under Nixon, a president can NOT pardon himself, due to the law standard of no man can judge in his own cause. He can not make the judgement that he himself should be given a pardon. Nixon tried, but was legally advised, that he could so.... that is why he resigned and Ford pardoned him.

And the constitution says a pardon is a grant. People are granted pardons by the President. GRANT is a term used legally, as a gift given, to someone else.... not yourself.

AGAIN...The founders did NOT give presidents the power to pardon themselves for federal crimes they committed....They gave instructions on how they SHALL be prosecuted for their crimes.

When Trump pardons himself, he does so illegally and he will be contested on it, and with no doubt, the supreme court will side with the founders and their constitutional intent....

We are a nation of laws, not men...

And no man, is above the law.
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But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

That's not obvious. I don't think they can do the 25th Amendment thing because Trump would appeal to Congress and unless Pence got 2/3 of both House and Senate, which he cannot, for ousting Trump, they never would even get him out from behind the Oval Office desk, never mind out of the Presidency. This was a brilliantly written Amendment that does stop any political putsch of this sort, but makes it very, very easy to replace the prez if he's in a coma or kidnapped. You can do it in five minutes, but the Prez, if conscious and yelling and hollering, can get his status back also very quickly: they don't have 2/3 vote of both houses for this, I don't believe that.

I don't expect him to resign, though I guess we're all learning we're bad predictors!

Impeachment --- I don't think so because 1. Pelosi has already waited too long. A thing like this HAS to be done in the first three days, preferably the first day! or it can't be done at all because people will stop it. 2. She has to have her votes all counted beforehand, including in the Senate, and it has to be 2/3 Senate but the Senate is NOT Democratic yet.

All the same ---------------------- if Trump gets frisky again and gets up to mischief (I think I mean "says boo to a goose") they might impeach him suddenly.

I wonder if they are really getting their ducks in a line in case they decide to do that suddenly. Trump better spend this two weeks being very, very quiet. I don't think he has a lot of leeway.
Will Impeachment succeed ?
Probably not
There are still Republicans who will allow Trump to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue

Doesnt mean you shouldn’t try anyway. Make Republicans who hid in the basement during the attack declare that they have no concern with Trump precipitating the attack.

Mostly, it becomes a part of the Congressional Record and opens up formal discussion of the attack.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
If you impeach he cannot hold public office again.

He was impeached earlier last year and ran again this year, that blows your claim that if he is impeached he can't hold office.
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Trump incited a riot? Where? How?

You don't think that was a riot at the Capitol on Wednesday ... that's stupid ... oh right, white people don't riot, only black people ... ignorant racist ...
Most of the people protesting were peaceful protestors and nothing more----------I watched as they waited and showed manners to one another and that they didn't set the building on fire. Invading Pelosis office and sitting at her desk is not the same as burning businesses down and attacking innocent people on the street demanding money while also looting tvs. I am sorry that you are really so ignorant that you can't see the truth.

Libs trespass in the same building all the time---they have to be handcuffed and often carried out of the building because they refuse to leave------but yet they get a pass from prejudice idiots like yourself as you act like sitting in pelosi's desk is somehow so much more evil. We have the right to protest---------especially when our protest is legite over fraudulent votes unlike you pussy hat freaks whining that men should be allowed in the little girls rooms.
It was all fun and games until people were killed
It was not an innocent lark in the Capitol Building.

They were physically looking to find Congressmen. The woman who was shot was trying to forcefully enter an area where Congressmen were being protected. There were Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs found. There was a gallows erected outside.

A police officer was killed by having a fire extinguisher smashed on his head.

It was more than protestors having fun and taking selfies
Joe Biden will be your president.
I suggest you get used to the idea.

Not mine............

Guess what you don't get to choose for me?

Lots of things. That's one of them.
Hate to tell you but if you live in America, Joe Biden is going to be your President.
Suck it up cupcake.

Many on the left denied that Trump was their President, so I see nothing wrong with people on the right denying Biden as their President.

I think it is foolish and laughed at the left for it and I'll laugh at the right as well however I see nothing wrong with it. BTW, can you show us the post when you told lefties the same?
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
If you impeach he cannot hold public office again.

He was impeached last year and ran again this year, that blows your claim that if he is impeached he can't hold office.
Not just impeached, also convicted in the Senate. Can't run again, if convicted, I believe the rule is. Huh. Maybe he could RUN again, but not take office ever again. It's something like that, anyway.

I can't see that as a good reason to impeach and get everyone all upset. He IS showing ---------- let's say, some wear and tear -------- and he'll be four years older in four years. I'd say, take the chance, let it go.

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