"common Sense Gun Laws"

There are no "Common Sense" gun Laws only restrictions on the 2nd Amendment masquerading as common sense.

Don't fall for it.

End of thread and the argument.

So there should be no restrictions on gun ownership at all?

Restrictions on gun ownership needs to be within the constitution. Pred's comment is ignoring the fact that the 2nd amendment only originally applied to the federal government not being allowed to restrict said ownership. The 14th Amendment however, introduced further restrictions on the states, in so far as the states can't override federal laws; the states have to apply equal protection, and the states must use due process when restricting gun ownership.

IOW my reading of the 14th is that a state may restrict gun ownership if due process and equal protection is applied. For example, a state banning convicted violent felons from owning guns. I don't think the feds can do that, but the states can.
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What has the Country come to when "some (left wingers) would say" we need to prosecute innocent people (gun dealers) whether they followed the rules or not? Sadly it's low information hysterical left wingers who are most influenced by propaganda and demand new laws when they are ignorant of the laws already on the books.

As much as Whinerborn wants to mischaracterize it, the gun industry knows damned well they are selling to criminals and crazy people. they want crazy people and crooks to have guns so everyone else wants them to.

It's like an arms merchant that supplies both sides in a war.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. Whatever laws that are "already on the books' aren't working.

There are laws not to speed. People violate that law all the time. It's called a Speeding Ticket...........

There are laws not to sell drugs. Happens every minute of every day.

Just because you pass a law doesn't make it so.......The criminals will not come forth and say OH IT'S THE LAW and register their guns...........Which means the registration will go to the law abiding citizens who aren't violating any laws and are Peaceful citizens.

You PUNISH THE INNOCENT for the crimes of the GUILTY.
How are the INNOCENT being punished?
What has the Country come to when "some (left wingers) would say" we need to prosecute innocent people (gun dealers) whether they followed the rules or not? Sadly it's low information hysterical left wingers who are most influenced by propaganda and demand new laws when they are ignorant of the laws already on the books.

As much as Whinerborn wants to mischaracterize it, the gun industry knows damned well they are selling to criminals and crazy people. they want crazy people and crooks to have guns so everyone else wants them to.

It's like an arms merchant that supplies both sides in a war.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. Whatever laws that are "already on the books' aren't working.

There are laws not to speed. People violate that law all the time. It's called a Speeding Ticket...........

There are laws not to sell drugs. Happens every minute of every day.

Just because you pass a law doesn't make it so.......The criminals will not come forth and say OH IT'S THE LAW and register their guns...........Which means the registration will go to the law abiding citizens who aren't violating any laws and are Peaceful citizens.

You PUNISH THE INNOCENT for the crimes of the GUILTY.
How are the INNOCENT being punished?

By creating laws against those who commit crimes to safe society from the criminals who have abused guns.

Therefore, they impose laws that affect people who didn't commit the crimes.
What has the Country come to when "some (left wingers) would say" we need to prosecute innocent people (gun dealers) whether they followed the rules or not? Sadly it's low information hysterical left wingers who are most influenced by propaganda and demand new laws when they are ignorant of the laws already on the books.

As much as Whinerborn wants to mischaracterize it, the gun industry knows damned well they are selling to criminals and crazy people. they want crazy people and crooks to have guns so everyone else wants them to.

It's like an arms merchant that supplies both sides in a war.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. Whatever laws that are "already on the books' aren't working.

There are laws not to speed. People violate that law all the time. It's called a Speeding Ticket...........

There are laws not to sell drugs. Happens every minute of every day.

Just because you pass a law doesn't make it so.......The criminals will not come forth and say OH IT'S THE LAW and register their guns...........Which means the registration will go to the law abiding citizens who aren't violating any laws and are Peaceful citizens.

You PUNISH THE INNOCENT for the crimes of the GUILTY.
How are the INNOCENT being punished?

By creating laws against those who commit crimes to safe society from the criminals who have abused guns.

Therefore, they impose laws that affect people who didn't commit the crimes.
I`m asking for a description of this alleged punishment the law abiding have to endure. Has anyone been jailed or nailed to a cross?
What has the Country come to when "some (left wingers) would say" we need to prosecute innocent people (gun dealers) whether they followed the rules or not? Sadly it's low information hysterical left wingers who are most influenced by propaganda and demand new laws when they are ignorant of the laws already on the books.

As much as Whinerborn wants to mischaracterize it, the gun industry knows damned well they are selling to criminals and crazy people. they want crazy people and crooks to have guns so everyone else wants them to.

