Confederate Flag nutbags crash black kid's party, yell "******" at them


So you say the cops are chasing imaginary people now?????

Highway patrol asks for help in crash that killed Confederate flag supporter

OXFORD, Miss. — Mississippi Highway Patrol has completed its initial investigation into the car crash that killed Anthony Hervey on Sunday, but is asking for the public’s help in identifying the vehicle the survivor said drove their car off the road.

The police are looking for witnesses to corroborate that young woman's claim. Standard police procedure.

Black Confederate Flag Supporter Run Off Road Killed Likely by New Black Panther Party Activists Washington Weekly News

Over the weekend an African American woman who had attended a pro-Confederate flag rally and publicly burned her personal NAACP card in protest over how southerners are being treated was run off the road likely by members of the New Black Panther Party who confronted her at the rally.Her companion was killed in the attack.

OMG!!!!...the stupidity on this board is mind boggling!!!!!!
Can any Conservative read AND comprehend on a level higher than that of a brain damaged giraffe????!!!!

Or did you forget a black family was run off the road and one of them killed by other blacks for the offense of flying this flag?


The above quote STATES that Black people killed someone for displaying the traitorous shit rag...are you too stupid to verify that statement or you simply know that no verification exists????
I think you got mixed up about the confederate flag. I think you meant this traitorous shit flag.View attachment 45917

Uhm, that's not a flag.

That's a logo.

Question: are you brain-damaged?
Closed Caption

The article doesn't say the slur or other statement happened with the police there.

From the

The article says they had a gun and threatened them calling them the N word. You clipped the article and ignored the video. My bad

They "had a gun"?

You pick 7 random pickup trucks and it is likely that one of the will have a gun in it.

"threatened them calling them the n word"?

I have asked you what language you think the angry provoked black crowd was using, you have not responded.

Yeah but you can pick 7 random pick ups and that doesn't mean that one of them will threaten to kill a ******.

This stupid act of yours is silly. Next you're going to say "What does silly mean and what's wrong with it?" Instead of addressing the issue

Actually if an angry mob causes an accident and threatens the driver and his friends, then yes, in ever single random incident, I would expect some counter threats and some name calling.

NOt sure what you expect to get if you throw rocks, cause and accident and mob some one, hugs and kisses?

I've been on issue. You're the one playing games.

Take a crowd of black people, demagogue them for a few months about the Confederate Flag, adds some booze (maybe) then show them a line of trucks going by flying the Confederate Flags.

What do you think happens?

Spreading hatred has consequences.

We are luckily no one was hurt.

We won't always be so lucky.

Stop spreading the hate.

"I would expect some counter threats and some name calling."

Yes, I imagine you would.

Black Confederate Flag Supporter Run Off Road Killed Likely by New Black Panther Party Activists Washington Weekly News

Over the weekend an African American woman who had attended a pro-Confederate flag rally and publicly burned her personal NAACP card in protest over how southerners are being treated was run off the road likely by members of the New Black Panther Party who confronted her at the rally.Her companion was killed in the attack.

OMG!!!!...the stupidity on this board is mind boggling!!!!!!
Can any Conservative read AND comprehend on a level higher than that of a brain damaged giraffe????!!!!

Or did you forget a black family was run off the road and one of them killed by other blacks for the offense of flying this flag?


The above quote STATES that Black people killed someone for displaying the traitorous shit rag...are you too stupid to verify that statement or you simply know that no verification exists????
I think you got mixed up about the confederate flag. I think you meant this traitorous shit flag.View attachment 45917

Uhm, that's not a flag.

That's a logo.

Question: are you brain-damaged?
Never has been on a flag?
Latest on the incident today...

Woman says men with confederate flags threatened her family

The woman who shared the video, Melissa Alford, said the trucks were on her property and their passengers were armed and threatened to “kill y’all [N-words].” Alford said she is most upset because no one was arrested and now she’s worried for her safety. She said an officer told her at the scene it was because the threats and weapons were not captured on video.

Also, if you watch the newscast, it indicates that the woman changed her story at least once.
You keep writing paragraphs about everything EXCEPT the question I'm asking you.

Edit: Correll is waiting until it flips the page so he can respond to someone else and pretend he forgot my question or that he answered it at all. I know your type.

Lets talk about linear time.

