Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

Been saying this for quite some time. They want to crush America. They want no taxes..and no regulations. They would sell poison as mother's milk if given the chance.

No they don't want to cursh America because obama is not America. they want to crush obama the anti American president.
Precisely. Obama will tout during the re-election process that he has much more work to do...and he'd be correct. He needs to finish off the private sector, and capitalism as we have known it once and for all.

:clap2: what he said....
Here's an all-you-need-to-know-about-this-nut rant, by the nut himself:

It starts out like this (the caps are his)


read on here...

Utopia Talk - Politics - Muslim in white house = I'm not hiring

facebook page is linked as well

Priceless. He should post here he'd fit right in. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Here's an all-you-need-to-know-about-this-nut rant, by the nut himself:

It starts out like this (the caps are his)


read on here...

Utopia Talk - Politics - Muslim in white house = I'm not hiring

facebook page is linked as well

Priceless. He should post here he'd fit right in. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Perhaps you should report him to ATTACKWATCH!!

I hear for every ten denunciations you get a free pair of jackboots.
Here's an all-you-need-to-know-about-this-nut rant, by the nut himself:

It starts out like this (the caps are his)


read on here...

Utopia Talk - Politics - Muslim in white house = I'm not hiring

facebook page is linked as well

Priceless. He should post here he'd fit right in. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Perhaps you should report him to ATTACKWATCH!!

I hear for every ten denunciations you get a free pair of jackboots.
you forgot the most important thing a full body image of obama that can be secured to the wall or ceiling.:lol:
Unemployment a result of conservative employers being giant babies?

Well that accounts for some of the numbers anyway.

What I get a real kick out of are the people who have no power to employ and basically pretend that they're employers who refuse to hire because of Obama. Those are the best.
Unemployment a result of conservative employers being giant babies?

Well that accounts for some of the numbers anyway.

What I get a real kick out of are the people who have no power to employ and basically pretend that they're employers who refuse to hire because of Obama. Those are the best.
Maybe you should ask your elected representatives to force GOP-donating businesses to hire 10% more employees immediately.
Why does this guy have to hire anyone???

Fuck Obama......

I love how Obamafuck expects businesses to hire because he says so..... It's almost like Obama demands every business employs a jester to entertain and that will create jobs..

I would love a bumper sticker that reads: "I cant hire because of Obama"

Perfect example of blaming someone else for for lack of personal responsiblity. Rather than finding a way they just throw their hands up and blame Obama. "Give me what I want or I won't do anything" is a childish stance that the right loves to use against the OWS interpeting their stance in this way. Now it is on them and they use it the same way. Same beliefs different side of the coin.
Why does this guy have to hire anyone???

Fuck Obama......

I love how Obamafuck expects businesses to hire because he says so..... It's almost like Obama demands every business employs a jester to entertain and that will create jobs..

I would love a bumper sticker that reads: "I cant hire because of Obama"

Perfect example of blaming someone else for for lack of personal responsiblity. Rather than finding a way they just throw their hands up and blame Obama. "Give me what I want or I won't do anything" is a childish stance that the right loves to use against the OWS interpeting their stance in this way. Now it is on them and they use it the same way. Same beliefs different side of the coin.

OH well isn't obama personally responsible?
Unemployment a result of conservative employers being giant babies?

Well that accounts for some of the numbers anyway.

What I get a real kick out of are the people who have no power to employ and basically pretend that they're employers who refuse to hire because of Obama. Those are the best.

Now I see why you were defending shitlipman you're a fucking leftist.
Why does this guy have to hire anyone???

Fuck Obama......

I love how Obamafuck expects businesses to hire because he says so..... It's almost like Obama demands every business employs a jester to entertain and that will create jobs..

I would love a bumper sticker that reads: "I cant hire because of Obama"

Perfect example of blaming someone else for for lack of personal responsiblity. Rather than finding a way they just throw their hands up and blame Obama. "Give me what I want or I won't do anything" is a childish stance that the right loves to use against the OWS interpeting their stance in this way. Now it is on them and they use it the same way. Same beliefs different side of the coin.

One more time, guy. A business doesn't exist to create jobs. It exists to provide services and create goods.

Nothing more, nothing less.

If business people - rightly or wrongly - have concluded that adding more personnel to the payroll is a risk because of Obama's policies and leadership, that is a business decision. Maybe their political leanings color their decisions, but there's a lot of merit to the argument that replacing Obama with a more business friendly president is the way to go.
Why does this guy have to hire anyone???

Fuck Obama......

I love how Obamafuck expects businesses to hire because he says so..... It's almost like Obama demands every business employs a jester to entertain and that will create jobs..

I would love a bumper sticker that reads: "I cant hire because of Obama"

Perfect example of blaming someone else for for lack of personal responsiblity. Rather than finding a way they just throw their hands up and blame Obama. "Give me what I want or I won't do anything" is a childish stance that the right loves to use against the OWS interpeting their stance in this way. Now it is on them and they use it the same way. Same beliefs different side of the coin.

