Comey Calls The Big Orange Head A Liar. Well Duh!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Big Orange Head has proven himself to be a liar, and did so long before he had any notion of running for president. Becoming President didn't suddenly make him honest, if anything, he now lies even more.

Those who voted for the liar have already forgotten (or deny) most of the lies he told during his campaign. But it is obvious they believed all the lies he told them. His lies were why they voted for him.

Conservatives can deny the Big Orange Head’s lies, just as they deny all other facts that make them uncomfortable. But, denial does not make lies, or the truth, go away. And the truth is, Big Orange is a fu*king liar. Case closed.

(And for the conservatives that want to deflect by saying Hillary lied, don't forget, she isn't the POTUS.)

James Comey Just Called President Trump A Liar



Well let me think about this. Should I believe a career patriot who has served through Dem and Rep administrations......or a shady businessman/reality tv guy who lies constantly, ran a sham university to rip off people, has zero experience in govt, looks like a tangerine.

Well it should be easy for anyone to figure this out. Oh wait, republicans actually voted for this guy and defend him?
LOL Trumpettes disagree, everything their Donald says is true true true. Trump is their Santa Claus and they listen listen listen.

Polifacts on Trump statements

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Someone told me his children seemed so nice, in truth they are like him, fake tweets and all.

Trump profited from kids cancer charity, report says

And clinton profited from the haitian earthquake. Pretty good book/video about it called 'clinton cash'. Give them a try instead of posting from lack of knowledge. I'll stick with the guy who isn't a professional politician and isn't tied to dozens of murders and money scams like the clintons are.

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