Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

Possible , but then the whole reason for the Second Amendment will be Gone Sealy !! Time to teach the kids the REASON for the Second Amendment Sealy !!
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
You’re fucking clueless on the firearm issue...
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
You’re fucking clueless on the firearm issue...

No I am not. I get every argument you put forward. You have an argument for every possible solution we give to lower the number of people who are murdered by guns. For example, I love the "why don't we ban cars because one guy killed more people with a car than anyone ever has with a gun?" What a stupid argument.

We tell you people we are not trying to solve gun violence. Guns will always be around. I just think it'd be better if the only guns a nut can get their hands on is one that shoots 4 bullets. Then you have to take the magazing out, put 3 more bullets in, then put one in the chamber.

By that time the cops have already shown up and the campus is empty. You only killed 4 people. Maybe you killed 8. But you did not murder 20. That's all we are hoping for. We know nuts with guns will murder as long as the human race exists. Unless we become more civilized that is. No signs that this is happening in fact don't you right wing nuts say society is going to shit and the citizens today are worthless?

So the citizens today are not the same citizens we had when this country was founded, right? Maybe if our founding fathers had worthless pieces of shit citizens around them they would have given the 2nd amendment some more thought.

Instead of A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

they should have said people owning guns is necessary to the security of a free state so the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It will however be regulated.
Possible , but then the whole reason for the Second Amendment will be Gone Sealy !! Time to teach the kids the REASON for the Second Amendment Sealy !!

If you mean because we need to worry about our own government getting too powerful, giving everyone high powered assault weapons so they can take on the government seems like a bad idea. We have too many nuts in this country and we are too loosy goosy about who can get one.

So every year having these guns is costing 17,000 people their lives.

I'm not talking about banning guns. You can have a
Possible , but then the whole reason for the Second Amendment will be Gone Sealy !! Time to teach the kids the REASON for the Second Amendment Sealy !!

What is the reason? You mean to protect us against our own government? I do like it that I have guns to protect myself but do I think everyone should have a
Mk 14 Enhanced Battle Rifle?

Fulton Armory Mk14 Mod 0 EBR *

Only $3700.

Man I wish I was as rich. I would test the resolve of the gun nuts. I would manufacture deadly assault rifles for $100 but only sell them to people in Democratic cities.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.
There's no sound argument for the necessity of these restrictions; they are both arbitrary and capricious.
Sure there is. If I take my Ruger 450 Bushmaster gun to a clock tower and decide to do harm to people, the gun only holds 3 plus one in the chamber. Why do you think they made this gun this way? Because it's made for hunting. No need for more than 4 bullets.

So why do you want a mag that can hold 10? Because you want to do more damage. And since we have nuts on a weekly basis trying to break the record for most murders, I don't think we should make these high power assault rifles available to the masses.

I saw some high power guns on the net. Some were $1000 and some were $3000. If I were the government I'd tax these guns at 50%. And I would want to know who's buying these guns.

I know, you don't want to be on a list. I know all the arguments. Fine. If you buy the Ruger 450 that only holds 4 bullets, you don't need to be on the list.
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
You’re fucking clueless on the firearm issue...

Us Democrats need to feel safe

Coast Guard officer held without bail after stockpiling weapons, making hit list of Democrats, prosecutors say

Coast Guard officer held without bail after stockpiling weapons, making hit list of Democrats, prosecutors say
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
You’re fucking clueless on the firearm issue...

I suppose you think this guy did nothing wrong?

'I've never seen so many weapons': Police seize over a thousand guns, ammo from home

Saenz apparently was licensed to own weapons -- and there is no prohibition on the number of guns a person can own -- but the person was selling the guns illegally, according to police.

Saenz, who was living in the home alone, was booked for unlawful transportationand giving, lending or selling assault weapons. Additional charges may be added later, including federal charges, authorities said. He is being held on $50,000 bond.

According to you guys you don't want the government knowing you have guns so I bet you think this guy did nothing wrong. He should be able to sell a gun the same way you sell a microwave.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
Learn the meaning of "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed." Chevies are protected by the Bill of Rights, moron.
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
You’re fucking clueless on the firearm issue...

I suppose you think this guy did nothing wrong?

'I've never seen so many weapons': Police seize over a thousand guns, ammo from home

Saenz apparently was licensed to own weapons -- and there is no prohibition on the number of guns a person can own -- but the person was selling the guns illegally, according to police.

Saenz, who was living in the home alone, was booked for unlawful transportationand giving, lending or selling assault weapons. Additional charges may be added later, including federal charges, authorities said. He is being held on $50,000 bond.

According to you guys you don't want the government knowing you have guns so I bet you think this guy did nothing wrong. He should be able to sell a gun the same way you sell a microwave.

He was selling them illegally, shit for brains. Having the guns isn't what he did wrong. I have a friend who has over 200 guns.
Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.
There's no sound argument for the necessity of these restrictions; they are both arbitrary and capricious.
Sure there is. If I take my Ruger 450 Bushmaster gun to a clock tower and decide to do harm to people, the gun only holds 3 plus one in the chamber. Why do you think they made this gun this way? Because it's made for hunting. No need for more than 4 bullets.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting; it protects all bearable arms suitable for all legal purposes with equal veracity.
That is, under the Constitution, the bolt action rifle and revolver are the same as the AR15 and Glock 19.
So why do you want a mag that can hold 10? Because you want to do more damage.
Sometimes it is necessary to do "more damage" than a 4-shot bolt action rifle can do.
And since we have nuts on a weekly basis trying to break the record for most murders, I don't think we should make these high power assault rifles available to the masses.
On average, 1982-2018, per year, 2-3 'assault weapons' are used to kill ~10 people in mass shootings.
How does that override the constitutional protections afforded to all bearable arms?
Keep in mind: Handguns are used to commit >60x more murders than 'assault weapons' and cannot be banned.
I saw some high power guns on the net. Some were $1000 and some were $3000. If I were the government I'd tax these guns at 50%.
This violates the constitution in exactly the same way as a similar tax on abortions.

