Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

I realise to you the law does not matter at all. Well it matters to a lot of Americans. I see now why blacks storm stores and steal from them. It is part of their teaching.
And the Boston Tea Party was what? More honorable because white people did it?
And the Boston Tea Party was what? More honorable because white people did it?
George Washington was a loser as you teach things??? He was only saved by the French and he had to be a traitor for what, 8 years as a Traitor?
The Japanese surrendered....
Frankly that is true. After Mac nuked them. If Lee had nukes, he would have won.

You and I are not engaged in a worth doing debate. You love your racist views and I am not interested in your racist views.
George Washington was a loser as you teach things??? He was only saved by the French and he had to be a traitor for what, 8 years as a Traitor?
George Washington is an example of the bad guys winning. Sometimes they do that. This isn't the movies.
George Washington is an example of the bad guys winning. Sometimes they do that. This isn't the movies.
Tell us how many times you have been to Mt. Vernon to see for yourself the plantation of Washington?
I’m a Yankee. I have no love for the CSA.

Right or wrong, i could find be a rat’s ass about the CSA or their monuments.
I also get classified as a Yankee but I was born and raised in California. Sure I lived in Europe for over a year, I have traveled West to East around the united states, none of my relatives fought the civil war, but we have today citizens of state, called Oregon who currently want to no longer be part of Oregon and want to be part of Idaho. We do not need them here in Idaho. But they are very welcome and we will be happy to help them get away from Democrats. Now the way democrats think, they can be expected to invade Oregon and also Idaho trying to force them to stay being Oregon. This is a good example of democracy as it was for the South and if Biden lays a hand on Oregon, he will not be happy at the end.
I also get classified as a Yankee but I was born and raised in California. Sure I lived in Europe for over a year, I have traveled West to East around the united states, none of my relatives fought the civil war, but we have today citizens of state, called Oregon who currently want to no longer be part of Oregon and want to be part of Idaho. We do not need them here in Idaho. But they are very welcome and we will be happy to help them get away from Democrats. Now the way democrats think, they can be expected to invade Oregon and also Idaho trying to force them to stay being Oregon. This is a good example of democracy as it was for the South and if Biden lays a hand on Oregon, he will not be happy at the end.
To be clear, I should have said I was a Yankee for the vast majority of my life. I’ve now relocated to the South. Find very few racists down here.
Whites owned slaves. The Civil War is recognized. Statues of Union soldiers are appropriate. Nobody wants to see statues of traitors. The confederacy was not America, the only part of American history they have is the few years they existed and the documented fact that they lost the war. We don't need monuments to traitors, nor should we honor them.
African blacks sold all those salves that came to America.

No, you aren't trying to save America. America won't be saved by preserving the memory of white traitors that lost a war just so some idiots can keep lying about a lost cause and how whitey will rise again.
Why do you Dimwingers want to erase history? Is it because you want to repeat it?
Mr. Goat, let's study the aims of Democrats far into the future. First why did they take control of the Teachers unions nationally? In fact why are Democrats in charge of all of the Trade unions? Why do they constantly, like spiders making webs, create so many laws? Why are Democrats so extremely radical in wanting to be in charge?

Very few Americans see the two parties as part of the same body, such as a pair or arms working with a pair of legs. They see both parties as pretty damned part of wrecking threir lives and they want some person in a different group to take over this country. Recall Ross Perot. Ross was accurate in the wrongs here in America. But all he accomplished was to hand the election to Bill Clinton. Democrats refused to vote for Perot.

About the monuments you loathe. You tell us Republcians want them and you see monuments as evil tokens.

I see monuments as educational. I believe had you not shouted at us, by now you would have learned that. I will say it in dark letters. REPUBLICANS SEE THOSE STATUES AS EDUCATIONAL.
Wow. You are seriously nuts.

Did something happen to you?
Wow. You are seriously nuts.

Did something happen to you?
How long have you been a psychiatrist?

I bet every time a teacher taught you something you blurted out "WoW, are you seriously nuts?

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