"common Sense Gun Laws"

Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

Why would we want to lock someone up for life for an accident? Are you going to do that to parents whose kids drown in the family pool too?

Indeed, if we punish the parents for leaving a gun unsecured, we should punish parents for leaving medicines and chemicals unsecured as well. And we should punish parents for not having proper fencing around a pool.
The guy who recently shot a young woman on his porch thinking he was about to be robbed. But he was wrong.
He goes to jail for like. Right?
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

I have said, in numerous posts, that we should release the nonviolent drug offenders. That would remove a huge portion of our prison population.

Require proper storage of firearms. I believe I stated that in the OP. I am not sure how we enforce that, since I do not agree that the police should be able to enter a home simply because they have a firearm. But yes, you could indeed prosecute the parents (or whomever did not store the gun) for it.
If you own a pool and kids have access to it... you are required in most locations to have child proof fence around it, alarms on doors etc. That is a common sense approach.

When kids have access, put em in a closet with an alarm... put a lock on the door etc. put a lock and/or alarm on the cabinet... Put a trigger lock on it.. etc. Use common sense.
The guy who recently shot a young woman on his porch thinking he was about to be robbed. But he was wrong.
He goes to jail for like. Right?

If someone is in fear for their life, they have a right to defend themselves. Whether or not this case fits that description I do not know. I have not read the news articles about it.
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

I have said, in numerous posts, that we should release the nonviolent drug offenders. That would remove a huge portion of our prison population.

Require proper storage of firearms. I believe I stated that in the OP. I am not sure how we enforce that, since I do not agree that the police should be able to enter a home simply because they have a firearm. But yes, you could indeed prosecute the parents (or whomever did not store the gun) for it.
If you own a pool and kids have access to it... you are required in most locations to have child proof fence around it, alarms on doors etc. That is a common sense approach.

When kids have access, put em in a closet with an alarm... put a lock on the door etc. put a lock and/or alarm on the cabinet... Put a trigger lock on it.. etc. Use common sense.

The guy who recently shot a young woman on his porch thinking he was about to be robbed. But he was wrong.
He goes to jail for like. Right?
Yeah I don't think you should kill someone for walking onto your porch.
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

Why would we want to lock someone up for life for an accident? Are you going to do that to parents whose kids drown in the family pool too?

Indeed, if we punish the parents for leaving a gun unsecured, we should punish parents for leaving medicines and chemicals unsecured as well. And we should punish parents for not having proper fencing around a pool.

Hey. Is this "conversation" about medicines, chemicals or swimming pools? Fuck no.
You want to talk about punishment for criminals but let irresponsible gun owners off the hook eh?

It's that kind of bullshit that will get severe gun restrictions eventually put in place. Because reasonable people believe that protecting kids from stupid adults is a worthwhile endeavor. Not you though eh?

It was just a little accident that Tommy found dad's 9mm and shot himself.

Fortunately the law has more common sense than you gun nutters. Child endangering is how they go after these ignorant people. And once again, it is men under 30 most responsible for getting their kids killed by guns.
The guy who recently shot a young woman on his porch thinking he was about to be robbed. But he was wrong.
He goes to jail for like. Right?
Yeah I don't think you should kill someone for walking onto your porch.

So in this brave new world of putting people in jail for life for using a gun, this guy would go to jail for life?
Not that you shouldn't shoot someone just for walking on your porch. We already know that.

But I want myself and you all to be clear on what you are advocating. This particular guy should be punished with jail time. I agree. But should he go to jail for the rest of his life? That is the question of you gunners.
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?
I already did but as usual your 2 dimensional mind can't grasp the concept.

We change our punishment of nonviolent crimes so they receive punishments other than jail time and only incarcerate violent offenders.
Did I say what you wrote? Nah.
What I want is some reasonableness to the conversation about how to reduce crimes committed with a gun and reduce the number of senseless deaths brought about by irresponsible gun ownership.

Surely you can't oppose that goal? Why sure you could. And I expect you will. Cause it's just to hard to figure this out.
You can't legislate responsibility.

All you can do is punish those who commit violent crime and remove them from society.

The punishment is the deterrent for everyone but the worst violent criminal.

And the dumb criminals who think they won't get caught.

They get caught and spend the rest of their lives in a cage where they belong.

Do you think a person should spend the rest of his or her life in prison for an armed robbery where nobody was harmed? I'm sorry, but I don't agree with giving a life sentence for crimes less than murder/attempted murder.
Did I say what you wrote? Nah.
What I want is some reasonableness to the conversation about how to reduce crimes committed with a gun and reduce the number of senseless deaths brought about by irresponsible gun ownership.

Surely you can't oppose that goal? Why sure you could. And I expect you will. Cause it's just to hard to figure this out.
You can't legislate responsibility.

All you can do is punish those who commit violent crime and remove them from society.

