Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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These stupid Environmental wacko Moon Bats don't even understand that the carbon footprint of producing solar cells and distributing them and then disposing of them is greater than the reduction in carbon emissions that they supposedly save from the measly amount of power that is produce (when the sun is out).

Even worse if they include batteries.

If the cells are produced in China (most of them are) then there is significant amount of carbon emitted in the production process. The you have transportation across the ocean in gas guzzling ships and then the truckers use fossil fuels to deliver them from the port to the distribution center to the house.

Even American made cells are big pollution producers during manufacture.
Almost exactly the same argument has been made against wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs, and now solar panels. The fossil fuel industry would have you believe that fossil fuels were never responsible for air and water pollution and certainly not the build of greenhouse gases. Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, increasing temperatures around world, and rising sea levels are all just false news.

Most estimates of life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 and 0.18 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. Most estimates for concentrating solar power range from 0.08 to 0.2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. In both cases, this is far less than the life-cycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of CO2E/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh)
Environmental Impacts of Solar Power

You are confused.

It takes electricity and manufacturing equipment to produce solar cells and those silly ass wind turbines. It takes trains, boats and trucks to get then to the point of installation. They all produce caron emissions. Lots of them.

Any of the studies I have ever seen have underestimated the complete carbon foot print. The Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible. They are an environmental wacko group. Some of the principle scientists were these idiots that were caught inventing data in Climategate I and Climategate II.

One of my jobs as a consultant was to evaluate alternative energy sources in the permitting of nuclear power plant as required in the NRC permitting process. I have had to do quite a bit of research on the topic.

Fossil fuels and nuclear beats the hell out of the stupid alternative energy sources in every way including the total carbon footprint. Look at any NRC permit application for a nuclear power plant and you will see a 125 page section on that.
You think there is little or no carbon footprint in producing oil well equipment, building pipelines, refineries, supertankers, not to mention actual drilling, transportation, and refining, and I haven't even mention the cost of building power plants.
Al gore is full of shit

Isn't it amazing that anybody would think Al "Batshit Crazy" Gore had any credibility? His hockey stick data was proven to be cherry picked bullshit. None of his predictions ever came through.
Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I don't have to buy a stupid solar installation, I can buy useful things instead.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.
It's done because the Solar industry can't stand on it's own because of the prices. While prices are coming down they are still not cost effective. In California the rates are much higher than my State........because we use EVIL FOSSIL FUELS.

Our rates are higher from Kemper Power Plant which was the experiment to new Clean Coal technology. Trying to get around Obama's EPA regulations and his attempt to KILL COAL.................SKYROCKET ring a bell...........

People in California pay nearly 20 cents per kwh..........we pay a little under 12 cents.............And we don't have a MANDATORY $50 a month added on by the State pay the bills of others who can't afford your high ass prices.

Why people leave your State..................
It would seem to me that they would realize a considerable payback on their investment during those 20 years and when the house is sold with solar generating capacity it would surely draw a higher price.

I don't know about that. I mean, if I'm looking to buy a 20 year old house and see those things on the roof, my first thought is "how many of those MF's am I going to have to replace in the next ten years?"

Solar panels lose performance as time goes on. Also their life expectancy is based on the environment of the house. Solar panels lose production if they are in very windy areas where branches and pebbles are blown around that can scratch the surface reducing it's performance. In low wind high sun areas, that heat does a number on those panels as well.

Solar panels require pretty low maintenance. Unlike generators which are composed of moving components which require repair or replacement, solar panels do not have moving parts that can rust or breakdown. About the only routine maintenance is spraying them down with a garden hose. The panels are warrantied for 20 or 25 years and with the new central inverter they could last for a number of decades.

Yes, if it's a single level home. Two family or two story homes would be a bit more of a challenge.
These stupid Environmental wacko Moon Bats don't even understand that the carbon footprint of producing solar cells and distributing them and then disposing of them is greater than the reduction in carbon emissions that they supposedly save from the measly amount of power that is produce (when the sun is out).

Even worse if they include batteries.

If the cells are produced in China (most of them are) then there is significant amount of carbon emitted in the production process. The you have transportation across the ocean in gas guzzling ships and then the truckers use fossil fuels to deliver them from the port to the distribution center to the house.

Even American made cells are big pollution producers during manufacture.
Almost exactly the same argument has been made against wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs, and now solar panels. The fossil fuel industry would have you believe that fossil fuels were never responsible for air and water pollution and certainly not the build of greenhouse gases. Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, increasing temperatures around world, and rising sea levels are all just false news.

