Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

Many companies have this policy. He's just saying so. The country is waiting for him to go.

So if Obama wins re-election, he and the others who have this policy will not hire anyone for 4+ years.

"Can't afford it," explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening.
"I've got people that I want to hire now,
but I just can't afford it.
And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C."

'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone' |

Now what is it that "he can't afford" that keeps him from hiring?

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate.

Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees.
During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.

By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars.
4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!

The facts:
UBS on September 19 released an investors' research report on what it calls the "Great Suppression," which UBS says is a phenomenon in which "tax hikes and regulations emanating from Washington are ... discouraging hiring."
The report said that the 2010 health care bill was one of 11 regulations that it believes are having a "negative impact on U.S. employment."

The report said that health care reform was "arguably the biggest impediment to hiring (particularly hiring of less skilled workers)."

"It subjects businesses to
highly complex rules that increase the cost,
risk, and 'hassle factor' of adding to payrolls," the report states. "...
All firms with more than 50 workers must provide benefits, which creates an incentive for smaller firms to stay 'under the limit' by expanding overseas, outsourcing, or dividing into two companies."

This report is BASED ON REAL employers and their REASONS..
Download it from here:
The American Spectator : Bad Economists and Good Capitalists

What service or product does this asshoe provide? If it is something that I use, I will make sure to purchase it from a competitor.
Been saying this for quite some time. They want to crush America. They want no taxes..and no regulations. They would sell poison as mother's milk if given the chance.

Hey, shove it up your ass.

Not at all, bastard, we are going to shove it up yours and the peope like you. Time for the people on the Occupy websites to publish the names of companies and businesses with this attitude so the rest of us can boycott them.
"Can't afford it," explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening.
"I've got people that I want to hire now,
but I just can't afford it.
And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C."

'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone' |

Now what is it that "he can't afford" that keeps him from hiring?

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate.

Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees.
During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.

By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars.
4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!

The facts:
UBS on September 19 released an investors' research report on what it calls the "Great Suppression," which UBS says is a phenomenon in which "tax hikes and regulations emanating from Washington are ... discouraging hiring."
The report said that the 2010 health care bill was one of 11 regulations that it believes are having a "negative impact on U.S. employment."

The report said that health care reform was "arguably the biggest impediment to hiring (particularly hiring of less skilled workers)."

"It subjects businesses to
highly complex rules that increase the cost,
risk, and 'hassle factor' of adding to payrolls," the report states. "...
All firms with more than 50 workers must provide benefits, which creates an incentive for smaller firms to stay 'under the limit' by expanding overseas, outsourcing, or dividing into two companies."

This report is BASED ON REAL employers and their REASONS..
Download it from here:
The American Spectator : Bad Economists and Good Capitalists

What service or product does this asshoe provide? If it is something that I use, I will make sure to purchase it from a competitor.

From the link:

Looman's company is U.S. Cranes, LLC.
Did no one ever stop to think that no one would fight back? Really? OWS and the idiots who support them will have no backlash. Democrats won't have any opposition? Is that truly what they thought?
Did no one ever stop to think that no one would fight back? Really? OWS and the idiots who support them will have no backlash. Democrats won't have any opposition? Is that truly what they thought?

So the guy is fighting back by going out of business? Hard to expand with the same headcount over time. He should have stuck to soldiering if this is his business plan. :cool:
Did no one ever stop to think that no one would fight back? Really? OWS and the idiots who support them will have no backlash. Democrats won't have any opposition? Is that truly what they thought?

So the guy is fighting back by going out of business? Hard to expand with the same headcount over time. He should have stuck to soldiering if this is his business plan. :cool:

No, he's just trying to hang on until the business killer is out of office.

Just trying to survive until the dust clears from all the stuff Obama has stirred up - all the changes Obama intentionally timed to go into effect after the next election so that he wouldn't be held accountable for all the disincentivizing he has done.

Unfortunately for him - and for all of us - his disincentivizing has been so thorough that the consequences are already dogging him - and all of us.

2012 - end of an error. Hopefully.
Hey guys, it's their money. They can do what they want with it. 0bama can't make them spend it if they don't want to spend it. He can "executive order" anything he wants except other people's money. Remember this is the guy that can't go a couple of weeks without a party at the White House. :)

great... let's "executive order" them to pay twice the tax rate they do know unless they fuckin' start hiring... furthermore... let's tax the piss out of foreign profits of American Companies... whether they bring that money back to the US or not.

If they stop playing the bullshit games and bring jobs back to America... guess what? They won't get penalized.

Fuck em', I'm sick of them holding the country hostage because they feel too entitled to pay taxes.
Did no one ever stop to think that no one would fight back? Really? OWS and the idiots who support them will have no backlash. Democrats won't have any opposition? Is that truly what they thought?

