Confederate Memorials and Monuments - what history do they represent?

That post shows your abject lack of education. Blacks brought you out of the Dark Ages and taught you architecture reading, science etc. You do realize carbonized steel was invented in Africa several centuries before europe figured it out. My guess is that Africans taught them.
Lol. More revisionist history. Arab world was Middle East in terms of weapons grade steel...and they most likely stole it from the Greeks. Not Black African's living in mud huts, selling each other into slavery.
Not really the point of the thread and I have educated you before like the Africans did the greeks. I have no issue with you using fake history as a pacifier.
Such an advanced people.

I agree.


The dolphin guy is a true liberal.

yeah but he is truly white like you. no comment on the pig wrestler huh?
In Georgia some wanted the Confederate flag removed from a Civil War Museum. Curator closed the museum.

I see no issue with it being in the museums - that is the appropriate place imo.

I have no connection whatsoever to those Confederate statues, having lived in California my whole life, but I'm opposed to bringing them all down.

First of all, we are told Its just about these statues and that the people they represent were bad people."Why do you want to support generals who fought for slavery?" Well, IF IT REALLY WAS, just about these statues it would be one thing, but its really more about that some of us can see this is just a continuation of an ongoing effort to discredit the United States. Just look at people burning the US flag, saying the national anthem is racist, Trying to discredit the founders of the country. And of course next, would be any documents that were written by the founders of the country. Confederate Generals are only a soft target. It's the easy place to start, but to me I just kind of see it as all the same mindset. The mindset of looking for a grievance, not really wanting to get along or compromise, not wanting to be thankful for living in a place full of opportunity but rather wanting to tear someone else down in an effort to get some sort of social justice, which I really see as a never ending thing.

Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left..

Last I checked Christopher Columbus was not a Confederate- nor do I recall Teddy Roosevelt being a Confederate- and Confederates are whom I was speaking.

Statues unfortunately get vandalized all the time- and I am against the vandalization of any statues- by anyone.

How about you?
Point being...if this leftist statue bullshit was actually about confederate twits wouldn't be vandalizing and calling for the removal of everything from Catholic Saints to Christopher Columbus to Teddy Roosevelt.

Not to mention showing the world what uneducated dumbasses you really are by ripping down a peace statue dedicated to bringing the North and South together after the war with reconstruction efforts.

Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
I have no connection whatsoever to those Confederate statues, having lived in California my whole life, but I'm opposed to bringing them all down.

First of all, we are told Its just about these statues and that the people they represent were bad people."Why do you want to support generals who fought for slavery?" Well, IF IT REALLY WAS, just about these statues it would be one thing, but its really more about that some of us can see this is just a continuation of an ongoing effort to discredit the United States. Just look at people burning the US flag, saying the national anthem is racist, Trying to discredit the founders of the country. And of course next, would be any documents that were written by the founders of the country. Confederate Generals are only a soft target. It's the easy place to start, but to me I just kind of see it as all the same mindset. The mindset of looking for a grievance, not really wanting to get along or compromise, not wanting to be thankful for living in a place full of opportunity but rather wanting to tear someone else down in an effort to get some sort of social justice, which I really see as a never ending thing.

Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left.

You left wingers love to lie.

You assholes don't even really care about the's just a reason to destroy stuff in a faux PC protest.
Columbus was pedophile, murderer, and sociopath. Why is there a day named after him?

He was a pretty bad guy. I once went to Dominicana, visited his palace there all made out of giant coral blocks. Went through the museum and talked to one of the curators there who is a native islander, she did give me a run down on a lot of the local history and what life was like there for a slave during the time of Columbus. She said most of the natives on Hispanola had boats so many of them could escape to other places and resettle but the african slaves had it pretty bad there, they would get worked to death within a few months usually or die from disease or both. and they had somewhat of a torture chamber there. Some of the implements were on display if I remember correct, but its been a long time.
As to how Columbus day came about, i never really researched that, but maybe It was meant to be a feel good day for Italian Immigrants, who knows? I'm sure someone lobbied for the day, thats usually how it happens. If anything, there was probably not much thought put into it other than people knew the dates of the voyage.
Dude would kill native children, cut them up, and feed them to his dogs. There was another event that happened that year but not too many people put them together. Its also the year the Moors were expelled from Europe. Someone knew this. It wasnt a plug for Italians because columbus was a portuguese white jew. It was a plug for white power.

