Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

Limit gun ownership to what the Founding Fathers intended, muskets. Problem solved.
The founding fathers intended that the populace have the same weapons as the modern military. In the 18th century, it was the musket.

It is no longer the musket today.
Do you think their intention then was so that citizens could shoot each other up, when no form of tyranny is targeted?
What? I think that the founding fathers planned on the United States to continue to have a virtuous society and until just the past few decades, we were.

It was Colonial states versus the crown. What the FFs wanted was to balance the States against the Federal Government. Allowing the States to raise it's own armies outside of the Federal Influence. Today, the States will have the right. And after seeing the good of the State Militias during floods and more, I think it's every state's duty to have one. Not just to keep the Feds in line but to assist the citizens during hard times or emergencies. If every state were to do this, it would give the full meaning of the 2nd amendement and it would stop the various fruitcake interpretations of it from all sides.

You can't be serious ...
Let's making murder illegal. That will surely solve the problem.

No, more guns solve the problem apparently. As you can see, with the US being totally awash with guns, the past three decades have meant there have been no mass shootings in the US. However, all those countries that have strict gun controls are getting mass shootings occurrences happening every other week...

No Mass Shootings in the past 3 decades? This is far beyond story telling. It's reached the point where you, the baby killer, are trying to cover up the fact that YOU want to do a mass killing but don't have the balls to actually do it. So you enable others so that they can.
Grow up --- what kind of dumb ass personal attack is that? And, just exactly what did you hope to accomplish with it?
Let's making murder illegal. That will surely solve the problem.

No, more guns solve the problem apparently. As you can see, with the US being totally awash with guns, the past three decades have meant there have been no mass shootings in the US. However, all those countries that have strict gun controls are getting mass shootings occurrences happening every other week...

No Mass Shootings in the past 3 decades? This is far beyond story telling. It's reached the point where you, the baby killer, are trying to cover up the fact that YOU want to do a mass killing but don't have the balls to actually do it. So you enable others so that they can.

OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
/——/ here’s a common sense gun regulation I would support: Enforce the laws already on the books and have a mandatory life in prison for use of a gun in any crime. Then mandatory death penalty for killing anyone with a fire arm except in self defense. Think the lib outfit ACLU would stand for that?

I wouldn't go that far, but I would like to see something like mandatory 20 years for any crime committed with a gun to start with, plus the punishment for the crime itself.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.
I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.

Nope, you just think you get it. Clean miss, again.

Feds did not completely outlaw Thompson, they put restrictions of automatic version. Did that prevent gangsters to get them? What do you think?

Since you claim that you "get it", answer this: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?

YOu keep steering away from the fact that the one thing that ALL Mass Killings in the US for the last 25 years is the selection of the tools to do it. Until you do, then you are listed as a contributor to those children murders, Baby Killer.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

Before the 1990, there has been something like 5 or 6 school shootings.
Since 1990 till now, we had something like 25 school shootings with multiple deaths.

What happened in 1990? Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.

The original Act was overturned by SC as unconstitutional, so it went thru several amendments.

Where am I getting with this? I'll explain...

Since they can't change the Constitution that easy, and since any straight up gun control law would not pass the Congress or SCOTUS,. so the leftist gun grabbers need to work around it. In 1990, with the "best intentions" and "to protect our kids", they passed that law that should make our schools safer. However, the law turn our schools into defenseless target zones where mass shooters would be unstoppable.

Leftists know that the deaths would put pressure on America to ban all guns and therefore be able to resist tyrannical state they seek to impose. They don't want to do the ban by themselves, because any law they would pass when they have power could be voided by SCOTUS or voided when they are not in power, therefore they need Republicans to do it for them.

If I am wrong on this, then why they haven't even try to discuss gun control when they had full control in 2009, yet pass any gun control legislation?

The leftist goal is to ban guns completely and therefore they need these shootings to push for total gun control and even for constitutional amendment, and for that they need Republican support. The Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 is suppose to help them achieve that. The Act pretty much makes it easier for shooters to kill more kids and turn the public in favor of gun control and that is what Democrats wanted all along. The public will favor gun control only if kids die "en masse".

