"common Sense Gun Laws"

Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?
hey dildo Zeke....men under 30 are responsible for many things...like drinking and driving.....should we make the drinking age for them 30 too?...this is what happens when paranoid motherfuckers like you try to change things....you end up making things worse.....and of course everyone knows that the real under 30 lawbreakers will just adhere to your stupid rule....stay out of politics Zeke....people like you dont help....
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
How do you enforce the storage law?

Random searches?

IMO the only law needed is life in prison without parole for any crime committed with a firearm. And negligence on the owner's part is a crime.
i have stated before at least 25 years and you serve every minute and depending on how much damage was done you get time added on....of course paranoid Zeke and others like him will probably say im advocating gun violence... ....
Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?

Yes, I do realize that the overwhelming majority of murders are committed by men under 30.

However, to ban gun ownership from 21,649,767 men because of the actions of fewer than 10,000 seems inherently wrong.

You want to restrict them all based on the actions of 0.046% of this demographic? Despite the fact that 99.954% did not kill anyone with a gun?
thats over reacting paranoia by people with Zekes mindset...
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
How do you enforce the storage law?

Random searches?

IMO the only law needed is life in prison without parole for any crime committed with a firearm. And negligence on the owner's part is a crime.
i have stated before at least 25 years and you serve every minute and depending on how much damage was done you get time added on....of course paranoid Zeke and others like him will probably say im advocating gun violence... ....

This is one of my biggest points. If you commit a violent crime with a firearm, you go to prison. PERIOD. No time off for good behavior. No parole. If you are worried about prison overcrowding, let the people who were convicted of drug offenses (nonviolent offenders) out of prison. They shouldn't have been there to begin with.

And if you commit premeditated murder, you never get out of prison. Take the violent offenders off the streets and keep them off.
Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?
he also has enough sense to say plans like you have are not reasonable....they just make matters worse....something you dont understand....

Scared of people over 30

you are scared of people under 30....get your story straight.....

I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives.

yea by penalizing 90+% of them that wont ruin any lives....way to go Zeke....
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
How do you enforce the storage law?

Random searches?

IMO the only law needed is life in prison without parole for any crime committed with a firearm. And negligence on the owner's part is a crime.
i have stated before at least 25 years and you serve every minute and depending on how much damage was done you get time added on....of course paranoid Zeke and others like him will probably say im advocating gun violence... ....

This is one of my biggest points. If you commit a violent crime with a firearm, you go to prison. PERIOD. No time off for good behavior. No parole. If you are worried about prison overcrowding, let the people who were convicted of drug offenses (nonviolent offenders) out of prison. They shouldn't have been there to begin with.

And if you commit premeditated murder, you never get out of prison. Take the violent offenders off the streets and keep them off.
no problem with that.....im sure Zeke does....
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.

I think there is a legitimate issue with young men being able to be dropped in some 3rd world hell hole to fight (with automatic weapons) but when they come home they can't go hunting or target shooting without an escort. Whether you and Harry want to trim back the name calling and sensationalism long enough to discuss it remains to be seen.

I do believe that hunting would die out completely if those under 30 could not own a firearm.

So that's what you want to focus on eh? The fact that a very small percentage of the population (men in the service under that age of 30) wouldn't have as easy access to weapons outside of the military.

You ever bother to look at the demographics of gun violence? Who is it that commits the most crazy shootings? You've never bothered to look have you. Mostly it is men under the age of 30. Unbridled aggression., to much testosterone, to little good common sense.

But you all are so concerned with the military age men having guns. Suicide rate still going up in the military? WOW some soldier having problems won't be able to so easily kill themselves if they can't easily buy a gun.
Might ever keep one of them alive. But you aren't interested in that. They might want to go hunting. Of course they still could.

Hunting die out? You're shitting me. I know three men who are in tree stands right now. None of the three are close to 30. How could that be? You think people over 30 don't want to eat? Come on you are really stretching it there.

Just come out and say it. You are scared that if there is one reasonable restriction on guns to reduce gun violence, there would be precedent for trying other ideas. And that's what really scares you. There might be other good ideas to follow.
There it is. You gun lovers have been saying for decades that no restrictions will work But you don't know cause they haven't been tried. And if they did work and reduced gun violence, what would you all say then?

Hey, according to your numbers, there were 273 DGU YESTERDAY. How do you confirm that number?
273 x 365 = 99,999.
After that long winded rant,you seem to have left out an important part,or for you a monkey wrench in your works,we have whats called equal protection,sinking out an age group for special treatment,is well unconstitutional.
Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.