It's like an arms merchant that supplies both sides in a war.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. Whatever laws that are "already on the books' aren't working.

There are laws not to speed. People violate that law all the time. It's called a Speeding Ticket...........

There are laws not to sell drugs. Happens every minute of every day.

Just because you pass a law doesn't make it so.......The criminals will not come forth and say OH IT'S THE LAW and register their guns...........Which means the registration will go to the law abiding citizens who aren't violating any laws and are Peaceful citizens.

You PUNISH THE INNOCENT for the crimes of the GUILTY.
How are the INNOCENT being punished?

By creating laws against those who commit crimes to safe society from the criminals who have abused guns.

Therefore, they impose laws that affect people who didn't commit the crimes.
I`m asking for a description of this alleged punishment the law abiding have to endure. Has anyone been jailed or nailed to a cross?

You know what I meant. You pass the laws for criminal actions. It is a mantra of the Gun Grabbers.........Look at what these guns do in order to try and ban guns......pass new laws............

Yet the law abiding citizens didn't do the crimes that the Gun Grabbers are harping on.
What has the Country come to when "some (left wingers) would say" we need to prosecute innocent people (gun dealers) whether they followed the rules or not? Sadly it's low information hysterical left wingers who are most influenced by propaganda and demand new laws when they are ignorant of the laws already on the books.

As much as Whinerborn wants to mischaracterize it, the gun industry knows damned well they are selling to criminals and crazy people. they want crazy people and crooks to have guns so everyone else wants them to.

It's like an arms merchant that supplies both sides in a war.

We have 32,000 gun deaths a year. Whatever laws that are "already on the books' aren't working.

There are laws not to speed. People violate that law all the time. It's called a Speeding Ticket...........

There are laws not to sell drugs. Happens every minute of every day.

Just because you pass a law doesn't make it so.......The criminals will not come forth and say OH IT'S THE LAW and register their guns...........Which means the registration will go to the law abiding citizens who aren't violating any laws and are Peaceful citizens.

You PUNISH THE INNOCENT for the crimes of the GUILTY.
How are the INNOCENT being punished?

By creating laws against those who commit crimes to safe society from the criminals who have abused guns.

Therefore, they impose laws that affect people who didn't commit the crimes.
I`m asking for a description of this alleged punishment the law abiding have to endure. Has anyone been jailed or nailed to a cross?
Yes. In other countries, people have been jailed, cooked in ovens, nailed to crosses, hung, shot in ditches, etc.. all after their guns were confiscated. Further, people denied access to guns in this country have been mugged, raped, killed etc.
Long story short. You`re not being punished, just parroting what the gun/criminal lobby feeds you. I`m not asking about other countries btw.
Long story short. You`re not being punished, just parroting what the gun/criminal lobby feeds you. I`m not asking about other countries btw.

Gun control laws in New York don't restrict gun owners that have done no crimes........These laws were by people pushing for banning all guns.
Long story short. You`re not being punished, just parroting what the gun/criminal lobby feeds you. I`m not asking about other countries btw.
Our POTUS has already bragged about killing American CHILDREN with DRONES.
Before you can own a gun, you must undergo a THOROUGH background check, not this bullshit weak system the NRA has in place.

If you sell a gun to a person who commits a crime with it, you are held liable.

You can't own a gun without being licensed, trained and insured.

Or fuck it, just ban private gun ownership. THere's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

Thanks for proving my point. Up yours on Registration.

Guy, gun control is coming. YOu'd better learn to deal.

You guys totally picked the wrong side of history.

You just keep telling yourself that. So far, with the most liberal president in decades and a super majority in congress, not a single significant piece of anti-gun legislation was passed. In fact, there are more states with "Shall Issue" laws for CCW permits than there were before Obama was elected.

Then why in the hell are you gun lovers so fucking OBSESSED with the idea that someone is gonna take your guns? You ADMIT there has been no serious effort to take away guns. Still, some of you gun lovers will talk about NOTHING else except that some unnamed liberal is trying to take away guns. Entire threads saying exactly the same thing, expressing exactly the same fear and no one has lost a single weapon. SO why be so obsessed. (maybe not you but those like you)

It ain't happening. Guns have been around a long time and ain't leaving. No matter what Joe thinks.
But obsessions are harmful.
Before you can own a gun, you must undergo a THOROUGH background check, not this bullshit weak system the NRA has in place.

If you sell a gun to a person who commits a crime with it, you are held liable.

You can't own a gun without being licensed, trained and insured.

