Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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So an older couple builds a smaller retirement home. They're both 65 years old with a 20-year life expectancy and no offspring to leave the house to. Do the math and tell me their payback. Don't forget to include the cost of paying somebody to clean the panels. Removing the snow in winter and the dust in summer.

My figures say it's just another "fleece the elderly" scam.......
So an older couple builds a smaller retirement home. They're both 65 years old with a 20-year life expectancy and no offspring to leave the house to. Do the math and tell me their payback. Don't forget to include the cost of paying somebody to clean the panels. Removing the snow in winter and the dust in summer.

My figures say it's just another "fleece the elderly" scam.......
WTF are you talking about? If you are old, you live in Florida.
These stupid Environmental wacko Moon Bats don't even understand that the carbon footprint of producing solar cells and distributing them and then disposing of them is greater than the reduction in carbon emissions that they supposedly save from the measly amount of power that is produce (when the sun is out).

Even worse if they include batteries.

If the cells are produced in China (most of them are) then there is significant amount of carbon emitted in the production process. The you have transportation across the ocean in gas guzzling ships and then the truckers use fossil fuels to deliver them from the port to the distribution center to the house.

Even American made cells are big pollution producers during manufacture.
Almost exactly the same argument has been made against wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs, and now solar panels. The fossil fuel industry would have you believe that fossil fuels were never responsible for air and water pollution and certainly not the build of greenhouse gases. Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, increasing temperatures around world, and rising sea levels are all just false news.

Most estimates of life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 and 0.18 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. Most estimates for concentrating solar power range from 0.08 to 0.2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. In both cases, this is far less than the life-cycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of CO2E/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh)
Environmental Impacts of Solar Power

You are confused.

It takes electricity and manufacturing equipment to produce solar cells and those silly ass wind turbines. It takes trains, boats and trucks to get then to the point of installation. They all produce caron emissions. Lots of them.

Any of the studies I have ever seen have underestimated the complete carbon foot print. The Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible. They are an environmental wacko group. Some of the principle scientists were these idiots that were caught inventing data in Climategate I and Climategate II.

One of my jobs as a consultant was to evaluate alternative energy sources in the permitting of nuclear power plant as required in the NRC permitting process. I have had to do quite a bit of research on the topic.

Fossil fuels and nuclear beats the hell out of the stupid alternative energy sources in every way including the total carbon footprint. Look at any NRC permit application for a nuclear power plant and you will see a 125 page section on that.
And I believe that birds can get confused and fly into those windmills as well.

A contractor building 200 houses pays much less than a contractor building one.
You still have not answered question, why force someone to put solar panels on their own house?
It makes no sense to force that horse shit on anyone...

A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Sounds fictional to me.........
Wrong but then you've never visited Palmdale to see age Nor Lake Tahoe to see snow.

But if one does live in Floriday replace the cleaning with reinstalling after every hurricane.

Or is it the math that's so challenging?
I took algebra one semester and got a 'D'. I took it the next semester and got another 'D'.

A contractor building 200 houses pays much less than a contractor building one.
You still have not answered question, why force someone to put solar panels on their own house?
It makes no sense to force that horse shit on anyone...

A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders
Cali has an energy problem . Also has a lot of sunlight !

Seems like a smart idea .

It's an energy problem created by bad governmental policy.

Regardless, California has a massive housing shortage. Massive numbers of people are homeless, and millions more are living in tiny shacks.

TRUE: Calif. ranks 49th in per capita housing supply

Out of every state in the Union, California has the lowest production of homes, per capita, of any state except Utah. Think about that. Only Utah is producing fewer homes than California, per capita.

And the number one reason, is because of cost. I had a friend who went to California with a degree in architecture. She ended up living with 4 other people, in a 4 bedroom apparent that was 900 sq.ft. 5 people, in a 4 bedroom apartment, and all of them have degrees. That's how expensive housing is, that even with a degree, you are rooming with 4 other people, in order to make rent, and not starve.

She came back to Ohio after a year, of living in miserable conditions. You all see how high the wages in California are, and think it's going to be great, only to find out you end up living like a poor person, because of housing prices.

Now..... you have a new law that requires solar panels. You can say that is brilliant until the end of time, but the fact is that will increase the cost of housing even more, and reduce the production of new home. Thus causing the cost of living space to go up on everyone.
These stupid Environmental wacko Moon Bats don't even understand that the carbon footprint of producing solar cells and distributing them and then disposing of them is greater than the reduction in carbon emissions that they supposedly save from the measly amount of power that is produce (when the sun is out).