I smell bullshit, sorry
Thats what erasers are for. Erasing mistakes, lies, and symbols of hate. Even Robert E Lee agreed with me.
No he did not.

“I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

-Robert E Lee.
The "feelings" not monuments to the war dead.
He was talking about a monument to Gettysburgh dummy.
Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left.

You left wingers love to lie.

You assholes don't even really care about the's just a reason to destroy stuff in a faux PC protest.
Columbus was pedophile, murderer, and sociopath. Why is there a day named after him?

He was a pretty bad guy. I once went to Dominicana, visited his palace there all made out of giant coral blocks. Went through the museum and talked to one of the curators there who is a native islander, she did give me a run down on a lot of the local history and what life was like there for a slave during the time of Columbus. She said most of the natives on Hispanola had boats so many of them could escape to other places and resettle but the african slaves had it pretty bad there, they would get worked to death within a few months usually or die from disease or both. and they had somewhat of a torture chamber there. Some of the implements were on display if I remember correct, but its been a long time.
As to how Columbus day came about, i never really researched that, but maybe It was meant to be a feel good day for Italian Immigrants, who knows? I'm sure someone lobbied for the day, thats usually how it happens. If anything, there was probably not much thought put into it other than people knew the dates of the voyage.
Dude would kill native children, cut them up, and feed them to his dogs. There was another event that happened that year but not too many people put them together. Its also the year the Moors were expelled from Europe. Someone knew this. It wasnt a plug for Italians because columbus was a portuguese white jew. It was a plug for white power.

I smell bullshit, sorry
Next time brush your teeth before taking a deep sniff then.
I see no issue with it being in the museums - that is the appropriate place imo.

I have no connection whatsoever to those Confederate statues, having lived in California my whole life, but I'm opposed to bringing them all down.

First of all, we are told Its just about these statues and that the people they represent were bad people."Why do you want to support generals who fought for slavery?" Well, IF IT REALLY WAS, just about these statues it would be one thing, but its really more about that some of us can see this is just a continuation of an ongoing effort to discredit the United States. Just look at people burning the US flag, saying the national anthem is racist, Trying to discredit the founders of the country. And of course next, would be any documents that were written by the founders of the country. Confederate Generals are only a soft target. It's the easy place to start, but to me I just kind of see it as all the same mindset. The mindset of looking for a grievance, not really wanting to get along or compromise, not wanting to be thankful for living in a place full of opportunity but rather wanting to tear someone else down in an effort to get some sort of social justice, which I really see as a never ending thing.

Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left..

Last I checked Christopher Columbus was not a Confederate- nor do I recall Teddy Roosevelt being a Confederate- and Confederates are whom I was speaking.

Statues unfortunately get vandalized all the time- and I am against the vandalization of any statues- by anyone.

How about you?
Point being...if this leftist statue bullshit was actually about confederate twits wouldn't be vandalizing and calling for the removal of everything from Catholic Saints to Christopher Columbus to Teddy Roosevelt.

Not to mention showing the world what uneducated dumbasses you really are by ripping down a peace statue dedicated to bringing the North and South together after the war with reconstruction efforts.

Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
Any and all white inbreds that practiced racial violence fall under the same category.
My family immigrated about 10 years after Columbus.

When did Asclepias's family arrive?

PS: We never owned slaves.
I have no connection whatsoever to those Confederate statues, having lived in California my whole life, but I'm opposed to bringing them all down.

First of all, we are told Its just about these statues and that the people they represent were bad people."Why do you want to support generals who fought for slavery?" Well, IF IT REALLY WAS, just about these statues it would be one thing, but its really more about that some of us can see this is just a continuation of an ongoing effort to discredit the United States. Just look at people burning the US flag, saying the national anthem is racist, Trying to discredit the founders of the country. And of course next, would be any documents that were written by the founders of the country. Confederate Generals are only a soft target. It's the easy place to start, but to me I just kind of see it as all the same mindset. The mindset of looking for a grievance, not really wanting to get along or compromise, not wanting to be thankful for living in a place full of opportunity but rather wanting to tear someone else down in an effort to get some sort of social justice, which I really see as a never ending thing.

Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left.

You left wingers love to lie.

You assholes don't even really care about the's just a reason to destroy stuff in a faux PC protest.
Columbus was pedophile, murderer, and sociopath. Why is there a day named after him?

He was a pretty bad guy. I once went to Dominicana, visited his palace there all made out of giant coral blocks. Went through the museum and talked to one of the curators there who is a native islander, she did give me a run down on a lot of the local history and what life was like there for a slave during the time of Columbus. She said most of the natives on Hispanola had boats so many of them could escape to other places and resettle but the african slaves had it pretty bad there, they would get worked to death within a few months usually or die from disease or both. and they had somewhat of a torture chamber there. Some of the implements were on display if I remember correct, but its been a long time.
As to how Columbus day came about, i never really researched that, but maybe It was meant to be a feel good day for Italian Immigrants, who knows? I'm sure someone lobbied for the day, thats usually how it happens. If anything, there was probably not much thought put into it other than people knew the dates of the voyage.
Dude would kill native children, cut them up, and feed them to his dogs. There was another event that happened that year but not too many people put them together. Its also the year the Moors were expelled from Europe. Someone knew this. It wasnt a plug for Italians because columbus was a portuguese white jew. It was a plug for white power.
Christopher Columbus | Biography, Voyages, & Facts
I have no connection whatsoever to those Confederate statues, having lived in California my whole life, but I'm opposed to bringing them all down.

First of all, we are told Its just about these statues and that the people they represent were bad people."Why do you want to support generals who fought for slavery?" Well, IF IT REALLY WAS, just about these statues it would be one thing, but its really more about that some of us can see this is just a continuation of an ongoing effort to discredit the United States. Just look at people burning the US flag, saying the national anthem is racist, Trying to discredit the founders of the country. And of course next, would be any documents that were written by the founders of the country. Confederate Generals are only a soft target. It's the easy place to start, but to me I just kind of see it as all the same mindset. The mindset of looking for a grievance, not really wanting to get along or compromise, not wanting to be thankful for living in a place full of opportunity but rather wanting to tear someone else down in an effort to get some sort of social justice, which I really see as a never ending thing.

Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left..

Last I checked Christopher Columbus was not a Confederate- nor do I recall Teddy Roosevelt being a Confederate- and Confederates are whom I was speaking.

Statues unfortunately get vandalized all the time- and I am against the vandalization of any statues- by anyone.

How about you?
Point being...if this leftist statue bullshit was actually about confederate twits wouldn't be vandalizing and calling for the removal of everything from Catholic Saints to Christopher Columbus to Teddy Roosevelt.

Not to mention showing the world what uneducated dumbasses you really are by ripping down a peace statue dedicated to bringing the North and South together after the war with reconstruction efforts.

Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
Any and all white inbreds that practiced racial violence fall under the same category.

If you was wanting a white cracker to practice racial violence, you're on the right track. Y U post like a piece of shit?
Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left.

You left wingers love to lie.

You assholes don't even really care about the's just a reason to destroy stuff in a faux PC protest.
Columbus was pedophile, murderer, and sociopath. Why is there a day named after him?

He was a pretty bad guy. I once went to Dominicana, visited his palace there all made out of giant coral blocks. Went through the museum and talked to one of the curators there who is a native islander, she did give me a run down on a lot of the local history and what life was like there for a slave during the time of Columbus. She said most of the natives on Hispanola had boats so many of them could escape to other places and resettle but the african slaves had it pretty bad there, they would get worked to death within a few months usually or die from disease or both. and they had somewhat of a torture chamber there. Some of the implements were on display if I remember correct, but its been a long time.
As to how Columbus day came about, i never really researched that, but maybe It was meant to be a feel good day for Italian Immigrants, who knows? I'm sure someone lobbied for the day, thats usually how it happens. If anything, there was probably not much thought put into it other than people knew the dates of the voyage.
Dude would kill native children, cut them up, and feed them to his dogs. There was another event that happened that year but not too many people put them together. Its also the year the Moors were expelled from Europe. Someone knew this. It wasnt a plug for Italians because columbus was a portuguese white jew. It was a plug for white power.
Christopher Columbus | Biography, Voyages, & Facts
White people lie alot about history. What can I say?
Hmmmm the statues represent people who fought against the United States.

