Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

Just read this thread, multiple people calling for all out firearm

You made a blanket statement. I'm merely pointing out you are wrong. They only want certain types of peashooters confiscated. Not all. There is a difference.
Here is what we do...Guns kill tens of thousands of people every year,,,so we ban semi-auto's with fines of 5 years in prison the first time and life the second. Time to treat these people the same way as we do with drug dealers.

So you're saying that you think that people who don't obey the laws against having an illegal weapon, against taking them into gun-free zones, and against shooting people en masse are going to pay attention to THIS law?

'Cause I'm gonna say "bullshit".
Now, lets visit few other parts of your idiocy...

Republicans did NOTHING after the Aurora theatre shooting, they did NOTHING after Sandy Hook, they did NOTHING after San Bernadino, they did NOTHING after Las Vegas, they did NOTHING after Orlando, Florida, and they're doing NOTHING today after this school shooting in Florida, except offer their sympathies and holding prayer vigils.

First of all, the gun rights are protected by 2nd amendment, and there is nothing to be done about it without changing the constitution. Now, why something must be done only when Republicans are in power? Democrats had full control over Congress in 2009, yet they did NOTHING, but you wan't to blame Republicans?
OBAMA simply asked Republicans to put people who were on Terrorist watch lists, and no fly lists on the no gun list. They refused, then Orlando Florida happened. OBAMA initiated mental health checks, after Sandy Hook, and Trump & Republicans repealed that.
What Barry asked was slippery slope, as usual. Because, it only takes a phone and a pen to declare someone who doesn't agree with you leftist nutz, or someone conservative, or someone who believe in god, to label as "mentally unstable". We played that game many times, and we learned the rules.

So who's really to blame for all this?

Who is to blame? You leftists are to blame,since left created the division and radicalized people enough to do these things. Democrats are pushing for racial division, class warfare narrative, rape culture narrative, you name it, and it's been that way since Democrats.

It was you lefties that started gun control with passage of Mulford Act in California when armed Black Panthers were patrolling cities of California. Back than the KKK Democrats started gun control to prevent feral blacks from arming themselves. Today's Democrats doing the same thing, but this time, everyone who doesn't agree with them and don't vote for them is feral and nutz and must be disarmed. Hitler did it. Stalin did it. Mao did it. Democrats are still trying...
WE have a problem ... we need to fix it.

Gun control is not the problem, because the guns are only the tool. The problem is the shooter, so let's explore that.

There is no way, in our legal system, to restrict the actions/movement of individual citizens UNTIL they commit some crime. You cannot be arrested UNTIL you commit the crime. You can't be arrested for thinking about doing it - you can't even be arrested for saying you'e GOING to do it. So, legal manipulation can't be the answer, until you're willing to give up your freedoms to be used/abused by the government in their infinite wisdom.

So, we're left with some kind of administrative answer. The answer isn't a gun ownership database. That serves no purpose UNTIL the crime is committed.

So - if it isn't the gun, what's the problem? We can restrict the access to guns of those who have demonstrated mental illness or mental incapacity. Simply, we need a database of those people who: 1) have committed crimes, or 2) demonstrated mental issues.

Pass a law that REQUIRES all mental health professionals to register the names of all clients who have sought help for mental health issues. Pass a law that REQUIRES all medical doctors to register the names of all patients who have a) demonstrated mental issues, or 2) been prescribed mind altering drugs. Pass a law that REQUIRES the local police to report all incidents involving potential mental health issues.

Require the government to review this database prior to issuing a gun sales permit. If you are on anti-depressants now or in the past, you can't buy a gun. If you are on anti-psychotic drugs now or in the past, you can't buy a gun. If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you can't buy a gun.

The result is two things: some citizens will have their freedoms curtailed. It's unclear if the shooter in Florida would have been denied access to a gun if these laws were in place, so we have to go one step further.

In addition, any citizen can report to the local police questionable actions, or words, by any other citizen that may be construed as detrimental to public safety [See Something - Say Something]. These incidents are put into a separate database. Mental health professionals will review the entries, and when a citizen exceeds some arbitrary threshold, he is classified as a 'potential threat', and is denied purchase of a gun. The government will be required to notify an individual if he is placed on the 'potential threat' list. There will be, necessarily, an appeal process in which a person can have his name removed - but, until that is adjudicated, he/she is denied access to a gun.

In order for this to work, ALL gun transfers will be required to be processed - for a nominal fee - by a licensed gun dealer who will request the background/mental health/potential threat review.

