Congratulations, Madam President

The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
Hillary has said worse things about him during the debates.
The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.
The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
Sometimes, the truth can indeed be negative.
The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.

It doesn't matter if he is right. He picked the wrong time to say it. And sadly, his extra comments is what is going to cost him the election. The people have spoken and said it.
The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.

Yep, Forrest Trump really screwed the pooch tonight.


Yet he insists “no one has more respect for woman” than he does.

Trump Just Called Clinton A ‘Nasty Woman’
The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.

It doesn't matter if he is right. He picked the wrong time to say it. And sadly, his extra comments is what is going to cost him the election. The people have spoken and said it.

Douche bags like you have said things like this all through the election, and you have always been wrong.
When the election is shown to be fair and certified, then we'll consider accepting the results.

Al Gore didn't accept the result in 2000 did he? No, so why should The Donald be expected to say TWO WEEKS before the election day that he's going to accept the result?

But Al Gore didnt say he wouldnt accept the result, 2 weeks before the election...
Thats how stupid is Trump...

But Al Gore wasn't asked would he accept the result two weeks before the election, it's another loaded question for The Donald and he was correct NOT to say two weeks before the election that he would automatically accept the result.
the Donald said he would appoint judges that support the constitution. So by inference he's accepting the results. He just hates giving in to questions that he views as directed at him personally.

What inference?? Are you on drugs sir?

"Trump hates" but giving into his little flaming impulses is why he will never be President.
The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.

Yep, Forrest Trump really screwed the pooch tonight.


Yet he insists “no one has more respect for woman” than he does.

Trump Just Called Clinton A ‘Nasty Woman’
You morons never fail to use the same old tricks. Attacking Hillary is not the equivalent of attacking women.
Hillary even supports Partial Birth Abortion, that should be worth some more votes for The Donald even if those people don't like him, they'll hold their noses and vote for him and I think many of the American people will vote for him because they know Hillary will if need be do an Executive Order to start confiscating peoples firearms.

Why don't you anti-choice NaziCons ever have any concern for women choosing abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons - including to save their own lives? Why is that? That's what Hillary was talking about.

I'm anti-abortion except in the cases of the life of the mother, rape and incest, there is no need for the practice of Partial Birth Abortion, there in those late term cases can be dealt with by an emergency C-Section.

"women choosing abortions for mental/physical/financial reasons"

If you can't afford a baby, then use contraception, abortion isn't a means of contraception and a baby shouldn't be murdered in the womb because it being born isn't financially convenient.
I think a woman should be able to get an abortion for whatever reason she seems acceptable. Your judgement not necessary
It's unfortunate your mother didn't follow your clouded reasoning...
She could have but chose to have me. Lucky we live in a society where women have the choice.

Now think of the women who choose to abort. You think those women raise conservatives?
Women who chose to abort don't raise anybody dumass. They murdered their children. I have heard that it's very difficult to raise dead babies.
Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.

It doesn't matter if he is right. He picked the wrong time to say it. And sadly, his extra comments is what is going to cost him the election. The people have spoken and said it.

Douche bags like you have said things like this all through the election, and you have always been wrong.

You are truly a troll on a new level. For your sake I hope not as many people hate you in real life as the people on this forum that hate you.
The polls say different. The Republicans just put the wrong candidate against her. It's killed this election.

The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.

Yep, Forrest Trump really screwed the pooch tonight.


Yet he insists “no one has more respect for woman” than he does.

Trump Just Called Clinton A ‘Nasty Woman’

Yea that was straight bizzare, I think he totally brain farted there and didn't understand what Clinton said.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.

It doesn't matter if he is right. He picked the wrong time to say it. And sadly, his extra comments is what is going to cost him the election. The people have spoken and said it.

Douche bags like you have said things like this all through the election, and you have always been wrong.

You are truly a troll on a new level. For your sake I hope not as many people hate you in real life as the people on this forum that hate you.
Nope. He is simply correct.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.

It doesn't matter if he is right. He picked the wrong time to say it. And sadly, his extra comments is what is going to cost him the election. The people have spoken and said it.

Douche bags like you have said things like this all through the election, and you have always been wrong.

You are truly a troll on a new level. For your sake I hope not as many people hate you in real life as the people on this forum that hate you.
The truth really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?
The polls don't mean diddly-squat...only one that counts is on November 8th. The polls out now are nothing more than damage-assessments of bullshit stories.

Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.

Yep, Forrest Trump really screwed the pooch tonight.


Yet he insists “no one has more respect for woman” than he does.

Trump Just Called Clinton A ‘Nasty Woman’

Yea that was straight bizzare, I think he totally brain farted there and didn't understand what Clinton said.
She is a nasty witch. Look at her life? Look what she has done to women her husband abused? Look at her emails that paint a very different private picture of her.
The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.
He is correct. How is she not one of the most abhorrent political women in American history.

It doesn't matter if he is right. He picked the wrong time to say it. And sadly, his extra comments is what is going to cost him the election. The people have spoken and said it.

Douche bags like you have said things like this all through the election, and you have always been wrong.

You are truly a troll on a new level. For your sake I hope not as many people hate you in real life as the people on this forum that hate you.
The truth really makes your blood boil, doesn't it?

No, the truth is, Trump's little extra asides at the end of his comments have killed him with the public. The only people it comes across as a positive to, are trolls like you that feed off that stuff. With the regular public it comes across as bullying and negativity that they don't want in their President.
Look, I don't want Hillary as the POTUS, just like you, but you have to eventually admit when you are backing a dead horse. They showed a focus group on MSNBC... They asked the question, "Would you have voted for Trump over Hillary if Trump didn't run such a negative campaign?" 90% or more of the group raised their hand.
MSNBC "focus group" is the answer to that question. Your theory that Hillary didn't run an negative campaign is too absurd for words to describe.

The group was split with Hillary supporters, Trump supporters, and undecided people. Trump just called her a nasty woman on a public debate stage. That's negative on a new level and it effects voters.

Yep, Forrest Trump really screwed the pooch tonight.


Yet he insists “no one has more respect for woman” than he does.

Trump Just Called Clinton A ‘Nasty Woman’

Yea that was straight bizzare, I think he totally brain farted there and didn't understand what Clinton said.
She is a nasty witch. Look at her life? Look what she has done to women her husband abused? Look at her emails that paint a very different private picture of her.

And look at her you will A LOT. Congratulations.

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