At one point in time, lets call it Point A, according to the more credible scenario, the trucks were driving by the party.

At a slightly later point in time , lets call it Point B, the party goers became angry and started yelling and then throwing rocks, causing an accident and thus a blowout.

At another point in time, slighter later let's call it Point C, the messed up truck pulled into a driveway to change the tire.

At another point in time, the party goers went towards the truck to verbally abuse and threaten the driver of the truck, we will call it Point D.

And then, at another later point in time, Point D the rest of trucks came back to back up the one truck's driver/passengers?

Given all of that, are you really confused about when the Trucks were parked, relative to the other events?

Or are you just spinning desperately hoping to generate enough confusion so that this gets pushed off the page?

It is far more credible that a group of blacks, provoked by a line of Trucks flying the Confederate (and American and Veteran) flags yelled and threw rocks and caused an accident and then ran up and threatened the Confederate Flag Flier(s)

than a bunch of white guys decided to go hassle some black kids party for no reason.
Latest on the incident today...

Woman says men with confederate flags threatened her family

The woman who shared the video, Melissa Alford, said the trucks were on her property and their passengers were armed and threatened to “kill y’all [N-words].” Alford said she is most upset because no one was arrested and now she’s worried for her safety. She said an officer told her at the scene it was because the threats and weapons were not captured on video.

Also, if you watch the newscast, it indicates that the woman changed her story at least once.

Maybe if you didn't throw rocks at caravans of pickup trucks, you wouldn't be threatened you dumb bitch.
Closed Caption

The article doesn't say the slur or other statement happened with the police there.

From the

The article says they had a gun and threatened them calling them the N word. You clipped the article and ignored the video. My bad

They "had a gun"?

You pick 7 random pickup trucks and it is likely that one of the will have a gun in it.

"threatened them calling them the n word"?

I have asked you what language you think the angry provoked black crowd was using, you have not responded.

Yeah but you can pick 7 random pick ups and that doesn't mean that one of them will threaten to kill a ******.

This stupid act of yours is silly. Next you're going to say "What does silly mean and what's wrong with it?" Instead of addressing the issue

Actually if an angry mob causes an accident and threatens the driver and his friends, then yes, in ever single random incident, I would expect some counter threats and some name calling.

NOt sure what you expect to get if you throw rocks, cause and accident and mob some one, hugs and kisses?

I've been on issue. You're the one playing games.

Take a crowd of black people, demagogue them for a few months about the Confederate Flag, adds some booze (maybe) then show them a line of trucks going by flying the Confederate Flags.

What do you think happens?

Spreading hatred has consequences.

We are luckily no one was hurt.

We won't always be so lucky.

Stop spreading the hate.

"I would expect some counter threats and some name calling."

Yes, I imagine you would.

Anyone with a brain would.
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?

Everybody is already aware of the twisted things you think.
Those guys were just minding their own business. Selling flags to support veterans.
Thanks for pointing out Stat's contempt of the people that put their lives on the line to defend his right to act like an idiot!!!

So a bunch of hillbillies riding around with KKK/Confederate flags in the backs of their trucks are putting their lives on the line to defend his rights? Exactly which branch of service is responsible for all those hillbillies in trucks?
I think the same when I see a backwards ass liberal riding around with a racist Obama sticker on their car. So you think it's okay if I remove it or harass them?
Why be different than many of your RW fellow travelers?
So it's only okay to harass if you are an offended liberal? Yeah why be different? When I see those Obama stickers. Just lets me know to stay away, because you can't make a decision on your own. They might be reading their daily talking points while driving down the road. Also that they are an idiot.

Right wingers get more childish and goofy by the day.
I know all the points in time that occured. I'm asking you did they pull into the field before or after the incident? Which one Correll? Or you still dodging?
I know all the points in time that occured. I'm asking you did they pull into the field before or after the incident? Which one Correll? Or you still dodging?

Do you understand what occurs at Linear Time Point D?

Not sure, that's why I asked you directly and not about linear points in time. I simply want to know if they were parked in the field before or after the incident? Thanks again, maybe the 13th time is a charm
but this story obviously makes the case that anyone associated with a "stars n bars" flag is a racist jackass.

It would take a mental pygmy not to realize that the stars and bars flag represents the Confederates.....which lost.....and their fight was to keep yes, anyone that is enamored with the stars and bars flag is either racist or really ignorant.