Even worse if they include batteries.

If the cells are produced in China (most of them are) then there is significant amount of carbon emitted in the production process. The you have transportation across the ocean in gas guzzling ships and then the truckers use fossil fuels to deliver them from the port to the distribution center to the house.

Even American made cells are big pollution producers during manufacture.
Almost exactly the same argument has been made against wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs, and now solar panels. The fossil fuel industry would have you believe that fossil fuels were never responsible for air and water pollution and certainly not the build of greenhouse gases. Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, increasing temperatures around world, and rising sea levels are all just false news.

Most estimates of life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 and 0.18 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. Most estimates for concentrating solar power range from 0.08 to 0.2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. In both cases, this is far less than the life-cycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of CO2E/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh)
Environmental Impacts of Solar Power

You are confused.

It takes electricity and manufacturing equipment to produce solar cells and those silly ass wind turbines. It takes trains, boats and trucks to get then to the point of installation. They all produce caron emissions. Lots of them.

Any of the studies I have ever seen have underestimated the complete carbon foot print. The Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible. They are an environmental wacko group. Some of the principle scientists were these idiots that were caught inventing data in Climategate I and Climategate II.

One of my jobs as a consultant was to evaluate alternative energy sources in the permitting of nuclear power plant as required in the NRC permitting process. I have had to do quite a bit of research on the topic.

Fossil fuels and nuclear beats the hell out of the stupid alternative energy sources in every way including the total carbon footprint. Look at any NRC permit application for a nuclear power plant and you will see a 125 page section on that.
You think there is little or no carbon footprint in producing oil well equipment, building pipelines, refineries, supertankers, not to mention actual drilling, transportation, and refining, and I haven't even mention the cost of building power plants.
.... when Bush or Trump pass tax-cuts, righties tell us that’s people and corporations getting to keep more of their money

An across the board tax cut is not the same as a subsidy provided for a specific behavior.

Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I got to keep more of my money so I could spend it into economy - what is the tax-cut-magic killing difference?

Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I don't have to buy a stupid solar installation, I can buy useful things instead.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........
So an older couple builds a smaller retirement home. They're both 65 years old with a 20-year life expectancy and no offspring to leave the house to. Do the math and tell me their payback. Don't forget to include the cost of paying somebody to clean the panels. Removing the snow in winter and the dust in summer.

My figures say it's just another "fleece the elderly" scam.......
It would seem to me that they would realize a considerable payback on their investment during those 20 years and when the house is sold with solar generating capacity it would surely draw a higher price.

Solar panels require pretty low maintenance. Unlike generators which are composed of moving components which require repair or replacement, solar panels do not have moving parts that can rust or breakdown. About the only routine maintenance is spraying them down with a garden hose. The panels are warrantied for 20 or 25 years and with the new central inverter they could last for a number of decades.
Ya-fucking-hoo! That's job security for electrical engineers like myself. California leads the way, then all the other states follow.

Californians refuse to be fossil fuel bitches like the people back east are.

Californians refuse to be fossil fuel bitches like the people back east are.

That's right! Californians are happy to pay 40% more than the national average to stick it to fossil fuels.
More than that depending on what state your in...............They will not be happy until they have made the cost go to 30 cents a kwh like their hero country Germany.

A contractor building 200 houses pays much less than a contractor building one.
You still have not answered question, why force someone to put solar panels on their own house?
It makes no sense to force that horse shit on anyone...

A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.
The collective forcing shit on individuals... sounds great? No thanks
No, you will find nothing in the democratic platform for support of open boarders but you will find support for legal immigration within reasonable limits, that meets the needs of families, communities, and the economy as well as maintains the United States’ role as a beacon of hope for people seeking safety, freedom, and security.

Would you like me to find some quotes from Democrat politicians about open borders? Let me explain to you what this is REALLY all about:

Democrats have come to the realization that the only thing keeping them from complete power over the US are white people. Therefore, the solution to that problem is to eliminate white people; not in a genocidal way, but in a political way. Make whites a minority ASAP.

They're doing it too. It has nothing to do with caring about other people, it has to do with creating a single-party government.

The Democrats stopped Kate's Law.

The Democrats are hell bent against a wall, even if it means shutting down the government to stop it.

The Democrats are fighting to keep their sanctuary cities, and are now expanding that to sanctuary states.

DumBama sued Arizona from creating and enforcing their own foreign identification program.

