Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

So, as you liberal scum are so happy to point out, YOU'RE PAINTING WITH A BROAD BRUSH, and he has been condemned roundly by ALL on the right!

Need the link where the black man says he hates whitey and shoots 4 whites... Or are you smart enough to NOT make yourself look like a bigger fool?

You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!

Dumbass. This thread is about that flag.
It's about FREE SPEECH, you fucking idiot, the FLAG only represents speech... you have the IQ on an ant!

How does it feel for an ant to make you feel like a fool?

I don't know, I just stepped on you!
You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!
Of course the flag did not cause anyone to kill; sharing your racist views is what caused him to kill. The flag should never have been flown there in the first place. Flying a symbol of racial hatred over a government facility was wrong from the start.

Because YOU and many other low IQ voters didn't like it, shows just how tolerant you scum are..... perhaps you should LEARN from history...


The politicians YOU elected thought it should come down too.
Many of them were wrong! What else can one say about them, except they are as feckless as subversives!

Most just don't agree with you. Get over it.
I guess you missed the part where one of your buddies killed nine innocent black folks and was found to have your same love for that symbol of hatred of black folks.

So, as you liberal scum are so happy to point out, YOU'RE PAINTING WITH A BROAD BRUSH, and he has been condemned roundly by ALL on the right!

Need the link where the black man says he hates whitey and shoots 4 whites... Or are you smart enough to NOT make yourself look like a bigger fool?

You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!

Dumbass. This thread is about that flag.
It's about FREE SPEECH, you fucking idiot, the FLAG only represents speech... you have the IQ on an ant!
Yes, it is about free speech. It is about the non-racists in South Carolina being forced to have a symbol of racism flying over their state capitol. They are denied the right to have the government they pay for not be associated with inbred, racists yahoos. The government has not done a damn thing that will interfere with your right to fly that flag outside your mobile home. Please do so. It is always good to know where the racist fucks live.
Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!
Of course the flag did not cause anyone to kill; sharing your racist views is what caused him to kill. The flag should never have been flown there in the first place. Flying a symbol of racial hatred over a government facility was wrong from the start.

Because YOU and many other low IQ voters didn't like it, shows just how tolerant you scum are..... perhaps you should LEARN from history...


The politicians YOU elected thought it should come down too.
Many of them were wrong! What else can one say about them, except they are as feckless as subversives!

Most just don't agree with you. Get over it.

Seems my ratings show you are either stupid, or a liar, I believe you're both! If I were so wrong, I wouldn't have the support I have!
So, as you liberal scum are so happy to point out, YOU'RE PAINTING WITH A BROAD BRUSH, and he has been condemned roundly by ALL on the right!

Need the link where the black man says he hates whitey and shoots 4 whites... Or are you smart enough to NOT make yourself look like a bigger fool?

You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!

Dumbass. This thread is about that flag.
It's about FREE SPEECH, you fucking idiot, the FLAG only represents speech... you have the IQ on an ant!
Yes, it is about free speech. It is about the non-racists in South Carolina being forced to have a symbol of racism flying over their state capitol. They are denied the right to have the government they pay for not be associated with inbred, racists yahoos. The government has not done a damn thing that will interfere with your right to fly that flag outside your mobile home. Please do so. It is always good to know where the racist fucks live.

So you take away HALF the others that disagree, and HISTORICALLY it has been there, HONORING your ancestors that fought against what THEY BELIEVED!...And slavery was only PART of the story!
Of course the flag did not cause anyone to kill; sharing your racist views is what caused him to kill. The flag should never have been flown there in the first place. Flying a symbol of racial hatred over a government facility was wrong from the start.

Because YOU and many other low IQ voters didn't like it, shows just how tolerant you scum are..... perhaps you should LEARN from history...


The politicians YOU elected thought it should come down too.
Many of them were wrong! What else can one say about them, except they are as feckless as subversives!

Most just don't agree with you. Get over it.

Seems my ratings show you are either stupid, or a liar, I believe your both! If I were so wrong, I wouldn't have the support I have!

Oh my. A crazy right winger is happy that other crazy right wingers agree with him. I guess if that is all you have in your life to be proud of, then good for you
You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!
Of course the flag did not cause anyone to kill; sharing your racist views is what caused him to kill. The flag should never have been flown there in the first place. Flying a symbol of racial hatred over a government facility was wrong from the start.

Because YOU and many other low IQ voters didn't like it, shows just how tolerant you scum are..... perhaps you should LEARN from history...


