Confederate Memorial at Arlington will be removed despite GOP opposition

You lose yet again. What is sad, jackhole? Do you think removing some old statue proves anything or changes history? The Confederates were simply Americans who saw what the North was offering and the direction they were going and said: "No thank you," and wanted no part of it, then you murdered 300,000 of them refusing them free will of choice so 150 years later you could call them all "Deplorables."
You lose yet again. What is sad, jackhole? Do you think removing some old statue proves anything or changes history? The Confederates were simply Americans who saw what the North was offering and the direction they were going and said: "No thank you," and wanted no part of it, then you murdered 300,000 of them refusing them free will of choice so 150 years later you could call them all "Deplorables."
They are a product of Democrat teachers instructing them in lying. I said earlier that their goal is to teach the teachers they were right to murder so many in the south the streets ran red blood down the sewers.
Yes, Robert W, hated America and its values,

More than 600,000 died because the South wanted to buy, own, and sell human flesh,
And you are so proud of the day that Abe Lincoln murdered 38 indians by hanging them on a single platform made to hang indians.

And proud that Abe managed the war so poorly he got well over 300,000 of the dumb suckers who invaded the South killed as dead as a dead fish.

Lincoln got 100,000 of his troops killed, more than the South lost, in his war against America.

How many white Union soldiers died in the Civil War?

For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.Jul 22, 2019
Are you confused what year it is Bingo? There are no Democratic slavers running for office today. There are deplorable pieces of shits who celebrate those Democrat Confederate slavers, they're called the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. If you want to shit on them and their deplorable mutant culture, be my guest. :dunno:

I have no problem calling out deplorable mutant Democratic Confederate lovers. When you call the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy human trash as vocally as I have then maybe I'll take your dumb ass seriously. :itsok:
Folks, let's not stop him from shitting all over Democrats. Watch him fly.

Only you idiots are emotionally hurt that Robert E Lee was a piece of shit and a Democrat. None of those facts bother me. How about you?
I am not emotional at all over your shitting on Democrats. It is amusing though

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