Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

Here's something you're going to have trouble comprehending:

If Obama wants something, it's not automatically a good thing, nor does it mean he should have it.

Take some deep breaths and let your heart rate come down.

The plan sounded like more failure waiting to happen. You should be grateful to the GOp for not letting it embarrass Obama.

That's not material to the FACT that Obama's infrastructure plan was being blocked by the Republicans,

which is exactly what I originally said, and exactly what you were too fucking ignorant and uninformed to know was the truth.
So you support an Obama plan that will cost more jobs that it will create?

You've drowned in the damned Kool-Aid.

Now, how about those other two claims of yours, Skippy?

Since you know nothing about an infrastructure bank plan you don't know what it will do.

Don't change the subject. I proved that the GOP blocked Obama's infrastructure bank plan and that's all you asked me to do. So shut up.
You're doing it again, arrogant prick. I told you what my claim is, and you stamp your feet and insist it's something else.

You've made three claims in this thread:

1. That the situation of a company in MA is exactly the same as that of a company in GA.

You have not proven that claim.

2. Your second claim is that the GOP is blocking Obama's infrastructure projects.

You have not proven that claim.

3. Your third claim is that you know more about a GA business owner's business than he does -- despite the fact that you know nothing about the business involved and have never owned your own business.

You have not proven that claim.

You really do expect people to believe what you say simply because you say it, don't you?

Boy, are YOU in the wrong place. :lol:

Please note I'm laughing AT you. :rofl:

History suggests you will dismiss this post as unworthy of your time and look down your nose at me.

Read my signature. It applies to you.

Is that your way of conceding that this idiot in Georgia doesn't actually face any government regulation that any other company does,

including those that are expanding AND hiring?

yes or no will be sufficient.
You can chuck duck and dive all you like. Doesn't make you any more correct.
You know NOTHING of that person's business. In fact you have never operated a business nor have you cared to. You are an expert in lip service.
Was it that Holiday Inn Express you stayed in last night that made you an expert?

I keep asking people to provide evidence that this idiot is under any special government regulations that make his business harder to run than any other crane business,

including the ones that are prospering, expanding, and hiring.

So far all I've heard back are personal attacks like yours. Why don't you answer the question.
That's not material to the FACT that Obama's infrastructure plan was being blocked by the Republicans,

which is exactly what I originally said, and exactly what you were too fucking ignorant and uninformed to know was the truth.
So you support an Obama plan that will cost more jobs that it will create?

You've drowned in the damned Kool-Aid.

Now, how about those other two claims of yours, Skippy?

Since you know nothing about an infrastructure bank plan you don't know what it will do.
Neither does Obama. :lol:
Don't change the subject. I proved that the GOP blocked Obama's infrastructure bank plan and that's all you asked me to do.
You seem to have changed your claim. You were claiming infrastructure projects. Now it's a bank plan.

So who's changing the subject?
So shut up.
Alas, no, I shall not be following your impotent butthurt orders, no matter how much it hurts your widdle feewings. :lol:
I keep asking people to provide evidence that this idiot is under any special government regulations that make his business harder to run than any other crane business,

including the ones that are prospering, expanding, and hiring.

So far all I've heard back are personal attacks like yours. Why don't you answer the question.

There aren't any. This guy is throwing a pissy little fit about his own personal political beliefs and hiding behind the guise of "his business" and being a former Marine to attempt to give it a shred of credibility. Anyone with an IQ over 15 can easily see what is going on.

I have family members who are small businessmen in constructions in small towns. The slowdown in building has been tough, but that started before Obama was in office. They hire when they can because that means business is good. They also don't make political statements. It's bad for business. People take politics and religion personally.

This guy is a clown. I wonder how many people he employs. I am starting to think he is a one man operation.
Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......they're gonna blame it on


"You know what happened as a result? I can tell you from my personal experience, the CFO of the corporation I was working for called a meeting and said, "The President keeps talking about the economy being 'bad.' Now, things don't seem bad, but let's just hold off on any new hires until we see how this pans out. And, let's hold off on all non-vital purchases, just for the time being."

