Confederate Flag: Symbol of ?

Its a flag. It means different things to different indiviuals. Like bumper stickers - those who have them are judged by complete strangers because the stranger has no idea what it migt mean to the one who put it on their bumper.

To me it stands for the rights that states used to have before the federal government took them away. It is a warning that the same thing could happen to our individual rights.
I don't really care what it means to the rest of you - that is your personal right. Fly it or burn it - whichever you wish but do it knowing that you are exercising your right to free thought and free expression. Other rights that you may lose if you don't exercise them.

To the dude that lives 4 miles north of me that has not seen a dentist in 8 years, smokes 4 packs of menthols a day, beats his wife, visits the militia in Alabama twice a year for "maneuvers", drinks a case of Natty Light a day and did 8 years in the slammer because his sister said he molested her it means ONE thing and one thing only.
The tribunals defined them as "crimes", not any German law or policy.
"You are an idiot"
Thought you were Mr. cool and calm there Moe.
Does not take much to see right through you.

You yourself defined them as crimes. But go ahead and crawfish out of it.

What makes you think I'm not calm? Oh by describing you as an idiot? I just call 'em like I see 'em.

They were crimes. What else would one define them as?
But they were not labeled as crimes under German law at that time.
Only an international tribunal labeled and punished them as crimes.
You know that now as we all had to educate you. You believed a German court held them accountable under German law.

Bottom line. Mass killing of innocent people. genocide if you will, is a crime. It is not legal and never will be legal no matter what dictator says it is.

I have never said one word about a "German court" or "German law". That is a strawman argument of your creation.

You could not educate anyone on any topic.
Its a flag. It means different things to different indiviuals. Like bumper stickers - those who have them are judged by complete strangers because the stranger has no idea what it migt mean to the one who put it on their bumper.

To me it stands for the rights that states used to have before the federal government took them away. It is a warning that the same thing could happen to our individual rights.
I don't really care what it means to the rest of you - that is your personal right. Fly it or burn it - whichever you wish but do it knowing that you are exercising your right to free thought and free expression. Other rights that you may lose if you don't exercise them.

To the dude that lives 4 miles north of me that has not seen a dentist in 8 years, smokes 4 packs of menthols a day, beats his wife, visits the militia in Alabama twice a year for "maneuvers", drinks a case of Natty Light a day and did 8 years in the slammer because his sister said he molested her it means ONE thing and one thing only.

So? Obviously you did not comprehend What Paul said. "It means different things to different indiviuals"
Its a flag. It means different things to different indiviuals. Like bumper stickers - those who have them are judged by complete strangers because the stranger has no idea what it migt mean to the one who put it on their bumper.

To me it stands for the rights that states used to have before the federal government took them away. It is a warning that the same thing could happen to our individual rights.
I don't really care what it means to the rest of you - that is your personal right. Fly it or burn it - whichever you wish but do it knowing that you are exercising your right to free thought and free expression. Other rights that you may lose if you don't exercise them.

To the dude that lives 4 miles north of me that has not seen a dentist in 8 years, smokes 4 packs of menthols a day, beats his wife, visits the militia in Alabama twice a year for "maneuvers", drinks a case of Natty Light a day and did 8 years in the slammer because his sister said he molested her it means ONE thing and one thing only.

So? Obviously you did not comprehend What Paul said. "It means different things to different indiviuals"

Wake up it is the symbol of slave masters and traitors.....You are damn fool for worshiping it.
To the dude that lives 4 miles north of me that has not seen a dentist in 8 years, smokes 4 packs of menthols a day, beats his wife, visits the militia in Alabama twice a year for "maneuvers", drinks a case of Natty Light a day and did 8 years in the slammer because his sister said he molested her it means ONE thing and one thing only.

So? Obviously you did not comprehend What Paul said. "It means different things to different indiviuals"

Wake up it is the symbol of slave masters and traitors.....You are damn fool for worshiping it.

No one is worshipping anything. Get a grip.

Maybe you should read a history book.

You do know that there were in fact black confederates.

But why bother your bigoted self with silly facts.
You yourself defined them as crimes. But go ahead and crawfish out of it.

What makes you think I'm not calm? Oh by describing you as an idiot? I just call 'em like I see 'em.

