"common Sense Gun Laws"

but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.

I think there is a legitimate issue with young men being able to be dropped in some 3rd world hell hole to fight (with automatic weapons) but when they come home they can't go hunting or target shooting without an escort. Whether you and Harry want to trim back the name calling and sensationalism long enough to discuss it remains to be seen.

I do believe that hunting would die out completely if those under 30 could not own a firearm.

So that's what you want to focus on eh? The fact that a very small percentage of the population (men in the service under that age of 30) wouldn't have as easy access to weapons outside of the military.

You ever bother to look at the demographics of gun violence? Who is it that commits the most crazy shootings? You've never bothered to look have you. Mostly it is men under the age of 30. Unbridled aggression., to much testosterone, to little good common sense.

But you all are so concerned with the military age men having guns. Suicide rate still going up in the military? WOW some soldier having problems won't be able to so easily kill themselves if they can't easily buy a gun.
Might ever keep one of them alive. But you aren't interested in that. They might want to go hunting. Of course they still could.

Hunting die out? You're shitting me. I know three men who are in tree stands right now. None of the three are close to 30. How could that be? You think people over 30 don't want to eat? Come on you are really stretching it there.

Just come out and say it. You are scared that if there is one reasonable restriction on guns to reduce gun violence, there would be precedent for trying other ideas. And that's what really scares you. There might be other good ideas to follow.
There it is. You gun lovers have been saying for decades that no restrictions will work But you don't know cause they haven't been tried. And if they did work and reduced gun violence, what would you all say then?

Hey, according to your numbers, there were 273 DGU YESTERDAY. How do you confirm that number?
273 x 365 = 99,999.

Jeez, take a breath, willya?

Yes, hunting could die out quite easily with the restrictions you want. Did I say it would end immediately? No, that is not even close to what I said. Does the phrase "die out" sound like a sudden thing or a gradual one? But the simple fact is that if hunting is relegated to only those over 30 or those accompanied by someone over 30, the number of young hunters will be virtually nil. And in a few years.........?

As for the soldiers committing suicide, I have yet to see anything that shows a lack of firearms means someone who truly wants to commit suicide will not do it. It really is a stretch to say it would change the suicide rates.

And I will not say that I am scared of reasonable restrictions. I am not. This idea that you anti-gun folks have that someone is either on your side or they are scared of any changes or restrictions is nuts. I am open to dialogue about guns. But this "DO IT MY WAY OR ADMIT YOU ARE SCARED!!!" tact is simply ridiculous. I have tried to engage you in conversations numerous times, and you always resort to either ridicule or name calling. Is that really the way you want to hold a discussion? Sad.

What is there to "discuss"? You are making bullshit claims. ie hunting will die out.

Did you ever answer my question as to who commits most of the crazy shooting in this country. No you ignored that. Even though it is men under the age of 30. If you are gonna deny that stat, what's to talk about. It's the truth you are denying.

Did you ever answer my question as to how DGU info is collected? No.

These are legit questions that should be discussed. You refuse. Again, what is to talk about?

Maybe you just want to stick with recreational shooting. Resolving problems don't seem to be your "thang".
Or is the fact that young men under 30 account for most of the crazy shootings not really a problem?

You present your version of the "facts" and I ask questions and offered a possible solution. We aren't discussing anything.

I did not question the fact that men under 30 are the overwhelming cause of gun violence. I did indeed answer your question about how DGU info is collected. And I am happy to discuss issues with you, the moment to stop trying to make every gun buff sound like a racist fear monger.
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.
wow Zeke calm down.....you dumb fuck....if you are that paranoid of that nasty under 30 guy.....go live in a fucking retirement community....its fucking assholes like you that over react to every fucking thing that happens that makes things worse....

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

and of course your slimy ass if you bothered to pay attention would find out that i have stated in past gun threads that i am for some kind of check on paranoid fucks like you buying guns......
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.
Zeke, all of us would be happy to take steps to reduce gun violence. But all the measures mentioned will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do that. And they will impose costs/hardships on people who are not committing gun violence.
So if you have a solution that:
1) Is reasonably certain to reduce gun violence, and
2) Will not overly burden legitimate gun owners
We'd all like to hear it.
If you dont, then just STFU

The most stupid rabbit on the boards has logged in. Oh boy.

Hey rabbit. What is the age and sex of most of the crazy shootings in this country? You know. mass killing, domestic violence, etc.

Rabbit did you know that potential gun owners are already shouldering a big burden? They can't legally buy a gun from a Federally licensed gun store till they are age 21. How do they survive that long without buying that gun, rabbit? How would they ever make it to 30?