These processes address the REAL issue - the individual who chooses to use a tool to kill someone else. But, just as obviously, these are massive invasions of a person's individual rights. However, this intrusion is the result of an individual's own actions - not a blanket denial of freedom to all those who do NOT fit into these categories.

So, the question is - are YOU willing to watch the rights of citizens be subsumed by the government in the name of security and safety?

It's much simplier to just have the manufacturers stop directly selling the one weapon that is involved in ALL Mass shooting in the last 25 years. Just like they did the Thompson. And to do the things that you mentioned. A Right is only a Right until it conflicts with another persons rights. You know, like the right to keep freely breathing or the right not to bleed all over the court yard.
Limit gun ownership to what the Founding Fathers intended, muskets. Problem solved.
The founding fathers intended that the populace have the same weapons as the modern military. In the 18th century, it was the musket.

It is no longer the musket today.
Do you think their intention then was so that citizens could shoot each other up, when no form of tyranny is targeted?
What? I think that the founding fathers planned on the United States to continue to have a virtuous society and until just the past few decades, we were.
Let's making murder illegal. That will surely solve the problem.

No, more guns solve the problem apparently. As you can see, with the US being totally awash with guns, the past three decades have meant there have been no mass shootings in the US. However, all those countries that have strict gun controls are getting mass shootings occurrences happening every other week...
Gun used was not the assault weapon.
It would have been illegal. FACT.

The only fact here is that gun used in shooting is not assault weapon.

The hell it isn't. It's a worthless piece of shit gun--and it's only purpose is to make some fat ass feel like RAMBO. You can't hunt with it, you can't use with a concealed weapons permit, it's only purpose is to kill people.

A 5 dollar part turns this semi-automatic piece of shit into fully automatic.


Stick to what you know, not what you think you know.

Regardless of looking like one, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle. You lefties will call orange a banana if it fits your narrative, it's still doesn't make it a banana.


I didn't say it was an assault rifle--it is a semi-automatic, and we witnessed in Las Vegas that these semi automatics can be easily converted into a fully automatic with a bump stock that sells cheap at many gun stores in this country.

You can blame this on Republicans who have been in power in congress since 2010--and have done NOTHING to help keep guns out of the wrong hands and have fought tooth and nail to protect the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

So if you lose your semi automatics point your blame finger in the right direction.

Republicans did NOTHING after the Aurora theatre shooting, they did NOTHING after Sandy Hook, they did NOTHING after San Bernadino, they did NOTHING after Las Vegas, they did NOTHING after Orlando, Florida, and they're doing NOTHING today after this school shooting in Florida, except offer their sympathies and holding prayer vigils.

OBAMA simply asked Republicans to put people who were on Terrorist watch lists, and no fly lists on the no gun list. They refused, then Orlando Florida happened. OBAMA initiated mental health checks, after Sandy Hook, and Trump & Republicans repealed that.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

So who's really to blame for all this?


Your Republican Senators & Congressmen--whom have made it very clear they're not going to do JACK SHIT. If you want change & common sense gun regulation you'll have to head to the polls this coming November, 2018 and vote for

If you keep telling these lies, you think they will come true?

This has been debunked twice --- going for the trifecta?
It would have been illegal. FACT.

The only fact here is that gun used in shooting is not assault weapon.

The hell it isn't. It's a worthless piece of shit gun--and it's only purpose is to make some fat ass feel like RAMBO. You can't hunt with it, you can't use with a concealed weapons permit, it's only purpose is to kill people.

A 5 dollar part turns this semi-automatic piece of shit into fully automatic.


Stick to what you know, not what you think you know.

Regardless of looking like one, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle. You lefties will call orange a banana if it fits your narrative, it's still doesn't make it a banana.


I didn't say it was an assault rifle--it is a semi-automatic, and we witnessed in Las Vegas that these semi automatics can be easily converted into a fully automatic with a bump stock that sells cheap at many gun stores in this country.

You can blame this on Republicans who have been in power in congress since 2010--and have done NOTHING to help keep guns out of the wrong hands and have fought tooth and nail to protect the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

So if you lose your semi automatics point your blame finger in the right direction.

Republicans did NOTHING after the Aurora theatre shooting, they did NOTHING after Sandy Hook, they did NOTHING after San Bernadino, they did NOTHING after Las Vegas, they did NOTHING after Orlando, Florida, and they're doing NOTHING today after this school shooting in Florida, except offer their sympathies and holding prayer vigils.