They were crimes. What else would one define them as?
But they were not labeled as crimes under German law at that time.
Only an international tribunal labeled and punished them as crimes.
You know that now as we all had to educate you. You believed a German court held them accountable under German law.

Bottom line. Mass killing of innocent people. genocide if you will, is a crime. It is not legal and never will be legal no matter what dictator says it is.

I have never said one word about a "German court" or "German law". That is a strawman argument of your creation.

You could not educate anyone on any topic.

Are you that narrow minded to believe that your, or any, generic definition of what is genocide and what is not had any validity under German policy in the 30s until the unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies?
You claimed that it WAS NOT German policy to kill innocent folk.
And you were wrong and will not admit it now dancing around and away from it like a monkey on fire.
So? Obviously you did not comprehend What Paul said. "It means different things to different indiviuals"

Wake up it is the symbol of slave masters and traitors.....You are damn fool for worshiping it.

No one is worshipping anything. Get a grip.

Maybe you should read a history book.

You do know that there were in fact black confederates.

But why bother your bigoted self with silly facts.

General Cleburne did offer, after many defeats, the idea of arming slaves in the Confederacy. Rejected once Judah Benjamin liked the idea. Davis went with it in late '64. It met FIERCE opposition with slave owners as they wanted to be compensated for that. Slaves were expensive as hell. Additionally, white officers were insulted that slaves would be in their ranks as soldiers. NC Governor Zebulon Vance wrote that this was a good idea to save slavery as all black soldiers would be kept in slavery as soldiers and after the war was won sent back to plantation owners. I am sure "black Confederates" rejoiced at that.
Davis was a staunch advocate of opposition to emancipation of ALL slaves.
Any and all claims that any black Confederate was there because he wanted to be there are bogus to the core.
NO slave wanted to be a slave and NO Confederate order of any kind anywhere exists which would have emancipated them for their military service exists. Yes, there were partial emancipation support all over as many southern newspapers ran editorials in support of it but plantation owners rejected it. Confederate Congress passed a bill in 65 with a slight majority that stated that ONLY owners of slaves that came forward to offer their slaves would be allowed. NO conscription as no way plantation owners would still back the Confederacy if slaves, THEIR PROPERTY, were taken from them.
The black Confederate argument is pure fiction and fable.
To the dude that lives 4 miles north of me that has not seen a dentist in 8 years, smokes 4 packs of menthols a day, beats his wife, visits the militia in Alabama twice a year for "maneuvers", drinks a case of Natty Light a day and did 8 years in the slammer because his sister said he molested her it means ONE thing and one thing only.

So? Obviously you did not comprehend What Paul said. "It means different things to different indiviuals"

Wake up it is the symbol of slave masters and traitors.....You are damn fool for worshiping it.

No it's not.
The Civil War was all about state rights, and the fact the South was sick of being the North's cash cow. Slavery was just one of many issues.
If someone flies the flag because they are racist then that is what it represents. Most of the time it has to do with southern pride and nothing more.
Its a flag. It means different things to different indiviuals. Like bumper stickers - those who have them are judged by complete strangers because the stranger has no idea what it migt mean to the one who put it on their bumper.

To me it stands for the rights that states used to have before the federal government took them away. It is a warning that the same thing could happen to our individual rights.
I don't really care what it means to the rest of you - that is your personal right. Fly it or burn it - whichever you wish but do it knowing that you are exercising your right to free thought and free expression. Other rights that you may lose if you don't exercise them.

How about this I'll use that flag to wipe my ass after I shit. That flag has no varying meaning it means what majority thinks it means....Racism
They were crimes. What else would one define them as?
But they were not labeled as crimes under German law at that time.
Only an international tribunal labeled and punished them as crimes.
You know that now as we all had to educate you. You believed a German court held them accountable under German law.

Bottom line. Mass killing of innocent people. genocide if you will, is a crime. It is not legal and never will be legal no matter what dictator says it is.

I have never said one word about a "German court" or "German law". That is a strawman argument of your creation.

You could not educate anyone on any topic.

