Comey retires ...

Comey as the director of the FBI should not have been playing politics in July or now. Never again will a president reach across party lines to find a qualified candidate to fill any significant post. He should resign out of principle regardless of what anyone says. Imo he has proven he has no principles, so I doubt he will. If Hillary wins President Obama should ask for his resignation.
after the election, in three days or less he steps down ... he fucked up, and that's the only way he can fade the heat.

write that down too ..

Do you have link to verify that? I agree he was sitting in Loretta Lynch's office the other, probably discussing his resignation--but I think it's going to be a lot more serious for Comey that just walking out the door and saying bye bye.

Be assured that when Democrats take over the Senate he will be up in front of a congressional senate judicial hearing discussing his actions, and they may seek charges and prosecute him for violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

They won't charge him with violating the Hatch act, they'll grill him though to score political points.

I think he is going to be charged. EVERYTHING that he has been looking for in the last year regarding Hillary Clinton emails--he did to himself with one single letter, and one single email.

1. Comey was notified by the DOJ to NOT send a letter to congress. He was told that it was strictly against DOJ protocol to make an announcement like this within 60 days of an election. Without one single shred of evidence, without even having these emails in his possession, and while acknowledging there may nothing significant in them, he made this announcement. (this is the warning--the knowledge of wrong doing.)

2. Then in an email, on the same day, when he was questioned by his aids about his motive for doing this 11 days prior to an election he stated this:

“Of course we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed,” Comey wrote. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
EXCLUSIVE: Comey memo to FBI staffers says election, timing required disclosure of renewed probe

That proves INTENT to intervene into a National Election, or partisan politics which is in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

This is a slam dunk prosecution of James Comey. He had knowledge he was doing wrong and then he explains his INTENT.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

He has certainly tried to influence the election, as had Putin.

We used to call this espionage. Now we call it right wing politics as usual.
after the election, in three days or less he steps down ... he fucked up, and that's the only way he can fade the heat.

write that down too ..

Do you have link to verify that? I agree he was sitting in Loretta Lynch's office the other, probably discussing his resignation--but I think it's going to be a lot more serious for Comey that just walking out the door and saying bye bye.

Be assured that when Democrats take over the Senate he will be up in front of a congressional senate judicial hearing discussing his actions, and they may seek charges and prosecute him for violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

They won't charge him with violating the Hatch act, they'll grill him though to score political points.

I think he is going to be charged. EVERYTHING that he has been looking for in the last year regarding Hillary Clinton emails--he did to himself with one single letter, and one single email.

1. Comey was notified by the DOJ to NOT send a letter to congress. He was told that it was strictly against DOJ protocol to make an announcement like this within 60 days of an election. Without one single shred of evidence, without even having these emails in his possession, and while acknowledging there may nothing significant in them, he made this announcement. (this is the warning--the knowledge of wrong doing.)

2. Then in an email, on the same day, when he was questioned by his aids about his motive for doing this 11 days prior to an election he stated this:

“Of course we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed,” Comey wrote. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
EXCLUSIVE: Comey memo to FBI staffers says election, timing required disclosure of renewed probe

That proves INTENT to intervene into a National Election, or partisan politics which is in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

This is a slam dunk prosecution of James Comey. He had knowledge he was doing wrong and then he explains his INTENT.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was closed and something came up to re-open it. If he didn't amend his testimony and inform Congress, he'd be guilty of false testimony.
of course all the dipshit RW message board idiots are correct, and all of the legal pundits appearing on network, and cable TV all over the country are wrong ..

gee, who knew

But it will look very bad for him...

Not to his base.

Look at the Khmer Rouge members here, they are incensed that the FBI would DARE to uphold the law. They see corruption as the right thing to do.

Shit, one of these fucking morons claimed that Comey should be "ashamed" for upholding the law.