Tougher sentencing for offenders who own a stolen and/or unregistered gun (10 years, out in 5 with good behavior; separate charge for each unregistered/stolen weapon), mandated to run consecutively with any other convictions.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
In every single country that created a registry.... the registry was then used to "remove" the registered guns.
This is not true, and probably why you did not provide any proof.
It is true and I did provide proof.
Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.

Tougher sentencing for offenders who own a stolen and/or unregistered gun (10 years, out in 5 with good behavior; separate charge for each unregistered/stolen weapon), mandated to run consecutively with any other convictions.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
In every single country that created a registry.... the registry was then used to "remove" the registered guns.
This is not true, and probably why you did not provide any proof.
It is true and I did provide proof.
I live in a country where all guns are registered and the government has not taken them away. You have no idea what you are talking about, or you just make things up.
Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.

Tougher sentencing for offenders who own a stolen and/or unregistered gun (10 years, out in 5 with good behavior; separate charge for each unregistered/stolen weapon), mandated to run consecutively with any other convictions.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
In every single country that created a registry.... the registry was then used to "remove" the registered guns.
This is not true, and probably why you did not provide any proof.
It is true and I did provide proof.
I live in a country where all guns are registered and the government has not taken them away. You have no idea what you are talking about, or you just make things up.
Name a country that has not used registrations to confiscate weapons. I think that will go faster than me listing confiscations for each country on the planet.
Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.

Tougher sentencing for offenders who own a stolen and/or unregistered gun (10 years, out in 5 with good behavior; separate charge for each unregistered/stolen weapon), mandated to run consecutively with any other convictions.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
In every single country that created a registry.... the registry was then used to "remove" the registered guns.
This is not true, and probably why you did not provide any proof.
It is true and I did provide proof.
I live in a country where all guns are registered and the government has not taken them away. You have no idea what you are talking about, or you just make things up.
Name a country that has not used registrations to confiscate weapons. I think that will go faster than me listing confiscations for each country on the planet.
Ireland. And they can come into your house to check if the guns are being stored properly. The gun owners i know have no problem with this. The gun laws are strict, too strict, but they do not come for your guns.
In every single country that created a registry.... the registry was then used to "remove" the registered guns.
This is not true, and probably why you did not provide any proof.
It is true and I did provide proof.
I live in a country where all guns are registered and the government has not taken them away. You have no idea what you are talking about, or you just make things up.
Name a country that has not used registrations to confiscate weapons. I think that will go faster than me listing confiscations for each country on the planet.
Ireland. And they can come into your house to check if the guns are being stored properly. The gun owners i know have no problem with this. The gun laws are strict, too strict, but they do not come for your guns.
I see no need to allow the police in my home sans warrant simply because I exercise a legally recognized and protected right.

When the mere exercise of a legally protected right becomes cause for government searches and seizures then that right ceases to exist.
In every single country that created a registry.... the registry was then used to "remove" the registered guns.
This is not true, and probably why you did not provide any proof.
It is true and I did provide proof.
I live in a country where all guns are registered and the government has not taken them away. You have no idea what you are talking about, or you just make things up.
Name a country that has not used registrations to confiscate weapons. I think that will go faster than me listing confiscations for each country on the planet.
Ireland. And they can come into your house to check if the guns are being stored properly. The gun owners i know have no problem with this. The gun laws are strict, too strict, but they do not come for your guns.

In 1973, the An Garda Síochána, or Irish police, used their gun registration lists and ordered all owners of handguns and centerfire rifles to submit the guns for ballistics testing. The police promised the guns would be returned a few weeks later, after the testing was complete.

Instead, the police simply confiscated all the guns.

In 1998, the signing of the Good Friday Accords finally ended the troubles in Northern Ireland. Over the next several years, PIRA surrendered their weapons, and former members and supporters now participate peacefully in the political process through the Sinn FeinParty. SF is a minor party in the Republic of Ireland, but it is the second-largest party in Northern Ireland.

The Good Friday Accords ended any plausible justification for the police to keep the confiscated guns. Notably, the gun confiscation had never been authorized by the legislature.

Any other countries?
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
How do you enforce the storage law?

Random searches?

IMO the only law needed is life in prison without parole for any crime committed with a firearm. And negligence on the owner's part is a crime.
i have stated before at least 25 years and you serve every minute and depending on how much damage was done you get time added on....of course paranoid Zeke and others like him will probably say im advocating gun violence... ....

This is one of my biggest points. If you commit a violent crime with a firearm, you go to prison. PERIOD. No time off for good behavior. No parole. If you are worried about prison overcrowding, let the people who were convicted of drug offenses (nonviolent offenders) out of prison. They shouldn't have been there to begin with.

And if you commit premeditated murder, you never get out of prison. Take the violent offenders off the streets and keep them off.

Wasn't this supposed to be "common sense" gun law. LMAO.

Most of the violent crimes will be done by men under the age of 30.