And you can see right there how simply the words of President George W. Bush started slamming the breaks of the economy.

This, of course, all snowballed."

I keep asking people to provide evidence that this idiot is under any special government regulations that make his business harder to run than any other crane business,

including the ones that are prospering, expanding, and hiring.

So far all I've heard back are personal attacks like yours. Why don't you answer the question.

Because he knows he’s lying, he knows that the regulatory environment hasn’t significantly changed since before the recession, and that any refusal to hire is predicated on partisan, not economic, conditions.
I keep asking people to provide evidence that this idiot is under any special government regulations that make his business harder to run than any other crane business,

including the ones that are prospering, expanding, and hiring.

So far all I've heard back are personal attacks like yours. Why don't you answer the question.

There aren't any. This guy is throwing a pissy little fit about his own personal political beliefs and hiding behind the guise of "his business" and being a former Marine to attempt to give it a shred of credibility. Anyone with an IQ over 15 can easily see what is going on.

I have family members who are small businessmen in constructions in small towns. The slowdown in building has been tough, but that started before Obama was in office. They hire when they can because that means business is good. They also don't make political statements. It's bad for business. People take politics and religion personally.

This guy is a clown. I wonder how many people he employs. I am starting to think he is a one man operation.
.....And, no doubt, the fan of a.....

All these whiney ass corporations. Don't want to hire until Obama's gone? Fine. I see no reason to appease economic terrorists. Let them do what they want. Their company will fail when they cannot produce enough to keep themselves going because they want to throw temper tantrums.

Yes, well that was certainly fun to read.

They are producing enough already. They just don't want to produce more. Big difference.

BTW: if there isn't enough...guess what happens ? Either China makes it or the price goes up.

So we pay more and people are out of work.

Way to go !

So then let someone else step in and fill the void they are intentionally leaving. That is how a free market works. If these people think that good business practices involve attempts at economic terrorism, they'll fail on their merits while someone else strives for success.
I keep asking people to provide evidence that this idiot is under any special government regulations that make his business harder to run than any other crane business,

including the ones that are prospering, expanding, and hiring.

So far all I've heard back are personal attacks like yours. Why don't you answer the question.

There aren't any. This guy is throwing a pissy little fit about his own personal political beliefs and hiding behind the guise of "his business" and being a former Marine to attempt to give it a shred of credibility. Anyone with an IQ over 15 can easily see what is going on.

I have family members who are small businessmen in constructions in small towns. The slowdown in building has been tough, but that started before Obama was in office. They hire when they can because that means business is good. They also don't make political statements. It's bad for business. People take politics and religion personally.

This guy is a clown. I wonder how many people he employs. I am starting to think he is a one man operation.

He's a garden variety rightwing nut.

This is the group he belongs to:

Peaceful Armed Restore the Constitution Rally - The Regulators Anti-Socialism Vigilance Committee

He's listed down the page. These are the kind of people who take their guns to political rallies.

And apparently Looman was involved in a plot to take over a Tennessee courthouse lolol

Part 1: What this 'No Hiring Until Obama Gone' story teaches us -- about Media. - Baltimore liberal |

The story just gets funnier.
How the fuck do any of you know this mans financial situation??

Obama has fucked small non-union businesses..

It's not exactly like small businesses are succeeding in this economy.. Go to any strip mall or mini-mall and you will see empty spaces...

Democrats aren't exactly friendly to business..

My family owned a toy store which they had to close...

You ignorant progressives know nothing...
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How the fuck do any of you know this mans financial situation??

Because he personally made it national news. Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

Obama has fucked small non-union businesses..

I doubt organized labor is highly represented in Waco, Georgia (population 500).

It's not exactly like small businesses are succeeding in this economy.. Go to any strip mall or mini-mall and you will see empty spaces...

Yeah. We are really in the middle of the modern "Grapes of Wrath".