They were acting to 'discredit' the United States when they declared that the United States was acting against them.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left..

Last I checked Christopher Columbus was not a Confederate- nor do I recall Teddy Roosevelt being a Confederate- and Confederates are whom I was speaking.

Statues unfortunately get vandalized all the time- and I am against the vandalization of any statues- by anyone.

How about you?
Point being...if this leftist statue bullshit was actually about confederate twits wouldn't be vandalizing and calling for the removal of everything from Catholic Saints to Christopher Columbus to Teddy Roosevelt.

Not to mention showing the world what uneducated dumbasses you really are by ripping down a peace statue dedicated to bringing the North and South together after the war with reconstruction efforts.

Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
Any and all white inbreds that practiced racial violence fall under the same category.

If you was wanting a white cracker to practice racial violence, you're on the right track. Y U post like a piece of shit?
Good. i would love a white cracker to try and practice racial violence. I hope he messes up and picks me.
I'm not pizzackly sure how white I am, I mean, niggas get sunburned before I do.

I'm a cracker, that's for sure.

Where your people from, Asclepias?
My family immigrated about 10 years after Columbus.

When did Asclepias's family arrive?

PS: We never owned slaves.
Asslips most likely got here as an exchange student on U.S. taxpayers $$$.
I did benefit from the taxpayer by playing ball the majority of time i was in the military. Then I got out and used my GI Bill to go to college.
When was Christopher Columbus fighting against the United States? Catholic Saints? Abraham Lincoln? Teddy Roosevelt? All statues recently attacked and vandalized by the left..

Last I checked Christopher Columbus was not a Confederate- nor do I recall Teddy Roosevelt being a Confederate- and Confederates are whom I was speaking.

Statues unfortunately get vandalized all the time- and I am against the vandalization of any statues- by anyone.

How about you?
Point being...if this leftist statue bullshit was actually about confederate twits wouldn't be vandalizing and calling for the removal of everything from Catholic Saints to Christopher Columbus to Teddy Roosevelt.

Not to mention showing the world what uneducated dumbasses you really are by ripping down a peace statue dedicated to bringing the North and South together after the war with reconstruction efforts.

Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
Any and all white inbreds that practiced racial violence fall under the same category.

If you was wanting a white cracker to practice racial violence, you're on the right track. Y U post like a piece of shit?
Good. i would love a white cracker to try and practice racial violence. I hope he messes up and picks me.

No you don't.
My family immigrated about 10 years after Columbus.

When did Asclepias's family arrive?

PS: We never owned slaves.
Asslips most likely got here as an exchange student on U.S. taxpayers $$$.
I did benefit from the taxpayer by playing ball the majority of time i was in the military. Then I got out and used my GI Bill to go to college.

That sounds real good, how did you end up being such a prick?
Last I checked Christopher Columbus was not a Confederate- nor do I recall Teddy Roosevelt being a Confederate- and Confederates are whom I was speaking.

Statues unfortunately get vandalized all the time- and I am against the vandalization of any statues- by anyone.

How about you?
Point being...if this leftist statue bullshit was actually about confederate twits wouldn't be vandalizing and calling for the removal of everything from Catholic Saints to Christopher Columbus to Teddy Roosevelt.

Not to mention showing the world what uneducated dumbasses you really are by ripping down a peace statue dedicated to bringing the North and South together after the war with reconstruction efforts.

Antifa Rioters Defaced a Peace Monument Thinking It's a Confederate Statue. It's Not.
Any and all white inbreds that practiced racial violence fall under the same category.

If you was wanting a white cracker to practice racial violence, you're on the right track. Y U post like a piece of shit?
Good. i would love a white cracker to try and practice racial violence. I hope he messes up and picks me.

No you don't.
Yes but I do. I really do. You cant possibly know how much fun it would be to explode on one of them.
My family immigrated about 10 years after Columbus.

When did Asclepias's family arrive?

PS: We never owned slaves.
Asslips most likely got here as an exchange student on U.S. taxpayers $$$.
I did benefit from the taxpayer by playing ball the majority of time i was in the military. Then I got out and used my GI Bill to go to college.

That sounds real good, how did you end up being such a prick?
too much time around whites in the corp environment when I got into IT.

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