Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'

This thread sort of conflicts with all the wingnut rants about there being plenty of jobs out there if people really want to work.

Which is it?

No jobs because of Obama...

...or plenty of jobs, get one!!!!!!!!!

Make up your mind...or what passes for a mind rattling around in that skull of yours.

Jobs are hard to get because of Obama.
There are always jobs if people will set their sights lower.
Obama, the lower-sights President.
Yeah, the argument makes no sense. Otherwise, the current employees he has would be costing him too much as well.

I'm guessing it's a pack of lies but who knows, maybe its just a really strange set of circumstances.

Well, not really. The employees they have now will just work harder out of fear of losing their jobs. "Working harder for less money". That's the motto of those of us who have been lucky enough to retain jobs in the Obama years. Huzzah.

Of course, it's a self-defeating cycle, because the longer 9% unemployment goes down, the less likely those who have jobs are to spend.

We're just working a shitload of overtime rather than hiring, the boys are loving it!

Great if you are hourly. I'm on salary, so, no, I don't get overtime.
Well, not really. The employees they have now will just work harder out of fear of losing their jobs. "Working harder for less money". That's the motto of those of us who have been lucky enough to retain jobs in the Obama years. Huzzah.

Of course, it's a self-defeating cycle, because the longer 9% unemployment goes down, the less likely those who have jobs are to spend.

We're just working a shitload of overtime rather than hiring, the boys are loving it!

Great if you are hourly. I'm on salary, so, no, I don't get overtime.

I am too, but it's nice to see the boys bustin' their nuts get to enjoy the gravy, while it lasts.:up:

Look what you get when you go to this asshole's website:

He's crying about people criticizing his exercise in 'free speech'.

Translation: He's crying about people exercising their freedom of speech to criticize him.

lol awesome.
Wow, blackmail.

Republicans have been down that road before:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Senate Republicans stepped up the pressure on tax cuts this week by signing a letter pledging to block all legislation (right wingers sure do love their pledges)

MinnPost - Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says


OK Right wingers. Start screaming, "It's a lie, it's a lie. Republicans never did that. The Christian Science Monitor is a crazy left wing conspiracy". Ahhhh!

The Christian Science Monitor? Really?

I wonder if that Bible the right keeps saying we should live by approves of "holding hostages"? Something tells me it probably doesn't. But if they are any indication of what they learned from it, I wonder why the keep pushing it?

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

People are corporations my friend?

Is this what Jesus is all about?

And they call Obama the "anti-Christ"? Does that make him the good guy?

They might want to rethink their "priorities".
I love how Looman has made himself the victim here. This guy has a business in a town with a population of 500 people.

Waco, Georgia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He claims times are so tough, he can't afford to hire.

The first principle of business: when times are tough, go political.

Most business men would be hustling their asses off to drum up some more business and not wasting their time with parlor tricks, but hey, to each and every person their own.

Either way, Loomen's can go fucking bankrupt for all I care. It's not the rest of the nation's fault or responsibility to keep him afloat. That's capitalism for you. He also doesn't get to throw a pissy-fit about who the American people elected simply because he's going under. That's democracy for you.
I wonder if that Bible the right keeps saying we should live by approves of "holding hostages"? Something tells me it probably doesn't. But if they are any indication of what they learned from it, I wonder why the keep pushing it?

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

People are corporations my friend?

Is this what Jesus is all about?

And they call Obama the "anti-Christ"? Does that make him the good guy?

They might want to rethink their "priorities".

Jehoash king of Israel captured Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash, the son of Ahaziah, at Beth Shemesh. Then Jehoash went to Jerusalem and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate--a section about six hundred feet long.He took all the gold and silver and all the articles found in the temple of the LORD and in the treasuries of the royal palace. He also took hostages and returned to Samaria.-2 Kings 14:13-14

Yes, the bible approves of taking hostages... just so we're clear.

You also got Romney's quote about "Corporations are people, too, my friend." wrong.

Yes, executions are to be applauded. Justice is done.

I don't know any conservatives who calls Obama the "anti-Christ" any more than I know any liberals who call him the Messiah.

My problem with Obama is that he's incompetant. Grossly so. And if you could put aside your partisan hat for five seconds, you'd admit as much.

Republicans have got 8 bad choices.... You only have one.
Wow, blackmail.

Republicans have been down that road before:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

Senate Republicans stepped up the pressure on tax cuts this week by signing a letter pledging to block all legislation (right wingers sure do love their pledges)

MinnPost - Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says


OK Right wingers. Start screaming, "It's a lie, it's a lie. Republicans never did that. The Christian Science Monitor is a crazy left wing conspiracy". Ahhhh!

The Christian Science Monitor? Really?

I wonder if that Bible the right keeps saying we should live by approves of "holding hostages"? Something tells me it probably doesn't. But if they are any indication of what they learned from it, I wonder why the keep pushing it?

Let him die?

Applauding executions?

People are corporations my friend?

Is this what Jesus is all about?

And they call Obama the "anti-Christ"? Does that make him the good guy?

They might want to rethink their "priorities".

Just when we thought you couldn't be any more stupid, you post this little gem of fucktardedness.
Great if you are hourly. I'm on salary, so, no, I don't get overtime.

I am too, but it's nice to see the boys bustin' their nuts get to enjoy the gravy, while it lasts.:up:

How is it possible to sound so arrogant AND so full of shit at the same time?

Not really.

The fact is, we are at the stage where employers figure out it easier to pay overtime than hire people. the Employers find it cheaper, the employees are just happy to have jobs and get a little extra scratch.

This really happens every recession. Except usually, that stage only lasts a year or so before they start hiring again. With Obama, that stage never ends.
Been saying this for quite some time. They want to crush America. They want no taxes..and no regulations. They would sell poison as mother's milk if given the chance.

Yes, KKKorporations are on a never-ending quest to kill all their customers to maximize profits.
Boeing built a $1b plant in SC and can't use it due to the Obama admin. The dems are anti-jobs and they need to deal with the consequences. When Boeing loses contracts because they can operate in SC, everyone loses.

There just ANTI non Union Jobs. Plain and Simple. Or More accurately Pro Union Jobs. Almost everything they do rewards Union workers, even though union Workers are less than 20% of the American Work Force.
But they vote Democrat, and so must be pandered to.
Been saying this for quite some time. They want to crush America. They want no taxes..and no regulations. They would sell poison as mother's milk if given the chance.

Hey, shove it up your ass.

Not at all, bastard, we are going to shove it up yours and the peope like you. Time for the people on the Occupy websites to publish the names of companies and businesses with this attitude so the rest of us can boycott them.
Yes, because unemployed people have so much discretionary income. :lol:
What service or product does this asshoe provide? If it is something that I use, I will make sure to purchase it from a competitor.

From the link:

Looman's company is U.S. Cranes, LLC.
Looks like leftists have been tolerant:

William (Bill) Looman is a veteran, a patriot, and most importantly, my friend and brother. He and I along with many other Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen/women and Coasties, served, still serve, and shall continue to serve, so that the Constitution of the United States of America cannot be so trampled as to rob any American of their right to freedom of expression. All of you who have been less than kind in your assessment of Bill for his practice of that freedom, should be ashamed of yourselves. Every American has the right of freedom of speech, through the printed word or spoken, and for you to look down upon that right is to declare that not only do you not believe in the American Constitution, but to also declare to all that listen that you do not care to be branded an American. How sad that is.​
Did no one ever stop to think that no one would fight back? Really? OWS and the idiots who support them will have no backlash. Democrats won't have any opposition? Is that truly what they thought?

They didn't think at all.

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