Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

But you want anyone to own them. No training, no classes, no background checks. No permits to carry. Carry them in schools and in bars.

You want idiots like me to have no regulations.

Freedom isn’t free! Lol

Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?

I tried to explain to the idiot that if it were a REAL gun fight I could just out distance him and take him out with a single shot .22

A .45 ACP is up close and personal.
So only 22s should be legal. Lol

Where did ANYONE say anything remotely like that? Lying doesn't help your case.

Should Home Depot be allowed to sell someone like you a chainsaw? No background check, no training, just walk off with an EXTREMELY lethal weapon?
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.

You are correct. The Proggies' "Comon Sense" gun regulations are about disarming the masses in order to turn them into serfs, and preserving gun possession for the New Overlords.

And what would that be, about .000001% of the real Progressives? Hate to break it to you but there is no way I would be disarmed. Too many rightwingnutjobs running around that wants me disarmed.
Only if you're a danger to others.

And with all your fascist talk of "thinning the herd", obviously you are a danger to others.

Do you need someone to proofread your manifesto?
Almost none of the mass shooters in the last decade would have been identified as being danger to others. Libs protected the ones who were, like the San Bernardino shooters.

Now, that's funny. After the fact, almost everyone showed warning signs. But you rightwingnutjobs won't allow the Red Flag laws alone. We have that in this state and it works usually. The last one got past it. But with the gun regs as they are, at least the body count was kept to one.
The ones who purchased guns legally were able to do so because of government failures.

More government is insanely obviously not the answer, Comrade.
Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?

I tried to explain to the idiot that if it were a REAL gun fight I could just out distance him and take him out with a single shot .22

A .45 ACP is up close and personal.
So only 22s should be legal. Lol

Where did ANYONE say anything remotely like that? Lying doesn't help your case.

Should Home Depot be allowed to sell someone like you a chainsaw? No background check, no training, just walk off with an EXTREMELY lethal weapon?

When the bad guys start using chain saws for mass school shootings, I, for one, will want to revisit this subject.
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.

You are correct. The Proggies' "Comon Sense" gun regulations are about disarming the masses in order to turn them into serfs, and preserving gun possession for the New Overlords.

And what would that be, about .000001% of the real Progressives? Hate to break it to you but there is no way I would be disarmed. Too many rightwingnutjobs running around that wants me disarmed.
Only if you're a danger to others.

And with all your fascist talk of "thinning the herd", obviously you are a danger to others.

Do you need someone to proofread your manifesto?
Almost none of the mass shooters in the last decade would have been identified as being danger to others. Libs protected the ones who were, like the San Bernardino shooters.

Now, that's funny. After the fact, almost everyone showed warning signs. But you rightwingnutjobs won't allow the Red Flag laws alone. We have that in this state and it works usually. The last one got past it. But with the gun regs as they are, at least the body count was kept to one.
Warning signs "after the fact" are quite useless. Psychiatrists have never identified a potential mass shooter before the fact.
But you want anyone to own them. No training, no classes, no background checks. No permits to carry. Carry them in schools and in bars.

You want idiots like me to have no regulations.

Freedom isn’t free! Lol

Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.


Those aren't clips, clips look like this;


Clips have no springs or moving parts.
But you want anyone to own them. No training, no classes, no background checks. No permits to carry. Carry them in schools and in bars.

You want idiots like me to have no regulations.

Freedom isn’t free! Lol

Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.


Those aren't clips, clips look like this;


Clips have no springs or moving parts.
But you want anyone to own them. No training, no classes, no background checks. No permits to carry. Carry them in schools and in bars.

You want idiots like me to have no regulations.

Freedom isn’t free! Lol

Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.


Those aren't clips, clips look like this;


Clips have no springs or moving parts.

You young snot nosed kids don't understand that most of us old timers still use the term clip even when it's a magazine. And if you ever owned a SKS, you would still be using the clip.
Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.


Those aren't clips, clips look like this;


Clips have no springs or moving parts.

You young snot nosed kids don't understand that most of us old timers still use the term clip even when it's a magazine. And if you ever owned a SKS, you would still be using the clip.
You young snot nosed kids don't understand that most of us old timers still use the term clip even when it's a magazine. And if you ever owned a SKS, you would still be using the clip.

Nah, only ignorant leftists call magazine's "clips,"

It's because you're stupid.:thup:

Silly Bonobo has no firearms and probably shouldn't. They DEMAND a healthy respect and basic knowledge of how they work. He lacks both.

Get it Carol Hunt (or can I call you C.Hunt?)
Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?