There is an obvious pattern here, and that pattern is to bring in as many foreigners as possible (legal or illegal) and once in power again, grant them citizenship which includes the right to vote.

If that's not bad enough, it all comes with an expense to Americans. Americans who are murdered by illegals all the time. The lowering of wages. Allowing them to make us a bilingual country. The billions of dollars it costs to keep them here. All in the name of power.
And I can also dig up quotes from Republicans in favor of closing our boarders or shutting down legal immigration. However, that only proves we have nut cases in both parties.

Your diatribe against immigrants are not even well supported by your own party. They understand the need for legal immigration. They know that without immigration this nation will die. The people of other countries are the life blood of this nation as they have been for over 200 years.

Immigrants are over twice as likely to open new businesses yet they are just over 10% of the population. One fourth of all new technology companies since 2006 have at least one immigrant as a co-founder. 68% of all students in post graduate programs are foreign born. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs in college are dominated by foreign born students.

America has long rejected the concept of an Aryan race dominating the nation and for good reason.

What that shows is we have a problem on our part, but immigration is not the solution.

Every business opened up by a foreigner is one business that can't be opened up by an American. And if all Americans decided not to open up businesses, do we bring in enough foreigners to run all American businesses?

If we closed our borders completely today, it wouldn't hurt the US one bit. In fact, it would help us if anything. It might inspire more Americans to take part in business and realize the American dream instead of depending on a boss to make your paycheck.
You're dreaming. Doing away with immigrant entrepreneurs will not open opportunities for white native born Americans. Native born American have many advantages over immigrants, knowledge of the language, and the culture, both business and personnel contacts, yet they avoid the risks of opening a new business, perfecting the safer route as an employee.

Just living in a foreign country is hard. I have lived for an extended periods in 8 countries over the years. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for an immigrant to open a new business in a strange new land, overcoming language and culture barriers and a million and one things native Americans take for granted.

With each new generation in immigrant families, they seem to lose there zeal for risk and hard work. After the third generation they are no better than the average American which is why we always need a steady stream of new immigrants who are willing take advantage of economic opportunities available in America and to risk all for a chance of success.
I know, socialism sucks...
These stupid Environmental wacko Moon Bats don't even understand that the carbon footprint of producing solar cells and distributing them and then disposing of them is greater than the reduction in carbon emissions that they supposedly save from the measly amount of power that is produce (when the sun is out).

Even worse if they include batteries.

If the cells are produced in China (most of them are) then there is significant amount of carbon emitted in the production process. The you have transportation across the ocean in gas guzzling ships and then the truckers use fossil fuels to deliver them from the port to the distribution center to the house.

Even American made cells are big pollution producers during manufacture.
Almost exactly the same argument has been made against wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs, and now solar panels. The fossil fuel industry would have you believe that fossil fuels were never responsible for air and water pollution and certainly not the build of greenhouse gases. Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, increasing temperatures around world, and rising sea levels are all just false news.

Most estimates of life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 and 0.18 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. Most estimates for concentrating solar power range from 0.08 to 0.2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. In both cases, this is far less than the life-cycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of CO2E/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh)
Environmental Impacts of Solar Power

You are confused.

It takes electricity and manufacturing equipment to produce solar cells and those silly ass wind turbines. It takes trains, boats and trucks to get then to the point of installation. They all produce caron emissions. Lots of them.

Any of the studies I have ever seen have underestimated the complete carbon foot print. The Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible. They are an environmental wacko group. Some of the principle scientists were these idiots that were caught inventing data in Climategate I and Climategate II.

One of my jobs as a consultant was to evaluate alternative energy sources in the permitting of nuclear power plant as required in the NRC permitting process. I have had to do quite a bit of research on the topic.

Fossil fuels and nuclear beats the hell out of the stupid alternative energy sources in every way including the total carbon footprint. Look at any NRC permit application for a nuclear power plant and you will see a 125 page section on that.
You think there is little or no carbon footprint in producing oil well equipment, building pipelines, refineries, supertankers, not to mention actual drilling, transportation, and refining, and I haven't even mention the cost of building power plants.
Al gore is full of shit
Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I got to keep more of my money so I could spend it into economy - what is the tax-cut-magic killing difference?

Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I don't have to buy a stupid solar installation, I can buy useful things instead.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.
Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I don't have to buy a stupid solar installation, I can buy useful things instead.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.
Why let the government control anything?
Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I don't have to buy a stupid solar installation, I can buy useful things instead.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
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