Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

This will fade just like all of the rest, it’s it’s a non-issue.
Mass shootings make up a tinny, tiny of deaths in the us...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

You are dreaming. As one of the kids from Florida said, "Our generation will not put up with it."

And they won't. You guys are gonna be the dinosaurs of your generation...

It's time for their generation to get serious about self defense.

Who stops bad guy with a gun?
It's time for their generation to get serious about self defense.

Who stops bad guy with a gun?

Limit access and the bad guy doesn't have the gun. And yes, it does work in the UK, Australia, NZ and other civilised countries. Sure, there will be a decade or so when it takes time to get the guns off the street. But once that happens, and the murder-enabling NRA and gun manufacturers no longer manufacture the peashooters in question, they'll slowly die out. And if you do go underground and get a gun and get caught with one, you get your arse slung in prison. Wonder how many gun dealers like the idea of that?
This will fade just like all of the rest, it’s it’s a non-issue.
Mass shootings make up a tinny, tiny of deaths in the us...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

You are dreaming. As one of the kids from Florida said, "Our generation will not put up with it."

And they won't. You guys are gonna be the dinosaurs of your generation...
I know you want to get rid of the Second Amendment but it is not going anywhere… good luck LOL

Doing this...

With a map that looks like this... You silly little fucker

Last edited:
No longer can say there is no problem

Yep. It's becoming pretty apparent that the government cannot run a safe, sane educational place and is just creating a bunch of little monsters. Time to get government out of education and back into the private sector before an entire generation is damaged.
For the Mass Killings, it's the ONLY weapon used. All the others you name are piecemeal. Onesies, twosies or threesies dead. Even driving a truck into a crowd doesn't net you that many. But show up to a school with an AR with lots and lots of clips and ammo or go to a Theater you can easily drive up the body count into the hundreds fast. And it's going to keep getting even worse. They are busting young people for planning these things but they won't bust the all. Some will get through. The only thing we can do is minimize the body count and that would be to move the AR and AK into the next level of firearms.

Not true. Jared Lee Loughner used Glock 19.

Truck can kill many, as we've seen in Nice.

Some will get through. If we have armed guards, many will not even try.

The only thing? Nope, there are many things we could do before we infringe the 2dn amendment rights. You do know what "shall not be infringed" means, do ya?

More "Hey,Look over here".

Jared Lee Loughner's body count was 6.

Crashing a Truck into a crowd netted a body count of 4.

Las Vegas AR shooting, 58 dead with 851 injured.

Orlando nightclub shooting AR shooting, 50 dead
Virginia Tech, 33 dead using multiple weapons. Notice the body count has gone down. This was from experienced shooters. Getting a body count without the AR is hard to do.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: Used an AR type killing 28. He's a piker compared to the next AR shooter. Had he lived, he might have learned how to do it better.

These are the worst of the Mass Shootings in modern history. You want a high body count, don't use poison, Truck, Car or a Handgun. Use an AR type to get the highest body count.

And where does out Children's right to not be infringed in Living, Breathing and being Terrorized come into it? Are the rights of the mass murderers to auquire the AR take precedence over the lives and well being of your School Children, Movie watcher, Concert attendees? Exactly where to you draw the line.

I draw it with the AR itself. And I don't plan on actually taking it from you. Just push it one level in the firearms laws that already exist where it's much harder to buy by these wannabe mass murderers. Those that are willing to register their weapons of this type are NOT going to be the problem anymore than the people that legally own the full M-16 and AK-47s are. Believe it or not, the same criteria for owning a M-16 is applied to owning a revolver when you buy it from a reputable gun shop. With the exception of some states won't allow it and the secure storage of the weapon.

You keep pointing out the problem. I am presenting a solution that does NOT go against the 2nd amendment. You have the right to own anything short of a Nuclear Weapon. I know I do but I just don't have the facility to park that M1A2 anywhere and the Neighbors would complain when I churned up the paved roads.

