Comer’s Hunter Witness Who Went Missing is a Chinese Agent

What do you IMAGINE is on the tapes? Your entire legal argument is just you making shit up.

Good luck using your imagination as a legal standard.
What ever the president is briefed about classified included
Your desperately ignoring the fact I just pointed out the west wing is where the president is briefed and bill was recording those conversations
I remember a president who left office over taped conversations
I haven’t ignored it. I’ve stated it’s irrelevant.

You are desperately ignoring the fact that the tapes are not classified government documents and the judge did not say the president has authority to keep classified documents.
Nothing imaginary about it are you playing stupid

There's nothing but your imagination that there was classified information on the book tapes.

No one in the case you refuse to read makes this argument. Nor did the court EVER find that a president can designate that classified national security docs are personal records.

You're your only source is you. And you don't know shit.
What ever the president is briefed about classified included

Says you, citing yourself. And you don't know shit. Again and again, you're offering us your imagination as a legal standard. And no one gives the slightest shit what you've made up.

Including the court.

You don't even know what the Clinton Tapes actually are. You seem to think that someone just turned on a tape recorder in the oval office and left it on.

Um, no. Read the ruling and get back to us. You're too ignorant to discuss the topic intelligently.
You are an idiot what happens in the west wing?
Why am I an idiot, Det. COLUMBO?
There are meetings in the West Wing. Also, offices for the President's staff. The Oval Office is the centerpiece of the West Wing.
Anything else, Detective?
maybe. not helpful when claiming to be an expert. but what can i say. i don't claim to be the expert. i don't need to.
Every single leftard on this board claims to be an expert, on everything ranging from sociology to the rules of evidence.

The difference between them and me is, I can back up my bullshit, and they can't.

You can ask me about any area in which I claim expertise, and I will share expert level knowledge with you. Leftards can't do that, they'll run away or try to ridicule you so they don't lose face.

The FUNNY thing is, leftards still think they have any face to lose. But they don't. That horse left the stable a long time ago.

Listen to the leftards whining about other peoples' accomplishments. It's all they've got, this is how low they've sunk.

If I told these idiots my real life story it would make their heads explode. Poor libtards... it must be awful being trapped in libworld.
Oh, has he admitted it? No. Or has he been convicted of it? No.

How convenient that Reichsleiter Merrick Garland has this done a few days after the guy made his video about the Biden's.\
If the man is a criminal, he must be prosecuted, period.
Congress needs to give him immunity to testify.

Congress can't give immunity for criminal acts.
If the man is a criminal, he must be prosecuted, period.

Congress can't give immunity for criminal acts.

Nor is prosecution and testimony mutually exclusive. He can be prosecuted AND he can testify.
thats funny,, hunter biden is also an unregistered foreign agent for china along with a few other countries,,,,

since hunter gets a pass this guy has nothing to worry about,, right??
They are not prosecuting the guy for FARA violation alone. There are more serious crimes, and when they do that, they slap on other lesser crimes. Hunter didn't have a slew of more significant chargeable crimes.

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