So the guy is fighting back by going out of business? Hard to expand with the same headcount over time. He should have stuck to soldiering if this is his business plan. :cool:

No, he's just trying to hang on until the business killer is out of office.

Just trying to survive until the dust clears from all the stuff Obama has stirred up - all the changes Obama intentionally timed to go into effect after the next election so that he wouldn't be held accountable for all the disincentivizing he has done.

Unfortunately for him - and for all of us - his disincentivizing has been so thorough that the consequences are already dogging him - and all of us.

2012 - end of an error. Hopefully.

Stating that he's not going to expand his business is a laughable way to "try and hang on" now isn't it?

PS: Your post makes no sense. If it was timed to go into effect in 2013...a year from now...whats the dude bitching about?

Anyway...Have a good night. Rest easy.
"Can't afford it," explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening.
"I've got people that I want to hire now,
but I just can't afford it.
And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C."

'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone' |

Now what is it that "he can't afford" that keeps him from hiring?

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate.

Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees.
During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.

By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars.
4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!

The facts:
UBS on September 19 released an investors' research report on what it calls the "Great Suppression," which UBS says is a phenomenon in which "tax hikes and regulations emanating from Washington are ... discouraging hiring."
The report said that the 2010 health care bill was one of 11 regulations that it believes are having a "negative impact on U.S. employment."

The report said that health care reform was "arguably the biggest impediment to hiring (particularly hiring of less skilled workers)."

"It subjects businesses to
highly complex rules that increase the cost,
risk, and 'hassle factor' of adding to payrolls," the report states. "...
All firms with more than 50 workers must provide benefits, which creates an incentive for smaller firms to stay 'under the limit' by expanding overseas, outsourcing, or dividing into two companies."

This report is BASED ON REAL employers and their REASONS..
Download it from here:
The American Spectator : Bad Economists and Good Capitalists

What a crock of horseshit. So I guess when the economy was shedding tens of thousands of jobs a month in 2008, what story do you have to blame that on Obama too?
Washington Times and The American Spectator all in one post! :clap2: Good job!

Now it is a fact that the regulations under Obama will cost businesses anywhere from $100 million up to just over 4 billion, at most, it represents three one-hundredths of a percent of the total economy.

Now we have seen regulation upon regulation put on business over the years and it's true that unneeded regulations are a bureaucratic nightmare, even the needed regulations are a nightmare. Personally, it would be good to have all the mountains and mountains of regulations reviewed because there's a lot of duplication and some are just plain a waste of time.

Also, there is a regulation that were conceived because of a repeated problem that in most cases caused harm to the general welfare of the public. There are also those regulations that were perceived to be needed based on theory such as Green Regulations. In other words there are good regulations, bad regulations and questionable regulations.

The fact of the matter is that Obama's regulations cost businesses the most, George W signed off on the most regulations and George HW added the most government employees to enforce regulations. All of that is factual.

Now Obama has stated that he will scale back to lessen the load on businesses. But I'm sure no matter how many regulations are scaled back, it won't be enough for some folks.

Let's not forget that all the regulations that some people are whining about are the result of Obama and also previous administrations both Dem and GOP.

Lastly, I wish people would stop using very partisan resources for their talking points, whether it's the Huff Post, Washington Times, Media Matters or the American Spectator. They are biased sources who have a set agenda and they are to be trusted?

Of course do you think there is NO partisan resource?
YOU are naive! That's the beauty of the Internet!
There are so many resources that give a little intelligence and a lot of research even YOU can tell the difference between shit and shinola!

THE point is while the MSM is your source of data, IT is biased and people who are making the hiring decisions are trying to get the FACTS this is an anti-business, anti-capitalist President out and the MSM bias thwarts it!

Hence The facts:
UBS on September 19 released an investors' research report on what it calls the "Great Suppression," which UBS says is a phenomenon in which "tax hikes and regulations emanating from Washington are ... discouraging hiring." The report said that the 2010 health care bill was one of 11 regulations that it believes are having a "negative impact on U.S. employment."

Down load LIKE I did the very short (12 pages), for ADD people research that shows 11 regulations thwarting businesses!
These are realities!
Looks like it will be quite a while before this gentleman will be hiring
Looks like it will be quite a while before this gentleman will be hiring

I doubt he'll be in business in 2013 with this type of business acumen. Too bad too; he's an ex-Marine. You always want to see those who served the country do well.
So the guy is fighting back by going out of business? Hard to expand with the same headcount over time. He should have stuck to soldiering if this is his business plan. :cool:

No, he's just trying to hang on until the business killer is out of office.

Just trying to survive until the dust clears from all the stuff Obama has stirred up - all the changes Obama intentionally timed to go into effect after the next election so that he wouldn't be held accountable for all the disincentivizing he has done.

Unfortunately for him - and for all of us - his disincentivizing has been so thorough that the consequences are already dogging him - and all of us.

