Confederate Flag Just Pulled Down To Cheers And Jeers From A Bunch Of Assholes

I don't particularly like that flag....but the way those assholes were acting when it came down was disgraceful.

All of the singing and angry shouting that was going on made me sick.

They should have brought it down in the dark of night so those assholes wouldn't get the satisfaction.

Any thoughts?

That flag has been around since the civil war and now all of a sudden its an issue??

Political correctness bullshit period.

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a myth contrived by the right in response to the racists and bigots who found refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and who make up much of the republican base, with the intent to appease that base.

The flag was removed from South Carolina state property today because it represented contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, as well as an effort to defend segregation, ignorance, and hate.

The flag was removed at the behest of the people of the state, by their elected representatives, in recognition of the fact that symbols of ignorance and hate have no place in venues of government endorsement, symbols that are not representative of all the people of the state.

Bullshit. Its all about political correctness and you probably wouldn't recognize a real racist if one kicked you in the balls.
No really.....the Confederate Flag was causing miscarriages, brain-cancer, Parkinson's Disease, MSD, hurricanes, shark attacks, and premature balding.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.
Some probably are. The live ones are Republicans.
Not really. The live ones are usually still Democrats....cuz their pappys voted Dummycrap, their grandaddys voted Dummycrap, and by God they're gonna keep voting Dummycrap.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.

Racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Don't worry.
Now that the flag is down, I'm looking forward for a violence free weekend in Chicago where no one is injured or killed by gang violence.

This will no doubt mark the end of climate change as well.

A notable day in history. Oops. I used the word history. Dass ist verboten!

A notable day in a politically correct, non offensive, imaginary version of what could have happened that can of course be changed whenever the narrative needs to be realigned with current policy.

Yup.....and no more black Christians will catch a bullet because they decided to bring it down.'s so important....rather than actually doing something to solve the problem....or heal wounds that are just recently reopened.
Liberals don't fix things. They only make things worse.
Right. 12 million people now with health insurance, ten million now working; marriage equality across the nation. To you, that is worse?

A health insurance system that is a complete mess and that people still can't afford. A health system that has put thousands out of work and sent thousands if jobs overseas. Marriage equality that if done properly instead of illegally wouldn't have created animosity across the board.

Yes. It's worse.
Funny, for not being able to afford it, people certainly have signed up for it. If they cannot afford it, why are 12 million more insured? And no one has been put out of work. In fact, the job growth in the health care industry has been huge:
And the only animosity has been from the bigots who are pouting cause they no longer get to tell others who they can and cannot marry.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.

Racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Don't worry.
Racism is alive and well all over the country. It is rare that a Republican actually admits that racism is still a problem.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.
Some probably are. The live ones are Republicans.
Not really. The live ones are usually still Democrats....cuz their pappys voted Dummycrap, their grandaddys voted Dummycrap, and by God they're gonna keep voting Dummycrap.
^^ that pretty much sums it up too.
Now that the flag is down, I'm looking forward for a violence free weekend in Chicago where no one is injured or killed by gang violence.

This will no doubt mark the end of climate change as well.

A notable day in history. Oops. I used the word history. Dass ist verboten!

A notable day in a politically correct, non offensive, imaginary version of what could have happened that can of course be changed whenever the narrative needs to be realigned with current policy.

Yup.....and no more black Christians will catch a bullet because they decided to bring it down.'s so important....rather than actually doing something to solve the problem....or heal wounds that are just recently reopened.
Liberals don't fix things. They only make things worse.
Right. 12 million people now with health insurance, ten million now working; marriage equality across the nation. To you, that is worse?

A health insurance system that is a complete mess and that people still can't afford. A health system that has put thousands out of work and sent thousands if jobs overseas. Marriage equality that if done properly instead of illegally wouldn't have created animosity across the board.

Yes. It's worse.
Funny, for not being able to afford it, people certainly have signed up for it. If they cannot afford it, why are 12 million more insured? And no one has been put out of work. In fact, the job growth in the health care industry has been huge:
View attachment 44277 And the only animosity has been from the bigots who are pouting cause they no longer get to tell others who they can and cannot marry.

Many have signed up and dropped it. And signed up and not paid the premiums too.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.

Racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Don't worry.
Racism is alive and well all over the country. It is rare that a Republican actually admits that racism is still a problem.
It isn't a problem....unless it becomes sponsored by the government. Then it becomes a problem. Which it is today.
It's amazing that libruls think that raising hell about any issue is going to solve it.

Racism will always exist......just like income inequality.....and stupidity of Democrat voters. It will always exist.
I really don't understand why SC was still officially flying it....but then again....I don't believe in letting the mob rule our government.

My guess is this was designed to piss people off.

The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.

Racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Don't worry.
Racism is alive and well all over the country. It is rare that a Republican actually admits that racism is still a problem.

It is seen everyday watching you twits come to terms with African Americans that don't tow the democrat party line.
The reason it was still up? Democrats raised it. The racist Democrat Party raised it.
The racist democrats of 50 years ago. Now they are republicans. But, you know that.
The racist Democrats of 50 years ago are most likely dead dumbass.

Racism is still alive and well in the democrat party. Don't worry.
Racism is alive and well all over the country. It is rare that a Republican actually admits that racism is still a problem.

It is seen everyday watching you twits come to terms with African Americans that don't tow the democrat party line.
Then they become House *******, Uncle Toms, sellouts, and Clowns in Blackface.
Yup.....and no more black Christians will catch a bullet because they decided to bring it down.'s so important....rather than actually doing something to solve the problem....or heal wounds that are just recently reopened.
Liberals don't fix things. They only make things worse.
Right. 12 million people now with health insurance, ten million now working; marriage equality across the nation. To you, that is worse?