There's no sound argument for the necessity of these restrictions; they are both arbitrary and capricious
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
Learn the meaning of "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed." Chevies are protected by the Bill of Rights, moron.
A well regulated militia. What does that mean?
Us Democrats need to feel safe
Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights.

You being irrational is a sound argument for my fears.

You guys need to send in more donations to the NRA.

Leaked documents reveal the National Rifle Association is drowning in legal fees. Board members say they didn’t know.

The National Rifle Association continues to implode amidst accusations of financial mismanagement by its highest-ranking officials. Now two board members are speaking out against the gun rights group.

Recent statements by newly elected NRA President Carolyn Meadows “are outright lies,” NRA board member Allen West said in a statement on Tuesday.

On Friday, a trove of internal NRA documents was released anonymously online and verified by both The Daily Beast and The Wall Street Journal. They revealed that the group’s recently departed president, Oliver North, had warned top-ranking officials that the NRA was drowning in legal fees.

“The amount appears to be approximately $24 million over a 13-month period,” said the nine-page letter written in April, which has been viewed by HuffPost. North said the group was burning nearly $100,000 every day, “seven days a week, every day of every month,” in payments to a law firm.

Another letter revealed that NRA CEO and executive vice president Wayne LaPierre has blown through more than a half-million dollars on clothing, travel and other expenses over the years, including a $39,000 shopping spree at a Beverly Hills store.

The NRA is just as corrupt as the unions!!!

“I do not support Wayne LaPierre continuing as the EVP/CEO of the NRA,” West wrote. “There is a cabal of cronyism operating within the NRA and that exists within the Board of Directors. It must cease, and I do not care if I draw their angst.”
Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.


Those aren't clips, clips look like this;


Clips have no springs or moving parts.

You young snot nosed kids don't understand that most of us old timers still use the term clip even when it's a magazine. And if you ever owned a SKS, you would still be using the clip.

Thanks Daryl. One thing is for sure. Me using the term clip doesn't prove I don't own a 1911 45 Ruger American made gun that has clips that hold 8 rounds. LOL.
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.
You’re fucking clueless on the firearm issue...

No I am not. I get every argument you put forward. You have an argument for every possible solution we give to lower the number of people who are murdered by guns. For example, I love the "why don't we ban cars because one guy killed more people with a car than anyone ever has with a gun?" What a stupid argument.

We tell you people we are not trying to solve gun violence. Guns will always be around. I just think it'd be better if the only guns a nut can get their hands on is one that shoots 4 bullets. Then you have to take the magazing out, put 3 more bullets in, then put one in the chamber.

By that time the cops have already shown up and the campus is empty. You only killed 4 people. Maybe you killed 8. But you did not murder 20. That's all we are hoping for. We know nuts with guns will murder as long as the human race exists. Unless we become more civilized that is. No signs that this is happening in fact don't you right wing nuts say society is going to shit and the citizens today are worthless?

So the citizens today are not the same citizens we had when this country was founded, right? Maybe if our founding fathers had worthless pieces of shit citizens around them they would have given the 2nd amendment some more thought.

Instead of A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

they should have said people owning guns is necessary to the security of a free state so the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. It will however be regulated.

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.


Those aren't clips, clips look like this;


Clips have no springs or moving parts.

You young snot nosed kids don't understand that most of us old timers still use the term clip even when it's a magazine. And if you ever owned a SKS, you would still be using the clip.

Thanks Daryl. One thing is for sure. Me using the term clip doesn't prove I don't own a 1911 45 Ruger American made gun that has clips that hold 8 rounds. LOL.
Us Democrats need to feel safe
Your irrational fears are not a sound argument for the restriction of my rights.

You being irrational is a sound argument for my fears.

You guys need to send in more donations to the NRA.

Leaked documents reveal the National Rifle Association is drowning in legal fees. Board members say they didn’t know.

The National Rifle Association continues to implode amidst accusations of financial mismanagement by its highest-ranking officials. Now two board members are speaking out against the gun rights group.

Recent statements by newly elected NRA President Carolyn Meadows “are outright lies,” NRA board member Allen West said in a statement on Tuesday.

On Friday, a trove of internal NRA documents was released anonymously online and verified by both The Daily Beast and The Wall Street Journal. They revealed that the group’s recently departed president, Oliver North, had warned top-ranking officials that the NRA was drowning in legal fees.

“The amount appears to be approximately $24 million over a 13-month period,” said the nine-page letter written in April, which has been viewed by HuffPost. North said the group was burning nearly $100,000 every day, “seven days a week, every day of every month,” in payments to a law firm.

Another letter revealed that NRA CEO and executive vice president Wayne LaPierre has blown through more than a half-million dollars on clothing, travel and other expenses over the years, including a $39,000 shopping spree at a Beverly Hills store.

The NRA is just as corrupt as the unions!!!

“I do not support Wayne LaPierre continuing as the EVP/CEO of the NRA,” West wrote. “There is a cabal of cronyism operating within the NRA and that exists within the Board of Directors. It must cease, and I do not care if I draw their angst.”
Gun Owners of America - Wikipedia
A well regulated militia. What does that mean?
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Thus, whatever it means, in terms of who enjoys the protection of the 2nd and the limits of that protection, the definition means nothing.

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