Are you that narrow minded to believe that your, or any, generic definition of what is genocide and what is not had any validity under German policy in the 30s until the unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies?
You claimed that it WAS NOT German policy to kill innocent folk.
And you were wrong and will not admit it now dancing around and away from it like a monkey on fire.

Narrow minded? No. Does mt claims have validity. Yes.

I asked for evidence of such a policy. One that was written and passed through German legislation and made into law. So far, nothing has been provided.

Seldom am I wrong.

Have you ever seen a monkey on fire? I doubt very seriously that it would dance.
Wake up it is the symbol of slave masters and traitors.....You are damn fool for worshiping it.

No one is worshipping anything. Get a grip.

Maybe you should read a history book.

You do know that there were in fact black confederates.

But why bother your bigoted self with silly facts.

General Cleburne did offer, after many defeats, the idea of arming slaves in the Confederacy. Rejected once Judah Benjamin liked the idea. Davis went with it in late '64. It met FIERCE opposition with slave owners as they wanted to be compensated for that. Slaves were expensive as hell. Additionally, white officers were insulted that slaves would be in their ranks as soldiers. NC Governor Zebulon Vance wrote that this was a good idea to save slavery as all black soldiers would be kept in slavery as soldiers and after the war was won sent back to plantation owners. I am sure "black Confederates" rejoiced at that.
Davis was a staunch advocate of opposition to emancipation of ALL slaves.
Any and all claims that any black Confederate was there because he wanted to be there are bogus to the core.
NO slave wanted to be a slave and NO Confederate order of any kind anywhere exists which would have emancipated them for their military service exists. Yes, there were partial emancipation support all over as many southern newspapers ran editorials in support of it but plantation owners rejected it. Confederate Congress passed a bill in 65 with a slight majority that stated that ONLY owners of slaves that came forward to offer their slaves would be allowed. NO conscription as no way plantation owners would still back the Confederacy if slaves, THEIR PROPERTY, were taken from them.
The black Confederate argument is pure fiction and fable.

Its a flag. It means different things to different indiviuals. Like bumper stickers - those who have them are judged by complete strangers because the stranger has no idea what it migt mean to the one who put it on their bumper.

To me it stands for the rights that states used to have before the federal government took them away. It is a warning that the same thing could happen to our individual rights.
I don't really care what it means to the rest of you - that is your personal right. Fly it or burn it - whichever you wish but do it knowing that you are exercising your right to free thought and free expression. Other rights that you may lose if you don't exercise them.

How about this I'll use that flag to wipe my ass after I shit. That flag has no varying meaning it means what majority thinks it means....Racism

Prove it.
No one is worshipping anything. Get a grip.

Maybe you should read a history book.

You do know that there were in fact black confederates.

But why bother your bigoted self with silly facts.

General Cleburne did offer, after many defeats, the idea of arming slaves in the Confederacy. Rejected once Judah Benjamin liked the idea. Davis went with it in late '64. It met FIERCE opposition with slave owners as they wanted to be compensated for that. Slaves were expensive as hell. Additionally, white officers were insulted that slaves would be in their ranks as soldiers. NC Governor Zebulon Vance wrote that this was a good idea to save slavery as all black soldiers would be kept in slavery as soldiers and after the war was won sent back to plantation owners. I am sure "black Confederates" rejoiced at that.
Davis was a staunch advocate of opposition to emancipation of ALL slaves.
Any and all claims that any black Confederate was there because he wanted to be there are bogus to the core.
NO slave wanted to be a slave and NO Confederate order of any kind anywhere exists which would have emancipated them for their military service exists. Yes, there were partial emancipation support all over as many southern newspapers ran editorials in support of it but plantation owners rejected it. Confederate Congress passed a bill in 65 with a slight majority that stated that ONLY owners of slaves that came forward to offer their slaves would be allowed. NO conscription as no way plantation owners would still back the Confederacy if slaves, THEIR PROPERTY, were taken from them.
The black Confederate argument is pure fiction and fable.


Link my ass, took it at UGA in early 70s. Studied 3 quarters of the civil war.
As a true southerner by the grace of God I know my heritage.
If you do not know any of what I posted Lonestar you know very little if anything of the civil war and it's history.
The original letters are in the Ga. and NC archives.
Bottom line. Mass killing of innocent people. genocide if you will, is a crime. It is not legal and never will be legal no matter what dictator says it is.

