Comey Testimony

I find it fascinating Trump never expressed any interest to Comey about investigating Russia's attack on us, nor did he express any interest in preventing further attacks.

All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

What a fucking traitorous asshole.
well fk, I still haven't seen what they supposdely did. You? Again, the intelligence agencies has not looked at any server to make that statement, but thanks for playing.
Comey is walking through the Trump wheatfields with a flamethrower setting the whole works on fire.

It is so striking to see and hear from an honorable man who has done his best in his job for the country and a lying car salesman like Drumpf who trashes anyone that doesn't go along with his batshit corrupt scams.

The Republicans will from today forward be seen as aiding and abetting a criminal. Their futures are tied to whether they get rid of Trump or not now.


Is English your first language?
Are you an American Citizen?
Because no one watching this could ever make such a huge jump to that twisted interpretation.
His testimony is Hilarious. He not only is Vindicating The President, but is repeatedly confirming The President is a Truthful Man.
Now in progress!

Warner is testifying for Comey! He has already reached his conclusion.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
It is in print. Comey took copious notes and shared them within the FBI.

Oh, so we can see Trump being quoted flat out asking Comey to dump the investigation? If so, You should not be so happy as Comey himself not ten minutes ago said that wasn't the case. That no one asked him to drop the investigation or in anyway tried to stop it.

I heard that Comey's notes are to be considered a legal document

The are documentary evidence.
And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
I am telling you, they are reading the lies and captions on CNN and MSNBC.

I know. CSPAN doesn't have enough pretty colors and sounds to keep their attention to long.
And that go's back to Comeys testimony under oath at the beginning of this hearing that there was never any attempt to slow or shut down this investigation.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
I am telling you, they are reading the lies and captions on CNN and MSNBC.
I'm not even watching TV or streaming on my phone. What a dumbfuck you are.
I find it fascinating Trump never expressed any interest to Comey about investigating Russia's attack on us, nor did he express any interest in preventing further attacks.

All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

What a fucking traitorous self-centered asshole.
All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

and you wouldn't if it were your name? too funny, now you're truly just a fk.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
Oh? Disappointed about what?

That this loses steam and in 2023 when Trump or Pence is finishing up this term you libs will still have two years to wait before it's the democrat presidents turn.
Why would I think this has any impact on 2023? So much more will happen between now and then.

Oh I agree, but this won't be one of them.
Since reading Comey's statement last night, I didn't think this would amount to anything.
Then you're not paying attention because Comey, very clearly and carefully, described how Trump asked him to drop the investigation into Flynn.

So now you are claiming Comey committed a Felony punishable by 3 years in prison for failure to report an attempt at Obstructing Justice?
LMFAO. I should have put you on Ignore a long time ago.
Who said he didn't report it? He shared his notes with his staff. Who said he believed it rose to the level of obstruction at that time? You're making shit up, better known as a strawman.

Again, lies. No staff has come forward and a potential star witness for a special investigator is in front of congress saying he was under no pressure but he was, that there was and is not criminal investigation, but there is and he has memos to prove it. Y'all will be very disappointed here soon.
I am telling you, they are reading the lies and captions on CNN and MSNBC.
I'm not even watching TV or streaming on my phone. What a dumbfuck you are.

This is where it go's south. After nothing happens here it will be riots again.
Comey admitted to a crime! He made notes for self protection, by law must be turned over and he did not. Shit just got real.
It is alarming that a sitting FBI director would feel compelled to create documents to protect both himself & the FBI from a sitting president.

LOL..........So hilarious. I know you've never had a position in law enforcement, less office work, but I have. CYA is what you do...........ESPECIALLY in law enforcement, and especially as an investigative administrator. Comey took notes under all POUS he worked for, I promise you.
I find it fascinating Trump never expressed any interest to Comey about investigating Russia's attack on us, nor did he express any interest in preventing further attacks.

All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

What a fucking traitorous self-centered asshole.
All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

and you wouldn't if it were your name? too funny, now you're truly just a fk.
I would want to protect my country, you fucking retard. Trump had NO interest in doing so.

Vladimir Trump didn't even have the balls to fire Comey in person. He's a chickenshit coward.

And the very next day, Trump invites the country which has been attacking us into our country's house, and chortled with them about firing the guy exposing their attacks on us.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
Comey is walking through the Trump wheatfields with a flamethrower setting the whole works on fire.

It is so striking to see and hear from an honorable man who has done his best in his job for the country and a lying car salesman like Drumpf who trashes anyone that doesn't go along with his batshit corrupt scams.

The Republicans will from today forward be seen as aiding and abetting a criminal. Their futures are tied to whether they get rid of Trump or not now.


Is English your first language?
Are you an American Citizen?
Because no one watching this could ever make such a huge jump to that twisted interpretation.
His testimony is Hilarious. He not only is Vindicating The President, but is repeatedly confirming The President is a Truthful Man.

Comey claims Trump asked him to drop any investigations into Flynn... Trump denied ever doing so... and in your deformed brain, that's Comey painting Trump as "truthful." :usa_doh:
What a freaking Swamp Weasel Comey is.

What is coming through loud and clear is that Trump is a normal person who likes to have dinner with his colleagues and staff..and Comey is a slimey politician who writes fiction.
Comey admitted to a crime! He made notes for self protection, by law must be turned over and he did not. Shit just got real.
It is alarming that a sitting FBI director would feel compelled to create documents to protect both himself & the FBI from a sitting president.

True! And by law if he felt threatened he was supposed to report it. Comey broke the law!

Why do you pretend to know "the law"? Your comment is ignorance in the extreme. Post the code and citation or points and authority which require a LEO to report to his superior a feeling.
I don't see how anyone can doubt Trump asked Comey to let the investigation into Flynn go??

Should be in print. The allegation is Trump implied It would be nice if Comey could let it go, but so far no order or directive as of yet. All this is nothing but typical Comey drama.
It is in print. Comey took copious notes and shared them within the FBI.

Oh, so we can see Trump being quoted flat out asking Comey to dump the investigation? If so, You should not be so happy as Comey himself not ten minutes ago said that wasn't the case. That no one asked him to drop the investigation or in anyway tried to stop it.

I heard that Comey's notes are to be considered a legal document

The are documentary evidence.
Yet another lie of Trump's confirmed.
Liar: Comey asked me to come to dinner.

This guy is just incapable of telling the truth which is dangerous for our country when some serious crisis comes down the pike.
I find it fascinating Trump never expressed any interest to Comey about investigating Russia's multiple attacks on us, nor did he express any interest in preventing further attacks.

All he cared about was how any investigations might splash on him, and how he could make them go away.

What a fucking traitorous self-centered asshole.

Did your god ever express any interest in the Benghazi investigation, Guno?

What a fucking traitorous self-centered asshole.

You Nazis are such fucking hypocrites - especially demagogue hacks like you.

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