Comrade lies about call from Mex Pres

Actually it reminds me of the Bush lied false mantra. You guys really need to up your game. Lol
Trump lies -- obviously lies -- and the rubes convince themselves that he didn't lie.

This is some weird shit. Orwellian 1984 shit
Actually it reminds me of the Bush lied false mantra. You guys really need to up your game. Lol
Trump lies -- obviously lies -- and the rubes convince themselves that he didn't lie.

This is some weird shit. Orwellian 1984 shit

So either Trump lied, or the Boy Scouts lied. Which is it?

Either Trump lied or the President of Mexico lied. Which is it?

Trumpanzees always believe Trump. You have as much credibility as Trump, which is to say, none.
Want me to link to all the lies from the press so far?
Actually it reminds me of the Bush lied false mantra. You guys really need to up your game. Lol
Trump lies -- obviously lies -- and the rubes convince themselves that he didn't lie.

This is some weird shit. Orwellian 1984 shit

So either Trump lied, or the Boy Scouts lied. Which is it?

Either Trump lied or the President of Mexico lied. Which is it?

Trumpanzees always believe Trump. You have as much credibility as Trump, which is to say, none.
Want me to link to all the lies from the press so far?
Actually it reminds me of the Bush lied false mantra. You guys really need to up your game. Lol
Trump lies -- obviously lies -- and the rubes convince themselves that he didn't lie.

This is some weird shit. Orwellian 1984 shit

So either Trump lied, or the Boy Scouts lied. Which is it?

Either Trump lied or the President of Mexico lied. Which is it?

Trumpanzees always believe Trump. You have as much credibility as Trump, which is to say, none.

It's a much, much shorter list than all of the lies Trump has told so far. And here's the big difference. When lies or mistakes are pointed out to the press, they correct them. When lies are pointed out to Trump he doubles down, denies, deflects, claims he was joking, or he was misunderstood.

What he doesn't do, is acknowledge his mistakes. Or correct them.

The White House has been caught planting "fake news" while calling legitimate news sources "fake news". Trump routinely accuses others of doing the thing he's doing because a good offence is the best defence.

He called Ted Cruz "Lying Ted", while Trump himself was the biggest liar in the race. He said the election was rigged against him. That was partly true. The election was rigged. He was rigging it. He complains about the Clinton Foundations fundraising and use of funds, while his own Foundation has been shut down for illegal fundraising, fined by the IRS for illegal campaign contributions and cited for using Foundation money to settle business law suits.

He's settled two cases of racial discrimination and the Trump University fraud trials but calls Hillary Clinton, who has never been charged with a crime or sued for criminal activity much less settled the suits, a "criminal".

So don't start with your bullshit Trumpanzee claims that this is all fake news and Trump's an honest guy because over and over again, he's proven that he's just a lying piece of shit.

And anyone who says otherwise is too stupid to be one person.
You know, I like to watch all 3 cable news stations, especially on days like today when there is a lot of stuff going on, just to see where each news agency is slanting their reporting.

Today, even FOX news was bad mouthing the president, and they were even crowing that the story they had originally reported that Trump called "fake news" was actually what went down. And, the leaked transcripts of the phone calls with Mexico and Australia's leaders (full transcripts, not edited), shows how bad Trump is at leading the country.

I also find it interesting how he always finds someone else to blame for his failures. He promised that the ACA would be repealed in the first 100 days, and now the bill to do that is dead in the water. He then goes to a rally and tells the crowd how bad the Republicans are at their jobs because they have had 7 years to get rid of the ACA but couldn't.

What was even funnier was now that Russia is pissed that Congress took away Trump's ability to get rid of the sanctions without their approval, Trump is blaming the failing relations with Russia on Congress as well.

Some deal maker eh? You guys tired of winning yet?

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