You really are a stupid rabbit. And like most gun nutters haven't a clue about how to make this situation better.
You got a better idea than mine? Lets hear it,

If not, fuck you rabbit. At least I have a proposal. You got nothing but they same ole tired bullshit.
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.

I think there is a legitimate issue with young men being able to be dropped in some 3rd world hell hole to fight (with automatic weapons) but when they come home they can't go hunting or target shooting without an escort. Whether you and Harry want to trim back the name calling and sensationalism long enough to discuss it remains to be seen.

I do believe that hunting would die out completely if those under 30 could not own a firearm.
name calling?.....talk to paranoid Zeke....not me....
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.
Zeke, all of us would be happy to take steps to reduce gun violence. But all the measures mentioned will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do that. And they will impose costs/hardships on people who are not committing gun violence.
So if you have a solution that:
1) Is reasonably certain to reduce gun violence, and
2) Will not overly burden legitimate gun owners
We'd all like to hear it.
If you dont, then just STFU

The most stupid rabbit on the boards has logged in. Oh boy.

Hey rabbit. What is the age and sex of most of the crazy shootings in this country? You know. mass killing, domestic violence, etc.

Rabbit did you know that potential gun owners are already shouldering a big burden? They can't legally buy a gun from a Federally licensed gun store till they are age 21. How do they survive that long without buying that gun, rabbit? How would they ever make it to 30?

You really are a stupid rabbit. And like most gun nutters haven't a clue about how to make this situation better.
You got a better idea than mine? Lets hear it,

If not, fuck you rabbit. At least I have a proposal. You got nothing but they same ole tired bullshit.
Thank you, Zeke. Proving yourself the most moronic stump broke toothless idiot on this board. Not one suggestion.
The truth is you dont give a shit about gun violence. You just want to stick it to gun owners or the NRA or someone just because you think you can.
You're a pitiful piece of dog's excrement, in constant envy of those who have something going for them.
Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.

Tougher sentencing for offenders who own a stolen and/or unregistered gun (10 years, out in 5 with good behavior; separate charge for each unregistered/stolen weapon), mandated to run consecutively with any other convictions.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
looks like common nonsensical to me. :up:
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....

You trying to make some sort of point? What is it. That you are such a fucked up person that you have no interest at all in reducing gun violence. Just come out and say that and quit wasting time.

It is fucking idiots like you that will not consider ANY steps to curtail gun violence that will ultimately cause gun restrictions that even I won't like.

You stupid fuck. If some young man wants to learn the proper way to handle himself and weapons, let them join the military. You got a problem with joining the military? Or you like it that crazy young men with bad attitudes can easily buy guns?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Maybe 15 year old kids should be able to buy guns? Show me in the COTUS where it requires people to be a certain age BEFORE they can buy a gun.

Are you so fucking crazy about guns that NO restrictions should be in place? Sounds like it.

Do you want to reduce gun violence in this country or not? Simple question.

I think there is a legitimate issue with young men being able to be dropped in some 3rd world hell hole to fight (with automatic weapons) but when they come home they can't go hunting or target shooting without an escort. Whether you and Harry want to trim back the name calling and sensationalism long enough to discuss it remains to be seen.

I do believe that hunting would die out completely if those under 30 could not own a firearm.

So that's what you want to focus on eh? The fact that a very small percentage of the population (men in the service under that age of 30) wouldn't have as easy access to weapons outside of the military.

You ever bother to look at the demographics of gun violence? Who is it that commits the most crazy shootings? You've never bothered to look have you. Mostly it is men under the age of 30. Unbridled aggression., to much testosterone, to little good common sense.

But you all are so concerned with the military age men having guns. Suicide rate still going up in the military? WOW some soldier having problems won't be able to so easily kill themselves if they can't easily buy a gun.
Might ever keep one of them alive. But you aren't interested in that. They might want to go hunting. Of course they still could.

Hunting die out? You're shitting me. I know three men who are in tree stands right now. None of the three are close to 30. How could that be? You think people over 30 don't want to eat? Come on you are really stretching it there.

Just come out and say it. You are scared that if there is one reasonable restriction on guns to reduce gun violence, there would be precedent for trying other ideas. And that's what really scares you. There might be other good ideas to follow.
There it is. You gun lovers have been saying for decades that no restrictions will work But you don't know cause they haven't been tried. And if they did work and reduced gun violence, what would you all say then?

Hey, according to your numbers, there were 273 DGU YESTERDAY. How do you confirm that number?
273 x 365 = 99,999.

Jeez, take a breath, willya?