Or fuck it, just ban private gun ownership. THere's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

Thanks for proving my point. Up yours on Registration.

Guy, gun control is coming. YOu'd better learn to deal.

You guys totally picked the wrong side of history.

You just keep telling yourself that. So far, with the most liberal president in decades and a super majority in congress, not a single significant piece of anti-gun legislation was passed. In fact, there are more states with "Shall Issue" laws for CCW permits than there were before Obama was elected.

Then why in the hell are you gun lovers so fucking OBSESSED with the idea that someone is gonna take your guns? You ADMIT there has been no serious effort to take away guns. Still, some of you gun lovers will talk about NOTHING else except that some unnamed liberal is trying to take away guns. Entire threads saying exactly the same thing, expressing exactly the same fear and no one has lost a single weapon. SO why be so obsessed. (maybe not you but those like you)

It ain't happening. Guns have been around a long time and ain't leaving. No matter what Joe thinks.
But obsessions are harmful.
History of Canada and England..........and how it happened............

Which is why we fight the steps in the process........Don't want it to happen here.
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.

Thanks for proving my point, and why I oppose all steps.
A Registration data base is needed to find out who owns guns in this country. That way they will know who will have to turn in the guns should they ever get another temporary majority of Anti-gun nuts in office. This happened in England and Canada, which is why I don't want to register guns........

Simple solution to that. J ust post rewards to rat out your neighbors who don't turn in their guns.

Meh, heh, heh, heh.

"Hey Bob, the ATF certainly did a number on your house last night. What do you think of my new Mustang?"
you are sounding like Nazi Germany Joe....
IF we were really serious about reducing gun violence in this country, we would target the group most responsible for gun violence. And that would be males under the age of 30.

Simply raise the legal age limit where a male of any race can buy a gun up to the age of 30. Increase the penalties for using a gun to commit a crime or even the act of having a gun would cause jail time.

Reasonable accommodations could be made for legit use of a gun by a male under thirty. When accompanied by an "adult".

Until the testosterone starts to taper off, having young men with guns is gonna cause unnecessary death and injuries.
but yet that under 30 male can go fucking die on some battlefield in some 3rd world shithole so people like you can bitch and moan .....great post Zeke.....
Before you can own a gun, you must undergo a THOROUGH background check, not this bullshit weak system the NRA has in place.

If you sell a gun to a person who commits a crime with it, you are held liable.

You can't own a gun without being licensed, trained and insured.

Or fuck it, just ban private gun ownership. THere's no good reason for any civilian to own a gun.

Thanks for proving my point. Up yours on Registration.

Guy, gun control is coming. YOu'd better learn to deal.

You guys totally picked the wrong side of history.

You just keep telling yourself that. So far, with the most liberal president in decades and a super majority in congress, not a single significant piece of anti-gun legislation was passed. In fact, there are more states with "Shall Issue" laws for CCW permits than there were before Obama was elected.

Then why in the hell are you gun lovers so fucking OBSESSED with the idea that someone is gonna take your guns? You ADMIT there has been no serious effort to take away guns. Still, some of you gun lovers will talk about NOTHING else except that some unnamed liberal is trying to take away guns. Entire threads saying exactly the same thing, expressing exactly the same fear and no one has lost a single weapon. SO why be so obsessed. (maybe not you but those like you)

It ain't happening. Guns have been around a long time and ain't leaving. No matter what Joe thinks.
But obsessions are harmful.

tell your good buddy Dean that.....maybe he will listen to you....
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?
The Heller Court addressed gun control laws that were appropriate and Constitutional in its 2008 decision:

“The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”


Gun control measures that are inappropriate and ineffective would include:

Waiting periods

Magazine capacity restrictions and bans

Restrictions on the number of purchases during a given time period

Licensing requirements (save that of concealed carry)

Purchase permits

Registration requirements

And bans of firearms based on the configuration and functionality of these firearms, such as:

Pistol grips

Detachable magazines

Folding/telescoping stocks

Flash suppressors
Throughout these forums I see people calling for the need for "common sense" gun laws. Some have claimed we need to prosecute gun dealers whether they follow the rules or not.

I am curious, what "common sense" gun laws do you think we need to pass and why?

I can see where requiring a safe storage of loaded firearms, in houses where children live or can be reasonably expected to be, might be a good idea. That would cut down on the number of accidental deaths.

What else?

Limits on number and types of gunz one can own, and extremely tough restrictions on carrying in public, particularly in populated areas. All gun transfers must go through an FFL.

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