Congratulations, Madam President

I agree!


She actually looks sort of hot in that image.

Excuse me for a minute....
The polls said it was tied BEFORE the debate. I would think the polls show Trump winning AFTER the debate. The Wikileaks were damaging and gave Trump a chance to come back after the Trump Tapes.




The polls said it was tied BEFORE the debate. I would think the polls show Trump winning AFTER the debate. The Wikileaks were damaging and gave Trump a chance to come back after the Trump Tapes.





Hilarious! What polls said it was tied before the debate?
I just got to say, I'm watching CNN after the debate tonight, and for almost an hour and a half I watched them put poll up after poll up that Clinton won the debate, then they go to their focus group of undecided voters, how many tonight after this debate want Hillary to be president- five people put up there hands; how many people want Trump tonight after the debate --10, I can't believe it, I'm losing it folks I'm losing it, I am laughing my freaking ass off. double the people in the focus group thought Trump won the debate twice as many. So you can just say fuck the polls just fuck the polls !
You were clearly the winner of the third and last debate. Then, Trump put the icing on your presidential cake when he refused to say he would honor the outcome of the election.
Or when he said he would overturn roe v Wade. If women don't vote they can't say they didn't see it coming. He said it

Hillary even supports Partial Birth Abortion, that should be worth some more votes for The Donald even if those people don't like him, they'll hold their noses and vote for him and I think many of the American people will vote for him because they know Hillary will if need be do an Executive Order to start confiscating peoples firearms.

Why don't you anti-choice NaziCons ever have any concern for women choosing abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons - including to save their own lives? Why is that? That's what Hillary was talking about.

I'm anti-abortion except in the cases of the life of the mother, rape and incest, there is no need for the practice of Partial Birth Abortion, there in those late term cases can be dealt with by an emergency C-Section.

"women choosing abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons"

If you can't afford a baby, then use contraception, abortion isn't a means of contraception and a baby shouldn't be murdered in the womb because it being born isn't financially convenient.
I think a woman should be able to get an abortion for whatever reason she seems acceptable. Your judgement not necessary

And what you think matters why ?

I think morons like the OP should be drowned in anit-freeze. As much as it pains me to admit, it would happen.
Or when he said he would overturn roe v Wade. If women don't vote they can't say they didn't see it coming. He said it

Hillary even supports Partial Birth Abortion, that should be worth some more votes for The Donald even if those people don't like him, they'll hold their noses and vote for him and I think many of the American people will vote for him because they know Hillary will if need be do an Executive Order to start confiscating peoples firearms.

Why don't you anti-choice NaziCons ever have any concern for women choosing abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons - including to save their own lives? Why is that? That's what Hillary was talking about.

I'm anti-abortion except in the cases of the life of the mother, rape and incest, there is no need for the practice of Partial Birth Abortion, there in those late term cases can be dealt with by an emergency C-Section.

"women choosing abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons"

If you can't afford a baby, then use contraception, abortion isn't a means of contraception and a baby shouldn't be murdered in the womb because it being born isn't financially convenient.
I think a woman should be able to get an abortion for whatever reason she seems acceptable. Your judgement not necessary

And what you think matters why ?

I think morons like the OP should be drowned in anit-freeze. As much as it pains me to admit, it would happen.
If you would murder the OP you can't be pro life. Like you care if a poor person gets an abortion
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.

Yep, Forrest Trump really screwed the pooch tonight.


Yet he insists “no one has more respect for woman” than he does.

Trump Just Called Clinton A ‘Nasty Woman’

Yea that was straight bizzare, I think he totally brain farted there and didn't understand what Clinton said.
She is a nasty witch. Look at her life? Look what she has done to women her husband abused? Look at her emails that paint a very different private picture of her.

And look at her you will A LOT. Congratulations.

They constantly say that Hillary did something to women Bill had affairs with yet they never say what Hillary actually did do.

If she did something to those women they would have said exactly what she did.

Not one of them has said exactly what Hillary did to those women.

So without any proof or even saying what she did, I'm going to put their claims with everything else they say, right in the garbage can.
Go Hillary!!!!!

Many of you may not remember the HW Bush years but they sucked. The Bill Clinton 90’s were great and I’m not buying the GOP’s spin on bubbles. The bottom line is the middle class was doing great at the time. And I’m not going to ignore that HW Bush invented NAFTA and that more Republicans than Democrats signed it. If NAFTA sucks that’s no reason to vote for Republicans because they invented it. What does NAFTA represent? It represents corporations maximizing their profits by cutting labor costs. American workers make too much. So don’t kid yourself thinking Trumps going to do anything different than what Bush said he wanted to do, which didn’t work. Trickle down economics and deregulations. The GOP caused the Great Recession and Obama got us out.

Then Americans thought, “how bad could GW Bush be?” and they voted for him because Gore was a nerd and the American people were tired of the Clinton/Gore administration but the fact is what they were really sick of was the GOP’s constant crying about the Clinton/Gore administration. So they decided to try someone new and look how bad Bush did. And all the while Republicans were saying the fundamentals of our economy were strong while we were headed for a great recession. So why would we believe Republicans now when they say we are on the wrong track? Sure growth could be better but at least we have growth.

Trump has done what the tea party and libertarians have done. He’s taken the very unpopular GOP party and put a little different spin on it. Do we have an illegal employer problem? Well sure. But keep in mind we don’t hate immigrants when the economy is strong. When we need help we like the cheap labor. I don’t like it but the point is illegals become less of a problem when we are all working and doing jobs illegals aren’t doing.

Trump is a freak and a liar. He almost won me over about 5 months ago so I get why he’s popular. But he has way too many negatives. He would be an embarrassment and he would make UGE mistakes. Bigly.

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