OH well isn't obama personally responsible?

Given that logic we should just avoid the middleman and go right to God himself/herself
and ask the he/she takes some personal responsibility for his/her creation. This is why the "Personal Responsibility" arguement is flawed.
Perfect example of blaming someone else for for lack of personal responsiblity. Rather than finding a way they just throw their hands up and blame Obama. "Give me what I want or I won't do anything" is a childish stance that the right loves to use against the OWS interpeting their stance in this way. Now it is on them and they use it the same way. Same beliefs different side of the coin.

OH well isn't obama personally responsible?

Given that logic we should just avoid the middleman and go right to God himself/herself
and ask the he/she takes some personal responsibility for his/her creation. This is why the "Personal Responsibility" arguement is flawed.

And the logic behind blaming Bush would be?
Given that logic we should just avoid the middleman and go right to God himself/herself
and ask the he/she takes some personal responsibility for his/her creation. This is why the "Personal Responsibility" arguement is flawed.

And the logic behind blaming Bush would be?

The exact same thing. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Things BUSH Never did that Obama has done!
1) Class warfare --- blaming wealthy for NOT paying more all the while Obama a millionaire himself TOOK deductions reducing HIS taxes to 26%!
2) Donations..
Bush taxes-- 2007 on 1/7th income gave 23% donations $221k
"My brother's keeper --Obama --2009 5.5m income.5.9% donations!
Oh did I mention Obama's brother STILL lives in $12/yr hut???
3) Jobs..
a) Bush NEVER told a foreign oil company "we'll be your best customers"?
b) Bush OPENED more areas.. Obama closed Shell's $4 billion drilling!
c) Bush NEVER SAID.. speed environmental & other regulatory approvals
d) BUSH never Attacked tourism in Las Vegas
e) ATTACKED small businesses that build corporate jets!
f) BUSH NEVER had any business people say the following:
Steve Wynn says Obama's economic policies sound socialist
and keep business from new job-creating investments.


When thinking about what small businesses across America need most right now, vast majority of respondents say Washington should
"get out of the way" (79%)

When deciding between Washington offering more assistance or instead providing more certainty,
85% say they would like Washington to provide more certainty

62% percent say the future decisions of federal government regulations (what government will do next) scares them more than what Washington has already done

79% say taxation, regulation and legislation make it harder for their business to hire more employees. 75% say the healthcare law makes it harder to hire more employees

SO tell me where BUSH ever EVER scared jobs, businesses, economy in such a manner as Obama has done!!!
Wow, HM, you are barely able to form sentences. I admire you for trying, though.

Well, yeah, I guess mocking supposed grammatical errors is a lot easier than actually addressing his points that Obama has been a horrible business president.

Basically that's the only weapon they have left. But what the hell I don't give a fuck, it has never made me shut up.
perfect example of blaming someone else for for lack of personal responsiblity. Rather than finding a way they just throw their hands up and blame obama. "give me what i want or i won't do anything" is a childish stance that the right loves to use against the ows interpeting their stance in this way. Now it is on them and they use it the same way. Same beliefs different side of the coin.

oh well isn't obama personally responsible?

given that logic we should just avoid the middleman and go right to god himself/herself
and ask the he/she takes some personal responsibility for his/her creation. This is why the "personal responsibility" arguement is flawed.

And the logic behind blaming Bush would be?

The exact same thing. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Things BUSH Never did that Obama has done!
1) Class warfare --- blaming wealthy for NOT paying more all the while Obama a millionaire himself TOOK deductions reducing HIS taxes to 26%!
2) Donations..
Bush taxes-- 2007 on 1/7th income gave 23% donations $221k
"My brother's keeper --Obama --2009 5.5m income.5.9% donations!
Oh did I mention Obama's brother STILL lives in $12/yr hut???
3) Jobs..
a) Bush NEVER told a foreign oil company "we'll be your best customers"?
b) Bush OPENED more areas.. Obama closed Shell's $4 billion drilling!
c) Bush NEVER SAID.. speed environmental & other regulatory approvals
d) BUSH never Attacked tourism in Las Vegas
e) ATTACKED small businesses that build corporate jets!
f) BUSH NEVER had any business people say the following:
Steve Wynn says Obama's economic policies sound socialist
and keep business from new job-creating investments.


When thinking about what small businesses across America need most right now, vast majority of respondents say Washington should
"get out of the way" (79%)

When deciding between Washington offering more assistance or instead providing more certainty,
85% say they would like Washington to provide more certainty

62% percent say the future decisions of federal government regulations (what government will do next) scares them more than what Washington has already done

79% say taxation, regulation and legislation make it harder for their business to hire more employees. 75% say the healthcare law makes it harder to hire more employees

SO tell me where BUSH ever EVER scared jobs, businesses, economy in such a manner as Obama has done!!!

Just so I understand this right.

1) Obama is a shitty president (no arguement there).
2) Republicans can now run a shitty candidate also, as long as they are not as shitty as Obama?

This makes no sense.:cuckoo:
This is why we are screwed up as a nation.

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