Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

Before Obama, there was nothing being done domestically, it was all Iraq, all the time. This guy can stagnate and hold firm that he has no intention of doing his fair share to get this great country moving again. So what?

It will move on without him.

Thats true; his "protest" will be his own demise.
he he he....

We can see that you're no captain of industry. Loser.
Companies exist to make a profit. Not to be run into the ground because people like you demand a job...qualified or not.

he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

I just find it really silly that somehow an obviously partisan guy who has a drill company with 6 employees is somehow a barometer for every single small businessman. And the fact that he isn't going to hire means no one is going to hire.

Really asinine.

But, like I said, I have family members in the construction business who are small business owners and know it's not the case.

Of course, they also don't waste their time with asinine posturing.
he he he....

We can see that you're no captain of industry. Loser.
Companies exist to make a profit. Not to be run into the ground because people like you demand a job...qualified or not.

he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

So you dismiss him because he is attacking what your guy, Obama has already done? Really?

The man is dead-on accurate. And this will continue until Obama is voted out of office in '12.
Companies exist to make a profit. Not to be run into the ground because people like you demand a job...qualified or not.

he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

So you dismiss him because he is attacking what your guy, Obama has already done? Really?

The man is dead-on accurate. And this will continue until Obama is voted out of office in '12.

Care to make it interesting?

If Obama wins, you will change your sig line to "All Hail President Obama: Your President, My President, Our President.".

If anyone else wins, I'll change mine to ""All Hail President _________: Your President, My President, Our President."

And leave it there until the new year.

Lets see how confident you REALLY are.

For the record, anyone who makes such a business decision based on who the President is doesn't have much business acumen. It means very little to a small business in terms of hiring people; a whole universe of variables is involved. Most people who give business advice would know that. One has to wonder why you don't.

Well? You going to man up?
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Companies exist to make a profit. Not to be run into the ground because people like you demand a job...qualified or not.

he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

So you dismiss him because he is attacking what your guy, Obama has already done? Really?

The man is dead-on accurate. And this will continue until Obama is voted out of office in '12.

How would you know? Have you ever had a job past the age of 18 where the government wasn't your employer?

That's not a knock on you, I am just curious if you have any personal perspective on this or are simply taking the word of a guy who has six employees as the gospel for the rest of the nation.

Most businessmen, who aren't trying to make a political statement, actually are trying to expand.
I'd say he won't be in business very long if his business increases and he doesn't hire new drivers.
If you can make money off of hire
If you can't make money by bringing in more don't hire

If Obama being president is your reason for not are just being an asshole
Wow, HM, you are barely able to form sentences. I admire you for trying, though.

Well, yeah, I guess mocking supposed grammatical errors is a lot easier than actually addressing his points that Obama has been a horrible business president.

I suppose if his "points" had not already been addressed a hundred times since I have been here, I could spare the time to do that. Is it fucking Groundhog Day....again!?
What is the meaning of placing your kid's resume as your signature....
I really hate parents that live vicariously thorough their children.
You are the problem. You and other parents like you have created two generations of self absorbed, self involved narcissistic spoiled brats who's parents have told them everything the have done is perfect. You shield you kids from experiencing disappointment. When they enter the adult world they cannot handle the word "no".
Can't we just all agree that the "not until Obama is gone" crowd is a group of flaming morons?

It would be crazy to base anything on politics when you own a crane company.
Uhmmm...NO, we can't. The company is correct in targeting Obama and his war on the private sector he is Hell Bent on destroying...and glad handing for donations at the same time.

You are typical of a Statist...belive that companies exist just to give YOU a job.

No one I know believes that crap.

If I were looking for a job in construction, I sure as hell wouldn't want to work with this asshole.

Employment is a two way street.
Why is he an asshole?
And employment is not a two way street.
The employers owns the company and any job it may create. It is his to create and eliminate.
An employee has a position as employee at the pleasure of the hiring company.
he he he....

We can see that you're no captain of industry. Loser.
Companies exist to make a profit. Not to be run into the ground because people like you demand a job...qualified or not.

he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

Which companies are adding staff?
Before Obama, there was nothing being done domestically, it was all Iraq, all the time. This guy can stagnate and hold firm that he has no intention of doing his fair share to get this great country moving again. So what?

It will move on without him.
What is "fair share"?...Define the term.
Uhmmm...NO, we can't. The company is correct in targeting Obama and his war on the private sector he is Hell Bent on destroying...and glad handing for donations at the same time.

You are typical of a Statist...belive that companies exist just to give YOU a job.

No one I know believes that crap.

If I were looking for a job in construction, I sure as hell wouldn't want to work with this asshole.

Employment is a two way street.
Why is he an asshole?
And employment is not a two way street.
The employers owns the company and any job it may create. It is his to create and eliminate.
An employee has a position as employee at the pleasure of the hiring company.
Exactly. Why is it that some just refuse to understand what you just wrote?
Well, yeah, I guess mocking supposed grammatical errors is a lot easier than actually addressing his points that Obama has been a horrible business president.