The punishment is the deterrent for everyone but the worst violent criminal.

And the dumb criminals who think they won't get caught.

They get caught and spend the rest of their lives in a cage where they belong.

Do you think a person should spend the rest of his or her life in prison for an armed robbery where nobody was harmed? I'm sorry, but I don't agree with giving a life sentence for crimes less than murder/attempted murder.

there are some crimes that should land one in prison for the rest of their lives

whether armed or not

molesting children would be one of them in my book

what exactly is included in "molesting" ??

you say "molesting children" does that include RAPE ?

i know of a case where a 31 y.o. man(?) had an 11 y.o. girl so brain washed she was repeatedly raped this little girl till she was 13 y.o., when her best friend blurted out in front of the girl's mother and the rapists wife, "you better tell your Mother what he did to you", that little girl herself was "fondled" by the rapist.

personally i would love to cut off every thing between his legs and watch him die slowly as his blood pumped from his scummy body !!
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

Why would we want to lock someone up for life for an accident? Are you going to do that to parents whose kids drown in the family pool too?

Indeed, if we punish the parents for leaving a gun unsecured, we should punish parents for leaving medicines and chemicals unsecured as well. And we should punish parents for not having proper fencing around a pool.

Hey. Is this "conversation" about medicines, chemicals or swimming pools? Fuck no.
You want to talk about punishment for criminals but let irresponsible gun owners off the hook eh?

It's that kind of bullshit that will get severe gun restrictions eventually put in place. Because reasonable people believe that protecting kids from stupid adults is a worthwhile endeavor. Not you though eh?

It was just a little accident that Tommy found dad's 9mm and shot himself.

Fortunately the law has more common sense than you gun nutters. Child endangering is how they go after these ignorant people. And once again, it is men under 30 most responsible for getting their kids killed by guns.
Negligent homicide is still a violent crime is it not?

Improper storage of a firearm that results in death should be punished like any other gun crime.

Draconian and absolute.
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?
I already did but as usual your 2 dimensional mind can't grasp the concept.

We change our punishment of nonviolent crimes so they receive punishments other than jail time and only incarcerate violent offenders.

Dude, that position of yours is bullshit and you know it. You think it costs the same to keep someone in prison for three years lets say vs. keeping them there for life?

We are just gonna release all the criminals in jail to make room for jailing gun criminals for the rest of their lives.

HOW MUCH WILL THAT COST? Or do you not care about the cost. You sure you are not a Republican?
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

Why would we want to lock someone up for life for an accident? Are you going to do that to parents whose kids drown in the family pool too?

Indeed, if we punish the parents for leaving a gun unsecured, we should punish parents for leaving medicines and chemicals unsecured as well. And we should punish parents for not having proper fencing around a pool.

Hey. Is this "conversation" about medicines, chemicals or swimming pools? Fuck no.
You want to talk about punishment for criminals but let irresponsible gun owners off the hook eh?

It's that kind of bullshit that will get severe gun restrictions eventually put in place. Because reasonable people believe that protecting kids from stupid adults is a worthwhile endeavor. Not you though eh?

It was just a little accident that Tommy found dad's 9mm and shot himself.

Fortunately the law has more common sense than you gun nutters. Child endangering is how they go after these ignorant people. And once again, it is men under 30 most responsible for getting their kids killed by guns.

WTF??? Have I not said that I think laws requiring proper storage are a good thing? And now you want to go off about it like I am offering 5 year olds my pistol?

The subject (within the context of this thread) is leaving dangerous items within reach of children. My comment about medicines and chemicals applies. Why is it such a tragedy when children find dad's 9mm, but ok if they find his medicines or drink drano????

Fortunately, some of us do not see a firearm as the ONLY danger to children. And some of us see the similarity of leaving medicines and chemicals out. And some of us see the similarity in having a swimming pool that little Tommy can toddle up to and fall in.
The guy who recently shot a young woman on his porch thinking he was about to be robbed. But he was wrong.
He goes to jail for like. Right?
If he was found guilty yes.

One must prove he acted in self defense.

Now I'm of the mind that the castle doctrine holds and the mere act of breaking into a person's home is cause to shoot in self defense.

That said I do not think the mere act of trespassing falls into the same threat category as actually forcibly entering one's home.

That is just another point of law that needs to be spelled out unequivocally.
The guy who recently shot a young woman on his porch thinking he was about to be robbed. But he was wrong.
He goes to jail for like. Right?
Yeah I don't think you should kill someone for walking onto your porch.

So in this brave new world of putting people in jail for life for using a gun, this guy would go to jail for life?
Not that you shouldn't shoot someone just for walking on your porch. We already know that.