If I am wrong about this, than look how Democrats react when Republicans propose arming school staff, or hiring armed guards that probably won't completely stop shootings, but could deter or prevent some. They simply don't want these children to be defended in any way, the only option lefties would accept is total ban of guns and I don't think they mind if there is school shooting every week, as long it would get us to that.

It sure sounds like conspiracy, but knowing leftists, they are capable of anything to get what they want. The end justify the means. The end game is gun control, it doesn't matter how to get there.
I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.

Nope, you just think you get it. Clean miss, again.

Feds did not completely outlaw Thompson, they put restrictions of automatic version. Did that prevent gangsters to get them? What do you think?

Since you claim that you "get it", answer this: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?

YOu keep steering away from the fact that the one thing that ALL Mass Killings in the US for the last 25 years is the selection of the tools to do it. Until you do, then you are listed as a contributor to those children murders, Baby Killer.
/——/ Shut up gun grabber.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

You are doing another "Hey, Look over There" routine trying to keep; us from seeing what is really going on. How much are you being paid to post this? I hope it's quite a bit because you are contributing to the Mass Murdering of our School Children, baby killer.
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.
There have not been 18 school shootings this year. That number was long since debunked.

The proposals you make are also not sensible but draconian infringement on second amendment rights.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

You are doing another "Hey, Look over There" routine trying to keep; us from seeing what is really going on. How much are you being paid to post this? I hope it's quite a bit because you are contributing to the Mass Murdering of our School Children, baby killer.
Wrong he is stating facts which your idiotic hyperbole is impotent against.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

You are doing another "Hey, Look over There" routine trying to keep; us from seeing what is really going on. How much are you being paid to post this? I hope it's quite a bit because you are contributing to the Mass Murdering of our School Children, baby killer.
/——/ Arm the teachers and cowardly shooters will seek other targets. Now prove me wrong.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

You are doing another "Hey, Look over There" routine trying to keep; us from seeing what is really going on. How much are you being paid to post this? I hope it's quite a bit because you are contributing to the Mass Murdering of our School Children, baby killer.
/——/ Arm the teachers and cowardly shooters will seek other targets. Now prove me wrong.
Yes but the school will be safe.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

Before the 1990, there has been something like 5 or 6 school shootings.
Since 1990 till now, we had something like 25 school shootings with multiple deaths.

What happened in 1990? Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.

The original Act was overturned by SC as unconstitutional, so it went thru several amendments.

Where am I getting with this? I'll explain...

Since they can't change the Constitution that easy, and since any straight up gun control law would not pass the Congress or SCOTUS,. so the leftist gun grabbers need to work around it. In 1990, with the "best intentions" and "to protect our kids", they passed that law that should make our schools safer. However, the law turn our schools into defenseless target zones where mass shooters would be unstoppable.

Leftists know that the deaths would put pressure on America to ban all guns and therefore be able to resist tyrannical state they seek to impose. They don't want to do the ban by themselves, because any law they would pass when they have power could be voided by SCOTUS or voided when they are not in power, therefore they need Republicans to do it for them.

If I am wrong on this, then why they haven't even try to discuss gun control when they had full control in 2009, yet pass any gun control legislation?

The leftist goal is to ban guns completely and therefore they need these shootings to push for total gun control and even for constitutional amendment, and for that they need Republican support. The Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 is suppose to help them achieve that. The Act pretty much makes it easier for shooters to kill more kids and turn the public in favor of gun control and that is what Democrats wanted all along. The public will favor gun control only if kids die "en masse".

If I am wrong about this, than look how Democrats react when Republicans propose arming school staff, or hiring armed guards that probably won't completely stop shootings, but could deter or prevent some. They simply don't want these children to be defended in any way, the only option lefties would accept is total ban of guns and I don't think they mind if there is school shooting every week, as long it would get us to that.

It sure sounds like conspiracy, but knowing leftists, they are capable of anything to get what they want. The end justify the means. The end game is gun control, it doesn't matter how to get there.