Yes, hunting could die out quite easily with the restrictions you want. Did I say it would end immediately? No, that is not even close to what I said. Does the phrase "die out" sound like a sudden thing or a gradual one? But the simple fact is that if hunting is relegated to only those over 30 or those accompanied by someone over 30, the number of young hunters will be virtually nil. And in a few years.........?

As for the soldiers committing suicide, I have yet to see anything that shows a lack of firearms means someone who truly wants to commit suicide will not do it. It really is a stretch to say it would change the suicide rates.

And I will not say that I am scared of reasonable restrictions. I am not. This idea that you anti-gun folks have that someone is either on your side or they are scared of any changes or restrictions is nuts. I am open to dialogue about guns. But this "DO IT MY WAY OR ADMIT YOU ARE SCARED!!!" tact is simply ridiculous. I have tried to engage you in conversations numerous times, and you always resort to either ridicule or name calling. Is that really the way you want to hold a discussion? Sad.
i think paranoid Zeke wants men to have this in their chow....i know that hot head needs some....

Registration - not as permission to own guns, but as proof of ownership.

Tougher sentencing for offenders who own a stolen and/or unregistered gun (10 years, out in 5 with good behavior; separate charge for each unregistered/stolen weapon), mandated to run consecutively with any other convictions.

This kind of legislation empowers government to fight true gun violence, because laws designed to punish the law-abiding gun owners are counterproductive since criminals will ignore them anyway.
looks like common nonsensical to me. :up:
Of course its nonsensical. How do you register the 300M guns already in existence? Hell, a lot of people dont even know they own a gun. How are you going to register that??
Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?
Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?
It's Zeke, ranting incoherently.
Hey, Zeke. The majority of gun violence occurs from people who are already convicted felons. Maybe we should have a law prohibiting convicted felons from buying guns. What about it??
I spent a long time thinking on this matter, by mainly reading through crime statistics and gun legislation from every country in the world.

My conclusion is that the availability of firearms has nothing to do with the crime rate.

Crime is caused by other factors within society.

So keep your laws as they are.

in reality my friend from Austria, we need to rescind ALL the anti-gun laws and adhere to only one....., "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"


i would like to see a law that says any person who uses a gun in the commission of the crime of MURDER and convicted thereof SHALL be executed within 48 hours !! :up:
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
How do you enforce the storage law?

Random searches?

IMO the only law needed is life in prison without parole for any crime committed with a firearm. And negligence on the owner's part is a crime.
Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?

The polls and studies that provide these numbers are the result of a great deal of work by researchers and pollsters. I am not going to try and duplicate that here.

But here is some info gathered by the above mentioned methods.

"A 1982 survey of male felons in 11 state prisons dispersed across the U.S. found:
• 34% had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"
• 40% had decided not to commit a crime because they "knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun"
• 69% personally knew other criminals who had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"

From: Book: Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms (Expanded Edition). By James D. Wright and Peter D. Rossi. Aldine De Gruyter, 1986 (Expanded edition published in 1994).

The definitive study of the quality of prisoner self-report data is Marquis (1981), a data quality analysis of the RAND "Criminal Careers" survey. In this study, data quality was assessed by comparing prisoners' self reports with information contained in official criminal justice records. Since the format and procedures of the RAND survey were very similar to those followed in our survey, it is reasonable to assume that Marquis' findings generalize. Summarizing briefly, Marquis found:

1. There is no evidence that prisoners attempt to deny salient aspects of their criminal past. ...
2. Comparisons of self-reported conviction-offense data with official records showed that "on a general level, the data are close to unbiased" (Marquis, 1981: 32). Moderate biases were found on some items , but in general, reliability of the self-report data was "moderately high."

Same as above. Page 155:

2. Have you ever been scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim? No: 66%, Yes: 34%, (N) = (1673)
3. Was there ever a time in your life when you decided not to do a crime because you knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun? No, never: 61%, Yes, just once: 10%, Yes, a few times: 22%, Yes, many times: 8%, (N) = (1627)
4. [H]ave any of the criminals you have known personally ever been scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim? No, none: 31%, Yes, but only one: 10%, Yes, a few: 48%, Yes, many: 11%, (N) = (1627)

"Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year."
As shown in the previous footnote, this study did not use a nationally representative population. To correct for this, Just Facts used the following equation:

t = c × g × p / [n × r × [[s × d / f] + [(1-s) × (1- d) / (1- f)]]]

t = Total defensive gun uses in a nationally representative population
c = Defensive gun uses in this survey, civilian against offender, clear = 48
g = Minimum proportion of households with a gun = 0.34*
p = Population, ages 25-70 = 158,799,375†
n = Survey sample size = 3006
r = Proportion of survey respondents with a gun in their home = .83
s = Proportion of survey respondents who are female = .25
d = Proportion of defensive gun uses by females = .46‡
f = Proportion of population (ages 25-70) who are females = .51†

"A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year."

from: Estimating intruder-related firearm retrievals... Violence Vict. 1997 - PubMed - NCBI
Registration is the first step to confiscation.