So, stop with the NRA Boilerplate. I know you are paid well but we ain't buying it anymore. Or at least, less each day.
For the Mass Killings, it's the ONLY weapon used. All the others you name are piecemeal. Onesies, twosies or threesies dead. Even driving a truck into a crowd doesn't net you that many. But show up to a school with an AR with lots and lots of clips and ammo or go to a Theater you can easily drive up the body count into the hundreds fast. And it's going to keep getting even worse. They are busting young people for planning these things but they won't bust the all. Some will get through. The only thing we can do is minimize the body count and that would be to move the AR and AK into the next level of firearms.

Not true. Jared Lee Loughner used Glock 19.

Truck can kill many, as we've seen in Nice.

Some will get through. If we have armed guards, many will not even try.

The only thing? Nope, there are many things we could do before we infringe the 2dn amendment rights. You do know what "shall not be infringed" means, do ya?

More "Hey,Look over here".

Jared Lee Loughner's body count was 6.

Crashing a Truck into a crowd netted a body count of 4.

Las Vegas AR shooting, 58 dead with 851 injured.

Orlando nightclub shooting AR shooting, 50 dead
Virginia Tech, 33 dead using multiple weapons. Notice the body count has gone down. This was from experienced shooters. Getting a body count without the AR is hard to do.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: Used an AR type killing 28. He's a piker compared to the next AR shooter. Had he lived, he might have learned how to do it better.

These are the worst of the Mass Shootings in modern history. You want a high body count, don't use poison, Truck, Car or a Handgun. Use an AR type to get the highest body count.

And where does out Children's right to not be infringed in Living, Breathing and being Terrorized come into it? Are the rights of the mass murderers to auquire the AR take precedence over the lives and well being of your School Children, Movie watcher, Concert attendees? Exactly where to you draw the line.

I draw it with the AR itself. And I don't plan on actually taking it from you. Just push it one level in the firearms laws that already exist where it's much harder to buy by these wannabe mass murderers. Those that are willing to register their weapons of this type are NOT going to be the problem anymore than the people that legally own the full M-16 and AK-47s are. Believe it or not, the same criteria for owning a M-16 is applied to owning a revolver when you buy it from a reputable gun shop. With the exception of some states won't allow it and the secure storage of the weapon.

You keep pointing out the problem. I am presenting a solution that does NOT go against the 2nd amendment. You have the right to own anything short of a Nuclear Weapon. I know I do but I just don't have the facility to park that M1A2 anywhere and the Neighbors would complain when I churned up the paved roads.

So, stop with the NRA Boilerplate. I know you are paid well but we ain't buying it anymore. Or at least, less each day.
It’s fools like yourself we all know want to get rid of the Second Amendment...
You will have to do it this way. Good luck you silly little fucker


With a map like this...
For the Mass Killings, it's the ONLY weapon used. All the others you name are piecemeal. Onesies, twosies or threesies dead. Even driving a truck into a crowd doesn't net you that many. But show up to a school with an AR with lots and lots of clips and ammo or go to a Theater you can easily drive up the body count into the hundreds fast. And it's going to keep getting even worse. They are busting young people for planning these things but they won't bust the all. Some will get through. The only thing we can do is minimize the body count and that would be to move the AR and AK into the next level of firearms.

Not true. Jared Lee Loughner used Glock 19.

Truck can kill many, as we've seen in Nice.

Some will get through. If we have armed guards, many will not even try.

The only thing? Nope, there are many things we could do before we infringe the 2dn amendment rights. You do know what "shall not be infringed" means, do ya?

More "Hey,Look over here".

Jared Lee Loughner's body count was 6.

Crashing a Truck into a crowd netted a body count of 4.

Las Vegas AR shooting, 58 dead with 851 injured.

Orlando nightclub shooting AR shooting, 50 dead
Virginia Tech, 33 dead using multiple weapons. Notice the body count has gone down. This was from experienced shooters. Getting a body count without the AR is hard to do.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: Used an AR type killing 28. He's a piker compared to the next AR shooter. Had he lived, he might have learned how to do it better.