Standard NRA boilerplate. You still have not addressed the one thing that ALL of the Mass Shootings for the last 25 years have in common is the one set of tools used. Until you do, I suspect you are a NRA plant paid to post this boilerplate. And since you will block everything that takes away that one set of tools then you are a baby killer. It's not about taking all the guns, it's about one class of guns. Just like they did in 1934 and it worked then. The last mass shooting of our children, you should accept responsibility for and also for the ones to follow.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

Before the 1990, there has been something like 5 or 6 school shootings.
Since 1990 till now, we had something like 25 school shootings with multiple deaths.

What happened in 1990? Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.

The original Act was overturned by SC as unconstitutional, so it went thru several amendments.

Where am I getting with this? I'll explain...

Since they can't change the Constitution that easy, and since any straight up gun control law would not pass the Congress or SCOTUS,. so the leftist gun grabbers need to work around it. In 1990, with the "best intentions" and "to protect our kids", they passed that law that should make our schools safer. However, the law turn our schools into defenseless target zones where mass shooters would be unstoppable.

Leftists know that the deaths would put pressure on America to ban all guns and therefore be able to resist tyrannical state they seek to impose. They don't want to do the ban by themselves, because any law they would pass when they have power could be voided by SCOTUS or voided when they are not in power, therefore they need Republicans to do it for them.

If I am wrong on this, then why they haven't even try to discuss gun control when they had full control in 2009, yet pass any gun control legislation?

The leftist goal is to ban guns completely and therefore they need these shootings to push for total gun control and even for constitutional amendment, and for that they need Republican support. The Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 is suppose to help them achieve that. The Act pretty much makes it easier for shooters to kill more kids and turn the public in favor of gun control and that is what Democrats wanted all along. The public will favor gun control only if kids die "en masse".

If I am wrong about this, than look how Democrats react when Republicans propose arming school staff, or hiring armed guards that probably won't completely stop shootings, but could deter or prevent some. They simply don't want these children to be defended in any way, the only option lefties would accept is total ban of guns and I don't think they mind if there is school shooting every week, as long it would get us to that.

It sure sounds like conspiracy, but knowing leftists, they are capable of anything to get what they want. The end justify the means. The end game is gun control, it doesn't matter how to get there.

Standard NRA boilerplate. You still have not addressed the one thing that ALL of the Mass Shootings for the last 25 years have in common is the one set of tools used. Until you do, I suspect you are a NRA plant paid to post this boilerplate. And since you will block everything that takes away that one set of tools then you are a baby killer. It's not about taking all the guns, it's about one class of guns. Just like they did in 1934 and it worked then. The last mass shooting of our children, you should accept responsibility for and also for the ones to follow.
Claiming someone is a plant is proof you have lost the argument as the very claim is absurd.

What you refer to as boilerplate is of course nothing more than truth and common sense.

The NRA protects human rights now go thank them for their humane and noble work,
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

Before the 1990, there has been something like 5 or 6 school shootings.
Since 1990 till now, we had something like 25 school shootings with multiple deaths.

What happened in 1990? Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.

The original Act was overturned by SC as unconstitutional, so it went thru several amendments.

Where am I getting with this? I'll explain...

Since they can't change the Constitution that easy, and since any straight up gun control law would not pass the Congress or SCOTUS,. so the leftist gun grabbers need to work around it. In 1990, with the "best intentions" and "to protect our kids", they passed that law that should make our schools safer. However, the law turn our schools into defenseless target zones where mass shooters would be unstoppable.

Leftists know that the deaths would put pressure on America to ban all guns and therefore be able to resist tyrannical state they seek to impose. They don't want to do the ban by themselves, because any law they would pass when they have power could be voided by SCOTUS or voided when they are not in power, therefore they need Republicans to do it for them.

If I am wrong on this, then why they haven't even try to discuss gun control when they had full control in 2009, yet pass any gun control legislation?

The leftist goal is to ban guns completely and therefore they need these shootings to push for total gun control and even for constitutional amendment, and for that they need Republican support. The Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 is suppose to help them achieve that. The Act pretty much makes it easier for shooters to kill more kids and turn the public in favor of gun control and that is what Democrats wanted all along. The public will favor gun control only if kids die "en masse".