2nd Amendment need only apply.

Moron, registration is not incompatible with the 2nd amendment if it is implemented intelligently.

As I stated, guns should not be registered as if one is applying for permission to own them, but as an informative tool so the government knows "Citizen X has "N" number of guns with these serial numbers".

The reason why is because knowing who owns those guns will make it easier to punish the violent offenders that break into Citizen X's cache and raids their stash. It also gives police a lead on where a stolen gun originated.

In all other countries that have banned guns it has always been the first step. So in regards to the Moron statement you can Kiss this and I don't mean my lips.........A country song BTW.

I stand by my assessment of you. Keep your red herring, we are not those countries.

It's so easy to get under the skin of a backwater, sister fucking hick.

i am certain you know this from experience.., or are you the product of a sister fucking hick ? :lmao:

me thinks the later :up:
Removing the endless exceptions from the current laws would work well. We don't need more laws, just clean them up and make them precise. As it stands now, the statutes allow for so many precedents that they are neutered, neutralized and meaningless.

But the NRA owns the laws, that's why they are meaningless. Money over human life, that should be their motto.
No its more like freedom from idiots. The NRA is made up of voters, people not some elite group in the back ground. Why do you think every time the left attempts an
Registration is the first step to confiscation.

2nd Amendment need only apply.

Moron, registration is not incompatible with the 2nd amendment if it is implemented intelligently.

As I stated, guns should not be registered as if one is applying for permission to own them, but as an informative tool so the government knows "Citizen X has "N" number of guns with these serial numbers".

The reason why is because knowing who owns those guns will make it easier to punish the violent offenders that break into Citizen X's cache and raids their stash. It also gives police a lead on where a stolen gun originated.

end around play it falls flat? why is that?

This flies directly in the face of the second,a tyrannical Gov would just love to have a gun owner list.
You know those metal plates on the back (and sometimes front) of cars?

Folks call them tags.

Yeah... that's registration.

I'm pretty sure nobody fucking asked the DMV permission to purchase their vehicle, you raging retards.

I'm referring to a similar setup for gun registration (without the need for prison labor products, of course).
You know those metal plates on the back (and sometimes front) of cars?

Folks call them tags.

Yeah... that's registration.

I'm pretty sure nobody fucking asked the DMV permission to purchase their vehicle, you raging retards.

I'm referring to a similar setup for gun registration (without the need for prison labor products, of course).

For it to work we would have to trust those in government not to use the system to prevent gun ownership by law abiding citizens, and I don't trust them enough for that.
You know those metal plates on the back (and sometimes front) of cars?

Folks call them tags.

Yeah... that's registration.

I'm pretty sure nobody fucking asked the DMV permission to purchase their vehicle, you raging retards.

I'm referring to a similar setup for gun registration (without the need for prison labor products, of course).

For it to work we would have to trust those in government not to use the system to prevent gun ownership by law abiding citizens, and I don't trust them enough for that.

Finally, a relevant rebuttal.

+ respect points.
Well hello fuck head harry. Take it up with Winterborn. He has enough sense to realize that under 30 men are the majority of the shooters that should be stopped.

Scared of people over 30. You are fucked in the head harry. I want to keep men under 30 from doing crazy things that will ruin a lot of lives. Including theirs. And you got a problem with that? Fuck you.

You want to do jack shit about the problem. You got a workable solution? Fuck no.

Hey Winterborn, give me the abridged version of DGU stats. And where would I find the 273 DGU's that you all claimed happened YESTERDAY? Do you know of any personally?

Yes, I do realize that the overwhelming majority of murders are committed by men under 30.

However, to ban gun ownership from 21,649,767 men because of the actions of fewer than 10,000 seems inherently wrong.

You want to restrict them all based on the actions of 0.046% of this demographic? Despite the fact that 99.954% did not kill anyone with a gun?
You know those metal plates on the back (and sometimes front) of cars?

Folks call them tags.

Yeah... that's registration.

I'm pretty sure nobody fucking asked the DMV permission to purchase their vehicle, you raging retards.

I'm referring to a similar setup for gun registration (without the need for prison labor products, of course).

what a lousy comparison

which enumerated right lists driving an auto on the public roadway

where does it state in the BOR the right to drive on the freeway shall not be infringed

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