These are the worst of the Mass Shootings in modern history. You want a high body count, don't use poison, Truck, Car or a Handgun. Use an AR type to get the highest body count.

And where does out Children's right to not be infringed in Living, Breathing and being Terrorized come into it? Are the rights of the mass murderers to auquire the AR take precedence over the lives and well being of your School Children, Movie watcher, Concert attendees? Exactly where to you draw the line.

I draw it with the AR itself. And I don't plan on actually taking it from you. Just push it one level in the firearms laws that already exist where it's much harder to buy by these wannabe mass murderers. Those that are willing to register their weapons of this type are NOT going to be the problem anymore than the people that legally own the full M-16 and AK-47s are. Believe it or not, the same criteria for owning a M-16 is applied to owning a revolver when you buy it from a reputable gun shop. With the exception of some states won't allow it and the secure storage of the weapon.

You keep pointing out the problem. I am presenting a solution that does NOT go against the 2nd amendment. You have the right to own anything short of a Nuclear Weapon. I know I do but I just don't have the facility to park that M1A2 anywhere and the Neighbors would complain when I churned up the paved roads.

So, stop with the NRA Boilerplate. I know you are paid well but we ain't buying it anymore. Or at least, less each day.
2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia
Common sense gun control means train and arm the teachers.
Honestly, the best thing is make schools into fortresses with iron doors, metal detectors, and on-scene armed security.

Arming the teachers is as foolish as arming the kids would be.

You and others like you keep saying this but never come up with a valid reason. Why is that?
For the Mass Killings, it's the ONLY weapon used. All the others you name are piecemeal. Onesies, twosies or threesies dead. Even driving a truck into a crowd doesn't net you that many. But show up to a school with an AR with lots and lots of clips and ammo or go to a Theater you can easily drive up the body count into the hundreds fast. And it's going to keep getting even worse. They are busting young people for planning these things but they won't bust the all. Some will get through. The only thing we can do is minimize the body count and that would be to move the AR and AK into the next level of firearms.

Not true. Jared Lee Loughner used Glock 19.

Truck can kill many, as we've seen in Nice.

Some will get through. If we have armed guards, many will not even try.

The only thing? Nope, there are many things we could do before we infringe the 2dn amendment rights. You do know what "shall not be infringed" means, do ya?

More "Hey,Look over here".

Jared Lee Loughner's body count was 6.

Crashing a Truck into a crowd netted a body count of 4.

Las Vegas AR shooting, 58 dead with 851 injured.

Orlando nightclub shooting AR shooting, 50 dead
Virginia Tech, 33 dead using multiple weapons. Notice the body count has gone down. This was from experienced shooters. Getting a body count without the AR is hard to do.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: Used an AR type killing 28. He's a piker compared to the next AR shooter. Had he lived, he might have learned how to do it better.

These are the worst of the Mass Shootings in modern history. You want a high body count, don't use poison, Truck, Car or a Handgun. Use an AR type to get the highest body count.

And where does out Children's right to not be infringed in Living, Breathing and being Terrorized come into it? Are the rights of the mass murderers to auquire the AR take precedence over the lives and well being of your School Children, Movie watcher, Concert attendees? Exactly where to you draw the line.

I draw it with the AR itself. And I don't plan on actually taking it from you. Just push it one level in the firearms laws that already exist where it's much harder to buy by these wannabe mass murderers. Those that are willing to register their weapons of this type are NOT going to be the problem anymore than the people that legally own the full M-16 and AK-47s are. Believe it or not, the same criteria for owning a M-16 is applied to owning a revolver when you buy it from a reputable gun shop. With the exception of some states won't allow it and the secure storage of the weapon.

You keep pointing out the problem. I am presenting a solution that does NOT go against the 2nd amendment. You have the right to own anything short of a Nuclear Weapon. I know I do but I just don't have the facility to park that M1A2 anywhere and the Neighbors would complain when I churned up the paved roads.