Most estimates of life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 and 0.18 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. Most estimates for concentrating solar power range from 0.08 to 0.2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. In both cases, this is far less than the life-cycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of CO2E/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh)
Environmental Impacts of Solar Power

You are confused.

It takes electricity and manufacturing equipment to produce solar cells and those silly ass wind turbines. It takes trains, boats and trucks to get then to the point of installation. They all produce caron emissions. Lots of them.

Any of the studies I have ever seen have underestimated the complete carbon foot print. The Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible. They are an environmental wacko group. Some of the principle scientists were these idiots that were caught inventing data in Climategate I and Climategate II.

One of my jobs as a consultant was to evaluate alternative energy sources in the permitting of nuclear power plant as required in the NRC permitting process. I have had to do quite a bit of research on the topic.

Fossil fuels and nuclear beats the hell out of the stupid alternative energy sources in every way including the total carbon footprint. Look at any NRC permit application for a nuclear power plant and you will see a 125 page section on that.
You think there is little or no carbon footprint in producing oil well equipment, building pipelines, refineries, supertankers, not to mention actual drilling, transportation, and refining, and I haven't even mention the cost of building power plants.
Al gore is full of shit

Isn't it amazing that anybody would think Al "Batshit Crazy" Gore had any credibility? His hockey stick data was proven to be cherry picked bullshit. None of his predictions ever came through.
But he did invent the internet, and made/and is making hundreds of millions of dollars off of carbon credits...
It's a mute point.........................It is FORCED BUYING based on the ideology that the liberals believe they are on a mission from save the planet.....................I've watched some of those asshats bragging on that who are reps in California.

Personally I think they need to stop doing drugs.

Substantive difference being WHAT exactly?

I don't have to buy a stupid solar installation, I can buy useful things instead.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

There is a difference because you are not taking the standard deduction.

For instance let's say we slashed corporate tax rates from 20% to 18%. We are talking less money from corporations. However if you purchase a million dollar machine and are reimbursed over four years, the government is indirectly paying for that million dollar machine.

That's the difference.
It's a mute point.........................It is FORCED BUYING based on the ideology that the liberals believe they are on a mission from save the planet.....................I've watched some of those asshats bragging on that who are reps in California.

Personally I think they need to stop doing drugs.

Yep, Most people want nothing to do with fucking solar panels… Only fucking. cowards would force them into that shit.
Almost exactly the same argument has been made against wind turbines, energy efficient light bulbs, and now solar panels. The fossil fuel industry would have you believe that fossil fuels were never responsible for air and water pollution and certainly not the build of greenhouse gases. Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, increasing temperatures around world, and rising sea levels are all just false news.

Most estimates of life-cycle emissions for photovoltaic systems are between 0.07 and 0.18 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. Most estimates for concentrating solar power range from 0.08 to 0.2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. In both cases, this is far less than the life-cycle emission rates for natural gas (0.6-2 lbs of CO2E/kWh) and coal (1.4-3.6 lbs of CO2E/kWh)
Environmental Impacts of Solar Power

You are confused.

It takes electricity and manufacturing equipment to produce solar cells and those silly ass wind turbines. It takes trains, boats and trucks to get then to the point of installation. They all produce caron emissions. Lots of them.

Any of the studies I have ever seen have underestimated the complete carbon foot print. The Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible. They are an environmental wacko group. Some of the principle scientists were these idiots that were caught inventing data in Climategate I and Climategate II.

One of my jobs as a consultant was to evaluate alternative energy sources in the permitting of nuclear power plant as required in the NRC permitting process. I have had to do quite a bit of research on the topic.

Fossil fuels and nuclear beats the hell out of the stupid alternative energy sources in every way including the total carbon footprint. Look at any NRC permit application for a nuclear power plant and you will see a 125 page section on that.
You think there is little or no carbon footprint in producing oil well equipment, building pipelines, refineries, supertankers, not to mention actual drilling, transportation, and refining, and I haven't even mention the cost of building power plants.
Al gore is full of shit

Isn't it amazing that anybody would think Al "Batshit Crazy" Gore had any credibility? His hockey stick data was proven to be cherry picked bullshit. None of his predictions ever came through.
But he did invent the internet, and made/and is making hundreds of millions of dollars off of carbon credits...