2012 - end of an error. Hopefully.

Stating that he's not going to expand his business is a laughable way to "try and hang on" now isn't it?

PS: Your post makes no sense. If it was timed to go into effect in 2013...a year from now...whats the dude bitching about?

Anyway...Have a good night. Rest easy.

He's not expanding because HE CAN'T AFFORD IT!

When Obama is out we can repeal or minimize the damage of what he has done. And heck, maybe some of it will even be stopped in its tracks by being ruled unconstitutional.

Then more people will feel comfortable hiring.
No, he's just trying to hang on until the business killer is out of office.

Just trying to survive until the dust clears from all the stuff Obama has stirred up - all the changes Obama intentionally timed to go into effect after the next election so that he wouldn't be held accountable for all the disincentivizing he has done.

Unfortunately for him - and for all of us - his disincentivizing has been so thorough that the consequences are already dogging him - and all of us.

2012 - end of an error. Hopefully.

Stating that he's not going to expand his business is a laughable way to "try and hang on" now isn't it?

PS: Your post makes no sense. If it was timed to go into effect in 2013...a year from now...whats the dude bitching about?

Anyway...Have a good night. Rest easy.

He's not expanding because HE CAN'T AFFORD IT!

When Obama is out we can repeal or minimize the damage of what he has done. And heck, maybe some of it will even be stopped in its tracks by being ruled unconstitutional.

Then more people will feel comfortable hiring.

Oh just said its not taking effect until 2013...and thats preventing him from hiring in 2011?
"Can't afford it," explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening.
"I've got people that I want to hire now,
but I just can't afford it.
And I don't foresee that I'll be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C."

'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone' |

Now what is it that "he can't afford" that keeps him from hiring?

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate.

Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees.
During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.

By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars.
4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!

The facts:
UBS on September 19 released an investors' research report on what it calls the "Great Suppression," which UBS says is a phenomenon in which "tax hikes and regulations emanating from Washington are ... discouraging hiring."
The report said that the 2010 health care bill was one of 11 regulations that it believes are having a "negative impact on U.S. employment."

The report said that health care reform was "arguably the biggest impediment to hiring (particularly hiring of less skilled workers)."

"It subjects businesses to
highly complex rules that increase the cost,
risk, and 'hassle factor' of adding to payrolls," the report states. "...
All firms with more than 50 workers must provide benefits, which creates an incentive for smaller firms to stay 'under the limit' by expanding overseas, outsourcing, or dividing into two companies."

This report is BASED ON REAL employers and their REASONS..
Download it from here:
The American Spectator : Bad Economists and Good Capitalists

What a crock of horseshit. So I guess when the economy was shedding tens of thousands of jobs a month in 2008, what story do you have to blame that on Obama too?

Obviously NOT!
But you can't honestly say that Obama has HELPED by:
1) Telling foreign countries we'll be the best Oil customers!
2) Telling people not to go to Las Vegas
3) Promoting class warfare "millionaires & billionaires"
4) Encouraging destruction of a $100 billion a year TAX generating industry!

There are MORE examples as to how Obama has been killing job creation!

Again.. read what UBS report shows as to WHY employers aren't hiring!

You can NOT ignore the people that are doing the hiring!
Hey guys, it's their money. They can do what they want with it. 0bama can't make them spend it if they don't want to spend it. He can "executive order" anything he wants except other people's money. Remember this is the guy that can't go a couple of weeks without a party at the White House. :)

great... let's "executive order" them to pay twice the tax rate they do know unless they fuckin' start hiring... furthermore... let's tax the piss out of foreign profits of American Companies... whether they bring that money back to the US or not.

If they stop playing the bullshit games and bring jobs back to America... guess what? They won't get penalized.

Fuck em', I'm sick of them holding the country hostage because they feel too entitled to pay taxes.

Riiiight ... an executive order to penalize them for not hiring people they can't afford because Obama made it too expensive for them to hire.

What country do you think you live in?
Stating that he's not going to expand his business is a laughable way to "try and hang on" now isn't it?

PS: Your post makes no sense. If it was timed to go into effect in 2013...a year from now...whats the dude bitching about?

Anyway...Have a good night. Rest easy.

He's not expanding because HE CAN'T AFFORD IT!

When Obama is out we can repeal or minimize the damage of what he has done. And heck, maybe some of it will even be stopped in its tracks by being ruled unconstitutional.

Then more people will feel comfortable hiring.

Oh just said its not taking effect until 2013...and thats preventing him from hiring in 2011?

Why would he hire someone in 2011 WHEN he knows it's going to cost him more for that employee in 2013 AND EVEN more if he lets him go because evidently YOU'VE never heard of FUTA???? Look it up!
Where do you think Unemployment checks come from???
Why would he hire if he has to cut costs due to increased costs in 2013?

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