PRESS RELEASE: Online Retail Sales Spike On Thanksgiving And Black Friday 2011; Mercent eCommerce Performance Index Shows 23% Growth Over 2010 -

It looks like, when the numbers are tallied on Monday, this is going to be a record.

I guess people are eating those big screen TVs, huh?
Maybe he could afford to hire a vet, using the several thousand dollar tax credit for hiring veterans that Obama just signed.
Why does this guy have to hire anyone???

Fuck Obama......

I love how Obamafuck expects businesses to hire because he says so..... It's almost like Obama demands every business employs a jester to entertain and that will create jobs..

I would love a bumper sticker that reads: "I cant hire because of Obama"
Why does this guy have to hire anyone???

Fuck Obama......

I love how Obamafuck expects businesses to hire because he says so..... It's almost like Obama demands every business employs a jester to entertain and that will create jobs..

I would love a bumper sticker that reads: "I cant hire because of Obama"

He doesn't have to hire anyone.

When he claims that he can't hire anyone based on who is in the Whitehouse, we are going to call him on it.

Most of my family is small business men, and I know this guy is FOS.
That's not material to the FACT that Obama's infrastructure plan was being blocked by the Republicans,

which is exactly what I originally said, and exactly what you were too fucking ignorant and uninformed to know was the truth.
So you support an Obama plan that will cost more jobs that it will create?

You've drowned in the damned Kool-Aid.

Now, how about those other two claims of yours, Skippy?

Since you know nothing about an infrastructure bank plan you don't know what it will do.

Don't change the subject. I proved that the GOP blocked Obama's infrastructure bank plan and that's all you asked me to do. So shut up.

I think Obama's ineptitude as exemplified by Solyndra killed whatever the
Infrastructure bank plan

May be you should READ below WHY it failed!
Critics have deemed the idea risky for taxpayers, and those voices will no doubt get louder after the collapse of Solyndra, a California-based solar manufacturer that received a $535 million loan guarantee from the Energy Department only to go bankrupt in August.
How Obama’s plan for infrastructure bank would work - The Washington Post

I mean REALLY OBAMA's people KNOW all about "banking" venture capital enough to take $10 billion in start-up money and identify transportation, water or energy projects that lack funding?

I mean what stupid person would EVERY entust Obama's people with $10 billion if they STILL went ahead funded Solyndra and other extremely speculative ventures EVEN though Solyndra was denied under Bush because it was too flaky!

And you think Obama who and I want you honestly HONESTLY tell me what you think of his big number comprehension when he said the following..his exact words..."

And if we are able to slow the growth of health care costs by just one-tenth of 1 percent each year -- one-tenth of 1 percent --
it will actually reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the long term."

What do you think Obama meant by "long term"???

Surely he wouldn't be so stupid as to NOT know that
.001% of $2.5 trillion or $2.5 billion divided into $4 trillion is equal to
a "long time".. say 1,600 YEARS!!!

NOW really folks think THINK! If this Idiot President DOESN"T comprehend that 1,600 YEARS is MORE THEN A LONG TIME... YOU have a problem!

This is JUST ONE simple very simple illustration of how dumb Obama really is!

I mean he throws these numbers out and people with common sense like me say YEA... so much for the people HE HIRES that evidently also don't know!

GEEZ this simple simple test should be a clue.. but WAIT you supporters gave him a pass on 57 states so why not simple arithmetic!

1,600 years IS A LONG time and after he stupidly put another Trillion..
we have 2,000 YEARS to look forward at $2.5 billion savings to cut $5 trillion in deficits!!!
Been saying this for quite some time. They want to crush America. They want no taxes..and no regulations. They would sell poison as mother's milk if given the chance.

No they don't want to cursh America because obama is not America. they want to crush obama the anti American president.
Been saying this for quite some time. They want to crush America. They want no taxes..and no regulations. They would sell poison as mother's milk if given the chance.

No they don't want to cursh America because obama is not America. they want to crush obama the anti American president.
Precisely. Obama will tout during the re-election process that he has much more work to do...and he'd be correct. He needs to finish off the private sector, and capitalism as we have known it once and for all.

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