..and he made a bundle off of Al Jazeera. Another real scumbag hero of the Moon Bats.
How much are the people that make you all of your money worth?

Exactly what they are paid.

Are you paid more or less than you are worth?

No, employees are paid the minimum amount their employer can get away with by using Buzz terms like, entry level job, market price, and first job.

How much do I make? $1 per year.

If the employee is satisfied and is working for the wage they are being paid, that is how much they are worth. If they were worth more, the employer would pay more to keep them or the employee would find someone else who was willing to pay them more.

I did not ask how much you are paid, I don't care.
How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income, which lowered my effective tax-rates.
How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get? The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income.
As a credit............correct...................hmmmm...........a deduction is one thing ............a credit is do understand the difference now don't you...................
How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income, which lowered my effective tax-rates.
If they were worth a shit they would not be forced on anybody, fuck your solar panels
Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get? The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income.
As a credit............correct...................hmmmm...........a deduction is one thing ............a credit is do understand the difference now don't you...................

What is the difference as it relates to someone having or not having to pay for my solar system?

How would it be different if I used a marginal rate tax-cut to pay for my solar??

There is clearly special pleading going on.
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get? The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income.
As a credit............correct...................hmmmm...........a deduction is one thing ............a credit is do understand the difference now don't you...................

What is the difference as it relates to someone having or not having to pay for my solar system?

How would it be different if I used my marginal rate tax-cut to pay for my solar??
Progressives are forcing fucking solar panels on everybody, and no one wants the stupid ass things.
If they were worth a shit they would not be forced on anybody. Fuck your solar panels
I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get? The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income.
As a credit............correct...................hmmmm...........a deduction is one thing ............a credit is do understand the difference now don't you...................

What is the difference as it relates to someone having or not having to pay for my solar system?

How would it be different if I used my marginal rate tax-cut to pay for my solar??
Progressives are forcing fucking solar panels on everybody, and no one wants the stupid ass things.
If they were worth a shit they would not be forced on anybody. Fuck your solar panels

nothing to do with what you quoted.
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get? The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income.
As a credit............correct...................hmmmm...........a deduction is one thing ............a credit is do understand the difference now don't you...................

What is the difference as it relates to someone having or not having to pay for my solar system?

How would it be different if I used a marginal rate tax-cut to pay for my solar??

There is clearly special pleading going on. don't no or you are refusing to answer my simple question....Was it a Tax Credit or a deduction. And do you file your own taxes added to it.

It's a simple question.
How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull? Stupid much?

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on? Smells like straw grasping.

How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.
It's done because the Solar industry can't stand on it's own because of the prices. While prices are coming down they are still not cost effective. In California the rates are much higher than my State........because we use EVIL FOSSIL FUELS.

Fossil fuels are subsidized as well, I guess that means that industry can't stand on it's own. :rolleys:

You show me any energy source and I'll show you a history of subsidies.

Big money is spent on preventing blackouts and solar power production is IDEALY suited to help the system in that aspect because the power production shoots up with AC energy demand.
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How the fuck is producing 100% of electricity I use from solar energy, not usefull?

How much was your bill before? How much is your bill today?

Stupid much?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Just because you don't understand economics doesn't make you stupid.

And how come this is the very first time you got all concerned about WHAT tax-cut is spent on?

I'm not concerned what you spend your tax cut on.......a subsidy is another matter.

Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income, which lowered my effective tax-rates.

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

You didn't get a bigger refund / smaller tax bill because of a government subsidy intended to encourage the purchase of solar panels? Are you sure?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income

I agree, you only got a subsidy. Glad you cleared that up.
Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income, which lowered my effective tax-rates.

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

You didn't get a bigger refund / smaller tax bill because of a government subsidy intended to encourage the purchase of solar panels? Are you sure?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income

I agree, you only got a subsidy. Glad you cleared that up.

I paid less of MY MONEY to government, or are you saying it is NOT my money?

Pick one and go with it from here on out.
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get? The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income.
As a credit............correct...................hmmmm...........a deduction is one thing ............a credit is do understand the difference now don't you...................

What is the difference as it relates to someone having or not having to pay for my solar system?

How would it be different if I used a marginal rate tax-cut to pay for my solar??

There is clearly special pleading going on.

How would it be different if I used a marginal rate tax-cut to pay for my solar??

Everyone gets a rate cut, no special behavior needed.

Only buyers of solar cells get the solar cell tax credit........subsidy.
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