So, stop with the NRA Boilerplate. I know you are paid well but we ain't buying it anymore. Or at least, less each day.
It cracks me up you guys are suggesting a police state basically,
Just admit it You want to get rid of the Second Amendment… LOL

By the way you don’t need firearms to kill people, people kill with whatever means necessary. Firearms don’t make people kill people…2016 Nice attack - Wikipedia
It's time for their generation to get serious about self defense.

Who stops bad guy with a gun?

Limit access and the bad guy doesn't have the gun. And yes, it does work in the UK, Australia, NZ and other civilised countries. Sure, there will be a decade or so when it takes time to get the guns off the street. But once that happens, and the murder-enabling NRA and gun manufacturers no longer manufacture the peashooters in question, they'll slowly die out. And if you do go underground and get a gun and get caught with one, you get your arse slung in prison. Wonder how many gun dealers like the idea of that?

You know how much I care about What UK, Australia or NZ government do to their citizens?

Other civilized countries... like Switzerland perhaps?

The United States is unparalleled in its civil liberties, looking at other countries doesn't work because literally no other country has the right to bear arms as one of its most basic tenets. Having said that, governments of those countries can do pretty much anything to limit the people rights without worrying that people could refuse. That normally leads to tyranny. Try criticizing refugee policy in Germany, or refugee rape in Sweden.

Liberals around the world won't stop talking about gun control in response to crazy shooters. They say nothing about shooting violence around the world on every continent and in every region. Today was mass shooting in south Russia church, but we didn't hear about it, did we?

Its purely political that liberals fixate on the USA and ignore the rest of the world, maybe because we are the last republic where leftists, socialist and communists don't have full control.
For the Mass Killings, it's the ONLY weapon used. All the others you name are piecemeal. Onesies, twosies or threesies dead. Even driving a truck into a crowd doesn't net you that many. But show up to a school with an AR with lots and lots of clips and ammo or go to a Theater you can easily drive up the body count into the hundreds fast. And it's going to keep getting even worse. They are busting young people for planning these things but they won't bust the all. Some will get through. The only thing we can do is minimize the body count and that would be to move the AR and AK into the next level of firearms.

Not true. Jared Lee Loughner used Glock 19.

Truck can kill many, as we've seen in Nice.

Some will get through. If we have armed guards, many will not even try.

The only thing? Nope, there are many things we could do before we infringe the 2dn amendment rights. You do know what "shall not be infringed" means, do ya?

More "Hey,Look over here".

Jared Lee Loughner's body count was 6.

Crashing a Truck into a crowd netted a body count of 4.

Las Vegas AR shooting, 58 dead with 851 injured.

Orlando nightclub shooting AR shooting, 50 dead
Virginia Tech, 33 dead using multiple weapons. Notice the body count has gone down. This was from experienced shooters. Getting a body count without the AR is hard to do.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting: Used an AR type killing 28. He's a piker compared to the next AR shooter. Had he lived, he might have learned how to do it better.

These are the worst of the Mass Shootings in modern history. You want a high body count, don't use poison, Truck, Car or a Handgun. Use an AR type to get the highest body count.

And where does out Children's right to not be infringed in Living, Breathing and being Terrorized come into it? Are the rights of the mass murderers to auquire the AR take precedence over the lives and well being of your School Children, Movie watcher, Concert attendees? Exactly where to you draw the line.

I draw it with the AR itself. And I don't plan on actually taking it from you. Just push it one level in the firearms laws that already exist where it's much harder to buy by these wannabe mass murderers. Those that are willing to register their weapons of this type are NOT going to be the problem anymore than the people that legally own the full M-16 and AK-47s are. Believe it or not, the same criteria for owning a M-16 is applied to owning a revolver when you buy it from a reputable gun shop. With the exception of some states won't allow it and the secure storage of the weapon.

You keep pointing out the problem. I am presenting a solution that does NOT go against the 2nd amendment. You have the right to own anything short of a Nuclear Weapon. I know I do but I just don't have the facility to park that M1A2 anywhere and the Neighbors would complain when I churned up the paved roads.