If I am wrong about this, than look how Democrats react when Republicans propose arming school staff, or hiring armed guards that probably won't completely stop shootings, but could deter or prevent some. They simply don't want these children to be defended in any way, the only option lefties would accept is total ban of guns and I don't think they mind if there is school shooting every week, as long it would get us to that.

It sure sounds like conspiracy, but knowing leftists, they are capable of anything to get what they want. The end justify the means. The end game is gun control, it doesn't matter how to get there.

Standard NRA boilerplate. You still have not addressed the one thing that ALL of the Mass Shootings for the last 25 years have in common is the one set of tools used. Until you do, I suspect you are a NRA plant paid to post this boilerplate. And since you will block everything that takes away that one set of tools then you are a baby killer. It's not about taking all the guns, it's about one class of guns. Just like they did in 1934 and it worked then. The last mass shooting of our children, you should accept responsibility for and also for the ones to follow.

The NRA doesn't need to pay me. I support the NRA all the way. The NRA is freedom's safest place. Recently, freedom's ONLY place!
I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.

Nope, you just think you get it. Clean miss, again.

Feds did not completely outlaw Thompson, they put restrictions of automatic version. Did that prevent gangsters to get them? What do you think?

Since you claim that you "get it", answer this: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?

YOu keep steering away from the fact that the one thing that ALL Mass Killings in the US for the last 25 years is the selection of the tools to do it. Until you do, then you are listed as a contributor to those children murders, Baby Killer.

No, I haven't. Is AR-15 preferred tool, yes. Is it only tool, not at all. Killers can use cars, airplanes, even send poison in the mail, and I don't see us banning airplanes or cars, or ending post office.

We have around 3500 kids drown in pools every year, almost 10 every day, half of that are kids under 14 yo. I don't see you proposing banning all swimming pools.

You did steer from my question, so here is again: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

You are doing another "Hey, Look over There" routine trying to keep; us from seeing what is really going on. How much are you being paid to post this? I hope it's quite a bit because you are contributing to the Mass Murdering of our School Children, baby killer.
/——/ Arm the teachers and cowardly shooters will seek other targets. Now prove me wrong.

Teachers don't want to be armed. And the little BS training they will receive will not make them any more prepared to deal with it. They become more dangerous with the weapons to the students. History proves that statement correct. You will have gun deaths in the schools without the Mass Shooters.

Now, how about facing the fact that it's only one weapon that is used for Mass Shootings for the last 25 years. What happened about 25 years ago that changed things. Go back to 1998 and you find the disassembly of the Brady Bill. And the Hundreds of Millions spent by the NRA to block any kind of back ground checks for all weapons. That's right, hundreds of Millions in a couple of years time frame. Since then, the NRA has spent hundreds of millions to Congress Critters so that the proper background checks (like private sales, online sales and gun shows) are not required to do background checks. A 17 year old with some pretty serious documented problems doesn't even need a decent ID to make a purchase of hundreds of rounds of Ammo, a pile of 30 and 50 round mags (clips just to piss another one off) and more than a few AR-15s.

You keep going over and over that we need to address the mentally ill. Newsflash: Anyone doing or planning a Mass School Shooting is mentally ill. They should already be in the national database as such. But they can legally buy from other sources where they don't even have to show an ID and no background check will happen. The NRA keeps blocking this from being put into law with their hundreds of millions of contributions. You want to do something about the mentally ill? Here is your chance. But you won't.

That means that a Terrorist on the No Fly List can still get his weapons, the sicko puppy that is planning to shoot up a school and more can easily purchase weapons of choice. Since you won't stop that, you are just pulling the old "Hey, Look over there' routine rather than face the real problem. One Weapon has been used for the last 25 years for ALL Mass Shootings and that is the AR type weapon. There are only 3 reasons to own an AR and that is, Target Shooting, Gun Collector and Mass Murderer. By upping the AR and the AK to the next level of firearms you will still be able to take care of the Target Shooter and Gun Collector. But you will make it much more difficult for the Mass Murderer to get the gun. Yes, he will still show up with handguns, hunting rifles, shotguns but none of these do the body count that an AR is capable of.