A non- functioning link isn't a source. Nice try, though.
View attachment 45889

A person that doesn't realize that Wiki means it's in wikipedia isn't very bright. All you have to do is google what I bolded....and you would find it.

But, that information has been known for ages, why you would have to check it to make sure it is there is very telling about you.........:badgrin:


Southern Democrats - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Flags and statues represent winners. Confederate battle leaders are losers and their flag and statues represent losers....anyone advocating that it's their "pride and heritage" obviously worships losers and identifies with losers. Too bad it won't sink in to them.

These idiots (OP) are no better than the Westboro Baptist Church nutbags....I bet only conservatives defend any of their actions.
Hi honey,
Do you decide right and wrong by who is winning and who is losing?

I'm not your honey.

Wanting to keep slaves was wrong then and is wrong now....anyone who has any respect for a flag that represents bigots deserves to be labeled a bigot, too.

The next time a useful idiot tells you that the "Confederate" flag (usually meaning the Virginian Battle Flag) is only about "states raaaaaaaahts" and not about racism, remember this story.

Disturbing, very disturbing.

The Atlanta Journal says there are two sides to this story. Uhuh....

Stories differ in Douglas County Confederate flag flap

(video at the link)

Melissa Alford says videos show the aftermath of an ugly incident — a convoy of Confederate flag-bearing pickup trucks and their passengers interrupting a black child’s birthday party with threats and racial epithets.

Levi Bush, who was driving one of the trucks, says the videos show the unfortunate ending of an unintentional encounter — one triggered, in fact, by the people at that birthday party...

...“Officers on scene were given conflicting statements as to what led up to the confrontation,” the Douglasville Police Department said in an emailed statement.

In one of the videos, Douglasville officers can be seen holding back a group of black men and women as at least seven pickup trucks drive off. The trucks’ white passengers wave as the Confederate, American and military flags mounted on the vehicles flap in the air.

“This is a child’s birthday party,” one woman in the crowd can be heard saying.

A second video shows the trucks gathered on a grassy area, and at least one racial slur can be heard. Alford, the woman hosting a family member’s birthday party, said the trucks drove by several times before parking in the field next to her house.

“One had a gun, saying he was gonna kill the [racial slur],” Alford told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Then one of them said gimme the gun, I’ll shoot them [racial slur].

Nope. Nothing to see here. Just "states' raaaaaaaaaahts" on display.

Why would white people driving around with a bunch of Confederate flags want to deliberately park as close as they could to a black kid's birthday party? Why, if they dislike black people so much, would they want to be around black people? Why would they go out of their way to stay there as long as they could, until the police arrived and told them to skeedaddle?

Yepp, welcome to 1950.

Now, cue RWNJ support of white racists in Georgia yelling ****** at a bunch of black people holding a birthday party for a kid in 5.... 4.... 3..... 2.... 1......

Although I support the right of any person to fly any flag they want on private property (go for it), there is no doubt that this flag is now a symbol of racism for white supremacist losers all over the country.

And yes, I also saw two US Flags among many, many, many confederate flags. Don't even try to go there about this actually being the US Flag.

Enjoy the parade of stupidity and hatred among racists, in this case, white racists.

One more thing: this thread is not about me, it was just reported here by me. Let's see who is smart enough to figure that one out....

Discuss: was this cool, or not? Is this the right thing to do at a black kid's birthday party, or not.


PS. Dear mods, this event just happened, which is why it's in the current events forum. If you want to move it to the race relations forum later, I don't care. Thanks, Stat
I see you only read the part you wanted to believe. They did not PARK near her house, one of them got a flat tire trying to avoid rocks thrown at the car by the people at the party. Or do you normally drive miles on a flat tire? The blacks started this and then had the balls to claim otherwise, given past recent history I know who I believe.

Right, once again we have a mechanic here who recommends driving off road into the middle of a field to change a tire. Because grass is nice and sturdy place to do it.
Read the story he pulled into a driveway forced there by the behavior of the people at the party. he further was threatened with bodily harm by those same people. This is real easy, who to believe, lets see a group of blacks when in the last 4 months we have seen time after time they escalate any situation to a physical confrontation with no cause or reason, or a group of people showing off their flags that had ZERO idea a party was even being held on the road they were driving on, a PUBLIC road I Might add.

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