I have never said one word about a "German court" or "German law". That is a strawman argument of your creation.

You could not educate anyone on any topic.

Are you that narrow minded to believe that your, or any, generic definition of what is genocide and what is not had any validity under German policy in the 30s until the unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies?
You claimed that it WAS NOT German policy to kill innocent folk.
And you were wrong and will not admit it now dancing around and away from it like a monkey on fire.

Narrow minded? No. Does mt claims have validity. Yes.

I asked for evidence of such a policy. One that was written and passed through German legislation and made into law. So far, nothing has been provided.

Seldom am I wrong.

Have you ever seen a monkey on fire? I doubt very seriously that it would dance.

Policies do not have to be law anywhere I know of.
Where are government policies the law?
So? Obviously you did not comprehend What Paul said. "It means different things to different indiviuals"

Wake up it is the symbol of slave masters and traitors.....You are damn fool for worshiping it.

No it's not.
The Civil War was all about state rights, and the fact the South was sick of being the North's cash cow. Slavery was just one of many issues.
If someone flies the flag because they are racist then that is what it represents. Most of the time it has to do with southern pride and nothing more.

It was about the states right to own people.....
General Cleburne did offer, after many defeats, the idea of arming slaves in the Confederacy. Rejected once Judah Benjamin liked the idea. Davis went with it in late '64. It met FIERCE opposition with slave owners as they wanted to be compensated for that. Slaves were expensive as hell. Additionally, white officers were insulted that slaves would be in their ranks as soldiers. NC Governor Zebulon Vance wrote that this was a good idea to save slavery as all black soldiers would be kept in slavery as soldiers and after the war was won sent back to plantation owners. I am sure "black Confederates" rejoiced at that.
Davis was a staunch advocate of opposition to emancipation of ALL slaves.
Any and all claims that any black Confederate was there because he wanted to be there are bogus to the core.
NO slave wanted to be a slave and NO Confederate order of any kind anywhere exists which would have emancipated them for their military service exists. Yes, there were partial emancipation support all over as many southern newspapers ran editorials in support of it but plantation owners rejected it. Confederate Congress passed a bill in 65 with a slight majority that stated that ONLY owners of slaves that came forward to offer their slaves would be allowed. NO conscription as no way plantation owners would still back the Confederacy if slaves, THEIR PROPERTY, were taken from them.
The black Confederate argument is pure fiction and fable.


Link my ass, took it at UGA in early 70s. Studied 3 quarters of the civil war.
As a true southerner by the grace of God I know my heritage.

Provide a link or STFU
Are you that narrow minded to believe that your, or any, generic definition of what is genocide and what is not had any validity under German policy in the 30s until the unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies?
You claimed that it WAS NOT German policy to kill innocent folk.
And you were wrong and will not admit it now dancing around and away from it like a monkey on fire.

Narrow minded? No. Does mt claims have validity. Yes.

I asked for evidence of such a policy. One that was written and passed through German legislation and made into law. So far, nothing has been provided.

Seldom am I wrong.

Have you ever seen a monkey on fire? I doubt very seriously that it would dance.

Policies do not have to be law anywhere I know of.
Where are government policies the law?

I accept your concession. You cannot provide evidence that any laws were passed that gave Germans the legal right to mass murder millions of innocent people. You talk of policy, well policy does not mean LEGAL.
Narrow minded? No. Does mt claims have validity. Yes.

I asked for evidence of such a policy. One that was written and passed through German legislation and made into law. So far, nothing has been provided.

Seldom am I wrong.

Have you ever seen a monkey on fire? I doubt very seriously that it would dance.

Policies do not have to be law anywhere I know of.
Where are government policies the law?

I accept your concession. You cannot provide evidence that any laws were passed that gave Germans the legal right to mass murder millions of innocent people. You talk of policy, well policy does not mean LEGAL.

LOL, I was wrong about you Lonestar. You are full of shit.
YOU were the one that first made the claim that there were NO policies.
Never said policy makes anything legal.
What German law banned them from doing what they did?
You are like a 5 year old making it up as they go.
Mom must have never washed your mouth out with soap.

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