OBAMA simply asked Republicans to put people who were on Terrorist watch lists, and no fly lists on the no gun list. They refused, then Orlando Florida happened. OBAMA initiated mental health checks, after Sandy Hook, and Trump & Republicans repealed that.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

So who's really to blame for all this?


Your Republican Senators & Congressmen--whom have made it very clear they're not going to do JACK SHIT. If you want change & common sense gun regulation you'll have to head to the polls this coming November, 2018 and vote for

If you keep telling these lies, you think they will come true?

This has been debunked twice --- going for the trifecta?

He's that desperate... :D

"If you want change & common sense gun regulation"...

We like our rights, and we don't want change and gun regulation, especially not from Democrats.

He doesn't get it.
Limit gun ownership to what the Founding Fathers intended, muskets. Problem solved.
The founding fathers intended that the populace have the same weapons as the modern military. In the 18th century, it was the musket.

It is no longer the musket today.
Do you think their intention then was so that citizens could shoot each other up, when no form of tyranny is targeted?
What? I think that the founding fathers planned on the United States to continue to have a virtuous society and until just the past few decades, we were.

It was Colonial states versus the crown. What the FFs wanted was to balance the States against the Federal Government. Allowing the States to raise it's own armies outside of the Federal Influence. Today, the States will have the right. And after seeing the good of the State Militias during floods and more, I think it's every state's duty to have one. Not just to keep the Feds in line but to assist the citizens during hard times or emergencies. If every state were to do this, it would give the full meaning of the 2nd amendement and it would stop the various fruitcake interpretations of it from all sides.
The only fact here is that gun used in shooting is not assault weapon.

The hell it isn't. It's a worthless piece of shit gun--and it's only purpose is to make some fat ass feel like RAMBO. You can't hunt with it, you can't use with a concealed weapons permit, it's only purpose is to kill people.

A 5 dollar part turns this semi-automatic piece of shit into fully automatic.


Stick to what you know, not what you think you know.

Regardless of looking like one, the AR-15 is not an assault rifle. You lefties will call orange a banana if it fits your narrative, it's still doesn't make it a banana.


I didn't say it was an assault rifle--it is a semi-automatic, and we witnessed in Las Vegas that these semi automatics can be easily converted into a fully automatic with a bump stock that sells cheap at many gun stores in this country.

You can blame this on Republicans who have been in power in congress since 2010--and have done NOTHING to help keep guns out of the wrong hands and have fought tooth and nail to protect the NRA--(their campaign cash cow.)
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns

So if you lose your semi automatics point your blame finger in the right direction.

Republicans did NOTHING after the Aurora theatre shooting, they did NOTHING after Sandy Hook, they did NOTHING after San Bernadino, they did NOTHING after Las Vegas, they did NOTHING after Orlando, Florida, and they're doing NOTHING today after this school shooting in Florida, except offer their sympathies and holding prayer vigils.

OBAMA simply asked Republicans to put people who were on Terrorist watch lists, and no fly lists on the no gun list. They refused, then Orlando Florida happened. OBAMA initiated mental health checks, after Sandy Hook, and Trump & Republicans repealed that.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

So who's really to blame for all this?


Your Republican Senators & Congressmen--whom have made it very clear they're not going to do JACK SHIT. If you want change & common sense gun regulation you'll have to head to the polls this coming November, 2018 and vote for

If you keep telling these lies, you think they will come true?

This has been debunked twice --- going for the trifecta?

He's that desperate... :D

"If you want change & common sense gun regulation"...

We like our rights, and we don't want change and gun regulation, especially not from Democrats.

He doesn't get it.

I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.
Let's making murder illegal. That will surely solve the problem.

No, more guns solve the problem apparently. As you can see, with the US being totally awash with guns, the past three decades have meant there have been no mass shootings in the US. However, all those countries that have strict gun controls are getting mass shootings occurrences happening every other week...

No Mass Shootings in the past 3 decades? This is far beyond story telling. It's reached the point where you, the baby killer, are trying to cover up the fact that YOU want to do a mass killing but don't have the balls to actually do it. So you enable others so that they can.
I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.

Nope, you just think you get it. Clean miss, again.

Feds did not completely outlaw Thompson, they put restrictions of automatic version. Did that prevent gangsters to get them? What do you think?

Since you claim that you "get it", answer this: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
/——/ here’s a common sense gun regulation I would support: Enforce the laws already on the books and have a mandatory life in prison for use of a gun in any crime. Then mandatory death penalty for killing anyone with a fire arm except in self defense. Think the lib outfit ACLU would stand for that?

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