But I want myself and you all to be clear on what you are advocating. This particular guy should be punished with jail time. I agree. But should he go to jail for the rest of his life? That is the question of you gunners.
IMO one would have to hear the case... what led the person to believe his life was in danger etc. But assuming there was no reason, it sounds like voluntary manslaughter, not murder. Voluntary manslaughter... "the killing of a human being in which the offender had no prior intent to kill and acted during "the heat of passion", under circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed."

"Manslaughter in Texas is a second degree felony. This charge will typically carry a sentence of between two and twenty years in a state prison and/or a fine of no more than $10,000."
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

Why would we want to lock someone up for life for an accident? Are you going to do that to parents whose kids drown in the family pool too?

Indeed, if we punish the parents for leaving a gun unsecured, we should punish parents for leaving medicines and chemicals unsecured as well. And we should punish parents for not having proper fencing around a pool.

Hey. Is this "conversation" about medicines, chemicals or swimming pools? Fuck no.
You want to talk about punishment for criminals but let irresponsible gun owners off the hook eh?

It's that kind of bullshit that will get severe gun restrictions eventually put in place. Because reasonable people believe that protecting kids from stupid adults is a worthwhile endeavor. Not you though eh?

It was just a little accident that Tommy found dad's 9mm and shot himself.

Fortunately the law has more common sense than you gun nutters. Child endangering is how they go after these ignorant people. And once again, it is men under 30 most responsible for getting their kids killed by guns.
Negligent homicide is still a violent crime is it not?

Improper storage of a firearm that results in death should be punished like any other gun crime.

Draconian and absolute.

Appreciate your consistency. Which is something most of the gunners on here don't have. Winterborn was just making excuses a moment ago to protect the parents of kids who find a gun at home and shoot themselves or someone else. Thinks it's like a swimming pool or something.

Glad to see that YOU don't trivialize a kids death by Dads gun like most gun nutters do.
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?
I already did but as usual your 2 dimensional mind can't grasp the concept.

We change our punishment of nonviolent crimes so they receive punishments other than jail time and only incarcerate violent offenders.

Dude, that position of yours is bullshit and you know it. You think it costs the same to keep someone in prison for three years lets say vs. keeping them there for life?

We are just gonna release all the criminals in jail to make room for jailing gun criminals for the rest of their lives.

HOW MUCH WILL THAT COST? Or do you not care about the cost. You sure you are not a Republican?
You release millions of people who were in for 3 year sentences for non violent crimes in order to incarcerate several thousands for life who commit violent crimes.

The math is quite simple.
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?
I already did but as usual your 2 dimensional mind can't grasp the concept.

We change our punishment of nonviolent crimes so they receive punishments other than jail time and only incarcerate violent offenders.

Dude, that position of yours is bullshit and you know it. You think it costs the same to keep someone in prison for three years lets say vs. keeping them there for life?

We are just gonna release all the criminals in jail to make room for jailing gun criminals for the rest of their lives.

HOW MUCH WILL THAT COST? Or do you not care about the cost. You sure you are not a Republican?

So we allow violent felons to roam free to save money?
Interesting. Not one of you has offered an idea as to how you are gonna pay for all these life time prisoners.
Anyone have an idea how to pay for them? I mean we already jail more of our people than any other civilized country. At a tremendous cost. And have made keeping prisoners a for profit venture. How you gonna pay for this?

How about people that leave guns where the kids can find them and shoot themselves. Does the parent go to jail for life? Or was that just an "accident" waiting to happen?

Why would we want to lock someone up for life for an accident? Are you going to do that to parents whose kids drown in the family pool too?

Indeed, if we punish the parents for leaving a gun unsecured, we should punish parents for leaving medicines and chemicals unsecured as well. And we should punish parents for not having proper fencing around a pool.

Hey. Is this "conversation" about medicines, chemicals or swimming pools? Fuck no.
You want to talk about punishment for criminals but let irresponsible gun owners off the hook eh?

It's that kind of bullshit that will get severe gun restrictions eventually put in place. Because reasonable people believe that protecting kids from stupid adults is a worthwhile endeavor. Not you though eh?

It was just a little accident that Tommy found dad's 9mm and shot himself.

Fortunately the law has more common sense than you gun nutters. Child endangering is how they go after these ignorant people. And once again, it is men under 30 most responsible for getting their kids killed by guns.
Negligent homicide is still a violent crime is it not?

Improper storage of a firearm that results in death should be punished like any other gun crime.

Draconian and absolute.

Appreciate your consistency. Which is something most of the gunners on here don't have. Winterborn was just making excuses a moment ago to protect the parents of kids who find a gun at home and shoot themselves or someone else. Thinks it's like a swimming pool or something.

Glad to see that YOU don't trivialize a kids death by Dads gun like most gun nutters do.

Please point out where I made an excuse for someone leaving a gun out where kids could get it? Because in the OP I specifically mentioned that I think laws requiring proper storage of firearms is a good "common sense" law.

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