Rather than try and deny men under thirty the easy ability to obtain a firearm to commit an armed crime, you all would rather, when they get caught and I presume tried and convicted, throw them in jail either forever or just short of forever.

That is so fucking stupid that I had to laugh my ass off. And you guys are serious and think you are doing men under the age 30 a FAVOR.


I never said that men under 30 shouldn't have access to ANY guns. Shooting at a range, with responsible people over 30, etc etc.

I said not let them buy them from legal reputable sources.

Ya'll got no common sense to me. There is ALREADY an age restriction on gun purchases.

Any one want to bet that most of the kids who find a gun at home and kill or injure with that gun, that gun was bought and taken home by a man under 30. Any one want that bet? You think accidental child deaths by gun might come down. You all for that?

Common fucking sense says that if you know WHO commits the majority of violent crimes and the age range in which that group exists, you at least make it much harder for that group to buy guns.

What is the big deal.

If a young woman should happen to have a relationship with a jealous hothead and she breaks up with this dude, why should this young woman have to worry that her jealous now ex can very easily buy all the guns he wants to kill her and whoever? Men under 30 commit most of those crimes.

Ask any cop you can find how they would feel if it wasn't so easy for men under 30 to buy guns. See if they'd be heartbroken like you all are.
Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.
It doesn't matter why you have it -- its a precondition to the exercise of the right not inherent to same.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
If only the anti-gun loons acted as if they understood this.
Rather than try and deny men under thirty the easy ability to obtain a firearm to commit an armed crime, you all would rather, when they get caught and I presume tried and convicted, throw them in jail either forever or just short of forever.
Common sense says that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law.
I never said that men under 30 shouldn't have access to ANY guns. Shooting at a range, with responsible people over 30, etc etc. I said not let them buy them from legal reputable sources.
Because, as you know, this would not violate the constitution or anything.
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
How do you enforce the storage law?

Random searches?

IMO the only law needed is life in prison without parole for any crime committed with a firearm. And negligence on the owner's part is a crime.
i have stated before at least 25 years and you serve every minute and depending on how much damage was done you get time added on....of course paranoid Zeke and others like him will probably say im advocating gun violence... ....

This is one of my biggest points. If you commit a violent crime with a firearm, you go to prison. PERIOD. No time off for good behavior. No parole. If you are worried about prison overcrowding, let the people who were convicted of drug offenses (nonviolent offenders) out of prison. They shouldn't have been there to begin with.

And if you commit premeditated murder, you never get out of prison. Take the violent offenders off the streets and keep them off.

Wasn't this supposed to be "common sense" gun law. LMAO.

Most of the violent crimes will be done by men under the age of 30.

Rather than try and deny men under thirty the easy ability to obtain a firearm to commit an armed crime, you all would rather, when they get caught and I presume tried and convicted, throw them in jail either forever or just short of forever.

That is so fucking stupid that I had to laugh my ass off. And you guys are serious and think you are doing men under the age 30 a FAVOR.


I never said that men under 30 shouldn't have access to ANY guns. Shooting at a range, with responsible people over 30, etc etc.

I said not let them buy them from legal reputable sources.

Ya'll got no common sense to me. There is ALREADY an age restriction on gun purchases.

Any one want to bet that most of the kids who find a gun at home and kill or injure with that gun, that gun was bought and taken home by a man under 30. Any one want that bet? You think accidental child deaths by gun might come down. You all for that?

Common fucking sense says that if you know WHO commits the majority of violent crimes and the age range in which that group exists, you at least make it much harder for that group to buy guns.

What is the big deal.

If a young woman should happen to have a relationship with a jealous hothead and she breaks up with this dude, why should this young woman have to worry that her jealous now ex can very easily buy all the guns he wants to kill her and whoever? Men under 30 commit most of those crimes.

Ask any cop you can find how they would feel if it wasn't so easy for men under 30 to buy guns. See if they'd be heartbroken like you all are.
Why should people who would never commit a crime (and that is most people btw) be restricted in their behavior for the sake of the very few who will commit a crime?

I don't care how old a person is when they commit a crime. The consequences of crime should be draconian.
Registration is the first step to confiscation.
2nd Amendment need only apply.
Moron, registration is not incompatible with the 2nd amendment if it is implemented intelligently.
Registration does not violate the 2nd amendment so long as it is the least restrictive means through which to affect a compelling state interest. In your case you have to show that without registration the state cannot enforce the laws a violent crime and that registration is the least restrictive means to do so.
Good luck.
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
No such thing as common sense gun laws. Your common sense may be different from your neighbors. Your neighbor may think its just common sense to have an arsenal complete with automatic assault rifles, LAWs, and hand grenades. Others would view that as a paranoid madman.

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