Comey Testimony

That is not what he was required to do.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.
Says you. But you can't prove that Comey determined that rose to the level of obstruction at that time.
Actually, what would he be obstructing, since he wasn't under investigation. And by law, he should have let doj know, if he truly felt it.
And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction st that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.
Obstruction, and I'm not saying this is, is interfering or lying in any FBI investigation, regardless of whom the targets are. You'll recall Scooter Libby being charged and prosecuted for obstructing the case into who leaked Valerie Plame's identity, even though Armitage, and not Libby, was the leaker.

I recall both Hillary and Bill Clinton obstructing justice with full support of you Nazis. You can be charged with obstruction if you are a REPUBLICAN, party members are immune.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
Oh? Disappointed about what?
Notice he suddenly added that Comey did say he, himself, would be honestly loyal. I told hubby last night I bet Trump asked him to be honest with him, not loyal. He tried to cover there, I believe.

And, he continued to take phone calls from him, which would have been 'alone'.
Loyalty to The Law, The United States and The Commander IN CHIEF to carry out LAWFUL ORDERS are actually required as an Oath of Office for an FBI director.
Comey in his past 8 years has proven he only had Loyalty to The Obama Regime, so The President was feeling Comey out to see if he was a Partisan Hack, but he didn't need to bother with that.

All he had to do was look at Comey's career looking the other way when people like Holder, Lynch, Koskinen, Clapper, Lerner and Clinton committed multiple felonies, but not only did he "look the other way" he phucking actively participated in cover ups and cleanup operations.
Actually, what would he be obstructing, since he wasn't under investigation. And by law, he should have let doj know, if he truly felt it.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction st that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.
Obstruction, and I'm not saying this is, is interfering or lying in any FBI investigation, regardless of whom the targets are. You'll recall Scooter Libby being charged and prosecuted for obstructing the case into who leaked Valerie Plame's identity, even though Armitage, and not Libby, was the leaker.

I recall both Hillary and Bill Clinton obstructing justice with full support of you Nazis. You can be charged with obstruction if you are a REPUBLICAN, party members are immune.
Waaa waaa Hillary waaaa Bill waaa

Comey also "believed" that when Trump "hoped" for a certain outcome of an investigation, that Trump was directing him to make sure the outcome was in Trumps favor.

Good luck Dimocrats proving that "hoping" is the same as "ordering".
And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
Oh? Disappointed about what?

That this loses steam and in 2023 when Trump or Pence is finishing up this term you libs will still have two years to wait before it's the democrat presidents turn.
What we learned from this testimony: COMEY IS ONE OF THE LEAKERS OF FAKE NEWS!

He told a "friend" and that "friend" told the WaPo.

LOCK THIS NUTCASE UP and his wittle friend. :p And impeach the lisping, democrat Swamp rats.
Comey is a traitor and should be charged for leaking government documents. His meeting with the president was in his OFFICIAL capacity as the FBI director and therefore ANYTHING said,wrote down,recorded etc was GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. He leaked government information.
No, he said he thinks he might have been. In other words 'he didn't really, but I could take it that way'.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??
Did he let it go?
He even said, as did others, that The President NOR ANYONE ON HIS STAFF ever asked for the investigation to be halted. And Quote, The President even went further saying that if there was someone doing something WRONG, he wanted to know about it..
And not only that, Comey completed the Investigation, and used The Illegal Surveillance Conducted by The Obama Regime to Exonerate him.
"No Evidence Of Illicit Activities." The President HAS THE AUTHORITY to STOP ANY INVESTIGATION by claiming EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE.



When you wiretap a guy and an entire campaign for months and come up empty, and commit felonies to do so, commit felonies to release classified information, commit felonies to unmask, YOU are THE CRIMINAL, NOT THE GUY YOU WIRETAPPED!
He said he was not asked to drop the investigation into Russia. He also said he was asked by the president to drop the investigation into Flynn.
Now you're just making shit up of hearing what you want to hear. Comey said Trump asked him to "drop" the FBI investigation into Flynn...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

Now go back and post his opening comment to Burr and Warner as well as Feinstein I think when he was directly asked if trump was under any investigation and if trump or any trump person tried to get him to drop the investigation. He said no. Again.
You poor thing, you're conflating again. Where did I claim Comey said Trump was under investigation? Do I need to repeat what I did say?
Trump asked him to look into the dossier too, so he could report the truth. He answered that he didn't want it, so he couldn't state he wasn't under investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
Oh? Disappointed about what?

That this loses steam and in 2023 when Trump or Pence is finishing up this term you libs will still have two years to wait before it's the democrat presidents turn.
That is if The DemNazi Party survives their latest Rabid Jihadist Phase of their party and if they survive this witch hunt which so far is only burning Leftist Witches at the stake.

They might be called The Green party by 2023.
Comey is walking through the Trump wheatfields with a flamethrower setting the whole works on fire.

It is so striking to see and hear from an honorable man who has done his best in his job for the country and a lying car salesman like Drumpf who trashes anyone that doesn't go along with his batshit corrupt scams.

The Republicans will from today forward be seen as aiding and abetting a criminal. Their futures are now tied to whether they get rid of Trump or not.
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I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
It is in print. Comey took copious notes and shared them within the FBI.

Oh, so we can see Trump being quoted flat out asking Comey to dump the investigation? If so, You should not be so happy as Comey himself not ten minutes ago said that wasn't the case. That no one asked him to drop the investigation or in anyway tried to stop it.

I heard that Comey's notes are to be considered a legal document

They are legal documents. I guess the individual panel members are free to decide how much weight they give them, but there is no doubt that they are legal documents.
nope, he just said they are his personal documents, except for the one classified one.
I find it fascinating Trump never expressed any interest to Comey about investigating Russia's multiple attacks on us, nor did he express any interest in preventing further attacks.

All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

What a fucking traitorous self-centered asshole.
While Trump could fire Comey for any reason, if it's determined by the Congress he did so to obstruct justice, he can be impeached for it.

And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
I am telling you, they are reading the lies and captions on CNN and MSNBC.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
Oh? Disappointed about what?

That this loses steam and in 2023 when Trump or Pence is finishing up this term you libs will still have two years to wait before it's the democrat presidents turn.
Why would I think this has any impact on 2023? So much more will happen between now and then.
So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
Oh? Disappointed about what?

That this loses steam and in 2023 when Trump or Pence is finishing up this term you libs will still have two years to wait before it's the democrat presidents turn.
Why would I think this has any impact on 2023? So much more will happen between now and then.

Oh I agree, but this won't be one of them.

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