So, stop with the NRA Boilerplate. I know you are paid well but we ain't buying it anymore. Or at least, less each day.


I replied to every one of your post and you keep asking for more. However, you did not answered one single question I asked four times. And you're telling me... "hey, look over there".

Until you do, the conversation is over. Not because I don't have an argument, but because you are not fulfilling your part. Sooo...

One last time: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?
There hasn't been 18 school shootings this year
??? Are you griping because the number is at least 19 rather than 18? Did you not notice that there were 17 school kids shot in FL the other day. A few weeks earlier two more kids were shot deadand 17 were wounded in a KY school.

That's two shootings, not 18!

The number 18 comes from Washington Post. Of course they pulled it out of their asses.
OK--so this year we have 18 school shootings, and it's not even March yet. Yesterday in Florida 15 young people with their entire lives in front of them, along with 2 school teachers trying to protect them were massacred. Then we have Las Vegas. Then a church in Texas were generations of family members were wiped out. We have a movie theatre in Aurora Colorado, then San Diego were a straw buyer purchased semi-automatics for a slaugther there, and Orlando, Florida another one. And Sandy Hook where 5 to 7 year olds were slaughtered.

People have called for better gun regulations in this country and it has continually fallen on deaf ears. Republicans are owned by the NRA and right wing gun extremists.

Here are my suggestions.
1. Ban semi-automatic weapons and 30 round gun clips.
2. People with existing semi-automatics & ammo be required to keep them in a locked secure gun case, and required to maintain an insurance liability policy on that weapon in order to keep them.
3. Parents of children & teenagers are required to keep all of their guns & ammo in locked secure gun safes, inaccessible at all times to their kids.
4. No private sales. If someone wants to sell their gun, it has to be dropped off at a licensed gun dealer for resale so a background check can be done.
5. Background checks including extended mental health checks before any purchase of a gun is made.
6. Straw buyers of guns, those who buy guns for others, be under the same prosecutable standards as those that pull the trigger.
7. Those that are on a no fly list, or FBI terrorist watch list not be able to purchase any guns or ammo.

If these simple regulations were in place--there would have never been a Las Vegas, a Sandy Hook, a Columbine massacre, a church in Texas, San Diego slaughter, Orlando, Florida massacre, a Virginia Tech etc. etc. etc., and 15 young kids and 2 teachers that were killed yesterday would be here today.

You won't convince Republicans to do any of this. They are OWNED by the NRA, and right wing gun extremists, and will fight (tooth & nail) on any new gun regulations. They are more interested in the donations they get from the NRA than keeping the public and our schools safe.


If you're tired of all the condolences & sympathies, then do something about it. Vote for Democrats in the midterm election cycle this coming November for common sense gun regulations.

So again the No-Fly list to ban someone from their constitutionial right?

The same list that had Ted Kennedy?

Also what happen to innocent before proven guilty?

Why is it Democrats like you want to use flawed lists to take someone rights away?

Also the mental illness one would never work seeing every human suffer from mental illness and leaving someone rights in a doctor hands is opening the door for abuse.

Also to change the Second Amendment would take an act of Congress and approval from the states and you damn well know you lack the votes in the Senate even if you swept in November!

So let cut the nonsense and you need to realize gun laws you want will never happen!

The USSC will also be the thorn in your side!
There hasn't been 18 school shootings this year
??? Are you griping because the number is at least 19 rather than 18? Did you not notice that there were 17 school kids shot in FL the other day. A few weeks earlier two more kids were shot deadand 17 were wounded in a KY school.

That's two shootings, not 18!

The number 18 comes from Washington Post. Of course they pulled it out of their asses.

I think it was another source mentioned by the Post who called a lie too!
This will fade just like all of the rest, it’s it’s a non-issue.
Mass shootings make up a tinny, tiny of deaths in the us...
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America

You are dreaming. As one of the kids from Florida said, "Our generation will not put up with it."

And they won't. You guys are gonna be the dinosaurs of your generation...
I know you want to get rid of the Second Amendment but it is not going anywhere… good luck LOL

Doing this...