I suppose if his "points" had not already been addressed a hundred times since I have been here, I could spare the time to do that. Is it fucking Groundhog Day....again!?
What is the meaning of placing your kid's resume as your signature....
I really hate parents that live vicariously thorough their children.
You are the problem. You and other parents like you have created two generations of self absorbed, self involved narcissistic spoiled brats who's parents have told them everything the have done is perfect. You shield you kids from experiencing disappointment. When they enter the adult world they cannot handle the word "no".

I think they are just proud of their kid. Crazy notion, I know.

Other than that, what the fuck does this have to do with the topic at hand?

Talk about your lame logical leaps.
Companies exist to make a profit. Not to be run into the ground because people like you demand a job...qualified or not.

he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

Which companies are adding staff?

I know the local counties here have literally hundreds of jobs. We have upwards of fifty. There are more jobs than people in several communities across the nation.

You should check out Plenty of jobs are out there. Its no secret except to the willfully blind and the purposefully ignorant.

As for a blanket statement of not hiring until a date in the future based on the outcome of an election is frankly stupid. The macroeconomic considerations are far and wide.
Uhmmm...NO, we can't. The company is correct in targeting Obama and his war on the private sector he is Hell Bent on destroying...and glad handing for donations at the same time.

You are typical of a Statist...belive that companies exist just to give YOU a job.

No one I know believes that crap.

If I were looking for a job in construction, I sure as hell wouldn't want to work with this asshole.

Employment is a two way street.
Why is he an asshole?
And employment is not a two way street.
The employers owns the company and any job it may create. It is his to create and eliminate.
An employee has a position as employee at the pleasure of the hiring company.

Because he's enacted a company policy based on who is in the oval office and feels so strong about it that he has to advertise it.

That and his association with Walter Fitzpatrick and other far right militia type groups.

I think those people are assholes. Obviously, that is my personal opinion.

Oh wait, he was a Marine for 10 years? Never mind, that makes him automatically perfect.

You guys keep wanting to argue something that no one is disputing. He can hire and fire as he sees fit. We aren't disputing that.

It just makes him an asshole.

Like I said, employment is a two way street. There are good and bad bosses and there are good and bad workers.

To act like workers are ants whose gratitude for a job will make them stellar shows a real ignorance of the issue. Good workers are worth their weight in gold. If this guy loses a talented crane operator to his closest competition simply because he refuses to hire, it will be his own fault.
If you can make money off of hire
If you can't make money by bringing in more don't hire

If Obama being president is your reason for not are just being an asshole

Or you are being prudent.

I deal with a lot of vendors. Small businessmen. Now, none of them say, "I"m waiting to get rid of that so-and-so, Obama." Most of them say, "I'm waiting to see how the election turns out."

And if you wonder who makes up most of the pro-Romney base, it's these people.

No idealogy, they just want what's going to make their lives easier.

So if you can make just as much money forcing overtime as you can hiring a person, then you force the overtime.

I've said this earlier in this thread, so I'll say it again. This is the fifth recession I've lived through. Usually, you get a stage where they don't want to hire, but they will push and push on the OT. Eventually, the economy improves enough where they have no choice.

But not this time. Things just haven't gotten that good yet.
he he he


The guy owning the crane company in Georgia's fortunes are tied more to his lack of business acumen than anything Mr. Obama ever did. You should enlighten him with your "advice" there loser.

Somehow other companies are adding staff. Not this guy. And it's a shame too; he's a combat veteran and I always want them to succeed outside of the military. :(

Which companies are adding staff?

I know the local counties here have literally hundreds of jobs. We have upwards of fifty. There are more jobs than people in several communities across the nation.

You should check out Plenty of jobs are out there. Its no secret except to the willfully blind and the purposefully ignorant.

As for a blanket statement of not hiring until a date in the future based on the outcome of an election is frankly stupid. The macroeconomic considerations are far and wide.

My family members are constantly hiring people who they think will bring value to their company. They don't care about the person's politics or who is in the oval office. Obviously the economy drives what they can do.

Personnel management is one of characteristics of successful businessmen.
If you can make money off of hire
If you can't make money by bringing in more don't hire

If Obama being president is your reason for not are just being an asshole

Or you are being prudent.

I deal with a lot of vendors. Small businessmen. Now, none of them say, "I"m waiting to get rid of that so-and-so, Obama." Most of them say, "I'm waiting to see how the election turns out."

And if you wonder who makes up most of the pro-Romney base, it's these people.

No idealogy, they just want what's going to make their lives easier.

So if you can make just as much money forcing overtime as you can hiring a person, then you force the overtime.

I've said this earlier in this thread, so I'll say it again. This is the fifth recession I've lived through. Usually, you get a stage where they don't want to hire, but they will push and push on the OT. Eventually, the economy improves enough where they have no choice.

But not this time. Things just haven't gotten that good yet.

This guy is being an asshole and a liar

He can hire now and if he has the contracts, he will make money whether Obama is President or not.

If you hire someone and are no longer making money off of let them go

But to be safe, maybe we should all vote against Obama so that the population of Waco has more jobs

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