The democrats are not a party, they are a criminal conspiracy. Corruption is the ONLY platform of the democrats.

comey didn't "uphold the law", he violated the hatch act. mumbling about emails he hadn't even read which are probably duplicates of what he already read.

funny how you loons thought he was a criminal when he correctly stated that there was nothing to charge Hillary Clinton with for your orange sociopath
Comey was discussed after his testimony in Congress and it was agreed that he made his comments in such a way that everyone knew he would have liked to indict the Sow but he didn't want to be found dead of a suicide with 12 bullets to the back of his head. I think he has vindicated himself and I want to see HiLiary dragged away in handcuffs. Prison food would help slim down that fat ass of hers.
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election
Comey as the director of the FBI should not have been playing politics in July or now. Never again will a president reach across party lines to find a qualified candidate to fill any significant post. He should resign out of principle regardless of what anyone says. Imo he has proven he has no principles, so I doubt he will. If Hillary wins President Obama should ask for his resignation.
I would give him the benefit of the doubt until his investigation is completed. If he does find significant violations, then he was justified in calling attention prior to the election
However, if he comes up dry, he needs to resign
after the election, in three days or less he steps down ... he fucked up, and that's the only way he can fade the heat.

write that down too ..

Do you have link to verify that? I agree he was sitting in Loretta Lynch's office the other, probably discussing his resignation--but I think it's going to be a lot more serious for Comey that just walking out the door and saying bye bye.

Be assured that when Democrats take over the Senate he will be up in front of a congressional senate judicial hearing discussing his actions, and they may seek charges and prosecute him for violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

They won't charge him with violating the Hatch act, they'll grill him though to score political points.

I think he is going to be charged. EVERYTHING that he has been looking for in the last year regarding Hillary Clinton emails--he did to himself with one single letter, and one single email.

1. Comey was notified by the DOJ to NOT send a letter to congress. He was told that it was strictly against DOJ protocol to make an announcement like this within 60 days of an election. Without one single shred of evidence, without even having these emails in his possession, and while acknowledging there may nothing significant in them, he made this announcement. (this is the warning--the knowledge of wrong doing.)

2. Then in an email, on the same day, when he was questioned by his aids about his motive for doing this 11 days prior to an election he stated this:

“Of course we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed,” Comey wrote. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
EXCLUSIVE: Comey memo to FBI staffers says election, timing required disclosure of renewed probe

That proves INTENT to intervene into a National Election, or partisan politics which is in violation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

This is a slam dunk prosecution of James Comey. He had knowledge he was doing wrong and then he explains his INTENT.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia

Comey had testified to Congress that the investigation was closed and something came up to re-open it. If he didn't amend his testimony and inform Congress, he'd be guilty of false testimony.

No, he would not be guilty of false testimony if circumstances changed since he testified.
If a possible violation of federal law under the jurisdiction of the FBI has occurred, the Bureau will conduct an investigation. The information and evidence gathered in the course of that investigation are then presented to the appropriate U.S. Attorney or Department of Justice official, who will determine whether or not prosecution or further action is warranted. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, evidence is either returned or retained for court.

Comey opened his mouth before he had a warrant to even read the emails, much less present evidence to a USAG, or the DOJ..

he fucked up.

But it will look very bad for him...

Not to his base.

Look at the Khmer Rouge members here, they are incensed that the FBI would DARE to uphold the law. They see corruption as the right thing to do.

Shit, one of these fucking morons claimed that Comey should be "ashamed" for upholding the law.

The democrats are not a party, they are a criminal conspiracy. Corruption is the ONLY platform of the democrats.

comey didn't "uphold the law", he violated the hatch act. mumbling about emails he hadn't even read which are probably duplicates of what he already read.

funny how you loons thought he was a criminal when he correctly stated that there was nothing to charge Hillary Clinton with for your orange sociopath
Comey was discussed after his testimony in Congress and it was agreed that he made his comments in such a way that everyone knew he would have liked to indict the Sow but he didn't want to be found dead of a suicide with 12 bullets to the back of his head. I think he has vindicated himself and I want to see HiLiary dragged away in handcuffs. Prison food would help slim down that fat ass of hers.
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.
Not to his base.