I tried to explain to the idiot that if it were a REAL gun fight I could just out distance him and take him out with a single shot .22

A .45 ACP is up close and personal.
So only 22s should be legal. Lol

Where did ANYONE say anything remotely like that? Lying doesn't help your case.

Should Home Depot be allowed to sell someone like you a chainsaw? No background check, no training, just walk off with an EXTREMELY lethal weapon?

When the bad guys start using chain saws for mass school shootings, I, for one, will want to revisit this subject.

Who gives a fuck what you want?

The weapon is irrelevant in school attacks.

Knife Attack at Chinese Elementary School Leaves Two Children Dead

That you Communists pimp tragedies to assault civil rights doesn't change that.
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.

You are correct. The Proggies' "Comon Sense" gun regulations are about disarming the masses in order to turn them into serfs, and preserving gun possession for the New Overlords.

And what would that be, about .000001% of the real Progressives? Hate to break it to you but there is no way I would be disarmed. Too many rightwingnutjobs running around that wants me disarmed.
Only if you're a danger to others.

And with all your fascist talk of "thinning the herd", obviously you are a danger to others.

Do you need someone to proofread your manifesto?
Almost none of the mass shooters in the last decade would have been identified as being danger to others. Libs protected the ones who were, like the San Bernardino shooters.

Now, that's funny. After the fact, almost everyone showed warning signs. But you rightwingnutjobs won't allow the Red Flag laws alone. We have that in this state and it works usually. The last one got past it. But with the gun regs as they are, at least the body count was kept to one.

^^^ Warning Signs!!! ^^^
You young snot nosed kids don't understand that most of us old timers still use the term clip even when it's a magazine. And if you ever owned a SKS, you would still be using the clip.

Nah, only ignorant leftists call magazine's "clips,"

It's because you're stupid.:thup:

Silly Bonobo has no firearms and probably shouldn't. They DEMAND a healthy respect and basic knowledge of how they work. He lacks both.

Get it Carol Hunt (or can I call you C.Hunt?)

Time to thin the gene poll again. Have a nice day.
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.

Bull shit.

First off, no gun regulations are based on any common sense because common sense says gun regulations do not work. Secondly, THE goal is, was and will always be a total ban on guns. Any one with COMMON SENSE already knows this.
“Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone”


In fact, there are common sense measures that can be taken having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as universal background checks and ensuring the states have the funding and ability to update the NICS database in a timely manner.

But the NRA and most on the right continue to propagate their ridiculous lie and slippery slope fallacy that common sense measures will lead to the ‘banning’ of all guns and their eventual ‘confiscation.’
Ever heard of common sense abortion laws
How about common sense border laws
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an eveil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.
Of course they are. That's what lefties mean by "common sense gun regulations." It's code for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

Well you are the in favour of mentally ill and irresponsible people having high powered guns...

You are part of let the MENTALS HAVE GUNS...

I am in favor of American citizens having the right to keep and bear arms. You know, just like our Founding Fathers.
and i add , no category of man carried small arms should be barred from American Citizen ownership .
“Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone”


In fact, there are common sense measures that can be taken having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as universal background checks and ensuring the states have the funding and ability to update the NICS database in a timely manner.

But the NRA and most on the right continue to propagate their ridiculous lie and slippery slope fallacy that common sense measures will lead to the ‘banning’ of all guns and their eventual ‘confiscation.’
Ever heard of common sense abortion laws
How about common sense border laws

And it's a shame that common sense laws haven't been adopted for those two things. But we have a loud extreme right and a loud extreme left that both want their own way and will go to almost any length to get it. Meanwhile,there is the rest of us.
So, you are content to suffer shootings, as long as the body count is low? How liberal of you.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.
Do you really believe this horseshit?

They don't make '57 Chevys anymore, either. Nobody's forgotten about them.

You're too unstable to own firearms.

Why don't we make steel 57 Chevy's anymore? Besides it's too expensive, those cars are too dangerous. Hitting someone with one of those causes too much damage. Today we have safer cars.

So good analogy. In the future we won't make glocks because they are too dangerous. And your grandkids won't even blink an eye just like the other day you guys bragged that we can still buy tommy guns. Sure you can, they're just very very very heavily regulated. And you can't buy cop killer ammo anymore. And yet you guys seem to be accepting of the regulations right?

So we could totally go one further.

Any gun for sale will only hold 8 bullets max.
High power rifles hold 4
Shotguns hold 5
Even a 22 should only hold 10 bullets.

And your grandkids won't mind. Would they like to have a 20 round gun like their grandpappy had? Sure but they don't make them anymore. You can buy one but they are expensive and heavily regulated.

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