Commerce Department gives Canadas Bombardier 219% duty on sale of jets to U.S. airline


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Looks like Canadian excessive interference in the marketplace is coming back to bite them in the behind. I have been in contact with Boeing only a couple of months ago and they have sued the Canadian government for this interference recently. Now the Commerce Department in the U.S is providing it's own "equalizer", as the RCMP, CSIS and their surrogates do the same in Canada via covert means. Not only harming these foreign businesses, but injecting their own operatives in the business and usurping/destroying hard working, ambitious capitalist employees.

As I repeated to these socialist, neo-communist, wannabe Stasi agencies many times when I begged for transparency and accountability "I hope this is worth it for you", as I promised to continue to reach out to both the former administration and the current one vehemently.

Keep it up Mr.Trump and Mr. Ross, you don't know how much some of us who have taken the high road appreciate your actions against abusers of both the economy, and human rights as it were. God Bless you both.


Commerce Department gives Bombardier 219% duty on sale of jets to U.S. airline | Toronto Star

OTTAWA—The U.S. Department of Commerce has clobbered aerospace giant Bombardier with a hefty 219 per cent duty on the sale of its CS100 commercial jets to a U.S. airline following a trade complaint from an American rival.

The department ruled that Bombardier benefited from improper government subsidies, a finding that deals a blow to the Montreal-based company’s chances in its ongoing dispute with U.S. rival Boeing.

Boeing had complained that Bombardier inked a deal with Delta Air Lines for up to 125 of the jets by offering the planes at below-market price.

The financial penalties aren’t officially due until Bombardier delivers the first CS100 to Delta some time in the spring.

The key will be whether U.S. officials find that the deal between Bombardier and Delta actually hurt Boeing’s business, an issue that’s not expected to yield a finding for at least six months.

But today’s ruling does give Boeing momentum as the dispute drags on, and more leverage in any future talks between the Trudeau government and Boeing to reach a negotiated settlement.

Meanwhile, European railway manufacturers Siemens Mobility and Alstom announced a merger Tuesday that leaves Montreal-based rail business Bombardier Transportation facing a substantially larger rival.

The memorandum of understanding announced Tuesday is described as a merger of equals with each owning half the shares of the new company to be headquartered in Paris. The Mobility Solutions business will be run out of Berlin.
There is nothing more detrimental to free commerce than rampant government subsidization. Everyone is hurt in the long term.

Worst still, active covert activities in these foreign businesses, crony positions given to kids of the State, all in the name of "National Security".

Maybe Trump will use the same label and play the same game against foreign businesses wishing to abuse American workers. Some of these socialists will then think twice about their tactics against America, which have gone on for FAR too long.
There is nothing more detrimental to free commerce than rampant government subsidization. Everyone is hurt in the long term.

It is our government that is fucking with the market. Don't blame investment of the canadian government that has worked for decades to their advantage for the problems. idiot.
Looks like Canadian excessive interference in the marketplace is coming back to bite them in the behind. I have been in contact with Boeing only a couple of months ago and they have sued the Canadian government for this interference recently. Now the Commerce Department in the U.S is providing it's own "equalizer", as the RCMP, CSIS and their surrogates do the same in Canada via covert means. Not only harming these foreign businesses, but injecting their own operatives in the business and usurping/destroying hard working, ambitious capitalist employees.

As I repeated to these socialist, neo-communist, wannabe Stasi agencies many times when I begged for transparency and accountability "I hope this is worth it for you", as I promised to continue to reach out to both the former administration and the current one vehemently.

Keep it up Mr.Trump and Mr. Ross, you don't know how much some of us who have taken the high road appreciate your actions against abusers of both the economy, and human rights as it were. God Bless you both.


Commerce Department gives Bombardier 219% duty on sale of jets to U.S. airline | Toronto Star

OTTAWA—The U.S. Department of Commerce has clobbered aerospace giant Bombardier with a hefty 219 per cent duty on the sale of its CS100 commercial jets to a U.S. airline following a trade complaint from an American rival.

The department ruled that Bombardier benefited from improper government subsidies, a finding that deals a blow to the Montreal-based company’s chances in its ongoing dispute with U.S. rival Boeing.

Boeing had complained that Bombardier inked a deal with Delta Air Lines for up to 125 of the jets by offering the planes at below-market price.

The financial penalties aren’t officially due until Bombardier delivers the first CS100 to Delta some time in the spring.

The key will be whether U.S. officials find that the deal between Bombardier and Delta actually hurt Boeing’s business, an issue that’s not expected to yield a finding for at least six months.

But today’s ruling does give Boeing momentum as the dispute drags on, and more leverage in any future talks between the Trudeau government and Boeing to reach a negotiated settlement.

Meanwhile, European railway manufacturers Siemens Mobility and Alstom announced a merger Tuesday that leaves Montreal-based rail business Bombardier Transportation facing a substantially larger rival.

The memorandum of understanding announced Tuesday is described as a merger of equals with each owning half the shares of the new company to be headquartered in Paris. The Mobility Solutions business will be run out of Berlin.

Socialists wanna play in the market, they need to play on a level field. Loving it.
There is nothing more detrimental to free commerce than rampant government subsidization. Everyone is hurt in the long term.

It is our government that is fucking with the market. Don't blame investment of the canadian government that has worked for decades to their advantage for the problems. idiot.
Slow your roll justice warrior. I said nothing about sides. The US does a much more horrible job with agricultural dumping south of the border and in the Caribbean.However, this does not excuse the act by any party.
Now, as you were, hating the US.
There is nothing more detrimental to free commerce than rampant government subsidization. Everyone is hurt in the long term.

Worst still, active covert activities in these foreign businesses, crony positions given to kids of the State, all in the name of "National Security".

Maybe Trump will use the same label and play the same game against foreign businesses wishing to abuse American workers. Some of these socialists will then think twice about their tactics against America, which have gone on for FAR too long.
I wouldn't go that far but at least there are efforts to protect American industry...what sectors remain.
Looks like Canadian excessive interference in the marketplace is coming back to bite them in the behind. I have been in contact with Boeing only a couple of months ago and they have sued the Canadian government for this interference recently. Now the Commerce Department in the U.S is providing it's own "equalizer", as the RCMP, CSIS and their surrogates do the same in Canada via covert means. ...

ShockedCanadian, I’m among the proponents of an “Import Certificates”, a proposed policy for a nation’s foreign trade.

It's unilateral and substantially a more market rather than government driven policy that's only recommended for a nation that would otherwise suffer chronic annual trade deficits of goods. Annual trade deficits are ALWAYS net detrimental to their nation's economies.

Pertinent to your post is the policy's ability to employ market forces rather than government determinations for dealing with any mischief that would otherwise be detrimental to the nation's global trade.

Refer to Wikipedia’s “Import Certificates” article.

Respectfully, Supposn

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