A health insurance system that is a complete mess and that people still can't afford. A health system that has put thousands out of work and sent thousands if jobs overseas. Marriage equality that if done properly instead of illegally wouldn't have created animosity across the board.

Yes. It's worse.
Funny, for not being able to afford it, people certainly have signed up for it. If they cannot afford it, why are 12 million more insured? And no one has been put out of work. In fact, the job growth in the health care industry has been huge:
View attachment 44277 And the only animosity has been from the bigots who are pouting cause they no longer get to tell others who they can and cannot marry.

Many have signed up and dropped it. And signed up and not paid the premiums too.
Like how you use the word "many" so as not to actually have to offer any facts. These are facts:

"The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect, and come just as the government has reopened the doors for more Americans to sign up.

Since the second open enrollment period for Obamacare began in November 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has been releasing enrollment updates, though the latest report provides more insight about those enrolled, including breakdowns by age and race and the effect Medicaid expansion has had on those previously uninsured.

[LINK: Obama's Health Budget Targets Medicare, Tobacco, Food-Borne Illness]

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement that the latest figures show the "largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades." Before the major coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented, roughly 47 million Americans did not have health insurance coverage."
Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Insurance Coverage - US News

Now, go ahead and type your comment about how you cannot trust the media or that the numbers are false from the administration.
Liberals don't fix things. They only make things worse.
Right. 12 million people now with health insurance, ten million now working; marriage equality across the nation. To you, that is worse?

A health insurance system that is a complete mess and that people still can't afford. A health system that has put thousands out of work and sent thousands if jobs overseas. Marriage equality that if done properly instead of illegally wouldn't have created animosity across the board.

Yes. It's worse.
Funny, for not being able to afford it, people certainly have signed up for it. If they cannot afford it, why are 12 million more insured? And no one has been put out of work. In fact, the job growth in the health care industry has been huge:
View attachment 44277 And the only animosity has been from the bigots who are pouting cause they no longer get to tell others who they can and cannot marry.

Many have signed up and dropped it. And signed up and not paid the premiums too.
Like how you use the word "many" so as not to actually have to offer any facts. These are facts:

"The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect, and come just as the government has reopened the doors for more Americans to sign up.

Since the second open enrollment period for Obamacare began in November 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has been releasing enrollment updates, though the latest report provides more insight about those enrolled, including breakdowns by age and race and the effect Medicaid expansion has had on those previously uninsured.

[LINK: Obama's Health Budget Targets Medicare, Tobacco, Food-Borne Illness]

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement that the latest figures show the "largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades." Before the major coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented, roughly 47 million Americans did not have health insurance coverage."
Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Insurance Coverage - US News

Now, go ahead and type your comment about how you cannot trust the media or that the numbers are false from the administration.
As long as you are one of those fools that believes anything this administration if you like your plan you can keep it......then it sure sounds impressive.

Problem is, the administration is responsible for collecting the data.......and this is the the same administration that has been destroying evidence in Congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and the IRS, and it just doesn't earn my trust.
Sounds like a lot of healing on both sides is needed.
Sounds more like education on one side is necessary. The only healing necessary is for wounds opened up in the past six years by the most divisive, politically opportunistic political whore president in my lifetime.
I'm not a southerner but I can appreciate the legacy. The abject ignorance and mindless sheeple being used in this incident is disgusting. More Ox Bow mob injustice.
I just have issues with mob mentality and Totalitarians running the country.
Right. 12 million people now with health insurance, ten million now working; marriage equality across the nation. To you, that is worse?

A health insurance system that is a complete mess and that people still can't afford. A health system that has put thousands out of work and sent thousands if jobs overseas. Marriage equality that if done properly instead of illegally wouldn't have created animosity across the board.

Yes. It's worse.
Funny, for not being able to afford it, people certainly have signed up for it. If they cannot afford it, why are 12 million more insured? And no one has been put out of work. In fact, the job growth in the health care industry has been huge:
View attachment 44277 And the only animosity has been from the bigots who are pouting cause they no longer get to tell others who they can and cannot marry.

Many have signed up and dropped it. And signed up and not paid the premiums too.
Like how you use the word "many" so as not to actually have to offer any facts. These are facts:

"The Obama administration's latest figures for health insurance enrollment show 16.4 million formerly uninsured people have gained coverage under the Affordable Care Act since key provisions of the law took effect, and come just as the government has reopened the doors for more Americans to sign up.

Since the second open enrollment period for Obamacare began in November 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services has been releasing enrollment updates, though the latest report provides more insight about those enrolled, including breakdowns by age and race and the effect Medicaid expansion has had on those previously uninsured.

[LINK: Obama's Health Budget Targets Medicare, Tobacco, Food-Borne Illness]

Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said in a statement that the latest figures show the "largest reduction in the uninsured in four decades." Before the major coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act were implemented, roughly 47 million Americans did not have health insurance coverage."
Obamacare Makes Historic Headway in Boosting Insurance Coverage - US News

Now, go ahead and type your comment about how you cannot trust the media or that the numbers are false from the administration.
As long as you are one of those fools that believes anything this administration if you like your plan you can keep it......then it sure sounds impressive.

Problem is, the administration is responsible for collecting the data.......and this is the the same administration that has been destroying evidence in Congressional investigations concerning Benghazi and the IRS, and it just doesn't earn my trust.

^^ Exactly right

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