With a map that looks like this... You silly little fucker


Well it is an amendment. So it can be amended.

Oh, look a map with lots of red in it where NOBODY LIVES. Using a map showing a whole swathe of the country in red that is nothing but paddocks and trees is real dumb way to make a point. Do trees vote? Talk about silly fuckers.
You know how much I care about What UK, Australia or NZ government do to their citizens?

Other civilized countries... like Switzerland perhaps?

The United States is unparalleled in its civil liberties, looking at other countries doesn't work because literally no other country has the right to bear arms as one of its most basic tenets. Having said that, governments of those countries can do pretty much anything to limit the people rights without worrying that people could refuse. That normally leads to tyranny. Try criticizing refugee policy in Germany, or refugee rape in Sweden.

Liberals around the world won't stop talking about gun control in response to crazy shooters. They say nothing about shooting violence around the world on every continent and in every region. Today was mass shooting in south Russia church, but we didn't hear about it, did we?

Its purely political that liberals fixate on the USA and ignore the rest of the world, maybe because we are the last republic where leftists, socialist and communists don't have full control.

What a total load of crap. You think your right to bear arms gives you freedom? TSA, anybody? ATF anybody? Lobby groups that run your govt, anybody? A place where sheriffs and DAs are elected ENSURING that civil liberties and the spirit behind most of the laws are actively ignored because said officials are more worried about being reelected rather than serving the people.

Switzerland? That place where all its citizens have arms but there are no mass shootings? That Switzerland?

Oh, Russia? A country all but totalitarian in name? That Russia? Putin's Russia?

Pal, you name me one instance where US citizens are more 'free' than me here in Australia or home in NZ and I'll shoot it down every time.

The only things you Yanks admire are those with the almighty dollar in their back pocket. And THEY run your country, not the citizens.
US? Free? Fuck off. If I were to rank western countries on a freedom index, the US wouldn't even make the top 10. On paper? Sure, you could convince me. In reality? Laughable.
Will the Democrat party ever offer real protection at schools? The majority of the turds have pitched a fit when additional security solutions have been offered. Typical. They are all about look at what I say, not what I do. Bunch of week little people. Cowards. No other word is more accurate. Well... greedy and amoral would also apply.
You know how much I care about What UK, Australia or NZ government do to their citizens?

Other civilized countries... like Switzerland perhaps?

The United States is unparalleled in its civil liberties, looking at other countries doesn't work because literally no other country has the right to bear arms as one of its most basic tenets. Having said that, governments of those countries can do pretty much anything to limit the people rights without worrying that people could refuse. That normally leads to tyranny. Try criticizing refugee policy in Germany, or refugee rape in Sweden.

Liberals around the world won't stop talking about gun control in response to crazy shooters. They say nothing about shooting violence around the world on every continent and in every region. Today was mass shooting in south Russia church, but we didn't hear about it, did we?

Its purely political that liberals fixate on the USA and ignore the rest of the world, maybe because we are the last republic where leftists, socialist and communists don't have full control.

What a total load of crap. You think your right to bear arms gives you freedom? TSA, anybody? ATF anybody? Lobby groups that run your govt, anybody? A place where sheriffs and DAs are elected ENSURING that civil liberties and the spirit behind most of the laws are actively ignored because said officials are more worried about being reelected rather than serving the people.

Switzerland? That place where all its citizens have arms but there are no mass shootings? That Switzerland?

Oh, Russia? A country all but totalitarian in name? That Russia? Putin's Russia?

Pal, you name me one instance where US citizens are more 'free' than me here in Australia or home in NZ and I'll shoot it down every time.

The only things you Yanks admire are those with the almighty dollar in their back pocket. And THEY run your country, not the citizens.
US? Free? Fuck off. If I were to rank western countries on a freedom index, the US wouldn't even make the top 10. On paper? Sure, you could convince me. In reality? Laughable.
Curious. Fyi... love Australia. Amazing country. Been there twice. I have read reports of increase crime.

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