You talk about rights. Well, our Children have the right to live to breath, get a good education and not be slaughter and terrorized. You seem to overlook those rights.
How many gun deaths would there be if we didn't have gangs doing the killing? Sadly, democrats applaud gang deaths. Even the ones that kill infants in their cribs. Those are just post birth abortions.

Before the 1990, there has been something like 5 or 6 school shootings.
Since 1990 till now, we had something like 25 school shootings with multiple deaths.

What happened in 1990? Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.

The original Act was overturned by SC as unconstitutional, so it went thru several amendments.

Where am I getting with this? I'll explain...

Since they can't change the Constitution that easy, and since any straight up gun control law would not pass the Congress or SCOTUS,. so the leftist gun grabbers need to work around it. In 1990, with the "best intentions" and "to protect our kids", they passed that law that should make our schools safer. However, the law turn our schools into defenseless target zones where mass shooters would be unstoppable.

Leftists know that the deaths would put pressure on America to ban all guns and therefore be able to resist tyrannical state they seek to impose. They don't want to do the ban by themselves, because any law they would pass when they have power could be voided by SCOTUS or voided when they are not in power, therefore they need Republicans to do it for them.

If I am wrong on this, then why they haven't even try to discuss gun control when they had full control in 2009, yet pass any gun control legislation?

The leftist goal is to ban guns completely and therefore they need these shootings to push for total gun control and even for constitutional amendment, and for that they need Republican support. The Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 is suppose to help them achieve that. The Act pretty much makes it easier for shooters to kill more kids and turn the public in favor of gun control and that is what Democrats wanted all along. The public will favor gun control only if kids die "en masse".

If I am wrong about this, than look how Democrats react when Republicans propose arming school staff, or hiring armed guards that probably won't completely stop shootings, but could deter or prevent some. They simply don't want these children to be defended in any way, the only option lefties would accept is total ban of guns and I don't think they mind if there is school shooting every week, as long it would get us to that.

It sure sounds like conspiracy, but knowing leftists, they are capable of anything to get what they want. The end justify the means. The end game is gun control, it doesn't matter how to get there.

Standard NRA boilerplate. You still have not addressed the one thing that ALL of the Mass Shootings for the last 25 years have in common is the one set of tools used. Until you do, I suspect you are a NRA plant paid to post this boilerplate. And since you will block everything that takes away that one set of tools then you are a baby killer. It's not about taking all the guns, it's about one class of guns. Just like they did in 1934 and it worked then. The last mass shooting of our children, you should accept responsibility for and also for the ones to follow.

The NRA doesn't need to pay me. I support the NRA all the way. The NRA is freedom's safest place. Recently, freedom's ONLY place!

I used to be a NRA member before they went off the rails and started working for the Gun Manufacturers and less about the safety of the community. There are millions of us like that. Maybe we need to start a similiar organization taking it back to the NRA days of old and spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get good responsible laws into place rather than just seeing how many guns we can help the Gun Manufacturers sell to anyone that can plunk down the bucks.

And your response would be exactly what I would expect from a Paid NRA poster.
I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.

Nope, you just think you get it. Clean miss, again.

Feds did not completely outlaw Thompson, they put restrictions of automatic version. Did that prevent gangsters to get them? What do you think?

Since you claim that you "get it", answer this: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?

YOu keep steering away from the fact that the one thing that ALL Mass Killings in the US for the last 25 years is the selection of the tools to do it. Until you do, then you are listed as a contributor to those children murders, Baby Killer.

No, I haven't. Is AR-15 preferred tool, yes. Is it only tool, not at all. Killers can use cars, airplanes, even send poison in the mail, and I don't see us banning airplanes or cars, or ending post office.

We have around 3500 kids drown in pools every year, almost 10 every day, half of that are kids under 14 yo. I don't see you proposing banning all swimming pools.

You did steer from my question, so here is again: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?

Another NRA Boiler plate "Hey, Look Over There" response. You are a paid NRA Poster. You been bagged. Nothing to see here, move on.

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