The politicians YOU elected thought it should come down too.
Many of them were wrong! What else can one say about them, except they are as feckless as subversives!
Why is it wrong to remove a flag that was only flown in support of racist policies?
You got an example of where a flag representing that black man's hatred is flown over a U.S. government property? Point it out, and I'll support taking it down too.

Has NOTHING to do with a flag, show me a flag that makes a man kill, or is it simply a deranged mind....and YOU should know about deranged minds!

Dumbass. This thread is about that flag.
It's about FREE SPEECH, you fucking idiot, the FLAG only represents speech... you have the IQ on an ant!
Yes, it is about free speech. It is about the non-racists in South Carolina being forced to have a symbol of racism flying over their state capitol. They are denied the right to have the government they pay for not be associated with inbred, racists yahoos. The government has not done a damn thing that will interfere with your right to fly that flag outside your mobile home. Please do so. It is always good to know where the racist fucks live.

So you take away HALF the others that disagree, and HISTORICALLY it has been there, HONORING your ancestors that fought against what THEY BELIEVED!...And slavery was only PART of the story!
It went up, not to honor the traitors who died fighting under it, but to demonstrate South Carolina's defiance of the civil rights advances made in the 1950's. Now, no statement is made, on way or the other by the government. You really do not understand the concept of free speech very well, do you?
So, as you liberal scum are so happy to point out, YOU'RE PAINTING WITH A BROAD BRUSH, and he has been condemned roundly by ALL on the right!

Need the link where the black man says he hates whitey and shoots 4 whites... Or are you smart enough to NOT make yourself look like a bigger fool?
You asked why this is happening now, you stupid fuck. I explained in a way that even your tiny, barely functioning brain could understand.

I'm sorry, I skip worthless dribble from idiots, BUT if you want to try again, I'll force myself!
Not worth my time.

Which is why he was the beneficiary of a one way ticket to Cyberia and I never see any of his posts! :D
Odd, I'm NOT a coward and look at everyone's post, ESPECIALLY ones that disagree.... Thanks for playing and show what YOU are made of!
Why would I repeat myself for someone like you?
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.
Some probably are. The live ones are Republicans.
It would have to be republicans. Republicans are the only ones who believe in state's rights or individual rights.
It would have to be republicans. Republicans are the only ones who believe in state's rights or individual rights.


It was Republicans who were opposed to gays having individual rights and it was Republicans who abused state powers to deny gays their individual rights.
It would have to be republicans. Republicans are the only ones who believe in state's rights or individual rights.
Except the individual right to decide who to marry; whether to carry a pregnancy to term; whether to use contraception; whether to travel to Cuba; etc. To you, states rights means the right of the states to ignore the federal constitution.
I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.
The flag was removed because the media felt it was racist.....and working in collusion with communists, socialists, Marxists, and racist blacks....they made the Confederate Flag into a symbol of racism that just had to go. I remember the same exact bullshit when everyone felt that Saddam had to go.....and Qaddafi had to go. Democrats and the media just started saying that something is evil and it has to go. The only reason Democrats raised Hell about the Iraq invasion is because they saw a political advantage to it.

They tried doing it to Rush.....but too many people refused to allow it. In this case very few really cared if they took it down or not.
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I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.
The flag was removed because the media felt it was racist.....and working in collusion with communists, socialists, Marxists, and racist blacks....they made the Confederate Flag into a symbol of racism that just had to go. I remember the same exact bullshit when everyone felt that Saddam had to go.....and Qaddafi had to go. Democrats and the media just started saying that something is evil and it has to go. The only reason Democrat raised Hell about the Iraq invasion is because they saw a political advantage to it.
You are quite deluded.
Now that the flag is down, I'm looking forward for a violence free weekend in Chicago where no one is injured or killed by gang violence.

This will no doubt mark the end of climate change as well.

A notable day in history. Oops. I used the word history. Dass ist verboten!

A notable day in a politically correct, non offensive, imaginary version of what could have happened that can of course be changed whenever the narrative needs to be realigned with current policy.

Yup.....and no more black Christians will catch a bullet because they decided to bring it down.'s so important....rather than actually doing something to solve the problem....or heal wounds that are just recently reopened.
Liberals don't fix things. They only make things worse.
Right. 12 million people now with health insurance, ten million now working; marriage equality across the nation. To you, that is worse?

A health insurance system that is a complete mess and that people still can't afford. A health system that has put thousands out of work and sent thousands of jobs overseas. Marriage equality that if done properly instead of illegally wouldn't have created animosity across the board.

Yes. It's worse.

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