Look at the Khmer Rouge members here, they are incensed that the FBI would DARE to uphold the law. They see corruption as the right thing to do.

Shit, one of these fucking morons claimed that Comey should be "ashamed" for upholding the law.

The democrats are not a party, they are a criminal conspiracy. Corruption is the ONLY platform of the democrats.

comey didn't "uphold the law", he violated the hatch act. mumbling about emails he hadn't even read which are probably duplicates of what he already read.

funny how you loons thought he was a criminal when he correctly stated that there was nothing to charge Hillary Clinton with for your orange sociopath
Comey was discussed after his testimony in Congress and it was agreed that he made his comments in such a way that everyone knew he would have liked to indict the Sow but he didn't want to be found dead of a suicide with 12 bullets to the back of his head. I think he has vindicated himself and I want to see HiLiary dragged away in handcuffs. Prison food would help slim down that fat ass of hers.
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.

I have 600,000 emails
Doesn't mean a crime was committed

Comey needed a smoking gun before he started making vague accusations
comey didn't "uphold the law", he violated the hatch act. mumbling about emails he hadn't even read which are probably duplicates of what he already read.

funny how you loons thought he was a criminal when he correctly stated that there was nothing to charge Hillary Clinton with for your orange sociopath
Comey was discussed after his testimony in Congress and it was agreed that he made his comments in such a way that everyone knew he would have liked to indict the Sow but he didn't want to be found dead of a suicide with 12 bullets to the back of his head. I think he has vindicated himself and I want to see HiLiary dragged away in handcuffs. Prison food would help slim down that fat ass of hers.
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.

I have 600,000 emails
Doesn't mean a crime was committed

Comey needed a smoking gun before he started making vague accusations

Thankfully you don't have access to classified material.

"Vague" right... deny, deny deny... He most likely already has the smoking gun.
Comey was discussed after his testimony in Congress and it was agreed that he made his comments in such a way that everyone knew he would have liked to indict the Sow but he didn't want to be found dead of a suicide with 12 bullets to the back of his head. I think he has vindicated himself and I want to see HiLiary dragged away in handcuffs. Prison food would help slim down that fat ass of hers.
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.

I have 600,000 emails
Doesn't mean a crime was committed

Comey needed a smoking gun before he started making vague accusations

Thankfully you don't have access to classified material.

"Vague" right... deny, deny deny...
Comey was discussed after his testimony in Congress and it was agreed that he made his comments in such a way that everyone knew he would have liked to indict the Sow but he didn't want to be found dead of a suicide with 12 bullets to the back of his head. I think he has vindicated himself and I want to see HiLiary dragged away in handcuffs. Prison food would help slim down that fat ass of hers.
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.

I have 600,000 emails
Doesn't mean a crime was committed

Comey needed a smoking gun before he started making vague accusations

Thankfully you don't have access to classified material.

"Vague" right... deny, deny deny...
Comey had no specific accusations, suspected violations or evidence......that constitutes vague
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.

I have 600,000 emails
Doesn't mean a crime was committed

Comey needed a smoking gun before he started making vague accusations

Thankfully you don't have access to classified material.

"Vague" right... deny, deny deny...
What he did was wrong and against all of their rules....and he has now set up a precedent that the FBI can demean and defame and release their investigative information on any citizen that they don't have enough evidence to charge with a crime.....
Gives the FBI immense political power to be able to disclose unsupported investigations prior to an election


660,000 emails, have't you heard?

More regressives with their head stuck in the sand.

I have 600,000 emails
Doesn't mean a crime was committed

Comey needed a smoking gun before he started making vague accusations

Thankfully you don't have access to classified material.

"Vague" right... deny, deny deny...
Comey had no specific accusations, suspected violations or evidence......that constitutes vague

Yes he had, the 660,000 emails... duh.

You are being a desperate retard, aren't you?

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